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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_010 dependencies on IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_CAT

Line 542: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc

539: -- get the currently active unit set for the person course attempt
540: CURSOR c_active_us IS
541: SELECT susa.*
542: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc
543: WHERE susa.person_id = p_person_id AND
544: susa.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
545: susa.selection_dt IS NOT NULL AND
546: susa.end_dt IS NULL AND

Line 581: FROM igs_ps_ofr_opt_unit_set_v coou , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc

577: -- Modified the cursor to select always the Unit Set with mapping sequence number of '1'
578: -- not the first unit set in mapping by ayedubat as part of the bug fix:2348709
579: CURSOR c_first_us IS
580: SELECT coou.unit_set_cd, coou.us_version_number
581: FROM igs_ps_ofr_opt_unit_set_v coou , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc
582: WHERE coou.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
583: coou.crv_version_number = v_acaiv_rec.crv_version_number AND
584: coou.cal_type = v_acaiv_rec.acad_cal_type AND
585: coou.location_cd = v_acaiv_rec.location_cd AND

Line 665: FROM igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc

661: BEGIN
663: CURSOR c_us_cat IS
664: SELECT 'X'
665: FROM igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc
666: WHERE us.unit_set_cd = cp_unit_set_cd AND
667: us.unit_set_cat = usc.unit_set_cat AND
668: usc.s_unit_set_cat = 'PRENRL_YR' ;
669: l_us_cat c_us_cat%ROWTYPE ;

Line 2130: -- This cursor got modified to to include one more table IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_CAT

2126: susa.us_version_number = v_acaiv_rec.us_version_number AND
2127: susa.end_dt IS NULL;
2129: -- Bug#2347141
2130: -- This cursor got modified to to include one more table IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_CAT
2131: -- in the from clause to check the System Category.
2132: CURSOR c_us (cp_unit_set_cd IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.unit_set_cd%TYPE,
2133: cp_version_number IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.version_number%TYPE) IS
2134: SELECT us.authorisation_rqrd_ind,

Line 2137: IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_CAT usc

2133: cp_version_number IGS_EN_UNIT_SET.version_number%TYPE) IS
2134: SELECT us.authorisation_rqrd_ind,
2135: usc.s_unit_set_cat
2138: WHERE us.unit_set_cd = cp_unit_set_cd AND
2139: us.version_number = cp_version_number AND
2140: usc.unit_set_cat = us.unit_set_cat;

Line 4263: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc

4260: -- get the currently active unit set for the person course attempt
4261: CURSOR c_active_us IS
4262: SELECT susa.*
4263: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc
4264: WHERE susa.person_id = p_person_id AND
4265: susa.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
4266: susa.selection_dt IS NOT NULL AND
4267: susa.end_dt IS NULL AND

Line 4302: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc

4298: -- find the last active unit set for the person program
4299: CURSOR c_last_us IS
4300: SELECT susa.unit_set_cd, susa.us_version_number ,susa.sequence_number ,susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt
4301: , susa.selection_dt
4302: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa , igs_en_unit_set us , igs_en_unit_set_cat usc
4303: WHERE susa.person_id = p_person_id AND
4304: susa.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
4305: susa.rqrmnts_complete_dt IS NOT NULL AND
4306: susa.unit_set_cd = us.unit_set_cd AND