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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

    select h.rowid
    from   hr_comments h
    ,      per_assignments_f paf
    where  h.comment_id = paf.comment_id
    and    paf.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and    paf.person_id             = p_person_id
    and    paf.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date
    for    update of h.comment_id;
Line: 36

    select rowid
    from   pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
    where  ppm.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and    exists (select 'exists'
                   from per_all_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
                   and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                   and   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
		   --start bug 5987416
                   --and   ppm.effective_start_date>= p_effective_date
		   --end bug 5987416
    and   ppm.effective_start_date               >= p_effective_date
    for   update of ppm.assignment_id;
Line: 54

    select pab.rowid
    from   per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
    ,      per_assignments_f paf
    where  pab.business_group_id + 0 = paf.business_group_id + 0
    and    paf.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and    pab.assignment_id         = paf.assignment_id
    and    paf.person_id             = p_person_id
    and    paf.effective_end_date   >=p_effective_date
    and    pab.effective_end_date   >=p_effective_date
    for    update of pab.assignment_id;
Line: 68

    select rowid
    from   per_assignments_f p
    where  p.recruiter_id = p_person_id
    and    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    for    update of assignment_id;
Line: 78

    select pb.rowid
    from   per_events pe
    ,      per_bookings pb
    where  pe.business_group_id = pb.business_group_id
    and    (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    and    pe.event_id           = pb.event_id
    and    pe.event_or_interview in ('I','E')
    and    pb.person_id          = p_person_id
    for    update of pb.event_id;
Line: 92

    select rowid
    from   per_vacancies pv
    where (pv.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
    and   pv.recruiter_id      = p_person_id
    and   pv.date_from        >= p_effective_date
    for update of pv.vacancy_id;
Line: 103

    select rowid
    from  per_requisitions pr
    where (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    and   pr.person_id         = p_person_id
    for   update of person_id;
Line: 111

    select rowid
    from   per_assignments_f p
    where  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    and    p.supervisor_id = p_person_id
    for    update of assignment_id;
Line: 119

    select ppf.rowid
    from   per_people_f ppf
    where  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
    for update of ppf.person_id;
Line: 127

    select paf.rowid
    from per_assignments_f paf
    where paf.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
    and   paf.assignment_type      = 'C'
    for update of paf.assignment_id;
Line: 137

    select pp.rowid
    from   per_periods_of_placement pp
    where  pp.person_id  = p_person_id
    for update of person_id;
Line: 143

    select pgr.rowid
    from   pay_grade_rules_f pgr
    where  exists (select 'x'
                   from   per_assignments_f paf
                   where  pgr.grade_or_spinal_point_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
                   and    paf.person_id                = p_person_id)
    for update of pgr.grade_or_spinal_point_id;
Line: 153

    select spp.rowid
    from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
    where spp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
    exists (select 'x'
                   from   per_assignments_f paf
                   where  spp.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
                   and    paf.person_id                = p_person_id)
    for update of spp.assignment_id;
Line: 164

    select pca.rowid
    from   pay_cost_allocations_f pca
    where  exists (select 'x'
                   from   per_assignments_f paf
                   where  pca.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
                   and    paf.person_id                = p_person_id)
    for update of pca.assignment_id;
Line: 299

      select ppf.rowid
      from   per_people_f ppf
      where  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
      for update of ppf.person_id;
Line: 307

      select pps.rowid
      from   per_periods_of_service pps
      where  pps.person_id = p_person_id
      for    update of pps.person_id;
Line: 315

      select pap.rowid
      from   per_applications pap
      where  pap.person_id = p_person_id
      for    update of pap.person_id;
Line: 323

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and    p.supervisor_id = p_person_id
for    update of assignment_id;
Line: 333

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  p.recruiter_id = p_person_id
and    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
for    update of assignment_id;
Line: 343

select pb.rowid
from   per_events pe
,      per_bookings pb
where  pe.business_group_id = pb.business_group_id
and    (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and    pe.event_id           = pb.event_id
and    pe.event_or_interview = p_type
and    pb.person_id          = p_person_id
for    update of pb.event_id;
Line: 357

select rowid
from   per_vacancies pv
where (pv.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
and   pv.recruiter_id      = p_person_id
and   pv.date_from        >= p_primary_date
for update of pv.vacancy_id;
Line: 368

select rowid
from  per_requisitions pr
where (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and   pr.person_id         = p_person_id
for   update of person_id;
Line: 378

select rowid
from   per_absence_attendances paa
where  paa.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
and    paa.person_id         = p_person_id
and    paa.date_start       >= p_primary_date
for    update of person_id;
Line: 388

