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Line 28: g_fcl_earn_reason_code hxt_det_hours_worked.fcl_earn_reason_code%TYPE;

24: g_hours NUMBER;
25: g_time_in DATE;
26: g_time_out DATE;
27: g_element_type_id NUMBER;
28: g_fcl_earn_reason_code hxt_det_hours_worked.fcl_earn_reason_code%TYPE;
29: --C421
30: g_ffv_cost_center_id NUMBER;
31: g_ffv_labor_account_id NUMBER;
32: g_tas_id NUMBER;

Line 35: g_hrw_comment hxt_det_hours_worked.hrw_comment%TYPE; --C421

31: g_ffv_labor_account_id NUMBER;
32: g_tas_id NUMBER;
33: g_location_id NUMBER;
34: g_sht_id NUMBER;
35: g_hrw_comment hxt_det_hours_worked.hrw_comment%TYPE; --C421
36: g_ffv_rate_code_id NUMBER;
37: g_rate_multiple NUMBER;
38: g_hourly_rate NUMBER;
39: g_amount NUMBER;

Line 40: g_fcl_tax_rule_code hxt_det_hours_worked.fcl_tax_rule_code%TYPE;

36: g_ffv_rate_code_id NUMBER;
37: g_rate_multiple NUMBER;
38: g_hourly_rate NUMBER;
39: g_amount NUMBER;
40: g_fcl_tax_rule_code hxt_det_hours_worked.fcl_tax_rule_code%TYPE;
41: --C421
42: g_separate_check_flag hxt_det_hours_worked.separate_check_flag%TYPE;
43: --C421
44: g_seqno NUMBER;

Line 42: g_separate_check_flag hxt_det_hours_worked.separate_check_flag%TYPE;

38: g_hourly_rate NUMBER;
39: g_amount NUMBER;
40: g_fcl_tax_rule_code hxt_det_hours_worked.fcl_tax_rule_code%TYPE;
41: --C421
42: g_separate_check_flag hxt_det_hours_worked.separate_check_flag%TYPE;
43: --C421
44: g_seqno NUMBER;
45: g_created_by NUMBER;
46: g_creation_date DATE;

Line 65: g_state_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.state_name%TYPE;

61: --g_group_id NUMBER; -- HXT11i1
62: l_time_in DATE; -- SIR132
63: l_time_out DATE; -- SIR132
64: g_call_adjust_abs VARCHAR2 (1);
65: g_state_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.state_name%TYPE;
66: g_county_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.county_name%TYPE;
67: g_city_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.city_name%TYPE;
68: g_zip_code hxt_det_hours_worked_f.zip_code%TYPE;

Line 66: g_county_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.county_name%TYPE;

62: l_time_in DATE; -- SIR132
63: l_time_out DATE; -- SIR132
64: g_call_adjust_abs VARCHAR2 (1);
65: g_state_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.state_name%TYPE;
66: g_county_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.county_name%TYPE;
67: g_city_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.city_name%TYPE;
68: g_zip_code hxt_det_hours_worked_f.zip_code%TYPE;
70: CURSOR check_abs_elem

Line 67: g_city_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.city_name%TYPE;

63: l_time_out DATE; -- SIR132
64: g_call_adjust_abs VARCHAR2 (1);
65: g_state_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.state_name%TYPE;
66: g_county_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.county_name%TYPE;
67: g_city_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.city_name%TYPE;
68: g_zip_code hxt_det_hours_worked_f.zip_code%TYPE;
70: CURSOR check_abs_elem
71: IS

Line 68: g_zip_code hxt_det_hours_worked_f.zip_code%TYPE;

64: g_call_adjust_abs VARCHAR2 (1);
65: g_state_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.state_name%TYPE;
66: g_county_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.county_name%TYPE;
67: g_city_name hxt_det_hours_worked_f.city_name%TYPE;
68: g_zip_code hxt_det_hours_worked_f.zip_code%TYPE;
70: CURSOR check_abs_elem
71: IS
72: -- SELECT 'exist'

Line 99: -- or OVT row in the hxt_det_hours_worked_f table.

