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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

        SELECT cust_acct_site_id address_id
        FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all  A -- Removed ra_site_uses_all from Bug# 4434287
        WHERE A.site_use_id = p_ship_to_site_use_id;
Line: 30

        SELECT tax_category_list
        WHERE A.customer_id = p_customer_id
        AND A.address_id = p_address_id;
Line: 37

        SELECT tax_category_id
        WHERE a.tax_category_list = p_tax_category_list
        AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 122

        SELECT tax_category_list
        WHERE a.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
        AND a.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 129

        SELECT tax_category_id
        WHERE a.tax_category_list = p_tax_category_list
        AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 207

         updates the same before pick release. However this is currently not allowed by localization even though base
         apps allows this feature.

         The trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg raises an error of warehouse not found when the value of warehouse_id goes as
         null from the form.

         Removed this part from the trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg. The procedure jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_org_default_taxes has been modified
         for the same.
         During tax defaultation, if the tax category list is not found in the customer/customer site level then it is being picked up from the
         item class level. Now in cases where the warehouseid is left blank in the base apps sales order form, the tax category id from the
         master organization set for the default operating unit is picked up for further processing

                Dependency Due to this Bug:-
                 Functional dependency with the trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg.sql version 115.4

2 31/10/2006  SACSETHI for bug 5228046, File version 120.3
              1. Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523 (Additional CVD Enhancement).
                 This bug has datamodel and spec changes.

              2. Forward porting of bug 5219225

3  25/04/2007  cbabu for BUG#6012570 (5876390 )version = 120.5 (115.29 )
                   FP: Project Billing
4	05/06/2007	bduvarag for the bug#6081966 and 5989740, File version 120.8
			forward porting the 11i bugs 6074792 and 5907436

5.  01-08-2007           rchandan for bug#6030615 , Version 120.10
                         Issue : Inter org Forward porting
/* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */
  lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_org_default_taxes';
Line: 251

         org_id                 operating_unit,
         oe_system_parameters ;
Line: 262

        SELECT operating_unit
        FROM org_organization_definitions
        WHERE organization_id = NVL(c_org_id, 0);
Line: 268

        SELECT b.tax_category_id
        FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS a , JAI_CMN_TAX_CTGS_ALL b  -- redundant, org_organization_definitions c
        WHERE a.item_class = b.item_class_cd
        AND a.inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
        AND a.organization_id = v_org_id
        AND b.org_id = v_operating_unit;
Line: 331

        p_last_update_date      DATE,
        p_last_updated_by       NUMBER,
        p_last_update_login     NUMBER,
        p_operation_flag        NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , -- for CRM this is used to hold aso_shipments.shipment_id
        p_vat_assessable_value  NUMBER DEFAULT 0
        /** bgowrava for forward porting bug#5631784,Following parameters are added for TCS enh.*/
  , p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.tax_type%type default null  -- tax type to be considered as base when calculating threshold taxes
  , p_threshold_tax_cat_id    JAI_AP_TDS_THHOLD_TAXES.tax_category_id%type default null
  , p_source_trx_type         jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_doc_type%type default null
  , p_source_table_name       jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_table_name%type default null
  , p_action                  varchar2  default null
        /** End bug 5631784 */
  , pv_retroprice_changed IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N' --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13
) IS
    --TYPE num_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER(30,3) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- sriram - bug # 2812781 was 14 eaerler changed to 30
Line: 463

            select 1
            from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES
            where tax_category_id in (p_tax_category_id, nvl(p_threshold_tax_cat_id,-1))
            group by tax_id
            having count(tax_id) > 1;
Line: 471

            select max(line_no) max_tax_line
            from   JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES cat
            where  cat.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id;
Line: 477

            select max(line_no) max_rgm_tax_line
            from   JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES cat, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL taxes
            where  cat.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id
            and    taxes.tax_id = cat.tax_id
            and    taxes.tax_type = p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ;
Line: 487

