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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

    SELECT uom_code
      INTO l_uom_code
      FROM mtl_item_uoms_view
     WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND unit_of_measure = p_unit_of_measure;
Line: 62

      INTO l_uom_code
      FROM mtl_system_items
     WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 88

     SELECT meaning
     into   l_origination_type
     FROM   mfg_lookups
     WHERE  lookup_type = 'MTL_LOT_ORIGINATION_TYPE'
     AND    lookup_code = p_origination_type;
Line: 317

      SELECT rti.item_id inventory_item_id
           , rti.to_organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , rti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , pol.project_id project_id
           , pol.task_id task_id
           --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
           , rsh.receipt_num
           , NVL(wlc.quantity, rti.quantity) quantity
           , -- Bug 2743097, For OSP or onetime expense item, they will not be packed into LPN
             -- even in WMS org. So the UOM code need to be retrieved from RTI
             , get_uom_code(
               , rti.item_id
               , rti.unit_of_measure
             ) uom
           , rti.item_revision revision
           , rti.lpn_id
           , pha.segment1
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
           , rti.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
           , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
           , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
           , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
           , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
           , ppf.full_name requestor
           , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
           , hrl2.location_code location
           , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , rrh.routing_name routing_name
           , rti.item_description item_description
           , rti.subinventory
           , rti.locator_id
           , rti.DEPARTMENT_CODE
           , rti.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
        FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
           , wms_lpn_contents wlc
           , po_lines_all pol
           , po_headers_all pha
           , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , po_line_locations_all pll
           , po_vendors pov
           , hr_locations_all hrl1
           , hr_locations_all hrl2
           , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
           , per_people_f ppf
           , rcv_routing_headers rrh
           , wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
       WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id(+) = rti.lpn_id
         AND wlc.inventory_item_id(+) = rti.item_id -- bug 2372669
         AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rti.po_line_id
         AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rti.po_header_id
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rti.shipment_header_id
         AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rti.po_line_location_id
         AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id
         -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id This line is uneccessary dherring 8/2/05
         AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rti.vendor_site_id
         AND ppf.person_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_person_id
         AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_location_id
         AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rti.location_id
         AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rti.routing_header_id
         AND wlc.source_header_id(+) = rti.GROUP_ID --- Added for Bug 2699098.
         AND rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
         AND wojv.wip_entity_id = rti.wip_entity_id
         AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+);  -- for bug#5889715
Line: 399

      SELECT rti.item_id inventory_item_id
           , rti.to_organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , rti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , pol.project_id project_id
           , pol.task_id task_id
           --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
           , rsh.receipt_num
           , NVL(wlc.quantity, rti.quantity) quantity
           , -- Bug 2743097, For OSP or onetime expense item, they will not be packed into LPN
             -- even in WMS org. So the UOM code need to be retrieved from RTI
             , get_uom_code(
               , rti.item_id
               , rti.unit_of_measure
             ) uom
           , rti.item_revision revision
           , rti.lpn_id
           , pha.segment1
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
           , rti.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
           , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
           , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
           , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
           , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
           , ppf.full_name requestor
           , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
           , hrl2.location_code location
           , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , rrh.routing_name routing_name
           , rti.item_description item_description
           , rti.subinventory
           , rti.locator_id
           , rti.DEPARTMENT_CODE
           , rti.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
        FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
           , wms_lpn_contents wlc
           , po_lines_all pol
           , po_headers_all pha
           , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , po_line_locations_all pll
           , po_vendors pov
           , hr_locations_all hrl1
           , hr_locations_all hrl2
           , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
           , per_people_f ppf
           , rcv_routing_headers rrh
           , wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
       WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id(+) = rti.transfer_lpn_id
         AND wlc.inventory_item_id(+) = rti.item_id -- bug 2372669
         AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rti.po_line_id
         AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rti.po_header_id
         AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rti.shipment_header_id
         AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rti.po_line_location_id
         AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id
         -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id This line is uneccessary dherring 8/2/05
         AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rti.vendor_site_id
         AND ppf.person_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_person_id
         AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_location_id
         AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rti.location_id
         AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rti.routing_header_id
         AND wlc.source_header_id(+) = rti.GROUP_ID --- Added for Bug 2699098.
         AND rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
         AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+);  -- for bug#5889715
Line: 482

      SELECT   rti.item_id
             , rti.item_revision
             , mtlt.lot_number
             , rti2.organization_id
             , rti2.cost_group_id
             , rti2.project_id
             , rti2.task_id
             , SUM(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, rti.quantity)) quantity
             , rti2.uom
             , rti2.segment1
             , rti2.po_line_number
             , rti2.quantity_ordered
             , rti2.supplier_part_number
             , rti2.vendor_id
             , rti2.supplier_name
             , rti2.vendor_site_id
             , rti2.supplier_site
             , rti2.requestor
             , rti2.deliver_to_location
             , rti2.location
             , rti2.note_to_receiver
             , rti2.routing_name
             , rti2.item_description
             , rti2.subinventory
             , rti2.locator_id
             , WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME
             , WOJV.DESCRIPTION
             , rti.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rti.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
          FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
             , wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
             , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
             , /***************************************/
               (SELECT rti.GROUP_ID
                     , rti.interface_transaction_id
                     , rti.to_organization_id organization_id
                     , rti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
                     , pol.project_id project_id
                     , pol.task_id task_id
                     , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                       , rti.item_id
                       , rti.unit_of_measure
                       ) uom
                     , pha.segment1 segment1
                     , pol.line_num po_line_number
                     , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
                     , rti.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
                     , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
                     , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
                     , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
                     , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
                     , hre.full_name requestor
                     , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
                     , hrl2.location_code location
                     , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
                     , rrh.routing_name routing_name
                     , rti.item_description item_description
                     , rti.subinventory subinventory
                     , rti.locator_id locator_id
                  FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
                     , po_lines_all pol
                     , po_headers_all pha
                     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                     , po_line_locations_all pll
                     , po_vendors pov
                     , hr_locations hrl1
                     , hr_locations hrl2
                     -- MOAC changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
                     , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
                     , hr_employees hre
                     , rcv_routing_headers rrh
                     , wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
                 WHERE rti.GROUP_ID IN (SELECT GROUP_ID
                                          FROM rcv_transactions_interface
                                         WHERE interface_transaction_id =
                   AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rti.po_line_id
                   AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rti.po_header_id
                   AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rti.shipment_header_id
                   AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rti.po_line_location_id
                   AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id
                   -- corrected following line to be pvs.vendor_site_id and not pvs.vendor_id dherring
                   AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rti.vendor_site_id
                   -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rti.vendor_id Uneccessary line dherring 8/2/05
                   AND hre.employee_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_person_id
                   AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_location_id
                   AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rti.routing_header_id
                   AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rti.location_id) rti2
         WHERE inv_label_pvt1.check_rti_id(
               , mtlt.lot_number
               , rti.item_revision
               ) = 'N'
           AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = rti.interface_transaction_id
           AND rti.interface_transaction_id = rti2.interface_transaction_id
           AND rti.GROUP_ID = rti2.GROUP_ID
           AND rti.wip_entity_id = wojv.wip_entity_id
      GROUP BY rti.item_id
             , rti.item_revision
             , mtlt.lot_number
             , rti2.organization_id
             , rti2.cost_group_id
             , rti2.project_id
             , rti2.task_id
             , rti2.uom
             , rti2.segment1
             , rti2.po_line_number
             , rti2.quantity_ordered
             , rti2.supplier_part_number
             /* Bug# 3329195  - Added rti2.vendor_id and rti2.vendor_site_id to the group by clause */
             , rti2.vendor_id
             , rti2.supplier_name
             , rti2.vendor_site_id
             , rti2.supplier_site
             , rti2.requestor
             , rti2.deliver_to_location
             , rti2.location
             , rti2.note_to_receiver
             , rti2.routing_name
             , rti2.item_description
             , rti2.subinventory
             , rti2.locator_id
             , WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME
             , WOJV.DESCRIPTION
             , rti.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rti.BOM_RESOURCE_ID;
Line: 629