95: -- part of the cursor (sub select) looks for REG and OVT rows with higher
96: -- sequence numbers than the one passed in. This is an effort to sandwich
97: -- premiums between their related REG and OVT elements. Without this there is
98: -- no guarantee thata premium selected would be associated with any given REG
99: -- or OVT row in the hxt_det_hours_worked_f table.
100: CURSOR related_prem (
101: a_parent_id NUMBER,
102: a_tim_id NUMBER,
103: a_seqno NUMBER,

Line 112: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

108: hrw.time_out prem_time_out, hrw.hours prem_hours,
109: elt.element_name
110: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
111: pay_element_types_f elt,
112: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
113: WHERE hrw.tim_id = a_tim_id
114: AND hrw.parent_id = a_parent_id
115: AND hrw.seqno > a_seqno
116: -- The sub select below tries to keep this cursor bound to premiums

Line 126: hxt_det_hours_worked det

122: (hrw.seqno <
123: (SELECT MIN (det.seqno)
124: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv2,
125: pay_element_types_f elt2,
126: hxt_det_hours_worked det
127: WHERE det.tim_id = a_tim_id
128: AND det.parent_id = a_parent_id
129: AND det.seqno > a_seqno
130: AND det.element_type_id = elt2.element_type_id

Line 145: hxt_det_hours_worked det

141: (NOT EXISTS (
142: SELECT det.seqno
143: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv2,
144: pay_element_types_f elt2,
145: hxt_det_hours_worked det
146: WHERE det.tim_id = a_tim_id
147: AND det.parent_id = a_parent_id
148: AND det.seqno > a_seqno
149: AND det.element_type_id = elt2.element_type_id

Line 169: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

165: AND eltv.effective_end_date;
167: -- Function and Procedure declarations
168: FUNCTION contig_hours_worked (
169: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
170: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
171: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
172: )
173: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

Line 171: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE

167: -- Function and Procedure declarations
168: FUNCTION contig_hours_worked (
169: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
170: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
171: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
172: )
173: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
175: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (

Line 173: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

169: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
170: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
171: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
172: )
173: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
175: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
177: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,

Line 176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

172: )
173: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
175: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
177: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
178: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
179: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
180: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE

Line 178: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,

175: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
177: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
178: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
179: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
180: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
181: );

Line 179: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,

175: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
177: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
178: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
179: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
180: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
181: );
183: FUNCTION delete_zero_hour_details (

Line 180: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE

176: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
177: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
178: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
179: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
180: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
181: );
183: FUNCTION delete_zero_hour_details (
184: a_tim_id NUMBER,

Line 196: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE

194: FUNCTION holiday_rule_found (
195: p_ep_id IN hxt_earning_policies.ID%TYPE,
196: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE
197: )
199: IS
200: l_holiday_rule_found BOOLEAN;

Line 743: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

739: pay_element_types_f elt,
740: hxt_earning_policies egp,
741: hxt_per_aei_ddf_v asmv,
742: per_assignments_f asm,
743: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
744: hxt_timecards tim
745: WHERE hrw.parent_id > 0
746: AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (g_date_worked - 7,
747: start_day_of_week

Line 812: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

808: hxt_earn_groups erg,
809: hxt_earning_policies egp,
810: hxt_per_aei_ddf_v asmv,
811: per_assignments_f asm,
812: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
813: hxt_timecards tim
814: WHERE hrw.parent_id > 0
815: AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (g_date_worked - 7,
816: start_day_of_week

Line 865: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

861: pay_element_types_f elt,
862: hxt_earning_policies egp,
863: hxt_per_aei_ddf_v asmv,
864: per_assignments_f asm,
865: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
866: hxt_timecards tim
867: WHERE hrw.parent_id > 0
868: AND hrw.date_worked = g_date_worked
869: AND asm.assignment_id = hrw.assignment_id

Line 941: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421

937: SELECT hrw.ROWID hrw_rowid, hrw.hours
938: -- FROM pay_element_types_f_dfv eltv,
939: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
940: pay_element_types_f elt,
941: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421
942: hxt_timecards tim
943: WHERE hrw.date_worked = g_date_worked
944: AND tim_id = g_tim_id
945: AND tim.ID = hrw.tim_id