select rowid
from   pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
where  ppm.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and    exists (select 'exists'
               from per_all_assignments_f paf
               where paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
               and   paf.period_of_service_id = p_primary_id
	       --start bug 5987416
               --and   ppm.effective_start_date>= p_primary_date
	       --end bug 5987416
and   ppm.effective_start_date               >= p_primary_date
for   update of ppm.assignment_id;
Line: 407

select pab.rowid
from   per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
,      per_assignments_f paf
where  pab.business_group_id + 0    = paf.business_group_id + 0
and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
and    pab.assignment_id        = paf.assignment_id
and    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and    paf.effective_end_date  >=p_primary_date
and    pab.effective_end_date  >=p_primary_date
for    update of pab.assignment_id;
Line: 421

select p.rowid
from   per_letter_request_lines p
,      per_assignments_f paf
where  p.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
and    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and    paf.application_id       = p_primary_id
and    paf.effective_end_date  >=p_primary_date
for    update of p.assignment_id;
Line: 434

select h.rowid
from   hr_comments h
,      per_assignments_f paf
where  h.comment_id = paf.comment_id
and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
and    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and    paf.application_id       = p_primary_id
and    paf.effective_end_date  >=p_primary_date
for    update of h.comment_id;
Line: 447

select paf.rowid
from per_assignments_f paf
where paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and   paf.assignment_type      = 'A'
and   paf.application_id       = p_primary_id
for update of paf.assignment_id;
Line: 458

select paf.rowid
from per_assignments_f paf
where paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and   paf.assignment_type      = 'E'
and   paf.application_id       = p_primary_id
for update of paf.assignment_id;
Line: 649

select 'Y'
from   per_all_assignments_f a
where  a.person_id = p_person_id
-- 115.51 (START)
AND    a.period_of_service_id = p_primary_id
-- 115.51 (END)
AND    ((a.effective_start_date = p_primary_date
         and a.primary_flag <> 'Y'
         and not exists ( select b.assignment_id
                          from   per_all_assignments_f b
                          where  nvl(b.effective_end_date,hr_api.g_eot)
                                  = (p_primary_date-1)
                          and    b.assignment_id = a.assignment_id) )
         OR  a.effective_start_date > p_primary_date );
Line: 672

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and    p.supervisor_id = p_person_id;
Line: 681

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  p.recruiter_id = p_person_id
and    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
Line: 690

select 'Events exist'
                from   per_events pe
                ,      per_bookings pb
                where  pe.business_group_id = pb.business_group_id
                and    (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
                and    pe.event_id           = pb.event_id
                and    pe.event_or_interview = p_type
                and    pb.person_id          = p_person_id;
Line: 703

select 'Interviews exist'
from   per_events pe
where  (pe.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
and    pe.event_or_interview = 'I'
and    pe.internal_contact_person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 713

select rowid
from   per_vacancies pv
where (pv.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
and   pv.recruiter_id      = p_person_id
and   pv.date_from        >= p_primary_date;
Line: 723

select rowid
from per_requisitions pr
where (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and   pr.person_id         = p_person_id;
Line: 732

select rowid
from per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
where pab.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
exists (select 'budget_values exist'
               from per_all_assignments_f paf
               where  pab.business_group_id    +0= paf.business_group_id + 0
               and    paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and    pab.assignment_id        = paf.assignment_id
               and    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and    paf.period_of_service_id = p_primary_id
               and    paf.effective_end_date  >= p_primary_date
       	       --start bug 5987416
               --and    pab.effective_end_date  >= p_primary_date
AND   pab.effective_end_date  >= p_primary_date;
Line: 752

select rowid
from pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
where  ppm.business_group_id                  = p_business_group_id
and    exists (select 'exists'
               from per_all_assignments_f paf
               where paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
               and   paf.period_of_service_id = p_primary_id
	       --start bug 5987416
               --and   ppm.effective_start_date>= p_primary_date
	       --end bug 5987416
and   ppm.effective_start_date               >= p_primary_date;
Line: 770

   SELECT null
              FROM   pay_payroll_actions pac,
                     pay_assignment_actions act,
                     per_assignments_f asg
              WHERE  asg.person_id = p_person_id
-- 115.51 (START)
                AND  asg.period_of_service_id = p_primary_id
-- 115.51 (END)
                AND  act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                AND  pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
--Start Bug 4724223
                AND  pac.action_type NOT IN ('X','BEE')
                AND  p_primary_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                                    AND asg.effective_end_date
--End Bug 4724223
                AND  pac.effective_date >= p_primary_date;
Line: 799