      SELECT   rsl.item_id inventory_item_id
             , rt.organization_id organization_id
             , rls.lot_num lot_number -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
             -- , rsl.cost_group_id cost_group_id /* Modified for the Bug # 4770558 */
             , mmt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
             --Bug# 3586116 - Get project and task id from rt
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             --  , pod.project_id project_id     --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --  , pod.task_id task_id          --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , SUM(NVL(rls.quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
             -- Commented as part of the Bug#4516067 and added the code to fetch secondary_quantity from rls instead of mtln
             -- , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
             , SUM(NVL(rls.SECONDARY_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                , rsl.unit_of_measure
               ) uom
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) secondary_uom  -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num po_line_number
             , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
             , rsl.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
             , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
             , ppf.full_name requestor
             , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
             , hrl2.location_code location
             , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name routing_name
             --Bug 6504959-Reverted fix made which was fetching item desc from msiv.
             , rsl.item_description item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME     wip_entity_name
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION         wip_description
             , we.wip_entity_name        wip_entity_name  -- Added for Bug#4516067
             , wdj.description           wip_description  -- Added for Bug#4516067
             , RT.WIP_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM  wip_op_seq_num
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE       wip_department_code
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID    wip_bom_resource_id
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_header_id --bug 4916450
          FROM rcv_transactions rt
             , rcv_lots_supply rls -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
             -- , rcv_lot_transactions rls -- Replaced rcv_lot_transactions by mtl_transaction_lot_numbers to fetch the LOT details as part of Bug# 4186856
             -- Added rt2 as part of Bug# 4186856
             -- rt2, mtln commented for Bug#4516067 to revert the changes done for Bug#4186856
             /* , (select transaction_id
              *  from rcv_transactions rt_deliver
              *  where rt_deliver.group_id = p_transaction_id
              *    and rt_deliver.transaction_type = 'DELIVER') rt2
              * , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln  -- Added as part of Bug# 4186856
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , po_lines_all pol
             -- , po_distributions_all pod           --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             , po_headers_all pha
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , po_line_locations_all pll
             , po_vendors pov
             , hr_locations_all hrl1
             , hr_locations_all hrl2
             , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
             , per_people_f ppf
             , rcv_routing_headers rrh
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
             , wip_entities we           -- Added for Bug#4516067
             , wip_discrete_jobs wdj     -- Added for Bug#4516067
             , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
             , (SELECT cost_group_id, rcv_transaction_id
                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1
                 WHERE mmt1.rcv_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
                   AND nvl(mmt1.logical_transaction, -999) <> 1) mmt -- Modified for bug# 5515979
             --, mtl_material_transactions mmt -- Added for the Bug # 4770558
         WHERE rls.transaction_id(+) = rt.transaction_id             -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
               --mtln.product_transaction_id(+) = rt.transaction_id  -- Commented as part of Bug#4186856
               /* Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
                * mtln.product_code = 'RCV'                           -- Added as part of Bug#4186856
                * AND mtln.product_transaction_id = rt2.transaction_id      -- Added as part of Bug#4186856
                * AND mtln.inventory_item_id = pol.item_id                  -- Added as part of Bug#4186856
           AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rt.po_line_id
           AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rt.po_header_id
           AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rt.shipment_header_id
           AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rt.po_line_location_id
           --  AND pod.po_distribution_id(+) = rt.po_distribution_id        --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
           AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id
           -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id Uneccessary line dherring 8/2/05
           AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rt.vendor_site_id
           AND ppf.person_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_person_id
           AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_location_id
           AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rt.location_id
           AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rt.routing_header_id
           AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
           AND rt.GROUP_ID = p_transaction_id
           -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
           --AND rt.wip_entity_id = wojv.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND ((rt.transaction_type IN ('ACCEPT', 'REJECT')
                  AND p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 2)  -- label flow code 'Inspect'
                OR (rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
                    AND p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 1  -- label flow code 'Receive'
                    -- Commented following condition for bug 4142656
                    -- Reverted back the changes done for Bug#4142656 as part of Bug#4516067
                    AND rt.routing_header_id <> 3
           -- Bug 3836623
           -- Add check for LPN context
           -- When cross docking happens, label printing are called for both cross docking and putaway
           -- To prevent duplicate labels
           -- For putaway business flow, only print if LPN Context is not Picked (11)
           AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = rt.lpn_id
           AND ((rt.lpn_id IS NULL) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code <> 4) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 4 AND
                        wlpn.lpn_context <> 11))
            AND rt.transaction_id = mmt.rcv_transaction_id(+)  /* Added for the Bug # 4770558 */
            AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+)  -- for bug#5889715
    -- The outer join has been added in the above condition for solving the bug # 4863161
      GROUP BY rsl.item_id
             , rt.organization_id
             , rls.lot_num  -- Modified as part of Bug# 4516067
             --, rsl.cost_group_id /* Modified for the Bug # 4770558 */
             , mmt.cost_group_id
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             -- , pod.project_id  --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             -- , pod.task_id      --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
               , rsl.item_id
               , rsl.unit_of_measure
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                ) -- bug 4373856
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num
             , pll.quantity
             , rsl.vendor_item_num
             , pov.vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code
             , ppf.full_name
             , hrl1.location_code
             , hrl2.location_code
             , pll.note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name
             --Bug 6504959-Reverted fix made which was fetching item desc from msiv.
             , rsl.item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION
             , we.wip_entity_name
             , wdj.description
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id --bug 4916450
      UNION ALL -- Removed the cursor Added as part of 4186856 to segregate the Lot Controlled items and non Lot Controlled items.
      -- Added a new cursor to pick the records for label during Direct Routing for Bug# 4516067
      SELECT   rsl.item_id inventory_item_id
             , rt.organization_id organization_id
             , mtln.lot_number lot_number
             -- , rsl.cost_group_id cost_group_id /* Modified for the Bug # 4770558 */
             , mmt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
             --Bug# 3586116 - Get project and task id from rt
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             -- , pod.project_id project_id
             --, pod.task_id task_id
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
             , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                , rsl.unit_of_measure
               ) uom
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) secondary_uom  -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num po_line_number
             , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
             , rsl.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
             , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
             , ppf.full_name requestor
             , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
             , hrl2.location_code location
             , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name routing_name
             --Bug 6504959-Reverted fix made which was fetching item desc from msiv.
             , rsl.item_description item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME     wip_entity_name
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION         wip_description
             , we.wip_entity_name        wip_entity_name
             , wdj.description           wip_description
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_header_id --bug 4916450
          FROM rcv_transactions rt
             , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , po_lines_all pol
             -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             , po_headers_all pha
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , po_line_locations pll
             , po_vendors pov
             , hr_locations_all hrl1
             , hr_locations_all hrl2
             , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
             , per_people_f ppf
             , rcv_routing_headers rrh
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
             , wip_entities we
             , wip_discrete_jobs wdj
             , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
             , (SELECT cost_group_id, rcv_transaction_id
                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1
                 WHERE mmt1.rcv_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
                   AND nvl(mmt1.logical_transaction, -999) <> 1) mmt   -- Modified for bug# 5515979
                    --, mtl_material_transactions mmt -- Added for the Bug # 4770558
         WHERE mtln.product_transaction_id(+) = rt.transaction_id
           AND mtln.product_code(+) = 'RCV'
           AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rt.po_line_id
           AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rt.po_header_id
           AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rt.shipment_header_id
           AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rt.po_line_location_id
           -- AND pod.po_distribution_id(+) = rt.po_distribution_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
           AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id
           -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id
           AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rt.vendor_site_id
           AND ppf.person_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_person_id
           AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_location_id
           AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rt.location_id
           AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rt.routing_header_id
           AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
           AND rt.GROUP_ID = p_transaction_id
           AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
           AND rt.routing_header_id = 3  -- Added as part of Bug# 4516067
           AND p_label_type_info.business_flow_code in (1)  -- Only pick for label flow code of 'deliver' or 'putaway'
           -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
           --AND rt.wip_entity_id = wojv.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id (+)
           -- Bug 3836623
           -- Add check for LPN context
           -- When cross docking happens, label printing are called for both cross docking and putaway
           -- To prevent duplicate labels
           -- For putaway business flow, only print if LPN Context is not Picked (11)
           AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = rt.lpn_id
           AND ((rt.lpn_id IS NULL) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code <> 4) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 4 AND
                        wlpn.lpn_context <> 11))
           AND rt.transaction_id = mmt.rcv_transaction_id(+)  /* Added for the Bug # 4770558 */
           AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+)  -- for bug#5889715
     -- The outer join has been added in the above condition for solving the bug # 4863161
      GROUP BY rsl.item_id
             , rt.organization_id
             , mtln.lot_number
             --, rsl.cost_group_id /* Modified for the Bug # 4770558 */
             , mmt.cost_group_id
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             -- , pod.project_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --, pod.task_id    --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                , rsl.unit_of_measure
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num
             , pll.quantity
             , rsl.vendor_item_num
             , pov.vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code
             , ppf.full_name
             , hrl1.location_code
             , hrl2.location_code
             , pll.note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name
	     --Bug 6504959-Reverted fix made which was fetching item desc from msiv.
             , rsl.item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION
             , we.wip_entity_name
             , wdj.description
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id; --bug 4916450
Line: 998