Line 991: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f

987: END IF;
989: CLOSE overtime_cur;
991: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
992: SET hours = l_hours_to_adjust - l_delta
993: WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
995: OPEN daily_earn_rules_cur2 (g_ep_id);

Line 1094: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

1090: pay_element_types_f elt,
1091: hxt_earning_policies egp,
1092: hxt_per_aei_ddf_v asmv,
1093: per_assignments_f asm,
1094: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
1095: hxt_timecards tim
1096: WHERE hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (g_date_worked - 7,
1097: start_day_of_week
1098: )

Line 1291: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

1287: SELECT dhw.ROWID dhw_rowid, dhw.parent_id, dhw.tim_id,
1288: dhw.hours, dhw.time_in, dhw.time_out, dhw.seqno
1289: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
1290: pay_element_types_f elt,
1291: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
1292: WHERE dhw.tim_id = g_tim_id
1293: AND dhw.date_worked = g_date_worked
1294: AND dhw.hours > c_hours_short
1295: AND elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id

Line 1369: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

1365: THEN
1366: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 40);
1367: END IF;
1369: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
1370: SET hours = l_hours_to_adjust,
1371: time_out = time_out - (p_hours_short / 24)
1372: WHERE ROWID = l_prem.prem_row_id;
1373: END LOOP;

Line 1380: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

1376: THEN
1377: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 50);
1378: END IF;
1380: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
1381: SET hours = l_hours_to_adjust,
1382: time_out = time_out - (p_hours_short / 24)
1383: WHERE ROWID = current_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;

Line 1419: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked det

1416: -- det.group_id,
1417: det.earn_pol_id, det.state_name, det.county_name,
1418: det.city_name, det.zip_code
1419: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked det
1420: WHERE det.element_type_id = c_ovt_element --SIR 397
1421: AND det.date_worked <= c_date_worked
1422: AND det.tim_id = c_tim_id
1423: AND det.hours <> 0

Line 1446: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

1442: c_second_elem NUMBER
1443: )
1444: IS
1445: SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
1446: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
1447: WHERE hrw.date_worked <= c_date_worked
1448: AND hrw.tim_id = c_tim_id
1449: AND hrw.element_type_id = c_second_elem;

Line 1607: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f

1604: --
1605: IF (l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours > l_hours_left)
1606: THEN
1607: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
1608: SET hours = (hours - l_hours_left),
1609: time_out =
1610: time_in
1611: + ((l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours - l_hours_left) / 24)

Line 1614: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f

1610: time_in
1611: + ((l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours - l_hours_left) / 24)
1612: WHERE ROWID = l_ovt_hrs_cur.det_rowid;
1613: ELSE
1614: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
1615: --SIR382 SET hours = (hours - l_hours_left),
1616: --SIR382 time_out = time_in + (l_hours_left/24)
1617: SET hours = 0,
1618: time_out = time_in

Line 1631: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f

1627: )
1628: LOOP
1629: IF (l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours > l_hours_left)
1630: THEN
1631: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
1632: SET hours = (hours - l_hours_left),
1633: time_out =
1634: time_in
1635: + ((l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours - l_hours_left) / 24

Line 1639: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f

1635: + ((l_ovt_hrs_cur.hours - l_hours_left) / 24
1636: )
1637: WHERE ROWID = l_prem.prem_row_id;
1638: ELSE
1639: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
1640: SET hours = 0,
1641: time_out = time_in
1642: WHERE ROWID = l_prem.prem_row_id;
1643: END IF;

Line 1878: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

1874: )
1875: LOOP
1876: IF l_prem.element_name = l_sdp_rule.element_name
1877: THEN
1878: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
1879: SET hours = l_prem.prem_hours - deduct_premium,
1880: time_out =
1881: time_in
1882: + ((l_prem.prem_hours - deduct_premium) / 24

Line 1899: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

1895: )
1896: LOOP
1897: IF l_prem.element_name = l_sdp_rule.element_name
1898: THEN
1899: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
1900: WHERE ROWID = l_prem.prem_row_id;
1901: END IF;
1903: prem_adjusted := TRUE;

