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1 PACKAGE BODY igf_sp_assign_pub AS
2 /* $Header: IGFSP05B.pls 120.1 2006/05/15 06:27:00 svuppala noship $ */
4 /****************************************************************************
5 Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
6 Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
7 Purpose:            Public API for creating Sponsor-Student relation ship
8 Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
10 Change History
11 Who         When           What
12 svuppala    12-May-2006     Bug 5217319 Added call to format amount by rounding off to currency precision
13                            in the igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row call in create_stdnt_spnsr_rel procedure.
14 vvutukur    20-Jul-2003    Enh#3038511.FICR106 Build. Modified procedure create_stdnt_spnsr_rel.
15 pathipat    24-Apr-2003    Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
16                            Modified create_stdnt_spnsr_rel() - added call to chk_manage_account()
17 ******************************************************************************/
20   g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Igf_Sp_Assign_Pub';
21   g_c_temp VARCHAR2(1);
23   FUNCTION validate_prsn(p_n_person_id IN hz_parties.party_ID%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN
24   AS
25   /****************************************************************************
26   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
27   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
28   Purpose:            Local Function to validate if the person exists in the system
29   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
31   Change History
33   Who         When           What
34   ******************************************************************************/
35     CURSOR c_check_valid_person (cp_n_person_id igs_pe_person_base_v.person_id%TYPE)
36     IS
37     SELECT 'x'
38     FROM igs_pe_person_base_v
39     WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id;
40   BEGIN
41     OPEN c_check_valid_person(p_n_person_id);
42     FETCH c_check_valid_person INTO g_c_temp;
43     IF c_check_valid_person%FOUND THEN
44       CLOSE c_check_valid_person;
45       RETURN TRUE;
46     ELSE
47       CLOSE c_check_valid_person;
48       RETURN FALSE;
49     END IF;
50   END validate_prsn;
52   PROCEDURE validate_api_prsn_id(p_c_sys_prsn_id_typ IN igs_pe_person_id_typ.s_person_id_type%TYPE,
53                                  p_c_usr_alt_prsn_id_typ IN igs_pe_person_id_typ.person_id_type%TYPE,
54                                  p_c_api_prsn_id IN igs_pe_alt_pers_id.api_person_id%TYPE,
55                                  p_b_ret_status OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
56                                  p_n_person_id OUT NOCOPY hz_parties.party_id%TYPE)
57   AS
58   /****************************************************************************
59   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
60   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
61   Purpose:            Local procedure for identifying a unique person depending on the
62                       the alternate person details provided to this API
63   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
65   Change History
66   Who         When           What
67   ******************************************************************************/
69     CURSOR cur_get_person_id(cp_c_sys_prsn_id_typ igs_pe_person_id_typ.s_person_id_type%TYPE,
70                              cp_c_usr_alt_prs_id_type igs_pe_person_id_typ.person_id_type%TYPE,
71                              cp_c_api_person_id igs_pe_alt_pers_id.api_person_id%TYPE)
72     IS
73     SELECT api.pe_person_id
74     FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ pit,
75          igs_pe_alt_pers_id api
76     WHERE api.person_id_type = pit.person_id_type AND
77           api.person_id_type = cp_c_usr_alt_prs_id_type AND
78           api.api_person_id = cp_c_api_person_id AND
79           pit.s_person_id_type = cp_c_sys_prsn_id_typ AND
80           SYSDATE BETWEEN api.start_dt AND NVL(api.end_dt, SYSDATE);
82     l_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
83   BEGIN
84     -- check if for the combination of Alternate-Person Id Type, API Person ID if there exists a unique person
85     -- when no person is identified or when there are more than one person identified from above cursor then
86     -- set the return status OUT variable to FALSE and return.
87     OPEN cur_get_person_id (p_c_sys_prsn_id_typ,p_c_usr_alt_prsn_id_typ,p_c_api_prsn_id);
88     FETCH cur_get_person_id INTO l_n_person_id;
89     IF cur_get_person_id%NOTFOUND THEN
90       p_b_ret_status := FALSE;
91       p_n_person_id := NULL;
92     ELSE
93       -- Check if there are any duplicate persons with the same value
94       -- if the next fetch is successful then the Person Details are invalid.