        SELECT   rsl.item_id inventory_item_id
             , rt.organization_id organization_id
             , mtln.lot_number lot_number
             , rsl.cost_group_id cost_group_id
             --Bug# 3586116 - Get project and task id from rt
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             -- , pod.project_id project_id
             --, pod.task_id task_id
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
             , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                , rsl.unit_of_measure
               ) uom
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) secondary_uom  -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num po_line_number
             , pll.quantity quantity_ordered
             , rsl.vendor_item_num supplier_part_number
             , pov.vendor_id vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name supplier_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code supplier_site
             , ppf.full_name requestor
             , hrl1.location_code deliver_to_location
             , hrl2.location_code location
             , pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name routing_name
             , rsl.item_description item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME     wip_entity_name
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION         wip_description
             , we.wip_entity_name        wip_entity_name
             , wdj.description           wip_description
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id --bug 4916450
          FROM rcv_transactions rt
             , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , po_lines_all pol
             -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             , po_headers_all pha
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , po_line_locations pll
             , po_vendors pov
             , hr_locations_all hrl1
             , hr_locations_all hrl2
             , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
             , per_people_f ppf
             , rcv_routing_headers rrh
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
             , wip_entities we
             , wip_discrete_jobs wdj
             , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
         WHERE mtln.product_transaction_id(+) = rt.transaction_id
           AND mtln.product_code(+) = 'RCV'
           AND pol.po_line_id(+) = rt.po_line_id
           AND pha.po_header_id(+) = rt.po_header_id
           AND rsh.shipment_header_id(+) = rt.shipment_header_id
           AND pll.line_location_id(+) = rt.po_line_location_id
           -- AND pod.po_distribution_id(+) = rt.po_distribution_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
           AND pov.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id
           -- AND pvs.vendor_id(+) = rt.vendor_id uneccessary line dherring 8/2/05
           AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = rt.vendor_site_id
           AND ppf.person_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_person_id
           AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rt.deliver_to_location_id
           AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rt.location_id
           AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rt.routing_header_id
           AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
           AND rt.GROUP_ID = p_transaction_id
           AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
           -- Bug 4516067, because created this new cursor for putaway and deliver
           -- no need to restrict business flow code here
           -- AND p_label_type_info.business_flow_code in (3,4)  -- Only pick for label flow code of 'deliver' or 'putaway'
           -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
           -- AND rt.wip_entity_id = wojv.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id (+)
           AND rt.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id (+)
           -- Bug 3836623
           -- Add check for LPN context
           -- When cross docking happens, label printing are called for both cross docking and putaway
           -- To prevent duplicate labels
           -- For putaway business flow, only print if LPN Context is not Picked (11)
           AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = rt.lpn_id
           AND ((rt.lpn_id IS NULL) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code <> 4) OR
                (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 4 AND
                        wlpn.lpn_context <> 11))
           AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date(+) AND ppf.effective_end_date(+)  -- for bug#5889715
      GROUP BY rsl.item_id
             , rt.organization_id
             , mtln.lot_number
             , rsl.cost_group_id
             , rt.project_id
             , rt.task_id
             -- , pod.project_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --, pod.task_id    --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
             --  Added by joabraha bug 3472150
             , rsh.receipt_num
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
                , rsl.item_id
                , rsl.unit_of_measure
             , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
                , rsl.item_id
               ) -- bug 4373856
             , rsl.item_revision
             , pha.segment1
             , rsh.shipment_num
             , pol.line_num
             , pll.quantity
             , rsl.vendor_item_num
             , pov.vendor_id
             , pov.vendor_name
             , pvs.vendor_site_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_code
             , ppf.full_name
             , hrl1.location_code
             , hrl2.location_code
             , pll.note_to_receiver
             , rrh.routing_name
             , rsl.item_description
             , rt.subinventory
             , rt.locator_id
             -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
             --, WOJV.WIP_ENTITY_NAME
             --, WOJV.DESCRIPTION
             , we.wip_entity_name
             , wdj.description
             , rt.DEPARTMENT_CODE
             , rt.BOM_RESOURCE_ID
             , wlpn.lpn_context
             , wlpn.lpn_id
             , rt.routing_header_id; --bug 4916450
Line: 1162