    SELECT ptu.person_type_usage_id
    FROM   per_person_types pt,
           per_person_type_usages_f ptu
    WHERE  pt.business_group_id     = p_business_group_id
    AND    pt.person_type_id        = ptu.person_type_id
    AND    p_primary_date BETWEEN ptu.effective_start_date
                                AND ptu.effective_end_date
    AND    ptu.person_id            = p_person_id
    AND    pt.system_person_type = p_system_person_type;
Line: 1120

/*Procedure to update the end date person type OTHER
  when cancel placement is done.Added for the bug 6460093*/

procedure upd_person_type_usage_end_date
   p_effective_date                 in     date
  ,p_person_id                      in     number
  ,p_system_person_type             in     varchar2

 ) is

   cursor csr_upded_person_type_usages
     p_effective_date                 in     date
    ,p_person_id                      in     number
    ,p_system_person_type             in     varchar2
   ) is
    select ptu.person_type_usage_id
      from per_person_type_usages_f ptu
     where p_effective_date between ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date
       and ptu.person_id = p_person_id
       and ptu.person_type_id in
             (select ppt.person_type_id
                from per_person_types ppt
               where ((   p_system_person_type = 'OTHER'
                        and ppt.system_person_type = 'OTHER' )));
Line: 1166

       update per_person_type_usages_f ptu
       set effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
       where ptu.effective_end_date = p_effective_date
       and ptu.person_id             = p_person_id
       and ptu.person_type_usage_id  = l_csr_upd_per_type_usages.person_type_usage_id
       and ptu.object_version_number = l_csr_upd_per_type_usages.object_version_number;
Line: 1205

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and    p.supervisor_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1214

select rowid
from   per_assignments_f p
where  p.recruiter_id = p_person_id
and    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
Line: 1223

select rowid
from per_bookings pb
where (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and   pb.person_id = p_person_id
and   exists ( select 'row exists'
               from per_events pe
               where pe.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
               and   pe.event_id = pb.event_id
               and   pe.event_or_interview in ('I','E')
               and   pe.date_start >= p_date_start);
Line: 1238

select rowid
from   per_vacancies pv
where (pv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and   pv.recruiter_id      = p_person_id
and   pv.date_from        >= p_date_start;
Line: 1248

select rowid
from per_requisitions pr
where (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
and   pr.person_id         = p_person_id;
Line: 1257

select rowid
from per_absence_attendances paa
where  paa.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
and    paa.person_id         = p_person_id
and    paa.date_start       >= p_date_start;
Line: 1266

select rowid
from per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
where pab.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
exists (select 'budget_values exist'
               from per_all_assignments_f paf
               where  pab.business_group_id    +0= paf.business_group_id + 0
               and    paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and    pab.assignment_id        = paf.assignment_id
               and    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and    paf.period_of_service_id = l_period_of_service_id
               and    paf.effective_end_date  >= p_date_start
	       --start bug 5987416
               --and    pab.effective_end_date  >= p_date_start
and    pab.effective_end_date  >= p_date_start;
Line: 1286

select rowid
from pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
where  ppm.business_group_id                  = p_business_group_id
and    exists (select 'exists'
               from per_all_assignments_f paf
               where paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
               and   paf.period_of_service_id = l_period_of_service_id
	       --start bug 5987416
               -- and   ppm.effective_start_date>= p_date_start
	       --end bug 5987416
and   ppm.effective_start_date               >= p_date_start;
Line: 1304

select rowid
from hr_comments h
where exists (select 'comments exist'
               from    per_all_assignments_f paf
               where  h.comment_id = paf.comment_id
               and   paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
               and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
               and   paf.period_of_service_id = l_period_of_service_id);
Line: 1317

select rowid, assignment_id, assignment_status_type_id -- Bug 3564129
from per_all_assignments_f paf
where paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
and   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and   paf.period_of_service_id = l_period_of_service_id;
Line: 1326

       select iass.assignment_status_id, iass.object_version_number
         from irc_assignment_statuses iass
        where iass.assignment_status_id =
              (select max(iass.assignment_status_id)
                 from irc_assignment_statuses iass
                where iass.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
                  and iass.assignment_status_type_id = l_asg_status_type_id);
Line: 1340

 select assignment_id,effective_start_date,ROWID
 from   per_all_assignments_f
 where  person_id = p_person_id
 and    business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
 and    period_of_service_id is NULL
 and    assignment_type in ('E','A')   -- 3194314
 and    effective_end_date = p_date_start - 1
 for update of effective_end_date;
Line: 1351

