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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 87

SELECT incident_number,incident_id,object_version_number,incident_type_id,
       incident_severity_id,inventory_item_id, inv_organization_id,
       incident_urgency_id, customer_id,customer_product_id,
       coverage_type,sr_creation_channel,cp_component_id, cp_subcomponent_id,
       inv_component_id, inv_subcomponent_id, incident_country, incident_city,
       incident_postal_code, incident_state, incident_province, incident_county,
FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_status_id IN (SELECT incident_status_id
       FROM  cs_incident_statuses
       WHERE NVL(close_flag,'N') <> 'Y' AND incident_subtype = 'INC')
       AND   NVL(owner_assigned_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
             AND (((p_group1_id IS NOT NULL
                    OR p_group2_id IS NOT NULL
                    OR p_group3_id IS NOT NULL
                    OR p_group4_id IS NOT NULL
                    OR p_group5_id IS NOT NULL)
               AND  owner_group_id IN (p_group1_id,
               OR  (p_group1_id IS NULL
                    AND p_group2_id IS NULL
                    AND p_group3_id IS NULL
                    AND p_group4_id IS NULL
                    AND p_group5_id IS NULL))
             AND (((p_incident_type1_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_type2_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_type3_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_type4_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_type5_id IS NOT NULL)
               AND incident_type_id IN (p_incident_type1_id,
               OR (p_incident_type1_id IS NULL
                     AND p_incident_type2_id IS NULL
                     AND p_incident_type3_id IS NULL
                     AND p_incident_type4_id IS NULL
                     AND p_incident_type5_id IS NULL))
             AND (((p_incident_severity1_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_severity2_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_severity3_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_severity4_id IS NOT NULL
                    or p_incident_severity5_id IS NOT NULL)
                AND incident_severity_id IN (p_incident_severity1_id,
                 OR (p_incident_severity1_id IS NULL
                     and p_incident_severity2_id IS NULL
                     and p_incident_severity3_id IS NULL
                     and p_incident_severity4_id IS NULL
                     and p_incident_severity5_id IS NULL));
Line: 215

          p_last_updated_by       => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
          p_service_request_rec   => l_sr_rec,
          x_owner_group_id        => l_temp_owner_group_id,
          x_owner_id              => l_temp_owner_id,
          x_owner_type            => l_temp_owner_type,
          x_return_status         => l_return_status ,
          x_msg_count             => l_msg_count ,
          x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
Line: 240

   p_last_updated_by        IN    VARCHAR2,
   p_service_request_rec    IN    CS_ServiceRequest_pvt.service_request_rec_type,
   x_owner_group_id         OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
   x_owner_id               OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
   x_owner_type  	    OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
   x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
   x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
  ) IS

--Define Local Variables
l_api_name            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)    := 'Assign_ServiceRequest_Main';
Line: 279

        p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
        p_service_request_rec   => l_sr_rec,
        x_owner_group_id        => x_owner_group_id,
        x_owner_type	        => x_owner_type,
        x_owner_id              => x_owner_id,
        x_return_status         => l_return_status,
        x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data
Line: 298

    p_last_updated_by        IN    VARCHAR2,
    p_service_request_rec    IN    CS_ServiceRequest_pvt.service_request_rec_type,
    x_owner_group_id         OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
    x_owner_type	     OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
    x_owner_id               OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
    x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY   NUMBER,
    x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
  ) IS

-- Define Local Variables
l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)    := 'Assign_ServiceRequest_Main';
Line: 332

l_update_grp_flag         VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 333

l_update_own_flag         VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 341

l_sr_update_out_rec       CS_ServiceRequest_pvt.sr_update_out_rec_type;
Line: 346

SELECT inventory_item_id
FROM   csi_item_instances
WHERE  instance_id = p_component_id;
Line: 351

SELECT inventory_item_id
FROM   csi_item_instances
WHERE  instance_id = p_subcomponent_id;
Line: 391

    l_update_grp_flag := 'N';
Line: 409

          l_update_grp_flag := 'Y';
Line: 416

          l_update_grp_flag := 'Y';
Line: 419

            l_update_own_flag := 'N';
Line: 447

                l_update_own_flag := 'Y';
Line: 500

      l_update_own_flag := 'N';
Line: 533

            l_update_own_flag := 'Y';
Line: 555

  IF ((l_update_grp_flag = 'Y') OR ( l_update_own_flag = 'Y')) THEN
      --Call Update Service Request for Updating owner_group_id,owner_id
      -- and resource_type. If a group_id is not returned by AM API then
      -- do not do any updates
      -- initialise