       SELECT br.resource_code
       FROM   bom_resources br
             ,bom_department_resources bdr
             ,bom_departments bd
       WHERE br.resource_id = p_resource_id
         AND bdr.resource_id = p_resource_id
         AND bd.department_id = bdr.department_id
    GROUP BY br.resource_code
Line: 1185

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id
           , mmtt.task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity)) quantity
           , mmtt.transaction_uom
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity)) secondary_quantity --  invconv changes
           , mmtt.secondary_uom_code --  invconv changes
           , mmtt.revision
           , -- Added for Bug 2308273
           , mtlt.c_attribute1
           , mtlt.c_attribute2
           , mtlt.c_attribute3
           , mtlt.c_attribute4
           , mtlt.c_attribute5
           , mtlt.c_attribute6
           , mtlt.c_attribute7
           , mtlt.c_attribute8
           , mtlt.c_attribute9
           , mtlt.c_attribute10
           , mtlt.c_attribute11
           , mtlt.c_attribute12
           , mtlt.c_attribute13
           , mtlt.c_attribute14
           , mtlt.c_attribute15
           , mtlt.c_attribute16
           , mtlt.c_attribute17
           , mtlt.c_attribute18
           , mtlt.c_attribute19
           , mtlt.c_attribute20
           , mtlt.d_attribute1
           , mtlt.d_attribute2
           , mtlt.d_attribute3
           , mtlt.d_attribute4
           , mtlt.d_attribute5
           , mtlt.d_attribute6
           , mtlt.d_attribute7
           , mtlt.d_attribute8
           , mtlt.d_attribute9
           , mtlt.d_attribute10
           , mtlt.n_attribute1
           , mtlt.n_attribute2
           , mtlt.n_attribute3
           , mtlt.n_attribute4
           , mtlt.n_attribute5
           , mtlt.n_attribute6
           , mtlt.n_attribute7
           , mtlt.n_attribute8
           , mtlt.n_attribute9
           , mtlt.n_attribute10
           , mtlt.territory_code
           , mtlt.grade_code
           , mtlt.origination_date
           , mtlt.date_code
           , mtlt.change_date
           , mtlt.age
           , mtlt.retest_date
           , mtlt.maturity_date
           , mtlt.item_size
           , mtlt.color
           , mtlt.volume
           , mtlt.volume_uom
           , mtlt.place_of_origin
           , mtlt.best_by_date
           , mtlt.LENGTH
           , mtlt.length_uom
           , mtlt.recycled_content
           , mtlt.thickness
           , mtlt.thickness_uom
           , mtlt.width
           , mtlt.width_uom
           , mtlt.curl_wrinkle_fold
           , mtlt.vendor_name
           -- End Bug 2308273
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , we.wip_entity_name -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
           , we.description     -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
           , mtlt.parent_lot_number --  added for inconv fabdi start
           , mtlt.expiration_action_date
           , mtlt.origination_type
           , mtlt.hold_date
           , mtlt.expiration_action_code
           , mtlt.supplier_lot_number  -- invconv end
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
            ,mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
            ,wip_entities we -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND we.wip_entity_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_source_id; -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
Line: 1287

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.transfer_cost_group_id xfr_cost_group_id /* Added for the bug # 4686024 */
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity)) quantity
           , mmtt.transaction_uom uom
           , mmtt.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , mmtt.secondary_uom_code --  added for invconv
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity)) --  added for invconv
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id IS NULL
      SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wlc.organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , wlc.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.transfer_cost_group_id xfr_cost_group_id /* Added for the bug # 4686024 */
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , wlc.quantity quantity
           , wlc.uom_code uom
           , wlc.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , wlc.secondary_uom_code --  added for invconv
           , wlc.secondary_quantity --  added for invconv
        FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id = wlc.parent_lpn_id;
Line: 1337

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity)) quantity
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY, mmtt.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi bug 4387144
           , mmtt.transaction_uom uom
           , mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE secondary_uom -- fabdi bug 4387144
           , mmtt.revision revision
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
           , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
           , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt_orgin
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_header_id = mmtt_orgin.transaction_header_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt_orgin.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt_orgin.content_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
         AND mmtt_orgin.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity)) quantity
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY  , mmtt.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi bug 4387144
           , mmtt.transaction_uom uom
           , mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE secondary_uom -- fabdi bug 4387144
           , mmtt.revision revision
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id IS NULL
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1383

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity)) quantity
           , mmtt.transaction_uom uom
           , mmtt.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity)) secondary_quantity --  invconv changes
           , mmtt.secondary_uom_code --  invconv changes
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id IS NULL
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id IS NULL
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
      -- This part of the cursor returns the content_lpn_id unpacked from an LPN.
      SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wlc.organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , wlc.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , wlc.quantity quantity
           , wlc.uom_code uom
           , wlc.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , wlc.secondary_quantity --  added for invconv
           , wlc.secondary_uom_code --  added for invconv
        FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.content_lpn_id = wlc.parent_lpn_id
      -- This part of the cursor is for 2 cases. Items unpacked from an LPN and packed into another LPN AND
      -- for loose Items packed into an existing or loose LPN.
      SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wlc.organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , wlc.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , wlc.quantity quantity
           , wlc.uom_code uom
           , wlc.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , wlc.secondary_quantity --  added for invconv
           , wlc.secondary_uom_code --  added for invconv
        FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = wlc.parent_lpn_id
      -- This part of the cursor is for all cases except loose items being packed into an existing/new LPN.
      SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wlc.organization_id organization_id
           , wlc.lot_number lot_number
           , wlc.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , wlc.quantity quantity
           , wlc.uom_code uom
           , wlc.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.locator_id
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , wlc.secondary_quantity --  added for invconv
           , wlc.secondary_uom_code --  added for invconv
        FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
         AND mmtt.lpn_id = wlc.parent_lpn_id;
Line: 1468