Line 1922: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

1918: SELECT dhw.ROWID dhw_rowid, dhw.parent_id, dhw.tim_id,
1919: dhw.hours, dhw.time_in, dhw.time_out, dhw.seqno
1920: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
1921: pay_element_types_f elt,
1922: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
1923: WHERE dhw.tim_id = g_tim_id
1924: AND dhw.date_worked = g_date_worked
1925: AND elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
1926: AND dhw.date_worked BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date

Line 1944: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

1940: SELECT dhw.ROWID dhw_rowid, dhw.parent_id, dhw.tim_id,
1941: dhw.hours, dhw.time_in, dhw.time_out, dhw.seqno
1942: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
1943: pay_element_types_f elt,
1944: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
1945: WHERE dhw.tim_id = g_tim_id
1946: AND dhw.parent_id = g_id
1947: AND dhw.date_worked = g_date_worked
1948: AND elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id

Line 1969: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

1965: SELECT dhw.ROWID dhw_rowid, dhw.parent_id, dhw.tim_id,
1966: dhw.hours, dhw.time_in, dhw.time_out, dhw.seqno
1967: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
1968: pay_element_types_f elt,
1969: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
1970: WHERE dhw.parent_id = g_id
1971: AND dhw.element_type_id = elt.element_type_id
1972: AND dhw.date_worked BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date
1973: AND elt.effective_end_date

Line 1992: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,

1988: IS
1989: SELECT NVL (SUM (dhw.hours), 0) det_hours
1990: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
1991: pay_element_types_f elt,
1992: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,
1993: hxt_sum_hours_worked shw
1994: WHERE shw.ID = g_id
1995: AND shw.ID = dhw.parent_id
1996: AND shw.element_type_id IS NULL

Line 2013: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,

2009: IS
2010: SELECT NVL (SUM (dhw.hours), 0) det_hours
2011: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
2012: pay_element_types_f elt,
2013: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,
2014: hxt_sum_hours_worked shw
2015: WHERE shw.ID = g_id
2016: AND shw.ID = dhw.parent_id
2017: AND shw.element_type_id IS NULL

Line 2042: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,

2038: IS
2039: SELECT NVL (SUM (dhw.hours), 0) det_hours
2040: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
2041: pay_element_types_f elt,
2042: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,
2043: hxt_sum_hours_worked shw
2044: WHERE shw.ID = g_id
2045: AND shw.ID = dhw.parent_id
2046: AND shw.element_type_id IS NULL

Line 2063: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,

2059: IS
2060: SELECT NVL (SUM (dhw.hours), 0) det_hours
2061: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
2062: pay_element_types_f elt,
2063: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,
2064: hxt_sum_hours_worked shw --<-- New Table
2065: WHERE elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
2066: AND shw.ID = dhw.parent_id --<-- New Join
2067: AND shw.element_type_id IS NULL

Line 2086: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

2082: COUNT(*) sum_count /*** 4969936 ***/
2083: FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked shw
2084: WHERE tim_id = g_tim_id AND shw.date_worked = g_date_worked
2085: AND not exists ( SELECT 'X' /* Bug: 4489952 */
2086: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
2087: WHERE hei.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
2088: AND nvl(hei.exclude_from_explosion, 'N') = 'Y'
2089: AND dhw.parent_id = shw.id
2090: AND g_date_worked BETWEEN hei.effective_start_date

Line 2099: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

2095: SELECT hours, time_in, time_out
2096: FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked shw
2097: WHERE ID = g_id
2098: AND not exists ( SELECT 'X' /* Bug: 4489952 */
2099: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
2100: WHERE hei.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
2101: AND nvl(hei.exclude_from_explosion, 'N') = 'Y'
2102: AND dhw.parent_id = shw.id
2103: AND g_date_worked BETWEEN hei.effective_start_date

Line 2121: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw

2117: AND shw.time_in <> shw.time_out
2118: )
2119: )
2120: AND not exists ( SELECT 'X' /* Bug: 4489952 */
2121: FROM hxt_add_elem_info_f hei, hxt_det_hours_worked dhw
2122: WHERE hei.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
2123: AND nvl(hei.exclude_from_explosion, 'N') = 'Y'
2124: AND dhw.parent_id = shw.id
2125: AND g_date_worked BETWEEN hei.effective_start_date