Line: 569

      IF l_update_own_flag = 'Y' THEN
        IF l_sr_rec.owner_id IS NULL THEN
          l_service_request_rec.owner_id      := l_owner_id;
Line: 578

      l_service_request_rec.last_update_program_code := 'SRAMCONC';
Line: 581

                 p_api_version           => 4.0,
                 p_init_msg_list         => 'T',
                 p_commit                => 'T',
                 p_validation_level      => fnd_api.g_valid_level_none,
                 x_return_status         => l_return_status,
                 x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
                 x_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
                 p_request_id            => p_incident_id,
                 p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number,
                 p_resp_appl_id          => NULL,
                 p_resp_id               => NULL,
                 p_last_updated_by       => p_last_updated_by,
                 p_last_update_login     => NULL,
                 p_last_update_date      => sysdate,
                 p_service_request_rec   => l_service_request_rec,
                 p_update_desc_flex      => 'F',
                 p_notes                 => l_notes_table,
                 p_contacts              => l_contacts_table,
                 p_audit_comments        => NULL,
                 p_called_by_workflow    => 'F',
                 p_workflow_process_id   => NULL,
                 x_sr_update_out_rec     => l_sr_update_out_rec
Line: 679

SELECT country,province,state,city,postal_code,county
FROM   hz_locations
WHERE  location_id = p_incident_location_id;
Line: 685

SELECT location_id FROM hz_party_sites
WHERE  party_site_id = p_party_site_id;
Line: 689

SELECT TO_NUMBER(object1_id1), TO_NUMBER(object1_id2)
FROM   okc_k_items
WHERE  cle_id = l_contract_service_id;
Line: 694

SELECT class_code
FROM   hz_code_assignments
WHERE  owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND    owner_table_id   = l_party_id
AND    class_category   = l_cust_category;
Line: 702

SELECT hzp.phone_area_code
FROM   hz_contact_points hzp
WHERE  hzp.contact_point_id = c_customer_phone_id;
Line: 707

SELECT employees_total, party_name
FROM   hz_parties
WHERE  party_id = p_customer_id;
Line: 724

      SELECT business_process_id INTO l_business_process_id
      FROM   cs_incident_types
      WHERE  incident_type_id = l_sr_rec.type_id;
Line: 869

	p_auto_select_flag             => NULL,
	p_contracts_preferred_engineer => l_contract_res_flag,
	p_ib_preferred_engineer        => l_ib_resource_flag,
	p_effort_duration              => NULL,
	p_effort_uom                   => NULL,
	p_start_date                   => NULL,
	p_end_date                     => NULL,
	p_territory_flag               => 'Y',
	p_calendar_flag                => 'N',
       	p_web_availability_flag        => 'Y',
        p_filter_excluded_resource     => 'Y',
       	p_category_id                  => NULL,
       	p_inventory_item_id            => NULL,
       	p_inventory_org_id             => NULL,
    	p_column_list                  => NULL,
       	p_calling_doc_id               => NULL,
	p_calling_doc_type             => 'SR',
	p_sr_rec                       => l_sr_am_rec,
	p_sr_task_rec                  => NULL,
	p_defect_rec                   => NULL,
        p_business_process_id          => l_business_process_id,
        p_business_process_date        => l_sr_rec.request_date,
	x_Assign_Resources_tbl         => l_Assign_Groups_tbl,
	x_return_status                => x_return_status,
	x_msg_count                    => x_msg_count,
	x_msg_data                     => x_msg_data
Line: 998

SELECT country,province,state,city,postal_code,county
FROM   hz_locations
WHERE  location_id = p_incident_location_id;
Line: 1004

SELECT location_id FROM hz_party_sites
WHERE  party_site_id = p_party_site_id;
Line: 1008

SELECT TO_NUMBER(object1_id1), TO_NUMBER(object1_id2)
FROM   okc_k_items
WHERE  cle_id = l_contract_service_id;
Line: 1013

SELECT class_code
FROM   hz_code_assignments
WHERE  owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND    owner_table_id   = l_party_id
AND    class_category   = l_cust_category;
Line: 1021

       select product_skill_wt,prob_code_skill_wt, category_skill_wt
         from cs_sr_load_balance_wt
         where incident_type_id = l_incident_type_id
         and incident_severity_id = l_incident_severity_id;
Line: 1029

SELECT hzp.phone_area_code
FROM   hz_contact_points hzp
WHERE  hzp.contact_point_id = c_customer_phone_id;
Line: 1036

FROM   jtf_rs_group_members
WHERE  group_id = p_group_id
AND    resource_id = p_resource_id
AND    NVL(delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 1043

SELECT employees_total, party_name
FROM   hz_parties
WHERE  party_id = p_customer_id;
Line: 1058