95       FETCH cur_get_person_id INTO l_n_person_id;
96       IF cur_get_person_id%NOTFOUND THEN
97         p_b_ret_status := TRUE;
98         p_n_person_id := l_n_person_id;
99       ELSE
100         p_b_ret_status := FALSE;
101         p_n_person_id := NULL;
102       END IF;
103     END IF;
104     CLOSE cur_get_person_id;
105   END validate_api_prsn_id;
108   FUNCTION validate_spnsr_cd(p_c_sponsor_code IN igf_aw_fund_cat.fund_code%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN
109   AS
110   /****************************************************************************
111   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
112   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
113   Purpose:            Local Function for validating if the Sponsor Code is active in the system
114   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
116   Change History
117   Who         When           What
118   ******************************************************************************/
119     CURSOR c_check_valid_spnsr_cd(cp_c_fund_code igf_aw_fund_cat.fund_code%TYPE,
120                                   cp_c_sys_fund_type igf_aw_fund_cat.sys_fund_type%TYPE,
121                                   cp_c_status igf_aw_fund_cat.active%TYPE)
122     IS
123     SELECT 'x'
124     FROM igf_aw_fund_cat c,
125          igf_aw_fund_mast m
126     WHERE c.fund_code = m.fund_code AND
127           c.fund_code = cp_c_fund_code AND
128           c.sys_fund_type = cp_c_sys_fund_type AND
129           c.active = cp_c_status;
130   BEGIN
131     -- validate the sponsor code parameter is a valid
132     OPEN c_check_valid_spnsr_cd(p_c_sponsor_code,'SPONSOR','Y');
133     FETCH c_check_valid_spnsr_cd INTO g_c_temp;
134     IF c_check_valid_spnsr_cd%NOTFOUND THEN
135       CLOSE c_check_valid_spnsr_cd;
136       RETURN FALSE;
137     ELSE
138       CLOSE c_check_valid_spnsr_cd;
139       RETURN TRUE;
140     END IF;
141   END validate_spnsr_cd;
144   FUNCTION validate_award_cal_inst(p_c_awd_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
145                                    p_n_awd_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN
146   AS
147   /****************************************************************************
148   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
149   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
150   Purpose:            Local function for validating the Award Calendar Instance parameters
151   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
153   Change History
154   Who         When           What
155   ******************************************************************************/
157     CURSOR cur_check_ci_status(cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
158                                cp_n_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
159                                cp_c_cal_status igs_ca_stat.cal_status%TYPE)
160     IS
161     SELECT 'x'
162     FROM igs_ca_inst i,
163          igs_ca_stat s,
164          igf_ap_batch_aw_map b
165     WHERE i.cal_status = s.cal_status AND
166           i.cal_type = b.ci_cal_type AND
167           i.sequence_number = b.ci_sequence_number AND
168           i.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
169           i.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number AND
170           s.s_cal_status = cp_c_cal_status;
171   BEGIN
172     OPEN cur_check_ci_status(p_c_awd_ci_cal_type,p_n_awd_ci_sequence_number,'ACTIVE');
173     FETCH cur_check_ci_status INTO g_c_temp;
174     IF cur_check_ci_status%NOTFOUND THEN
175       CLOSE cur_check_ci_status;
176       RETURN FALSE;
177     ELSE
178       CLOSE cur_check_ci_status;
179       RETURN TRUE;
180     END IF;
181   END validate_award_cal_inst;
183   FUNCTION validate_load_cal_inst(p_c_ld_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
184                                   p_n_ld_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN
185   AS
186   /****************************************************************************
187   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
188   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
189   Purpose:            Local function for validating the Term Calendar Instance parameters
190   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
192   Change History
193   Who         When           What
194   ******************************************************************************/
195     CURSOR cur_check_ci_status (cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
196                                 cp_n_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
197                                 cp_c_cal_status igs_ca_stat.cal_status%TYPE,
198                                 cp_c_awd_cal_cat igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE,
199                                 cp_c_ld_cal_cat igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE)
200     IS
201     SELECT 'x'
202     FROM igs_ca_inst aw,
203          igs_ca_inst ld,
204          igs_ca_type ld_t,
205          igs_ca_type aw_t,
206          igs_ca_inst_rel rel,
207          igs_ca_stat status
208     WHERE rel.sup_cal_type=aw.cal_type AND
209           rel.sup_ci_sequence_number=aw.sequence_number AND
210           rel.sub_cal_type=ld.cal_type AND
211           rel.sub_ci_sequence_number=ld.sequence_number AND
212           aw.cal_type = aw_t.cal_type AND
213           aw_t.s_cal_cat= cp_c_awd_cal_cat AND
214           ld.cal_type = ld_t.cal_type AND
215           ld_t.s_cal_cat= cp_c_ld_cal_cat AND
216           ld.cal_status = status.cal_status AND
217           status.s_cal_status= cp_c_cal_status AND
218           ld.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