Line 2651: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

2647: );
2648: hr_utility.TRACE ('deduct_hours:' || deduct_hours);
2649: END IF;
2651: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
2652: SET hours = osp_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours,
2653: time_out =
2654: time_in
2655: + ((osp_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours) / 24

Line 2683: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

2679: hr_utility.TRACE ('oth_prem_dtl.hours:' || oth_dtl_row.hours);
2680: hr_utility.TRACE ('deduct_hours:' || deduct_hours);
2681: END IF;
2683: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
2684: SET hours = oth_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours,
2685: time_out = time_in
2686: + ((oth_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours) / 24)
2687: WHERE ROWID = oth_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;

Line 2692: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

2689: END LOOP;
2690: END IF;
2692: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
2693: WHERE ROWID = current_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;
2695: IF g_debug
2696: THEN

Line 2774: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

2770: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 200);
2771: hr_utility.TRACE ('deduct_hours :' || deduct_hours);
2772: END IF;
2774: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
2775: SET hours = osp_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours,
2776: time_out =
2777: time_in
2778: + ((osp_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours) / 24

Line 2784: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

2780: WHERE ROWID = osp_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;
2782: SELECT hours
2783: INTO test_hours
2784: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
2785: WHERE ROWID = osp_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;
2787: IF g_debug
2788: THEN

Line 2817: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

2813: hr_utility.TRACE ('oth_prem_dtl.hours:' || oth_dtl_row.hours);
2814: hr_utility.TRACE ('deduct_hours:' || deduct_hours);
2815: END IF;
2817: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
2818: SET hours = oth_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours,
2819: time_out = time_in
2820: + ((oth_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours) / 24)
2821: WHERE ROWID = oth_dtl_row.dhw_rowid;

Line 2831: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

2827: THEN
2828: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 210);
2829: END IF;
2831: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
2832: SET hours = current_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours,
2833: time_out =
2834: time_in
2835: + ((current_dtl_row.hours - deduct_hours) / 24)

Line 2875: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,

2871: IS
2872: SELECT NVL (SUM (dhw.hours), 0) det_hours
2873: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
2874: pay_element_types_f elt,
2875: hxt_det_hours_worked dhw,
2876: hxt_sum_hours_worked shw --<-- New Table
2877: WHERE elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
2878: AND shw.ID = dhw.parent_id --<-- New Join
2879: AND shw.element_type_id IS NULL

Line 3322: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked det, hxt_timecards tim

3319: CURSOR chk_det_for_wrkd_elements (a_date_start DATE)
3320: IS
3321: SELECT det.element_type_id
3322: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked det, hxt_timecards tim
3323: WHERE det.tim_id = tim.ID
3324: AND tim.for_person_id = g_person_id
3325: AND det.hours > 0
3326: AND det.date_worked = a_date_start;

Line 3622: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

3618: hrw.city_name, hrw.zip_code
3619: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
3620: pay_element_types_f elt,
3621: hxt_sum_hours_worked shr,
3622: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
3623: WHERE hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (a_date_worked - 7,
3624: start_day_of_week
3625: )
3626: AND a_date_worked

Line 3642: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

3639: CURSOR clear_reg_detail_rec (c_parent_id NUMBER)
3640: IS
3641: SELECT hrw.ROWID
3642: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
3643: pay_element_types_f elt,
3644: hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv
3645: WHERE hrw.parent_id = c_parent_id
3646: AND hrw.element_type_id = elt.element_type_id

Line 3669: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

3665: hrw.last_update_date, hrw.last_update_login,
3666: hrw.effective_start_date, hrw.effective_end_date,
3667: hrw.job_id, hrw.state_name, hrw.county_name, hrw.city_name,
3668: hrw.zip_code
3669: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
3670: hxt_sum_hours_worked shr,
3671: pay_element_types_f elt,
3672: hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv
3673: WHERE hrw.parent_id = c_parent_id