select paf.assignment_id, paf.effective_start_date
  from per_all_assignments_f paf
 where paf.person_id = p_person_id
   and paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
   and    assignment_type <> 'B';                       --modified for bug #6449599
Line: 1360

select rowid
from per_applications pap
where exists (select 'row exists'
 from   per_all_assignments_f paf
 where  paf.person_id = p_person_id
 and    paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
 and    paf.period_of_service_id is NULL
 and    paf.effective_end_date = p_date_start - 1
 and    pap.application_id = paf.application_id);
Line: 1376

      select pps.rowid
      from   per_periods_of_service pps
      where  pps.person_id = p_person_id
      and period_of_service_id = l_period_of_service_id;
Line: 1384

select p.rowid, effective_end_date from per_people_f p
where  p.person_id = p_person_id
and   p.effective_start_date >= p_date_start;
Line: 1391

  select ptu.person_type_id
   from per_person_type_usages_f ptu
       ,per_person_types ppt
  where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
    and ptu.effective_start_date = p_date_start
    and ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppt.system_person_type = 'EMP';
Line: 1405

  select ptu.person_type_id
   from per_person_type_usages_f ptu
       ,per_person_types ppt
  where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
    and ptu.effective_end_date = p_date_start - 1
    and ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppt.system_person_type = 'APL';
Line: 1421

  select pp.period_of_placement_id, pp.date_start
    from per_periods_of_placement pp
   where pp.person_id = p_person_id
     and pp.actual_termination_date = cp_date_start - 1;
Line: 1435

select p.rowid from per_people_f p
where p.person_id = p_person_id
and   p.effective_end_date = p_date_start -1;
Line: 1441

select ppp.pay_proposal_id, ppp.object_version_number
from per_pay_proposals ppp
where p_assignment_id = ppp.assignment_id;
Line: 1446

  select element_entry_id
  from   pay_element_entries_f
  where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  and    creator_type = 'SP'
  and    p_start_date between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1455

  select element_entry_id
  from   pay_element_entries_f
  where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  and    creator_type = 'SP'
  and    (p_start_date - 1) between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1479

  select pps.period_of_service_id
  into   v_dummy
  from   per_periods_of_service pps
  where  p_start_date = pps.date_start
  and     pps.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1512

  update per_all_assignments_f paf
  set    paf.supervisor_id         = NULL
  where  paf.rowid     = p_rowid;
Line: 1533

  update per_all_assignments_f paf
  set    paf.recruiter_id          = NULL
  where  paf.rowid     = p_rowid;
Line: 1552

  delete from per_bookings pb
  where  pb.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1574

  update per_all_vacancies pv
  set    pv.recruiter_id      = NULL
  where  pv.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1593

  update per_requisitions pr
  set pr.person_id = NULL
  where  pr.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1612

  delete from per_absence_attendances paa
  where paa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1629

  delete from per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
  where  pab.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1647

  delete from pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
  where  ppm.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1665

  delete from hr_comments h
  where  h.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1685

  delete from per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
  where spp.assignment_id = l_assignment_id;
Line: 1687

  delete from pay_cost_allocations_f pca
  where pca.assignment_id = l_assignment_id;
Line: 1694

         (p_assignment_status_id  => l_asg_status_id
         ,p_object_version_number => l_asg_status_ovn);
Line: 1706

      hr_maintain_proposal_api.delete_salary_proposal(p_pay_proposal_id  => l_pk_id
                        ,p_business_group_id  => l_business_group_id
                        ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
                        ,p_validate   => FALSE
                        ,p_salary_warning  =>  l_sal_warning);
Line: 1724

        ,p_start_date - 1
Line: 1730

Line: 1742

  delete from per_all_assignments_f paf
  where paf.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1760

  update per_applications pap
  set pap.date_end = NULL
  where pap.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1779

  update per_all_assignments_f paf
  set   paf.effective_end_date   = p_end_of_time
  where paf.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1806

   delete from per_periods_of_service
   where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1852

        select person_type_id into l_person_type_id
        from per_person_types
        where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        and system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
        and default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1860

        update per_people_f
        set person_type_id = l_person_type_id,
            effective_start_date = p_date_start,  -- in case DT updates exist
            current_employee_flag = null,
            current_emp_or_apl_flag = l_apl_flag, -- 3848352 --null,
            current_applicant_flag = l_apl_flag -- 3848352 --null
        where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1872

        delete from per_people_f
        where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1888