      SELECT  wlc.organization_id
    , wlc.inventory_item_id
    , wlc.revision
    , wlc.lot_number
    , SUM(wlc.quantity)
    FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, WMS_LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBERS wlpn
        WHERE wlpn.OUTERMOST_LPN_ID = p_transaction_id
        and  wlc.parent_lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
    GROUP BY wlc.organization_id
    , wlc.inventory_item_id
    , wlc.revision
    , wlc.lot_number
    /* Union Clause added to fetch the details from mmtt for pick release transactions for cartonization flow
       as a part of Bug#4305501*/
      SELECT  mmtt.organization_id
            , mmtt.inventory_item_id
            , mmtt.revision
            , mtlt.lot_number
            , SUM(mmtt.primary_quantity)  quantity
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
      WHERE mmtt.cartonization_id = p_transaction_id
        AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
      GROUP BY mmtt.organization_id
             , mmtt.inventory_item_id
             , mmtt.revision
             , mtlt.lot_number;
Line: 1501

      SELECT wdd1.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wdd1.organization_id organization_id
           , wdd1.lot_number lot_number
           , NVL(wlpn.cost_group_id, 0) cost_group_id
           , NVL(wdd1.project_id, 0) project_id
           , NVL(wdd1.task_id, 0) task_id
           , wdd1.requested_quantity quantity
           , wdd1.requested_quantity_uom uom
           , wdd1.revision revision
           , wdd1.subinventory
           , wdd1.locator_id
        FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd1
           , wsh_delivery_details wdd2
           , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
           , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
       WHERE wdd1.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
         AND wdd2.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id
         AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = wdd2.lpn_id
         AND wdd2.delivery_detail_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1525

      SELECT wdd1.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , wdd1.organization_id organization_id
           , wdd1.lot_number lot_number
           , NVL(wlpn.cost_group_id, 0) cost_group_id
           , NVL(wdd1.project_id, 0) project_id
           , NVL(wdd1.task_id, 0) task_id
           -- Bug - 4193950, requested_quantity is replaced with shipped_quantity.
           , wdd1.shipped_quantity quantity --, wdd1.requested_quantity quantity
           , wdd1.requested_quantity_uom uom
           , wdd1.revision revision
           , wdd1.subinventory
           , wdd1.locator_id
        FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd1
           , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
           , wsh_new_deliveries wnd
           , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
           , wsh_delivery_details wdd2
       WHERE wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
         AND wdd1.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
         AND wdd2.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id
         AND wdd1.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL
         AND wlpn.lpn_id(+) = wdd2.lpn_id
         AND wnd.delivery_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1554

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id
           , mmtt.task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity))
           , mmtt.transaction_uom
           , mmtt.revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.locator_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1571

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id
           , mmtt.task_id
           , ABS(NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity))
           , mmtt.transaction_uom
           , mmtt.revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.locator_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1591

      SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.organization_id organization_id
           , mtlt.lot_number lot_number
           , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mmtt.project_id project_id
           , mmtt.task_id task_id
           , NVL(mtlt.transaction_quantity, mmtt.transaction_quantity) quantity
           , mmtt.transaction_uom uom
           , mmtt.revision revision
           , mmtt.subinventory_code
           , mmtt.locator_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+)
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1607

      SELECT mti.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
           , mti.organization_id organization_id
           , mtil.lot_number lot_number
           , mti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mti.project_id project_id
           , mti.task_id task_id
           , NVL(mtil.transaction_quantity, mti.transaction_quantity) quantity
           , mti.transaction_uom uom
           , mti.revision revision
           , mti.subinventory_code
           , mti.locator_id
        FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti, mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtil
       WHERE mti.transaction_interface_id = mtil.transaction_interface_id(+)
         AND mti.transaction_interface_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1623

      SELECT mtrl.inventory_item_id inventory_id
           , mtrl.organization_id organization_id
           , mtrl.lot_number lot_number
           , mtrl.from_cost_group_id cost_group_id
           , mtrl.project_id project_id
           , mtrl.task_id task_id
           , mtrl.quantity quantity
           , mtrl.uom_code uom
           , mtrl.revision revision
           , mtrl.from_subinventory_code
           , mtrl.from_locator_id
        FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
       WHERE mtrl.line_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1643

      SELECT to_organization_id
        FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
       WHERE rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1651

       SELECT organization_id
         FROM rcv_transactions rt
        WHERE rt.group_id = p_transaction_id
        and ( (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 1 AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE')
           OR (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 2 AND rt.transaction_type in ('ACCEPT', 'REJECT') )
           OR (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 3 AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER')
           OR (p_label_type_info.business_flow_code = 4 AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER')
Line: 1664

      SELECT cost_group
        FROM cst_cost_groups
       WHERE cost_group_id = l_cost_group_id;        */
Line: 1669

      SELECT cost_group
        FROM cst_cost_groups
      WHERE cost_group_id = p_cost_group_id;
Line: 1678

      SELECT project_name, project_number
       FROM pjm_projects_mtll_v  --pa_projects
      WHERE project_id = l_project_id;
Line: 1686

      SELECT task_name, task_number
        FROM pa_tasks
       WHERE task_id = l_task_id;
Line: 1695