219           ld.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number;
221   BEGIN
222     OPEN cur_check_ci_status(p_c_ld_ci_cal_type,p_n_ld_ci_sequence_number,'ACTIVE','AWARD','LOAD');
223     FETCH cur_check_ci_status INTO g_c_temp;
224     IF cur_check_ci_status%NOTFOUND THEN
225       CLOSE cur_check_ci_status;
226       RETURN FALSE;
227     ELSE
228       CLOSE cur_check_ci_status;
229       RETURN TRUE;
230     END IF;
231   END validate_load_cal_inst;
233   PROCEDURE check_spnsr_awd_rel(p_c_fund_code IN igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_code%TYPE,
234                                 p_c_aw_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
235                                 p_n_aw_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
236                                 p_c_ld_cal_type IN igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
237                                 p_n_ld_sequence_number IN igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
238                                 p_b_return_status OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
239                                 p_n_fund_id OUT NOCOPY igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_id%TYPE)
240   AS
241   /****************************************************************************
242   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
243   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
244   Purpose:            Local procedure for checking if the Sponsor, Award Calendar and Load Calendar
245                       combination exists in the system.
246   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
248   Change History
249   Who         When           What
250   ******************************************************************************/
251     CURSOR c_check_spn_awd(cp_c_fund_code igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_code%TYPE,
252                            cp_c_fund_status igf_aw_fund_mast.discontinue_fund%TYPE,
253                            cp_c_aw_cal_type igf_aw_fund_mast.ci_cal_type%TYPE,
254                            cp_n_aw_sequence_number igf_aw_fund_mast.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
255                            cp_c_ld_cal_type igf_aw_fund_tp.tp_cal_type%TYPE,
256                            cp_n_ld_sequence_number igf_aw_fund_tp.tp_sequence_number%TYPE)
257     IS
258     SELECT m.fund_id
259     FROM igf_aw_fund_mast m,
260          igf_aw_fund_tp t
261     WHERE m.fund_id = t.fund_id AND
262           m.fund_code = cp_c_fund_code AND
263           m.ci_cal_type = cp_c_aw_cal_type AND
264           m.ci_sequence_number = cp_n_aw_sequence_number AND
265           m.discontinue_fund = cp_c_fund_status AND
266           t.tp_cal_type = cp_c_ld_cal_type AND
267           t.tp_sequence_number = cp_n_ld_sequence_number;
269     l_n_fund_id igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_id%TYPE;
270   BEGIN
271     -- Check if the Award Calendar Insatnce, Load Calendar Instance and the Sponsor Details are setup in the system
272     -- Return False when there is no relation and TRUE when there exists a relation
273     OPEN c_check_spn_awd(p_c_fund_code,'N',p_c_aw_cal_type,p_n_aw_sequence_number,p_c_ld_cal_type,p_n_ld_sequence_number);
274     FETCH c_check_spn_awd INTO l_n_fund_id;
275     IF c_check_spn_awd%NOTFOUND THEN
276        p_b_return_status := FALSE;
277        p_n_fund_id := NULL;
278     ELSE
279        p_b_return_status := TRUE;
280        p_n_fund_id := l_n_fund_id;
281     END IF;
282     CLOSE c_check_spn_awd;
283   END check_spnsr_awd_rel;
285   PROCEDURE check_create_fa_rec(p_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
286                                 p_c_awd_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
287                                 p_n_awd_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
288                                 p_b_ret_status OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
289                                 p_n_base_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)
290   AS
291   /****************************************************************************
292   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
293   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
294   Purpose:            Local procedure for checking if there exists FA Base record for the
295                       Award Calendar Instance, Person combination. If a there is no record
296                       then a new FA base record is created by invoking existing function
297   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
299   Change History
300   Who         When           What
301   ******************************************************************************/
302     l_b_ret_status BOOLEAN := FALSE;
303     l_n_base_id igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all.base_id%TYPE;
304     l_c_message_text fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
306   BEGIN
307     -- Check if FA base record is already existing, if yes then assign the Base ID to the OUT variable and return
308     -- from this procedure. when a FA base record is not found then create using the existing function
309     -- If the function returns FALSE without value for base_id then assign NULL to the base_id OUT variable,
310     -- if the function returns TRUE then assign this base id to the OUT variable and return
313     -- OUT variable message text will be passed only when the person is already having a FA Base Record
314     -- since we are upfront checking for FA base record existance, messges text OUT variable will be NULL
315     -- and hence no need to add to the message list.