       select person_type_id into l_person_type_id
       from per_person_types
       where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and system_person_type = 'APL'
       and default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1894

       select person_type_id into l_person_type_id
       from per_person_types
       where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       and system_person_type = 'OTHER'  -- EX_CWK but this is not maintained
       and default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1907

       update per_people_f
       set person_type_id = l_person_type_id,
        current_employee_flag = null,
        current_emp_or_apl_flag = l_apl_flag, -- 3848352 -- null,
        current_applicant_flag = l_apl_flag, -- 3848352 --null,
        per_information7 = null,
        employee_number = null,
        start_date = l_cwk_date_start,
        effective_start_date = p_date_start, -- p_start_date,   -- in case DT updates exist
        original_date_of_hire = null
       where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1923

        delete from per_people_f
        where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1931

     delete from per_people_f
     where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1965

         update per_people_f
         set effective_end_date = p_end_of_time
         where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 2015

         ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP'
Line: 2037

         ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE'
Line: 2078

          ,p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE'
Line: 2114

per_cancel_hire_or_apl_pkg.update_person_list(p_person_id => p_person_id);
Line: 2140

select distinct assignment_id
from per_assignments_f
where application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 2148

select pe.event_id
from   per_events pe
where  pe.date_start        >= p_date_received
and    p_assignment_id     = pe.assignment_id;
Line: 2156

select pb.booking_id
from   per_events pe,
       per_bookings pb
where  pb.event_id           = pe.event_id
and    pe.date_start        >= p_date_received
and    pb.person_id          = p_person_id
and    pe.emp_or_apl         = 'A';
Line: 2167

select pab.rowid
from per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
where  pab.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2174

select p.letter_request_line_id
from per_letter_request_lines p
where  p.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2181

select h.comment_id
from hr_comments h
,    per_assignments_f paf
where  h.comment_id = paf.comment_id
and paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2190

select paf.rowid
from per_assignments_f paf
where paf.person_id            = p_person_id
and   paf.application_id       = p_application_id;
Line: 2198

select rowid
from per_applications pap
where pap.date_received = p_date_received
and   pap.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2206

select rowid
from per_people_f
where person_id = p_person_id
and effective_start_date >= p_date_received;
Line: 2214

select rowid
from per_people_f
where person_id = p_person_id
and effective_end_date = p_date_received - 1;
Line: 2236

select sas.rowid
from per_secondary_ass_statuses sas
where sas.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2243

select paei.assignment_extra_info_id, paei.object_version_number
from per_assignment_extra_info paei
where p_assignment_id = paei.assignment_id;
Line: 2250

select ppp.pay_proposal_id, ppp.object_version_number
from per_pay_proposals ppp
where p_assignment_id = ppp.assignment_id;
Line: 2257

select pwi.incident_id, pwi.object_version_number
from per_work_incidents pwi
where p_assignment_id = pwi.assignment_id;
Line: 2264

select papa.rowid
from per_assign_proposal_answers papa
where p_assignment_id = papa.assignment_id;
Line: 2281

select distinct h.comment_id --fix for bug 7157204.
from hr_comments h, per_people_f ppf
where ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and ppf.person_id = p_person_id
and ppf.effective_start_date >= p_date_received
and ppf.comment_id = h.comment_id;
Line: 2294

  select count(ptu.person_type_id)
   from per_person_type_usages_f ptu
       ,per_person_types ppt
  where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
    and ptu.effective_start_date = p_date_received
    and ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppt.system_person_type <> 'APL';
Line: 2305

select rowid,effective_end_date,effective_start_date,current_applicant_flag
from per_people_f
where person_id = p_person_id
and effective_start_date = p_date_received;
Line: 2313

select rowid,effective_end_date,effective_start_date,current_applicant_flag
from per_people_f
where person_id = p_person_id
and effective_start_date > p_date_received;
Line: 2321

select person_type_id
from per_person_type_usages_f
where person_id = p_person_id
Line: 2328

select paf.assignment_id, paf.effective_start_date
  from per_all_assignments_f paf
 where paf.person_id = p_person_id
   and paf.assignment_type <> 'B'; -- Added For Bug # 6630290
Line: 2366

      delete from per_events pe
      where  pe.event_id = l_pk_id;
Line: 2383

    delete from per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
    where  pab.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2400

    delete from hr_comments h
    where  h.comment_id = l_pk_id;
Line: 2417

      delete from per_letter_request_lines plrl
      where plrl.letter_request_line_id = l_pk_id;
Line: 2434