      SELECT msik.concatenated_segments item
           , NVL(msik.description, l_item_description) item_description
           , mp.organization_code ORGANIZATION
           , l_revision revision
           , l_quantity quantity
           , l_uom uom
           , mln.lot_number lot_number
           , NVL(l_parent_lot_number , mln.parent_lot_number) parent_lot_number -- invconv changes
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_expiration_action_date, mln.expiration_action_date), g_date_format_mask) expiration_action_date
           , NVL(l_expiration_action_code , mln.expiration_action_code) expiration_action_code
           , l_secondary_transaction_qty secondary_quantity
           , l_secondary_uom_code  secondary_uom
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_hold_date, mln.hold_date), g_date_format_mask) hold_date
           , NVL(l_origination_type , mln.origination_type) origination_type
           , NVL(l_supplier_lot_number, mln.supplier_lot_number) supplier_lot_number -- invconv changes
           , mmsvl.status_code lot_status
           , TO_CHAR(mln.expiration_date, g_date_format_mask) lot_expiration_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_attribute_category, mln.attribute_category) lot_attribute_category
           , NVL(l_c_attribute1, mln.c_attribute1) lot_c_attribute1
           , NVL(l_c_attribute2, mln.c_attribute2) lot_c_attribute2
           , NVL(l_c_attribute3, mln.c_attribute3) lot_c_attribute3
           , NVL(l_c_attribute4, mln.c_attribute4) lot_c_attribute4
           , NVL(l_c_attribute5, mln.c_attribute5) lot_c_attribute5
           , NVL(l_c_attribute6, mln.c_attribute6) lot_c_attribute6
           , NVL(l_c_attribute7, mln.c_attribute7) lot_c_attribute7
           , NVL(l_c_attribute8, mln.c_attribute8) lot_c_attribute8
           , NVL(l_c_attribute9, mln.c_attribute9) lot_c_attribute9
           , NVL(l_c_attribute10, mln.c_attribute10) lot_c_attribute10
           , NVL(l_c_attribute11, mln.c_attribute11) lot_c_attribute11
           , NVL(l_c_attribute12, mln.c_attribute12) lot_c_attribute12
           , NVL(l_c_attribute13, mln.c_attribute13) lot_c_attribute13
           , NVL(l_c_attribute14, mln.c_attribute14) lot_c_attribute14
           , NVL(l_c_attribute15, mln.c_attribute15) lot_c_attribute15
           , NVL(l_c_attribute16, mln.c_attribute16) lot_c_attribute16
           , NVL(l_c_attribute17, mln.c_attribute17) lot_c_attribute17
           , NVL(l_c_attribute18, mln.c_attribute18) lot_c_attribute18
           , NVL(l_c_attribute19, mln.c_attribute19) lot_c_attribute19
           , NVL(l_c_attribute20, mln.c_attribute20) lot_c_attribute20
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute1, mln.d_attribute1), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute1
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute2, mln.d_attribute2), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute2
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute3, mln.d_attribute3), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute3
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute4, mln.d_attribute4), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute4
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute5, mln.d_attribute5), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute5
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute6, mln.d_attribute6), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute6
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute7, mln.d_attribute7), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute7
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute8, mln.d_attribute8), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute8
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            TO_CHAR(NVL(l_d_attribute9, mln.d_attribute9), g_date_format_mask) lot_d_attribute9
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
              NVL(l_d_attribute10, mln.d_attribute10)
            , g_date_format_mask
            ) lot_d_attribute10
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_n_attribute1, mln.n_attribute1) lot_n_attribute1
           , NVL(l_n_attribute2, mln.n_attribute2) lot_n_attribute2
           , NVL(l_n_attribute3, mln.n_attribute3) lot_n_attribute3
           , NVL(l_n_attribute4, mln.n_attribute4) lot_n_attribute4
           , NVL(l_n_attribute5, mln.n_attribute5) lot_n_attribute5
           , NVL(l_n_attribute6, mln.n_attribute6) lot_n_attribute6
           , NVL(l_n_attribute7, mln.n_attribute7) lot_n_attribute7
           , NVL(l_n_attribute8, mln.n_attribute8) lot_n_attribute8
           , NVL(l_n_attribute9, mln.n_attribute9) lot_n_attribute9
           , NVL(l_n_attribute10, mln.n_attribute10) lot_n_attribute10
           , NVL(l_territory_code, mln.territory_code) lot_country_of_origin
           , NVL(l_grade_code, mln.grade_code) lot_grade_code
           , TO_CHAR(
               NVL(l_origination_date, mln.origination_date)
             , g_date_format_mask
             ) lot_origination_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_date_code, mln.date_code) lot_date_code
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_change_date, mln.change_date), g_date_format_mask) lot_change_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_age, mln.age) lot_age
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_retest_date, mln.retest_date), g_date_format_mask) lot_retest_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
              NVL(l_maturity_date, mln.maturity_date)
            , g_date_format_mask
            ) lot_maturity_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_item_size, mln.item_size) lot_item_size
           , NVL(l_color, mln.color) lot_color
           , NVL(l_volume, mln.volume) lot_volume
           , NVL(l_volume_uom, mln.volume_uom) lot_volume_uom
           , NVL(l_place_of_origin, mln.place_of_origin) lot_place_of_origin
           , TO_CHAR(NVL(l_best_by_date, mln.best_by_date), g_date_format_mask) lot_best_by_date
           , -- Added for Bug 2795525,
            NVL(l_length, mln.LENGTH) lot_length
           , NVL(l_length_uom, mln.length_uom) lot_length_uom
           , NVL(l_recycled_content, mln.recycled_content) lot_recycled_cont
           , NVL(l_thickness, mln.thickness) lot_thickness
           , NVL(l_thickness_uom, mln.thickness_uom) lot_thickness_uom
           , NVL(l_width, mln.width) lot_width
           , NVL(l_width_uom, mln.width_uom) lot_width_uom
           , NVL(l_curl_wrinkle_fold, mln.curl_wrinkle_fold) lot_curl
           , NVL(l_vendor_name, mln.vendor_name) lot_vendor
           , l_cost_group cost_group
           , poh.hazard_class item_hazard_class
           , msik.attribute_category item_attribute_category
           , msik.attribute1 item_attribute1
           , msik.attribute2 item_attribute2
           , msik.attribute3 item_attribute3
           , msik.attribute4 item_attribute4
           , msik.attribute5 item_attribute5
           , msik.attribute6 item_attribute6
           , msik.attribute7 item_attribute7
           , msik.attribute8 item_attribute8
           , msik.attribute9 item_attribute9
           , msik.attribute10 item_attribute10
           , msik.attribute11 item_attribute11
           , msik.attribute12 item_attribute12
           , msik.attribute13 item_attribute13
           , msik.attribute14 item_attribute14
           , msik.attribute15 item_attribute15
           , l_project_number project_number -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
           , l_project_name project
           , l_task_number task_number       -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
           , l_task_name task
           , l_subinventory_code subinventory_code
           , wilk.concatenated_segments LOCATOR
           -- milk.concatenated_segments LOCATOR -- Modified for bug # 5015415
        FROM mtl_system_items_vl msik --Bug 5302715 changed from kfv to vl
           , mtl_lot_numbers mln
           , mtl_material_statuses_vl mmsvl
           , po_hazard_classes poh
           , mtl_parameters mp
        /*Commented for bug# 6334460 start
           , DUAL d
          Commented for bug# 6334460 end */
           , wms_item_locations_kfv wilk
           --, mtl_item_locations_kfv milk -- Modified for bug # 5015415
       /*Commented for bug# 6334460 start
       WHERE d.dummy = 'X'
         AND msik.concatenated_segments(+) <> NVL('@@@', d.dummy)
       Commented for bug# 6334460 End */
         WHERE msik.inventory_item_id(+) = p_inventory_item_id
         AND msik.organization_id(+) = p_organization_id
         AND mp.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND mln.organization_id(+) = msik.organization_id
         AND mln.inventory_item_id(+) = msik.inventory_item_id
         AND mln.lot_number(+) = p_lot_number
         AND mmsvl.status_id(+) = mln.status_id
         AND poh.hazard_class_id(+) = msik.hazard_class_id
         AND wilk.organization_id(+) = msik.organization_id
         AND wilk.subinventory_code(+) = l_subinventory_code
         AND wilk.inventory_location_id(+) = l_locator_id;
Line: 1867