316     l_b_ret_status := igf_sp_create_base_rec.create_fa_base_record(p_cal_type => p_c_awd_ci_cal_type,
317                                                                    p_sequence_number => p_n_awd_ci_sequence_number,
318                                                                    p_person_id => p_n_person_id,
319                                                                    p_base_id => l_n_base_id,
320                                                                    p_message => l_c_message_text);
321     IF (l_b_ret_status OR (l_b_ret_status=FALSE AND l_n_base_id IS NOT NULL))THEN
322       p_n_base_id := l_n_base_id;
323       p_b_ret_status := TRUE;
324     ELSE
325       p_n_base_id := NULL;
326       p_b_ret_status := FALSE;
327     END IF;
328   END check_create_fa_rec;
330   FUNCTION  check_spnsr_stdnt_rel(p_c_fund_id igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_id%TYPE,
331                                   p_n_base_id igf_ap_fa_base_rec.base_id%TYPE,
332                                   p_c_ld_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
333                                   p_n_ld_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN
334   AS
335   /****************************************************************************
336   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
337   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
338   Purpose:            Local function for checking if there already exists a Sponsor-Student relationship.
339   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
341   Change History
342   Who         When           What
343   ******************************************************************************/
344     CURSOR c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel(cp_n_fund_id igf_sp_stdnt_rel.fund_id%TYPE,
345                                    cp_n_base_id igf_sp_stdnt_rel.base_id%TYPE,
346                                    cp_c_ld_cal_type igf_sp_stdnt_rel.ld_cal_type%TYPE,
347                                    cp_n_ld_seq_number igf_sp_stdnt_rel.ld_sequence_number%TYPE)
348     IS
349     SELECT 'x'
350     FROM igf_sp_stdnt_rel
351     WHERE fund_id = cp_n_fund_id AND
352           base_id = cp_n_base_id AND
353           ld_cal_type = cp_c_ld_cal_type AND
354           ld_sequence_number = cp_n_ld_seq_number;
355   BEGIN
356     -- check if the Sponsor-Student relation is already exists.
357     -- if the relation is already existing then return TRUE else return FALSE
358     OPEN c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel(p_c_fund_id,p_n_base_id,p_c_ld_cal_type,p_n_ld_ci_sequence_number);
359     FETCH c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel INTO g_c_temp;
360     IF c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel%NOTFOUND THEN
361       CLOSE c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel;
362       RETURN FALSE;
363     ELSE
364       CLOSE c_check_stdnt_spnsr_rel;
365       RETURN TRUE;
366     END IF;
367   END check_spnsr_stdnt_rel;
369   PROCEDURE create_stdnt_spnsr_rel(p_api_version   IN NUMBER,
370                                    p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2,
371                                    p_commit        IN VARCHAR2,
372                                    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
373                                    x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
374                                    x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
375                                    p_person_id     IN NUMBER,
376                                    p_alt_person_id_type IN VARCHAR2,
377                                    p_api_person_id IN VARCHAR2,
378                                    p_sponsor_code IN VARCHAR2,
379                                    p_awd_ci_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
380                                    p_awd_ci_sequence_number IN NUMBER,
381                                    p_ld_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
382                                    p_ld_ci_sequence_number IN NUMBER,
383                                    p_amount IN NUMBER)
384   AS
385   /****************************************************************************
386   Created By:         Vinay Chappidi
387   Date Created By:    19-Feb-2003
388   Purpose:            This procedure is the main api for creating a Sponsor-Student relationship.
389                       For validating all parameters, local functions/ procedures are invoked.
390   Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
392   Change History
394   Who         When           What
395   svuppala    12-May-2006     Bug 5217319 Added call to format amount by rounding off to currency precision
396                              in the igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row call
397   vvutukur    20-Jul-2003    Enh#3038511.FICR106 Build. Added call to generic procedure
398                              igs_fi_crdapi_util.get_award_year_status to validate Award Year Status.