        SELECT a.tax_category_id, a.tax_id, a.line_no lno,
            a.precedence_1 p_1, a.precedence_2 p_2,
      a.precedence_3 p_3, a.precedence_4 p_4,
      a.precedence_5 p_5, a.precedence_6 p_6, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
      a.precedence_7 p_7, a.precedence_8 p_8,
      a.precedence_9 p_9, a.precedence_10 p_10,
            b.tax_rate, b.tax_amount, b.uom_code, b.end_date valid_date,
            DECODE(rgm_tax_types.regime_Code,jai_constants.vat_regime, 4,  /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                          'EXCISE',                 1,
                          'ADDL. EXCISE',           1,
                          'OTHER EXCISE',           1,
                          'TDS',                    2,
                          'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'  ,1,
                          'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'     ,1,
                  ) tax_type_val,
            b.mod_cr_percentage, b.vendor_id, b.tax_type,nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor
	    , inclusive_tax_flag --added by walton for inclusive tax 08-Dev-07
             jai_regime_tax_types_v rgm_tax_types   /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
        WHERE a.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id
        AND   rgm_tax_types.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
        AND a.tax_id = b.tax_id
        -- AND (b.end_date >= sysdate OR b.end_date IS NULL)
        ORDER BY A.line_no;
Line: 516

        SELECT a.uom_class
        FROM mtl_units_of_measure A, mtl_units_of_measure B
        WHERE a.uom_code = p_line_uom_code
        AND b.uom_code = p_tax_line_uom_code
        AND a.uom_class = b.uom_class;
Line: 530

        SELECT organization_id, location_id, batch_source_id
        WHERE customer_trx_id = p_header_id;
Line: 535

        SELECT register_code
        WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND location_id     = p_location_id
        AND register_id IN (SELECT register_id
            WHERE order_type_id = p_batch_source_id
            AND order_flag = 'N');
Line: 620

                      2.  Package should provide an API for inserting taxes in to new table jai_cmn_document_taxes

                       To support above functionalities the following approach is used.
                        1.  New parameters are added to this procedure to get the tax category defined for threshold limit.
                            (Please refer the procedure signature)
                        2.  Whenever p_threshold_tax_cat_id is not NULL then it means taxes from two categories needs to be merged.
                            one using p_tax_category_id and other is p_threshold_tax_cat_id
                        3.  current driving cursor (tax_cur) is modified to handle multiple tax categories.
                            3.1  For all the tax lines defined in the p_tax_category_id there is no change
                            3.2  For all the tax lines defined in the p_threshold_tax_cat_id, line_no will be changed
                                 to ln_max_tax_line + line_no where ln_max_tax_line is the maximum  of line numbers for
                                 tax lines defined in p_tax_category_id
                            3.3  All the precedences defined in p_threshold_tax_cat_id will be changed as following
                                 -  If precedence refers to base precedence (i.e. 0) it will be changed to ln_max_rgm_tax_line
                                    where ln_max_rgm_tax_line is maximum of the line numbers of taxes having
                                    tax_type = p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ (i.e. tax type to be considered as a base tax
                                    when calculating threshold taxes defined using p_threshold_tax_cat_id)
                                 -  All other precedences will be changed to precedence_N + ln_max_tax_line

6  04/june/2007    ssumaith - bug#6109941 - review comments for TCS .
                              TCS enhancement forward porting has some minor issues that were resolved.

7.  05-Jun-2007  CSahoo for bug#6077133, File version- 120.7
                              Issue: The Taxes at header and the Line level does not
                                         tally for the Manually created AR Transaction.
                               Fix: added a rounding factor round_factor_tab.

8.  16-Oct-2007   CSahoo for bug#6498072, File Version 120.12
		  On creating a sales order and after delivery the taxes are taken only for a Single Quantity which is wrong.
		  so made changes in the code so that the taxes are taken for the whole quantity
9   01-Dev-2007   Walton for Inclusive Tax

10. 20-Nov-2008 JMEENA for bug#6488296( FP of 6475430)
				Added OR condition in procedure ja_in_calc_prec_taxes as  we are passing p_action null in case of 'CASH' Receipt.

Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
(Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
A datamodel change )

Current Version       Current Bug    Dependent           Files                    Version   Author   Date         Remarks
Of File                              On Bug/Patchset     Dependent On
115.1                 2977185       IN60105D2             None                    --       Aiyer   13/07/2004   Row introduces to start dependency tracking

115.3                 4245053       IN60106 +                                              ssumaith             Service Tax and VAT Infrastructure are created
                                    4146708 +                                                                   based on the bugs - 4146708 and 4545089 respectively.
--Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13
IF pv_retroprice_changed = 'N'
   --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
   bsln_amt := p_tax_amount ;
Line: 767

            $$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$    -  Use this place holder to select additional columns in the sql.
                                               You must also change corrosponding fetch statements and the record being used for fetch.
                                               SELECT statement above should also be changed to include the newly added columns
                                               as they are sharing a common cursor and fetch record.

