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APPS.IGS_FI_PRC_FIN_LT_CHG dependencies on IGS_FI_GEN_007

Line 48: -- function igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person to validate person, removed validate

44: --SYKRISHN -5-APR-02 Enh Bug : 2293676 - Introduction of functionality of planned credits -
45: -- According to SFCR018 Build - Introduced the function get_planned_credits_ind
46: -- and associated code.
47: --sarakshi 27-Feb-2002 bug:2238362, changed the view igs_pe_person_v to igs_fi_parties_v and used the
48: -- function igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person to validate person, removed validate
49: -- person_id local function.
50: -------------------------------------------------------------------
52: -- Global cursor, added NVL condition as part of Enh# 2562745.

Line 464: IF igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person(p_person_id) = 'N' THEN

460: app_exception.raise_exception;
461: END IF;
463: -- The Person_id passed as parameter to the procedure is validated
464: IF igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person(p_person_id) = 'N' THEN
465: fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
466: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
467: app_exception.raise_exception;
468: END IF;

Line 1553: igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_conv_prc_run_ind ( p_n_conv_process_run_ind => l_conv_process_run_ind,

1549: END IF;
1551: --Check whether Holds Balance Conversion Process is running or not. If yes, Error out.
1553: igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_conv_prc_run_ind ( p_n_conv_process_run_ind => l_conv_process_run_ind,
1554: p_v_message_name => l_message_name );
1555: IF ((l_conv_process_run_ind IS NOT NULL) AND (l_conv_process_run_ind = 1)) THEN
1556: fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
1557: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_REASS_BAL_PRC_RUN');

Line 1654: IF igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person(p_person_id)= 'N' THEN

1650: END IF;
1652: --Validating person id
1653: IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1654: IF igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person(p_person_id)= 'N' THEN
1655: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
1656: fnd_file.put_line ( fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get );
1657: RAISE l_validation_exp;
1658: END IF;

Line 1731: igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_balance_rule ( p_v_balance_type => 'FEE',

1727: --Added this call to finp_get_balance_rule as part of Bug#2562745. g_balance_rule_id is used
1728: --in calculate_charge. This is done here because this should be called only once irrespopective of
1729: --number of persons.
1731: igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_balance_rule ( p_v_balance_type => 'FEE',
1732: p_v_action => 'MAX',
1733: p_n_balance_rule_id => g_balance_rule_id,
1734: p_d_last_conversion_date => g_last_conversion_date,
1735: p_n_version_number => g_version_number );