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Line 1453: okc_statuses_b sts

1449: SELECT kle.ID,
1450: sts.STE_CODE,
1451: trunc(nvl(kle.DATE_TERMINATED, sysdate)) date_terminated
1452: FROM okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
1453: okc_statuses_b sts
1454: WHERE kle.id = p_kle_id
1455: and kle.dnz_chr_id = p_khr_id
1456: and sts.code = kle.sts_code
1457: and sts.ste_code not in ('HOLD', 'EXPIRED', 'CANCELLED');

Line 5025: okc_statuses_b sts

5021: kle.amount link_amount
5022: from okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
5023: okl_k_lines_full_v kle1,
5024: okc_line_styles_b lse,
5025: okc_statuses_b sts
5026: where KLE1.LSE_ID = LSE.ID
5027: and ((lse.lty_code = 'SOLD_SERVICE') OR (lse.lty_code = 'FEE'and kle1.fee_type ='PASSTHROUGH'))
5028: and kle.dnz_chr_id = chrId
5029: and kle1.dnz_chr_id = kle.dnz_chr_id

Line 6275: okc_statuses_b sts

6271: CURSOR c_kle IS
6272: select kle.id,
6273: kle.start_date
6274: from okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
6275: okc_statuses_b sts
6276: where kle.dnz_chr_id = p_khr_id
6277: and kle.id = p_kle_id
6278: and sts.code = kle.sts_code
6279: and sts.ste_code not in ('HOLD', 'EXPIRED', 'CANCELLED');

Line 7577: okc_statuses_b sts

7573: where Exists(
7574: select kle.id
7575: from okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
7576: okc_line_styles_b lse,
7577: okc_statuses_b sts
7578: where KLE.LSE_ID = LSE.ID
7579: and lse.lty_code = 'SUBSIDY'
7580: and kle.dnz_chr_id = p_khr_id
7581: and sts.code = kle.sts_code

Line 10118: okc_statuses_b sts

10114: where Exists(
10115: select kle.id
10116: from okl_k_lines_full_v kle,
10117: okc_line_styles_b lse,
10118: okc_statuses_b sts
10119: where KLE.LSE_ID = LSE.ID
10120: and lse.lty_code = 'SUBSIDY'
10121: and kle.dnz_chr_id = p_khr_id
10122: and sts.code = kle.sts_code