       SELECT DISTINCT pod.project_id, pod.task_id
       FROM po_distributions_all pod,
            rcv_transactions rt
       WHERE pod.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
       AND pod.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id
       AND pod.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
       AND pod.po_distribution_id = nvl(rt.po_distribution_id, pod.po_distribution_id)
       AND rt.group_id = p_transaction_id;
Line: 1882

       SELECT pop.project_reference_enabled
       FROM pjm_org_parameters pop
       WHERE pop.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1892

       select wlfs.format_id label_format_id, wlf.label_entity_type --FOR SETS
         from wms_label_set_formats wlfs , wms_label_formats wlf
         where WLFS.SET_ID = p_format_set_id
         and wlfs.set_id = wlf.label_format_id
         and wlf.label_entity_type = 1
         AND WLF.DOCUMENT_ID = 1
       select label_format_id, nvl(wlf.label_entity_type,0) from wms_label_formats wlf
         where  wlf.label_format_id =  p_format_set_id
         and nvl(wlf.label_entity_type,0) = 0--for label formats only validation
         AND WLF.DOCUMENT_ID = 1 ;
Line: 1909

    SELECT mcce.inventory_item_id,
           ppf.full_name requestor
    FROM mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch,
           mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
           per_people_f ppf
    WHERE mcce.cycle_count_entry_id =  p_transaction_Id
    AND ppf.person_id(+) = mcce.counted_by_employee_id_current
    AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id=mcch.cycle_count_header_id;
Line: 1933

    SELECT mcch.cycle_count_header_name,
           ppf.full_name requestor
    FROM  mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch,
          mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
          per_people_f ppf,
          mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id= p_transaction_id
    AND mmtt.cycle_count_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
    AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id
    AND ppf.person_id(+) = mcce.counted_by_employee_id_current;
Line: 1946

    l_selected_fields        inv_label.label_field_variable_tbl_type;
Line: 1947

    l_selected_fields_count  NUMBER;
Line: 2799

            select transaction_type_id into l_transaction_type
            from mtl_material_transactions_temp
            where transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;  --bug 6646793
Line: 2831

                   select nvl (mmtt.transaction_quantity,mtlt.transaction_quantity) into l_mmtt_quantity
                   from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt , mtl_transaction_lots_temp  mtlt
                   where mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
                   and mtlt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2836

                   SELECT Nvl(Sum(primary_transaction_quantity),0) INTO l_moqd_quantity
                   FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                   WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
                   and mtlt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
                   and moqd.lot_number = mtlt.lot_number
                   and nvl(mmtt.lpn_id , -999) = nvl(moqd.lpn_id , -999)
                   and moqd.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
                   and moqd.organization_id  = mmtt.organization_id
                   and moqd.subinventory_code = mmtt.subinventory_code
                   and NVL(moqd.locator_id , -999 ) = NVL(mmtt.locator_id ,-999);
Line: 3217

            /* R12 insert a record into wms_label_requests entity to
               call the label rules engine to get appropriate label
               In this call if this happens to be for the label-set, the record
               from wms_label_request will be deleted inside following API*/

              p_document_id                => p_label_type_info.label_type_id
            , p_label_format_id            => p_label_type_info.manual_format_id
            , p_organization_id            => l_organization_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => l_inventory_item_id
            , p_lot_number                 => l_lot_number
            , p_revision                   => l_revision
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_subinventory_code
            , p_locator_id                 => l_locator_id
            , p_business_flow_code         => p_label_type_info.business_flow_code
            --, p_printer_name               => l_printer --not used post R12
            , p_last_update_date           => SYSDATE
            , p_last_updated_by            => fnd_global.user_id
            , p_creation_date              => SYSDATE
            , p_created_by                 => fnd_global.user_id
            , -- Added for Bug 2748297 Start
              p_supplier_id                => l_vendor_id
            , p_supplier_site_id           => l_vendor_site_id
            , -- End
              x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_label_format_id            => l_label_format_set_id
            , x_label_format               => l_label_format
            , x_label_request_id           => l_label_request_id
Line: 3293

                    /* insert a record into wms_label_requests entity  */

                     p_document_id                => p_label_type_info.label_type_id
                     , p_label_format_id            =>  l_label_formats_in_set.label_format_id --considers manual printer also
                     , p_organization_id            => l_organization_id
                     , p_inventory_item_id          => l_inventory_item_id
                     , p_lot_number                 => l_lot_number
                     , p_revision                   => l_revision
                     , p_subinventory_code          => l_subinventory_code
                     , p_locator_id                 => l_locator_id
                     , p_business_flow_code         => p_label_type_info.business_flow_code
                     --, p_printer_name               => l_printer --not used post R12
                     , p_last_update_date           => SYSDATE
                     , p_last_updated_by            => fnd_global.user_id
                     , p_creation_date              => SYSDATE
                     , p_created_by                 => fnd_global.user_id
                     , -- Added for Bug 2748297 Start
                     p_supplier_id                => l_vendor_id
                     , p_supplier_site_id           => l_vendor_site_id -- End
                     , p_use_rule_engine            => 'N' --------------------------Rules ENgine will NOT get called
                    ,  x_return_status              => l_return_status
                    , x_label_format_id            => l_label_format_id
                    , x_label_format               => l_label_format
                    , x_label_request_id           => l_label_request_id
Line: 3408

                          (  x_variables              => l_selected_fields
                           , x_variables_count        => l_selected_fields_count
                           , x_is_variable_exist      => l_is_epc_exist
                           , p_format_id              => l_label_format_id
                           , p_exist_variable_name    => 'EPC'
Line: 3417

                        IF (l_selected_fields_count = 0)
                            OR (l_selected_fields.COUNT = 0) THEN
                            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                                TRACE('no fields defined for this format: '
                                || l_label_format || ',' || l_label_format_id
Line: 3429

                            TRACE('   Found selected_fields for format '
                                || l_label_format || ', num=' || l_selected_fields_count
Line: 3460

                    SELECT FLOOR(l_quantity)
                    INTO   l_quantity_floor
                    FROM   DUAL;
Line: 3529

                                 , p_last_update_date           => SYSDATE
                                 , p_last_updated_by            => fnd_global.user_id
                                 , p_creation_date              => SYSDATE
                                 , p_created_by                 => fnd_global.user_id
                                 , -- Added for Bug 2748297 Start
                                 p_supplier_id                  => l_vendor_id
                                 , p_supplier_site_id           => l_vendor_site_id -- End
                                 , p_use_rule_engine            => 'N' ------Rules Engine will NOT get called
                                ,  x_return_status              => l_return_status
                                , x_label_format_id             => l_label_format_id
                                , x_label_format                => l_label_format
                                , x_label_request_id            => l_label_request_id --A NEW label request id
Line: 3679

                    FOR i IN 1 .. l_selected_fields.COUNT LOOP
                        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                            l_column_name_list  := l_column_name_list || ',' || l_selected_fields(i).column_name;
Line: 3692