Line 3695: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

3691: l_abs_count NUMBER;
3692: l_reg_hrs_cur reg_hrs_cur%ROWTYPE;
3693: l_re_explode_details re_explode_details%ROWTYPE;
3694: l_update_rowid ROWID;
3695: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
3696: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
3697: l_hours NUMBER;
3698: l_hours_left NUMBER;
3699: l_work_plan NUMBER;

Line 3696: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

3692: l_reg_hrs_cur reg_hrs_cur%ROWTYPE;
3693: l_re_explode_details re_explode_details%ROWTYPE;
3694: l_update_rowid ROWID;
3695: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
3696: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
3697: l_hours NUMBER;
3698: l_hours_left NUMBER;
3699: l_work_plan NUMBER;
3700: l_rotation_plan NUMBER;

Line 4097: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

4093: INTO l_del_rowid;
4095: CLOSE clear_reg_detail_rec;
4097: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
4098: WHERE ROWID = l_del_rowid;
4100: IF g_debug
4101: THEN

Line 4607: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

4603: hr_utility.TRACE ('parent_id:' || l_reg_hrs_cur.parent_id);
4604: END IF;
4606: -- Clear all the detail records for l_reg_hrs_cur.parent_id
4607: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
4608: WHERE parent_id = g_parent_to_re_explode (j).parent_id;
4610: IF g_debug
4611: THEN

Line 5057: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

5053: /*
5054: CURSOR get_wkl_tot_incl_hrs_2day
5055: IS
5056: SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
5057: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
5058: hxt_timecards tim,
5059: hxt_earn_groups erg,
5060: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
5061: hxt_earning_policies erp,

Line 5097: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

5093: -- irrespective of the sequence in which the rows for a day were entered.
5094: CURSOR get_wkl_tot_incl_hrs_2day
5095: IS
5096: SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
5097: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
5098: hxt_timecards tim,
5099: hxt_earn_groups erg,
5100: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
5101: hxt_earning_policies erp,

Line 6447: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

6443: IS
6444: SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
6445: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
6446: pay_element_types_f elt2,
6447: hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
6448: hxt_timecards tim,
6449: hxt_earn_groups erg,
6450: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
6451: hxt_earning_policies erp

Line 11941: -- table hxt_det_hours_worked. PWM 06-MAR-00

11937: -- that have zero hours and time_in is equal to time_out. These rows have
11938: -- caused endless looping in the get_contig_hours function. The cursor in
11939: -- get_contig_hours has been altered to exclude rows where time_in =
11940: -- time_out and delete_zero_hour_details removes these invalid rows from
11941: -- table hxt_det_hours_worked. PWM 06-MAR-00
11942: ERROR_CODE :=
11943: (delete_zero_hour_details (g_tim_id, g_ep_id, g_osp_id,
11944: g_date_worked)
11945: );

Line 12028: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

12024: so it was re-written. PWM 03-MAR-00 */
12025: CURSOR zero_hrs_cur (c_tim_id NUMBER, c_date_worked DATE)
12026: IS
12027: SELECT hrw.ROWID hrw_rowid
12028: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
12029: WHERE hrw.date_worked <= c_date_worked
12030: AND hrw.tim_id = c_tim_id
12031: AND ( (
12032: -- To take care of errorneous records created after the records

Line 12071: hxt_det_hours_worked_f dhw

12067: eltv.hxt_premium_amount, eltv.hxt_earning_category,
12068: dhw.element_type_id
12069: FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
12070: pay_element_types_f elt,
12071: hxt_det_hours_worked_f dhw
12072: WHERE dhw.tim_id = c_tim_id
12073: AND dhw.date_worked = c_date_worked
12074: AND elt.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
12075: AND dhw.date_worked BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date

Line 12086: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdw

12082: AND eltv.hxt_premium_type = 'FIXED'
12083: AND dhw.ID >
12084: (SELECT /*+ NO_UNNEST */
12085: MIN (hdw.ID)
12086: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdw
12087: WHERE hdw.tim_id = dhw.tim_id
12088: AND hdw.date_worked = c_date_worked
12089: AND hdw.element_type_id = dhw.element_type_id
12090: AND SYSDATE BETWEEN hdw.effective_start_date and hdw.effective_end_date)

