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Line 2381: from icx_cat_categories_v

2377: -- is optional
2378: IF (NVL(l_progress_payment_type,'NONE') = 'NONE') THEN
2379: update pon_item_prices_interface p1
2380: set ip_category_name = (select category_name
2381: from icx_cat_categories_v
2382: where rt_category_id = decode(pon_auction_pkg.get_mapped_ip_category(p1.category_id), -2, null, pon_auction_pkg.get_mapped_ip_category(p1.category_id)) and
2383: language = p_language)
2384: where batch_id = p_batch_id and
2385: (action is null or action = '+') and

Line 2409: from icx_cat_categories_v icx

2405: where p1.batch_id = p_batch_id and
2406: p1.ip_category_name is not null and
2407: p1.ip_category_name <> 'IP_CAT_NONE_ENTERED' and
2408: not exists (select null
2409: from icx_cat_categories_v icx
2410: where icx.category_name = p1.ip_category_name and
2411: icx.language = p_language);
2413: -- set ip category name to null if ip cateogry is invalid

Line 2421: from icx_cat_categories_v icx

2417: where p1.batch_id = p_batch_id and
2418: p1.ip_category_name is not null and
2419: p1.ip_category_name <> 'IP_CAT_NONE_ENTERED' and
2420: not exists (select null
2421: from icx_cat_categories_v icx
2422: where icx.category_name = p1.ip_category_name and
2423: icx.language = p_language);
2425: -- set ip category id

Line 2428: from icx_cat_categories_v icx

2425: -- set ip category id
2426: update pon_item_prices_interface p1
2427: set ip_category_id = (select rt_category_id
2428: from icx_cat_categories_v icx
2429: where icx.category_name = p1.ip_category_name and
2430: language = p_language)
2431: where p1.batch_id = p_batch_id and
2432: p1.ip_category_name is not null and