399   pathipat    24-Apr-2003    Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
400                              Added check for manage_accounts - call to chk_manage_account()
401   ******************************************************************************/
402     l_b_error BOOLEAN :=FALSE;
403     -- variable for capturing the return status from a procedure
404     l_b_ret_status BOOLEAN := FALSE;
405     l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
407     l_api_name               CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30) := 'Create_Stdnt_Spnsr_Rel';
408     l_api_version            CONSTANT    NUMBER       := 1.0;
410     l_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
411     l_n_fund_id igf_aw_fund_mast.fund_id%TYPE;
412     l_c_sys_alt_prs_id_typ igs_pe_person_id_typ.s_person_id_type%TYPE;
413     l_n_base_id igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all.base_id%TYPE;
414     l_n_spr_stdnt_id igf_sp_stdnt_rel.spnsr_stdnt_id%TYPE;
416     l_c_manage_acc      igs_fi_control_all.manage_accounts%TYPE  := NULL;
417     l_c_message_name    fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE       := NULL;
419     l_v_awd_yr_status_cd     igf_ap_batch_aw_map.award_year_status_code%TYPE;
421   BEGIN
423     -- Create a savepoint
424     SAVEPOINT create_stdnt_spnsr_rel_pub;
426     -- Check for the Compatible API call if the versions of the API and the version passed are
427     -- different then raise the unexpected error message
428     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version,
429                                        p_api_version,
430                                        l_api_name,
431                                        g_pkg_name) THEN
432       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
433     END IF;
435     -- If the calling program has passed the parameter for initializing the message list
436     -- then call the Initialize program of the FND_MSG_PUB package
437     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
438       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
439     END IF;
441     -- Set the return status to success
442     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
444     -- Obtain the value of manage_accounts in the System Options form
445     -- If it is null, then raise error. For normal processing, the value should
446     -- be 'OTHER' or 'STUDENT_FINANCE'
447     igs_fi_com_rec_interface.chk_manage_account( p_v_manage_acc   => l_c_manage_acc,
448                                                  p_v_message_name => l_c_message_name
449                                                );
450     IF (l_c_manage_acc IS NULL) THEN
451        l_b_error := TRUE;
452        IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
453           fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_c_message_name);
454           fnd_msg_pub.add;
455           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
456        END IF;
457     END IF;
460     IF (p_person_id IS NOT NULL AND p_api_person_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
461       l_b_error := TRUE;
462       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
463         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_PRSID_ALTID_INVALID');
464         fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID',p_person_id);
465         fnd_message.set_token('API_PERS_ID',p_api_person_id);
466         fnd_msg_pub.add;
467       END IF;
468     END IF;
470     -- check if the user has provided either person_id or alternate person details
471     IF (p_person_id IS NULL AND p_api_person_id IS NULL) THEN
472       l_b_error := TRUE;
473       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
474         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_PRSID_OR_ALTID');
475         fnd_msg_pub.add;
476       END IF;
477     END IF;
479     --validate person id parameter if it is not null
480     IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
481       l_b_ret_status := validate_prsn(p_person_id);
482       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
483         l_b_error := TRUE;
484         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
485           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_PRS_ID');
486           fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID',p_person_id);
487           fnd_msg_pub.add;
488         END IF;
489       END IF;
490     END IF;
492     -- When user inputs User Defined Person ID Type then validate User-Defined Person ID Type if it exists
493     -- and setup as Unique in the system
494     -- Since User-Defined Alternate ID should be passed when the user inputs API Person ID, validate User-Defined
495     -- Alternate Person Id only when API Person ID is not null.