            $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$            -  At runtime this placeholder must be replaced with name of
                                               source table to be used for recalculation
            $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$         -  At runtime, this place holder must represent a boolean condition
                                               which can filter required rows from the source table
                                               for recalculation.  It must be the first condition and should never
                                               start with either AND or OR
            $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$     -  Replace the placeholder with additional conditions if any.
                                               The condition must start with either AND or OR keyword
            $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$         -  Replace the placeholder with list of columns and order sequence, if required.
                                               Column list must start with comma (,)
            If any of this placeholder is not required to be used it must be replaced with a null value as below
                replace ( lv_recalculation_sql
                        , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$'
                        , ''
Line: 789

           '  select  a.tax_id
                    , a.tax_line_no     lno
                    , a.precedence_1    p_1
                    , a.precedence_2    p_2
                    , a.precedence_3    p_3
                    , a.precedence_4    p_4
                    , a.precedence_5    p_5
                    , a.precedence_6    p_6
                    , a.precedence_7    p_7
                    , a.precedence_8    p_8
                    , a.precedence_9    p_9
                    , a.precedence_10   p_10
                    , a.tax_rate
                    , a.tax_amount
                    , b.uom_code
                    , b.end_date        valid_date
                    , DECODE(rttv.regime_code, '''||jai_constants.vat_regime||''', 4,  /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                                              DECODE(UPPER(b.tax_type), ''EXCISE''      , 1
                                                                      , ''ADDL. EXCISE'', 1
                                                                      , ''OTHER EXCISE'', 1
                                                                      , ''TDS''         , 2
                                                                      , ''EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'',6 --modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                                                      , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS||''' , 6 /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/ --modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                                                      , ''CVD_EDUCATION_CESS''   ,6 --modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                                                      , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS||''' , 6  /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/ --modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                                                      , 0
                            )           tax_type_val
                   , b.mod_cr_percentage
                   , b.vendor_id
                   , b.tax_type
                   , nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor
                  , b.adhoc_flag
		  , b.inclusive_tax_flag  --added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dev-07
              from  $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$        a
                    , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL           b
                    , jai_regime_tax_types_v   rttv
              where $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$
              and   rttv.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type
              and   a.tax_id = b.tax_id   $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$
              order by  a.tax_line_no   $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$';
Line: 839

                    , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$'
                    , ',null   tax_category_id'
Line: 946

              open a dynamic select statement using OPEN-FOR statement
          /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'TAX RECALCULATION SQL STATEMENT');
Line: 960

Line: 972

    /** Add current record in the lt_tax_table for future use at the time of either UPDATE or INSERT into the tables*/

    --FOR rec IN tax_cur(p_tax_category_id) LOOP
    lt_tax_table(lt_tax_table.count+1) := rec;
Line: 1684

            $$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$    -  Use this place holder to select additional columns in the sql.
                                               You must also change corrosponding fetch statements and the record being used for fetch.
                                               SELECT statement above should also be changed to include the newly added columns
                                               as they are sharing a common cursor and fetch record.

            $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$            -  At runtime this placeholder must be replaced with name of
                                               source table to be used for recalculation
            $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$         -  At runtime, this place holder must represent a boolean condition
                                               which can filter required rows from the source table
                                               for recalculation.  It must be the first condition and should never
                                               start with either AND or OR
            $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$     -  Replace the placeholder with additional conditions if any.
                                               The condition must start with either AND or OR keyword
            $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$         -  Replace the placeholder with list of columns and order sequence, if required.
                                               Column list must start with comma (,)
            If any of this placeholder is not required to be used it must be replaced with a null value as below
                replace ( lv_recalculation_sql
                        , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$'
                        , ''
Line: 1706