Line: 2444

                                  p_validate => FALSE
                                 ,p_assignment_extra_info_id => l_pk_id
                                 ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn);
Line: 2457

      hr_maintain_proposal_api.delete_salary_proposal(p_pay_proposal_id  => l_pk_id
                        ,p_business_group_id  => l_business_group_id
                        ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
                        ,p_validate   => FALSE
                        ,p_salary_warning  =>  l_sal_warning);
Line: 2471

                                p_validate  => FALSE
                               ,p_incident_id => l_pk_id
                               ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn);
Line: 2484

      delete from per_assign_proposal_answers papa
      where papa.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2525

      delete from per_bookings pb
      where  pb.booking_id = l_pk_id;
Line: 2542

      delete from hr_comments h
      where h.comment_id = l_pk_id;
Line: 2561

    delete from per_assignments_f paf
    where paf.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2578

    delete from  per_applications pap
    where pap.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2608

    delete from per_people_f
    where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2631

    update per_people_f
    set effective_end_date = p_end_of_time
    where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2664

      update per_people_f
      set PERSON_TYPE_ID=l_person_type_id
      where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2690

      delete from per_people_f
      where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2699

      update per_people_f
      set applicant_number = null,
      where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2707

      update per_people_f
      set applicant_number = null,
      where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2744

                  (p_validate  => FALSE
                  ,p_person_type_usage_id  => l_pk_id
                  ,p_effective_date  => p_date_received
                  ,p_datetrack_mode  => 'ZAP'
                  ,p_object_version_number  => l_ovn
                  ,p_effective_start_date  => l_start_date
                  ,p_effective_end_date  => l_end_date );
Line: 2771

  delete from per_person_type_usages_f ptu
  where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
    and ptu.effective_start_date = p_date_received
    and ptu.person_type_id in (
          select ppt.person_type_id
          from per_person_types ppt
          where ppt.system_person_type = 'APL');
Line: 2782

per_cancel_hire_or_apl_pkg.update_person_list (p_person_id => p_person_id);
Line: 2794

procedure update_person_list (p_person_id NUMBER) is
-- Delete all rows from per_person_list
Line: 2801

end update_person_list;
Line: 2835

    SELECT assignment_id
    FROM   per_assignments_f paf
    WHERE  (paf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    paf.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2844

    SELECT per.person_id,
    FROM   per_people_f per
    WHERE  per.person_id             = p_person_id
    AND    per.current_npw_flag      = 'Y'
    AND    per.effective_start_date >= p_date_start;
Line: 2854

    FROM   per_assignments_f p
    WHERE  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    p.supervisor_id      = p_person_id;
Line: 2863

    FROM   per_assignments_f p
    WHERE  p.recruiter_id       = p_person_id
    AND    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
Line: 2872

    SELECT 'Events exist'
    FROM   per_events pe,
           per_bookings pb
    WHERE  pe.business_group_id = pb.business_group_id
    AND    (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    pe.event_id           = pb.event_id
    AND    pe.event_or_interview = p_type
    AND    pb.person_id          = p_person_id;
Line: 2885

    SELECT 'Interviews exist'
    FROM   per_events pe
    WHERE  (pe.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    pe.event_or_interview = 'I'
    AND    pe.internal_contact_person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2895

    FROM   per_vacancies pv
    WHERE (pv.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id OR
    AND   pv.recruiter_id        = p_person_id
    AND   pv.date_from          >= l_effective_date;
Line: 2905

    FROM   per_requisitions pr
    WHERE (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    pr.person_id         = p_person_id;
Line: 2914

    FROM per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
    WHERE pab.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
    EXISTS (SELECT 'budget_values exist'
                   FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf
                   WHERE  pab.business_group_id    +0= paf.business_group_id + 0
                   AND    paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
                   AND    pab.assignment_id        = paf.assignment_id
                   AND    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                   AND    paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start
                   AND    paf.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date
		   --START for 5987416
                   --AND    pab.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date
     AND    pab.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date;
Line: 2935

    FROM pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
    WHERE  ppm.business_group_id                  = p_business_group_id
    AND    EXISTS (SELECT 'exists'
                   FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
                   WHERE paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
                   AND   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                   AND   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
                   AND   paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start
		   --start bug 5987416
                   --AND   ppm.effective_start_date>= l_effective_date
		   --end bug 5987416
    AND   ppm.effective_start_date               >= l_effective_date;
Line: 2951