496     IF p_api_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
497       igs_fi_gen_006.validate_prsn_id_typ(p_c_usr_alt_prs_id_typ => p_alt_person_id_type,
498                                           p_c_unique => 'Y',
499                                           p_b_status => l_b_ret_status,
500                                           p_c_sys_alt_prs_id_typ => l_c_sys_alt_prs_id_typ);
502       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
503         l_b_error := TRUE;
504         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
505           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_ALT_PERS_ID_TYP');
506           fnd_message.set_token('API_PERS_ID_TYPE',p_alt_person_id_type);
507           fnd_msg_pub.add;
508         END IF;
509       END IF;
510     END IF;
512     -- validate alternate person id parameter and determine person id
513     IF (p_api_person_id IS NOT NULL AND p_alt_person_id_type IS NOT NULL) THEN
514       validate_api_prsn_id(p_c_sys_prsn_id_typ => l_c_sys_alt_prs_id_typ,
515                            p_c_usr_alt_prsn_id_typ => p_alt_person_id_type,
516                            p_c_api_prsn_id => p_api_person_id,
517                            p_b_ret_status => l_b_ret_status,
518                            p_n_person_id => l_n_person_id);
521       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
522         l_b_error := TRUE;
523         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
524           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_ALT_PERS_ID');
525           fnd_message.set_token('API_PERS_ID',p_api_person_id);
526           fnd_msg_pub.add;
527         END IF;
528       END IF;
529     END IF;
531     -- validate sponsor code parameter
532     IF p_sponsor_code IS NULL THEN
533       l_b_error := TRUE;
534       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
535         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_SPNSR_CD_NULL');
536         fnd_msg_pub.add;
537       END IF;
538     ELSE
539       l_b_ret_status := validate_spnsr_cd(p_sponsor_code);
540       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
541         l_b_error := TRUE;
542         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
543           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_SPNSR_CD');
544           fnd_message.set_token('SPONSOR_CODE',p_sponsor_code);
545           fnd_msg_pub.add;
546         END IF;
547       END IF;
548     END IF;
550     -- validate Award Calendar Instance parameters
551     IF (p_awd_ci_cal_type IS NULL OR p_awd_ci_sequence_number IS NULL) THEN
552       l_b_error := TRUE;
553       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
554         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_AWD_INST_NULL');
555         fnd_msg_pub.add;
556       END IF;
557     ELSE
558       l_b_ret_status := validate_award_cal_inst(p_awd_ci_cal_type,p_awd_ci_sequence_number);
559       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
560         l_b_error := TRUE;
561         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
562           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_AWD_CAL_INST');
563           fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_TYPE',p_awd_ci_cal_type);
564           fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_CAL_SEQ',p_awd_ci_sequence_number);
565           fnd_msg_pub.add;
566         END IF;
567       END IF;
569       --Validate the Award Year Status. If the status is not open, show the error message.
570       l_c_message_name := NULL;
571       igs_fi_crdapi_util.get_award_year_status( p_v_awd_cal_type     =>  p_awd_ci_cal_type,
572                                                 p_n_awd_seq_number   =>  p_awd_ci_sequence_number,
573                                                 p_v_awd_yr_status    =>  l_v_awd_yr_status_cd,
574                                                 p_v_message_name     =>  l_c_message_name
575                                                );
576       IF l_c_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
577         l_b_error := TRUE;
578         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
579           IF l_c_message_name = 'IGF_SP_INVALID_AWD_YR_STATUS' THEN
580             fnd_message.set_name('IGF',l_c_message_name);
581           ELSE
582             fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_c_message_name);
583           END IF;
584           fnd_msg_pub.add;
585         END IF;
586       END IF;
587     END IF;
589     -- validate Load Calendar Instance parameters
590     IF (p_ld_cal_type IS NULL OR p_ld_ci_sequence_number IS NULL ) THEN
591       l_b_error := TRUE;
592       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
593         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_LD_INST_NULL');
594         fnd_msg_pub.add;
595       END IF;
596     ELSE
597       l_b_ret_status := validate_load_cal_inst(p_ld_cal_type,p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
598       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
599         l_b_error := TRUE;
600         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
601           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_TRM_CAL_INST');
602           fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_TYPE',p_ld_cal_type);
603           fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_SEQ',p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
604           fnd_msg_pub.add;
605         END IF;
606       END IF;
607     END IF;
609     -- Validate Amount parameter
610     IF (p_amount IS NULL OR p_amount < 0) THEN
611       l_b_error := TRUE;
612       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
613         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_INVALID_SPR_AMT');
614         fnd_msg_pub.add;
615       END IF;
616     END IF;
618     IF (p_sponsor_code IS NOT NULL AND
619         p_awd_ci_cal_type IS NOT NULL AND
620         p_awd_ci_sequence_number IS NOT NULL AND