      SELECT business_process_id INTO l_business_process_id
      FROM   cs_incident_types
      WHERE  incident_type_id = l_sr_rec.type_id;
Line: 1198

        p_auto_select_flag              => 'N',
        p_ib_preferred_engineer         => l_ib_resource_flag,
        p_contracts_preferred_engineer  => l_contract_res_flag,
        p_contract_id                   => l_contract_service_id,
        p_customer_product_id           => l_cust_prod_id,
        p_effort_duration               => null,
        p_effort_uom                    => null,
        p_start_date                    => null,
        p_end_date                      => null,
        p_territory_flag                => 'Y',
        p_calendar_flag                 => 'N',
        p_web_availability_flag         => 'Y',
        p_filter_excluded_resource      => 'Y',
        p_category_id                   => NULL,
        p_inventory_item_id             => NULL,
        p_inventory_org_id              => NULL,
        p_column_list                   => null,
        p_calling_doc_id                => l_am_calling_doc_id,
        p_calling_doc_type              => l_am_calling_doc_type,
        p_sr_rec                        => l_sr_am_rec,
        p_sr_task_rec                   => null,
        p_defect_rec                    => null,
        p_business_process_id           => l_business_process_id,
        p_business_process_date         => l_sr_rec.request_date,
        x_Assign_Resources_tbl          => l_Assign_Owner_tbl,
        x_return_status                 => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                     => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                      => x_msg_data
Line: 1401

SELECT product_skill_wt,platform_skill_wt,prob_code_skill_wt, category_skill_wt,
FROM   cs_sr_load_balance_wt
WHERE  incident_type_id     = l_incident_type_id
AND    incident_severity_id = l_incident_severity_id;
Line: 1409

SELECT s.skill_level
FROM   jtf_rs_skill_levels_vl s,
       jtf_rs_resource_skills rs
WHERE  rs.resource_id    = l_resource_id
AND    rs.product_id     = l_prod_id
AND    rs.product_org_id = l_prod_org_id
AND    rs.skill_level_id = s.skill_level_id;
Line: 1419

SELECT s.skill_level
FROM   jtf_rs_skill_levels_vl s,
       jtf_rs_resource_skills rs
WHERE rs.resource_id   = l_resource_id
AND rs.platform_id     = l_platform_id
AND rs.platform_org_id = l_platform_org_id
AND rs.skill_level_id  = s.skill_level_id;
Line: 1428

SELECT s.skill_level
FROM   jtf_rs_skill_levels_vl s,
       jtf_rs_resource_skills rs
WHERE  rs.resource_id    = l_resource_id
AND    rs.problem_code   = l_problem_code
AND    rs.skill_level_id = s.skill_level_id;
Line: 1437

SELECT s.skill_level
FROM   jtf_rs_skill_levels_vl s,
       jtf_rs_resource_skills rs
WHERE  rs.resource_id    = l_resource_id
AND    rs.category_id    = l_category_id
AND    rs.skill_level_id = s.skill_level_id;
Line: 1445

SELECT ROUND(((SYSDATE - nvl( max(owner_assigned_time),to_date('1990-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'))) *24 * 60),2)
FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_owner_id = l_resource_id;
Line: 1451

SELECT importance_level
FROM   cs_incident_severities_vl
WHERE  incident_subtype = 'INC'
AND    incident_severity_id = p_inc_severity_id;
Line: 1457

FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_severity_id = l_sev1_id
AND    incident_owner_id    = l_resource_id
AND    incident_status_id NOT IN (
       SELECT incident_status_id
       FROM cs_incident_statuses_vl
       WHERE incident_subtype = 'INC'
       AND   close_flag       = 'Y');
Line: 1468

FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_severity_id = l_sev2_id
AND    incident_owner_id    = l_resource_id
AND    incident_status_id NOT IN (
       SELECT incident_status_id
       FROM   cs_incident_statuses_vl
       WHERE  incident_subtype = 'INC'
       AND    close_flag       = 'Y');
Line: 1479

FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_severity_id = l_sev3_id
AND    incident_owner_id = l_resource_id
AND    incident_status_id NOT IN (
       SELECT incident_status_id
       FROM   cs_incident_statuses_vl
       WHERE  incident_subtype = 'INC'
       AND    close_flag       = 'Y');
Line: 1490

FROM   cs_incidents_all_b
WHERE  incident_severity_id = l_sev4_id
AND    incident_owner_id    = l_resource_id
AND    incident_status_id NOT IN (
       SELECT incident_status_id
       FROM   cs_incident_statuses_vl
       WHERE  incident_subtype = 'INC'
       AND    close_flag       = 'Y');
Line: 1501

SELECT time_zone
FROM   jtf_rs_resource_extns
WHERE  resource_id = p_resource_id;