                        IF (l_selected_fields(i).SQL_STMT IS NOT NULL AND l_selected_fields(i).column_name = 'sql_stmt') THEN
                            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                                trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: ------------------------- REPORT BEGIN-------------------------------------');
Line: 3695

                                trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: LABEL_FIELD_ID       : ' || l_selected_fields(i).label_field_id);
Line: 3696

                                trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: FIELD_VARIABLE_NAME  : ' || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name);
Line: 3697

                                trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: COLUMN_NAME          : ' || l_selected_fields(i).column_name);
Line: 3698

                                trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: SQL_STMT             : ' || l_selected_fields(i).sql_stmt);
Line: 3700

                            l_sql_stmt := l_selected_fields(i).sql_stmt;
Line: 3794

                                               || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                               || '">'
                                               || l_sql_stmt_result
                                               || variable_e;
Line: 3806

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'current_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || inv_label.g_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3813

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'current_time' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || inv_label.g_time
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3820

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'request_user' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || inv_label.g_user
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3827

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3834

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_description' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || nvl(v_material_cur.item_description,l_item_description) /* Modified for the bug # 4708752*/
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3841

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'revision' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.revision
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3848

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_number' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_lot_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3855

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_status' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_status
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3862

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_expiration_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_expiration_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3869

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'quantity' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_quantity
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3876

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'uom' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3883

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'cost_group' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.cost_group
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3890

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'customer_purchase_order' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_purchase_order
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3897

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_attribute_category' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_attribute_category
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3904

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute1' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute1
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3911

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute2' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute2
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3918

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute3' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute3
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3925

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute4' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute4
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3932

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute5' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute5
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3939

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute6' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute6
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3946

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute7' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute7
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3953

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute8' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute8
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3960

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute9' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute9
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3967

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute10' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute10
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3974

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute11' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute11
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3981

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute12' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute12
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3988

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute13' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute13
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 3995

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute14' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute14
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4002

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute15' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute15
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4009

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute16' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute16
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4016

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute17' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute17
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4023

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute18' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute18
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4030

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute19' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute19
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4037

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_c_attribute20' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_c_attribute20
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4044

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute1' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute1
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4051

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute2' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute2
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4058

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute3' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute3
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4065

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute4' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute4
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4072

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute5' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute5
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4079

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute6' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute6
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4086

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute7' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute7
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4093

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute8' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute8
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4100

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute9' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute9
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4107

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_d_attribute10' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_d_attribute10
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4114

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute1' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute1
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4121

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute2' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute2
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4128

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute3' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute3
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4135

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute4' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute4
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4142

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute5' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute5
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4149

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute6' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute6
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4156

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute7' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute7
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4163

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute8' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute8
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4170

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute9' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute9
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4177

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_n_attribute10' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_n_attribute10
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4184

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) =
                                                                         'lot_country_of_origin' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_country_of_origin
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4192

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_grade_code' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_grade_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4199

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_origination_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_origination_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4206

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_date_code' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_date_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4213

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_change_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_change_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4220

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_age' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_age
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4227

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_retest_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_retest_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4234

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_maturity_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_maturity_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4241

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_item_size' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_item_size
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4248

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_color' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_color
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4255

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_volume' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_volume
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4262

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_volume_uom' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_volume_uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4269

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_place_of_origin' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_place_of_origin
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4276

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_best_by_date' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_best_by_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4283

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_length' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_length
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4290

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_length_uom' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_length_uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4297

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_recycled_cont' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_recycled_cont
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4304

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_thickness' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_thickness
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4311

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_thickness_uom' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_thickness_uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4318

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_width' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_width
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4325

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_width_uom' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_width_uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4332

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_curl' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_curl
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4339

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'lot_vendor' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.lot_vendor
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4346

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_hazard_class' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_hazard_class
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4353

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) =
                                                                       'item_attribute_category' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute_category
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4361

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute1' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute1
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4368

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute2' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute2
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4375

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute3' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute3
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4382

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute4' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute4
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4389

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute5' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute5
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4396

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute6' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute6
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4403

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute7' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute7
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4410

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute8' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute8
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4417

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute9' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute9
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4424

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute10' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute10
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4431

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute11' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute11
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4438

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute12' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute12
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4445

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute13' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute13
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4452

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute14' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute14
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4459

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item_attribute15' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.item_attribute15
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4468

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'project_number' THEN
                               l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                   || variable_b
                                                   || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                   || '">'
                                                   || v_material_cur.project_number
                                                   || variable_e;
Line: 4475

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'task_number' THEN
                               l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                   || variable_b
                                                   || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                   || '">'
                                                   || v_material_cur.task_number
                                                   || variable_e;
Line: 4483

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'project' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.project
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4490

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'task' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.task
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4497

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'receipt_num' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_receipt_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4504

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'po_line_num' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_po_line_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4511

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'quan_ordered' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_quantity_ordered
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4518

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'supp_part_num' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_supplier_part_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4525

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'supp_name' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_supplier_name
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4532

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'supp_site' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_supplier_site
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4539

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'requestor' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_requestor
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4546

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'deliver_to_loc' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_deliver_to_location
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4553

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'loc_id' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_location_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4560

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'note_to_receiver' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_note_to_receiver
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4567

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'rec_routing' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_routing_name
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4574

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'po_num' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_purchase_order
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4581

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'subinventory_code' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.subinventory_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4588

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'locator' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.LOCATOR
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4595

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'organization' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || nvl(v_material_cur.ORGANIZATION,l_organization_id) /* Modified for the bug # 4708752*/
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4603

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'cycle_count_name' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">' || l_cycle_count_name
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4612

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'gtin' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_gtin
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4619

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'gtin_description' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_gtin_desc
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4626

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'wip_entity_name' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_wip_entity_name
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4633

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'wip_description' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_wip_description
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4640

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'wip_operation_seq_num' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_wip_op_seq_num
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4647

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'osp_department_code' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_osp_dept_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4654

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'bom_resource' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_bom_resource_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4663

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'parent_lot_number' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.parent_lot_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4671

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'expiration_action_date'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.expiration_action_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4679

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'origination_type'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || get_origination_type (v_material_cur.origination_type)
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4687

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'hold_date'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.hold_date
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4695

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'secondary_transaction_quantity'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.secondary_quantity
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4703

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'secondary_uom_code'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.secondary_uom
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4711

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'expiration_action_code'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.expiration_action_code
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4719

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'supplier_lot_number'  THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || v_material_cur.supplier_lot_number
                                                || variable_e;
Line: 4731

                        ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'epc' THEN
                            l_material_data  :=    l_material_data
                                                || variable_b
                                                || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
                                                || '">'
                                                || l_epc
                                                || variable_e;