Line 12116: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

12112: 20
12113: );
12114: END IF;
12116: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
12117: WHERE ROWID = zero_rec.hrw_rowid;
12118: END LOOP;
12120: FOR dup_flat_amt_rec IN duplicate_flat_dy_prems (a_tim_id,

Line 12135: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

12131: 30
12132: );
12133: END IF;
12135: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
12136: WHERE ROWID = dup_flat_amt_rec.dhw_rowid;
12137: END LOOP;
12139: IF g_debug

Line 12174: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

12170: detail block ,for a summary record */
12171: CURSOR c_distinct_elements (a_parent_id NUMBER)
12172: IS
12173: SELECT DISTINCT element_type_id
12174: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
12175: WHERE hrw.parent_id = a_parent_id;
12177: /* This cursor brings back all the detail records for an element */
12178: CURSOR c_detail_chunks (a_parent_id NUMBER, a_element_type_id NUMBER)

Line 12183: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw

12179: IS
12180: SELECT hrw.ROWID hrw_rowid, hrw.time_in, hrw.time_out, hrw.hours,
12181: hrw.amount, hrw.hourly_rate, hrw.rate_multiple,
12182: hrw.prev_wage_code
12183: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw
12184: WHERE hrw.parent_id = a_parent_id
12185: AND hrw.element_type_id = a_element_type_id
12186: ORDER BY time_in, time_out;

Line 12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;

12186: ORDER BY time_in, time_out;
12188: l_error_code NUMBER := 0;
12189: LOCATION VARCHAR2 (120) := g_location || ':DDTL';
12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

Line 12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;

12188: l_error_code NUMBER := 0;
12189: LOCATION VARCHAR2 (120) := g_location || ':DDTL';
12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

Line 12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;

12188: l_error_code NUMBER := 0;
12189: LOCATION VARCHAR2 (120) := g_location || ':DDTL';
12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

Line 12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

12189: LOCATION VARCHAR2 (120) := g_location || ':DDTL';
12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;

Line 12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

12190: row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;

Line 12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

12191: row_id1 VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;

Line 12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

12192: ln_row_id VARCHAR2 (50); --hxt_det_hours_worked.rowid%TYPE;
12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;

Line 12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;

12193: start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

Line 12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;

12194: end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

Line 12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;

12195: hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

Line 12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;

12196: ln_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;

Line 12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

12197: ln_amount hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;

Line 12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

12198: ln_hourly_rate hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;

Line 12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

12199: ln_rate_multiple hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;

Line 12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;

12200: lv_prev_wage_code hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

Line 12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;

12201: start_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

Line 12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;

12202: end_time1 hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

Line 12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;

12203: hours1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12211: l_proc VARCHAR2 (250);

Line 12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;

12204: ln_amount1 hxt_det_hours_worked.amount%TYPE;
12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12211: l_proc VARCHAR2 (250);
12212: BEGIN

Line 12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;

12205: ln_hourly_rate1 hxt_det_hours_worked.hourly_rate%TYPE;
12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12211: l_proc VARCHAR2 (250);
12212: BEGIN
12213: IF g_debug

Line 12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;

12206: ln_rate_multiple1 hxt_det_hours_worked.rate_multiple%TYPE;
12207: lv_prev_wage_code1 hxt_det_hours_worked.prev_wage_code%TYPE;
12208: ln_start_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE;
12209: ln_end_time hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE;
12210: ln_hours_worked hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE;
12211: l_proc VARCHAR2 (250);
12212: BEGIN
12213: IF g_debug
12214: THEN

Line 12388: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

12384: hr_utility.TRACE ('ln_hours :' || ln_hours);
12385: hr_utility.TRACE ('row_id1 :' || row_id1);
12386: END IF;
12388: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
12389: WHERE ROWID = row_id1;
12391: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
12392: SET hours = ln_hours

Line 12391: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

12388: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
12389: WHERE ROWID = row_id1;
12391: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
12392: SET hours = ln_hours
12393: WHERE ROWID = ln_row_id;
12394: END IF;

Line 12434: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked

12430: );
12431: hr_utility.TRACE ('row_id1 :' || row_id1);
12432: END IF;
12434: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
12435: WHERE ROWID = row_id1;
12437: IF g_debug
12438: THEN