621         p_ld_cal_type IS NOT NULL AND
622         p_ld_ci_sequence_number IS NOT NULL ) THEN
623       -- Check if the Sponsor and Award Calendar Instance is pre-defined in the system
624       check_spnsr_awd_rel(p_c_fund_code=> p_sponsor_code,
625                           p_c_aw_cal_type => p_awd_ci_cal_type,
626                           p_n_aw_sequence_number => p_awd_ci_sequence_number,
627                           p_c_ld_cal_type => p_ld_cal_type,
628                           p_n_ld_sequence_number => p_ld_ci_sequence_number,
629                           p_b_return_status => l_b_ret_status,
630                           p_n_fund_id => l_n_fund_id );
632       IF NOT l_b_ret_status THEN
633         l_b_error := TRUE;
634         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
635           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_SPNR_INACTIVE');
636           fnd_message.set_token('SPONSOR_CODE',p_sponsor_code);
637           fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_TYPE',p_awd_ci_cal_type);
638           fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_CAL_SEQ',p_awd_ci_sequence_number);
639           fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_TYPE',p_ld_cal_type);
640           fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_SEQ',p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
641           fnd_msg_pub.add;
642         END IF;
643       END IF;
644     END IF;
646     -- If any of the parameter validation fails then there is no need to proceed further.
647     -- For erroring out in this case, should RAISE g_exc_error exception
648     IF NOT l_b_error THEN
649        -- invoke local procedure to identify the base id of the student for the Award Calendar Instance and Person Id combination
650        check_create_fa_rec(NVL(p_person_id,l_n_person_id),p_awd_ci_cal_type,p_awd_ci_sequence_number,l_b_ret_status,l_n_base_id);
652        -- If the above procedure returns TRUE then the OUT variable l_n_base_id has the value for Base ID
653        IF l_b_ret_status THEN
654          l_b_ret_status:= check_spnsr_stdnt_rel(l_n_fund_id,
655                                                 l_n_base_id,
656                                                 p_ld_cal_type,
657                                                 p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
658          IF l_b_ret_status THEN
659            IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
660              fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_SPNR_STDNT_EXISTS');
661              fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID',NVL(p_person_id,l_n_person_id));
662              fnd_message.set_token('SPONSOR_CODE',p_sponsor_code);
663              fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_TYPE',p_awd_ci_cal_type);
664              fnd_message.set_token('AWARD_YR_CAL_SEQ',p_awd_ci_sequence_number);
665              fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_TYPE',p_ld_cal_type);
666              fnd_message.set_token('LOAD_CAL_SEQ',p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
667              fnd_msg_pub.add;
668              RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
669            END IF;
670          ELSE
671            -- If there is no relation then a new Sponsor-Student relation should be created.
672            -- Bug 5217319 Added call to format amount by rounding off to currency precision
673            igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid => l_rowid,
674                                             x_spnsr_stdnt_id=> l_n_spr_stdnt_id,
675                                             x_fund_id => l_n_fund_id ,
676                                             x_base_id=> l_n_base_id,
677                                             x_person_id=> NVL(p_person_id, l_n_person_id),
678                                             x_ld_cal_type=> p_ld_cal_type,
679                                             x_ld_sequence_number=> p_ld_ci_sequence_number,
680                                             x_tot_spnsr_amount=> igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(p_amount),
681                                             x_min_credit_points=> NULL,
682                                             x_min_attendance_type=> NULL);
683          END IF;
684        END IF;
685     ELSE
686       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
687     END IF;
689     -- If the calling program has passed the parameter for committing the data and there
690     -- have been no errors in calling the balances process, then commit the work
691     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit) THEN
692       COMMIT WORK;
693     END IF;
695     fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count          => x_msg_count,
696                               p_data           => x_msg_data);
699     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
700       ROLLBACK TO create_stdnt_spnsr_rel_pub;
701       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
702       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
703                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
704     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
705       ROLLBACK TO create_stdnt_spnsr_rel_pub;
706       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
707       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
708                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
710       ROLLBACK TO create_stdnt_spnsr_rel_pub;
711       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
712       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
713         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name,
714                                 l_api_name);
715       END IF;
716       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
717                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
718   END create_stdnt_spnsr_rel;
719 END igf_sp_assign_pub;