    SELECT ptu.person_type_usage_id
    FROM   per_person_types pt,
           per_person_type_usages_f ptu
    WHERE  pt.business_group_id     = p_business_group_id
    AND    pt.person_type_id        = ptu.person_type_id
    AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN ptu.effective_start_date
                                AND ptu.effective_end_date
    AND    ptu.person_id            = p_person_id
    AND    pt.system_person_type = 'CWK';
Line: 3289

    FROM   per_bookings pb
    WHERE (pb.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    pb.person_id = p_person_id
    AND    EXISTS (SELECT 'row exists'
                   FROM   per_events pe
                   WHERE  pe.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                   AND    pe.event_id = pb.event_id
                   AND    pe.event_or_interview in ('I','E')
                   AND    pe.date_start >= l_date_start);
Line: 3304

    FROM per_requisitions pr
    WHERE (pr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND   pr.person_id         = p_person_id;
Line: 3313

    FROM per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
    WHERE pab.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
    EXISTS (SELECT 'budget_values exist'
                   FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf
                   WHERE  pab.business_group_id    +0= paf.business_group_id + 0
                   AND    paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
                   AND    pab.assignment_id        = paf.assignment_id
                   AND    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                   AND    paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start
                   AND    paf.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date
		   --start for 5987416
                   --AND    pab.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date
    AND    pab.effective_end_date  >= l_effective_date;
Line: 3333

    FROM pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
    WHERE  ppm.business_group_id                  = p_business_group_id
    AND    EXISTS (SELECT 'exists'
                   FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
                   WHERE paf.business_group_id    +0= p_business_group_id
                   AND   paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                   AND   paf.assignment_id        = ppm.assignment_id
                   AND   paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start
		   --start bug 5987416
                   --AND   ppm.effective_start_date>= l_effective_date
		   --end bug 5987416
    AND   ppm.effective_start_date               >= l_effective_date;
Line: 3351

    FROM   per_assignments_f p
    WHERE  (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    p.supervisor_id = p_person_id;
Line: 3360

    FROM   per_assignments_f p
    WHERE  p.recruiter_id = p_person_id
    AND    (p.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
Line: 3369

    FROM   per_vacancies pv
    WHERE (pv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id OR
    AND    pv.recruiter_id      = p_person_id
    AND    pv.date_from        >= p_date_start;
Line: 3379

    FROM hr_comments h
    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 'comments exist'
                  FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf
                  WHERE  h.comment_id = paf.comment_id
                  AND    paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
                  AND    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                  AND    paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start);
Line: 3393

    FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf
    WHERE  paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
    AND    paf.person_id            = p_person_id
    AND    paf.period_of_placement_date_start = p_date_start;
Line: 3403

    SELECT assignment_id,
    FROM   per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE  person_id            = p_person_id
    AND    business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
    AND    effective_end_date   = p_date_start - 1
    AND    assignment_type      = 'C'   -- 3194314
    FOR UPDATE OF effective_end_date;
Line: 3416

    FROM per_applications pap
    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 'row exists'
                  FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf
                  WHERE  paf.person_id            = p_person_id
                  AND    paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
                  AND    paf.effective_end_date   = p_date_start - 1
                  AND    pap.application_id       = paf.application_id);
Line: 3428

    SELECT p.rowid,
    FROM   per_people_f p
    WHERE  p.person_id            = p_person_id
    AND    p.effective_start_date >= p_date_start;
Line: 3437

    SELECT p.rowid
    FROM   per_people_f p
    WHERE  p.person_id          = p_person_id
    AND    p.effective_end_date = p_date_start -1;
Line: 3443

    SELECT pgr.rowid
    FROM   pay_grade_rules_f pgr
                   FROM   per_assignments_f paf
                   WHERE  pgr.grade_or_spinal_point_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and    paf.business_group_id + 0    = p_business_group_id
                   AND    paf.person_id                = p_person_id);
Line: 3452

    SELECT pp.rowid
    FROM   per_periods_of_placement pp
    WHERE  pp.person_id  = p_person_id
    AND    pp.date_start = p_date_start;
Line: 3458

    SELECT pp.period_of_placement_id
    FROM   per_periods_of_placement pp
    WHERE  pp.person_id  = p_person_id
    AND    pp.actual_termination_date = p_date_start -1;
Line: 3464

    SELECT ps.period_of_service_id
    FROM   per_periods_of_service ps
    WHERE  ps.person_id  = p_person_id
    AND    ps.actual_termination_date = p_date_start -1;
Line: 3472

  SELECT pop.date_start
    FROM per_periods_of_placement pop
  WHERE pop.person_id = p_person_id
    AND p_effective_date between pop.date_start and
Line: 3481