Line 12478: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked

12474: THEN
12475: hr_utility.TRACE ('ln_row_id :' || ln_row_id);
12476: END IF;
12478: UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked
12479: SET time_out = ln_end_time,
12480: hours = ln_hours_worked
12481: WHERE ROWID = ln_row_id;
12482: ELSE

Line 12705: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f

12701: IF a_hours_to_pay = 0 and (a_amount is null or a_amount = 0) /* Bug: 5744162 */
12702: THEN
12703: SELECT count(*)
12704: INTO l_det_count
12705: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
12706: WHERE date_worked = a_date_worked
12707: AND assignment_id = a_assignment_id;
12709: IF l_det_count = 0 THEN

Line 13134: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

13131: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13132: --BEGIN HXT11i1
13133: FUNCTION contig_hours_worked (
13134: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13135: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13136: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13137: )
13138: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE

Line 13136: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE

13132: --BEGIN HXT11i1
13133: FUNCTION contig_hours_worked (
13134: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13135: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13136: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13137: )
13138: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13139: IS
13140: /* Local Variable Declaration */

Line 13138: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE

13134: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13135: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13136: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13137: )
13138: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13139: IS
13140: /* Local Variable Declaration */
13141: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;

Line 13141: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;

13137: )
13138: RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13139: IS
13140: /* Local Variable Declaration */
13141: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;
13143: /*Cursor Declaration */
13144: CURSOR csr_work_hrs (
13145: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

Line 13145: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

13141: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;
13143: /*Cursor Declaration */
13144: CURSOR csr_work_hrs (
13145: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13146: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13147: )
13148: IS
13149: SELECT hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id, eltv.hxt_earning_category

Line 13146: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE

13143: /*Cursor Declaration */
13144: CURSOR csr_work_hrs (
13145: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13146: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13147: )
13148: IS
13149: SELECT hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id, eltv.hxt_earning_category
13150: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

Line 13150: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,

13146: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13147: )
13148: IS
13149: SELECT hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id, eltv.hxt_earning_category
13150: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
13151: hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
13152: pay_element_types_f elt
13153: WHERE elt.element_type_id = hrw.element_type_id
13154: AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date

Line 13229: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

13225: --
13226: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13227: --
13228: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
13229: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13230: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE

Line 13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,

13227: --
13228: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
13229: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13230: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
13234: )
13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE

Line 13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,

13228: PROCEDURE overtime_hoursoverride (
13229: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13230: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
13234: )
13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13236: IS

Line 13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE

13229: p_date_worked IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13230: p_egt_id IN hxt_earn_groups.egt_id%TYPE,
13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
13234: )
13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13236: IS
13237: /* Local Variable Declaration */

Line 13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE

13231: p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
13232: p_override_hrs OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.hours%TYPE,
13233: p_override_element OUT NOCOPY hxt_det_hours_worked_f.element_type_id%TYPE
13234: )
13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13236: IS
13237: /* Local Variable Declaration */
13238: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;
13239: l_element_type_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;

Line 13238: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;

13234: )
13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13236: IS
13237: /* Local Variable Declaration */
13238: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;
13239: l_element_type_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
13241: /*Cursor Declaration */
13242: CURSOR csr_override_hrs (

Line 13239: l_element_type_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;

13235: -- RETURN hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE
13236: IS
13237: /* Local Variable Declaration */
13238: l_worked_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE := 0;
13239: l_element_type_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
13241: /*Cursor Declaration */
13242: CURSOR csr_override_hrs (
13243: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

Line 13243: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,

13239: l_element_type_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
13241: /*Cursor Declaration */
13242: CURSOR csr_override_hrs (
13243: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13244: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13245: )
13246: IS
13247: SELECT hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id, eltv.hxt_earning_category

Line 13244: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE

13241: /*Cursor Declaration */
13242: CURSOR csr_override_hrs (
13243: p_date_worked hxt_det_hours_worked_f.date_worked%TYPE,
13244: p_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE
13245: )
13246: IS
13247: SELECT hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id, eltv.hxt_earning_category
13248: FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked hrw,