    SELECT person_type_id
    FROM   per_person_types
    WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND    system_person_type = p_system_person_type
    AND    default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3491

    SELECT person_type_id
    FROM   per_person_types
    WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND    system_person_type = p_sys_person_type
    AND    default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3503

    SELECT ptu.person_type_usage_id,
    FROM   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
           per_person_types pt
    WHERE  ptu.person_id = p_person_id
    AND    pt.person_type_id = ptu.person_type_Id
    AND    pt.system_person_type = 'CWK'
    AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN ptu.effective_start_date
                                AND ptu.effective_end_date;
Line: 3514

  select paf.assignment_id, paf.effective_start_date
    from per_all_assignments_f paf
   where paf.person_id = p_person_id
     and paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
     and paf.assignment_type <> 'B'; -- Added For Bug # 6630290
Line: 3535

    UPDATE per_all_assignments_f paf
    SET    paf.supervisor_id = NULL
    WHERE  paf.rowid         = supervisor_rec.rowid;
Line: 3556

    UPDATE per_all_assignments_f paf
    SET    paf.recruiter_id  = NULL
    WHERE  paf.rowid         = recruiter_rec.rowid;
Line: 3577

    UPDATE per_all_vacancies pv
    SET    pv.recruiter_id = NULL
    WHERE  pv.rowid        = vacancies_rec.rowid;
Line: 3598

    DELETE from pay_grade_rules_f pgr
    WHERE  pgr.rowid = assignment_rate_rec.rowid;
Line: 3609

    DELETE FROM hr_comments h
    WHERE  h.rowid = comments_rec.rowid;
Line: 3629

    UPDATE per_requisitions pr
    SET    pr.person_id = NULL
    WHERE  pr.rowid = requisition_rec.rowid;
Line: 3650

    DELETE FROM per_bookings pb
    WHERE  pb.rowid = events_rec.rowid;
Line: 3670

    DELETE FROM per_assignment_budget_values_f pab
    WHERE  pab.rowid = budget_rec.rowid;
Line: 3690

    DELETE FROM pay_personal_payment_methods ppm
    WHERE  ppm.rowid = payment_rec.rowid;
Line: 3710

    DELETE FROM per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
    WHERE spp.assignment_id = assignment1_rec.assignment_id;
Line: 3715

    DELETE FROM pay_cost_allocations_f pca
    WHERE pca.assignment_id = assignment1_rec.assignment_id;
Line: 3720

    DELETE FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
    WHERE paf.rowid = assignment1_rec.rowid;
Line: 3740

    UPDATE per_applications pap
    SET    pap.date_end = NULL
    WHERE  pap.rowid = applicantions_rec.rowid;
Line: 3773

    DELETE FROM per_periods_of_placement
    WHERE rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 3858

      UPDATE per_all_assignments_f paf
      SET   paf.effective_end_date = l_end_of_time
      WHERE paf.rowid = assignment2_rec.rowid;
Line: 3894

        UPDATE per_person_type_usages_f
        SET    person_type_id = l_person_type_id
        WHERE  person_id      = p_person_id
        AND    person_type_id= l_person_type_id1
        AND    p_date_start BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3902

         UPDATE per_people_f   -- 3194314
            SET current_npw_flag = null
               ,effective_start_date = p_date_start   -- in case DT udpates exist
         WHERE rowid = person_rec.rowid;
Line: 3911

        DELETE FROM per_people_f
        WHERE rowid = person_rec.rowid;
Line: 3925

         UPDATE per_people_f
            SET npw_number = null,
                effective_start_date = p_date_start,  -- in case DT updates exist
                current_npw_flag = null,
                per_information7 = 'INCL'
         WHERE  rowid = person_rec.rowid;
Line: 3937

        DELETE FROM per_people_f
        WHERE rowid = person_rec.rowid;
Line: 3948

      DELETE FROM per_people_f
      WHERE rowid = person_rec.rowid;
Line: 3992

      UPDATE per_people_f
      SET    effective_end_date = l_end_of_time
      WHERE  rowid = new_person_rec.rowid;
Line: 4081

        (p_validate              => FALSE
        ,p_person_type_usage_id  => l_person_type_usage_id
        ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
        ,p_datetrack_mode        => hr_api.g_zap
        ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
        ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date);
Line: 4095

  per_cancel_hire_or_apl_pkg.update_person_list(p_person_id => p_person_id);
Line: 4122

    SELECT pbg.legislation_code
      FROM per_business_groups pbg
         , per_people_f per
     WHERE per.person_id = p_person_id
       AND pbg.business_group_id = per.business_group_id;