           '  select  a.tax_id
                    , a.tax_line_no     lno
                    , a.precedence_1    p_1
                    , a.precedence_2    p_2
                    , a.precedence_3    p_3
                    , a.precedence_4    p_4
                    , a.precedence_5    p_5
                    , a.precedence_6    p_6
                    , a.precedence_7    p_7
                    , a.precedence_8    p_8
                    , a.precedence_9    p_9
                    , a.precedence_10   p_10
                    , a.tax_rate
                    , a.tax_amount
                    , b.uom_code
                    , b.end_date        valid_date
                    , DECODE(rttv.regime_code, '''||jai_constants.vat_regime||''', 4,  /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                                              DECODE(UPPER(b.tax_type), ''EXCISE''      , 1
                                                                      , ''ADDL. EXCISE'', 1
                                                                      , ''OTHER EXCISE'', 1
                                                                      , ''TDS''         , 2
                                                                      , ''EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'',1
                                                                      , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS||''' , 1 /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/
                                                                      , ''CVD_EDUCATION_CESS''   ,1
                                                                      , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS||''' , 1  /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/
                                                                      , 0
                            )           tax_type_val
                   , b.mod_cr_percentage
                   , b.vendor_id
                   , b.tax_type
                   , nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor
                  , b.adhoc_flag
              from  $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$        a
                    , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL           b
                    , jai_regime_tax_types_v   rttv
              where $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$
              and   rttv.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type
              and   a.tax_id = b.tax_id   $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$
              order by  a.tax_line_no   $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$';
Line: 1755

                    , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$'
                    , ',null   tax_category_id'
Line: 1862

              open a dynamic select statement using OPEN-FOR statement
          /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'TAX RECALCULATION SQL STATEMENT');
Line: 1876

Line: 1888

    /** Add current record in the lt_tax_table for future use at the time of either UPDATE or INSERT into the tables*/

    --FOR rec IN tax_cur(p_tax_category_id) LOOP
    lt_tax_table(lt_tax_table.count+1) := rec;
Line: 1993

      Jai_Retro_Tax_Changes jrtc
    WHERE jrtc.tax_id = rec.tax_id
      AND jrtc.line_change_id = (SELECT
                                   Jai_Retro_Line_Changes jrlc
                                 WHERE jrlc.line_location_id = lv_line_loc_id
                                   AND jrlc.doc_type IN ( 'RELEASE'
                                                        , 'RECEIPT'
                                                        , 'STANDARD PO'
                                   AND jrlc.doc_version_number = (SELECT
                                                                    Jai_Retro_Line_Changes jrlc1
                                                                  WHERE jrlc1.line_location_id = lv_line_loc_id
                                                                    AND jrlc1.doc_type IN ( 'RELEASE'
                                                                                          , 'RECEIPT'
                                                                                          , 'STANDARD PO'
Line: 2436

        if v_debug then fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Before insert into of tr_name -> '||transaction_name); end if;
Line: 2438

        INSERT INTO JAI_CRM_QUOTE_TAXES(quote_line_id, quote_header_id, shipment_id, tax_line_no,
            precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5,
            precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
            tax_id, tax_amount,
            creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
            last_updated_by, last_update_login)
        VALUES ( p_line_id, p_header_id, p_operation_flag, row_count,
            rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
            rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
            rec.tax_id, ROUND(nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0),REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
            decode(nvl(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), nvl(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
            (nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) *  v_currency_conv_factor),
            nvl(p_creation_date, SYSDATE), nvl(p_created_by,1), nvl(p_last_update_date,SYSDATE) ,
            nvl(p_last_updated_by,1), nvl(p_last_update_login,1) );
Line: 2457

                line_id, header_id, tax_line_no,
                precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5,
                precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
    tax_id, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom,
                creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
                last_updated_by, last_update_login,
                tax_category_id         -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
            ) VALUES (
                p_line_id, p_header_id, row_count,
                rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
                rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
    rec.tax_id, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code,
                DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
                (NVL(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) *  v_currency_conv_factor),
                p_creation_date, p_created_by, p_last_update_date,
                p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login,
                p_tax_category_id       -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
Line: 2500

																 INSERT INTO jai_cmn_document_taxes(
																 tax_id ,
																 currency_code ,
																 tax_rate  ,
																 qty_rate ,
																 uom      ,
																 tax_amt  ,
																 source_doc_type ,
																 source_doc_id ,
																 source_doc_line_id ,
																 source_table_name  ,
																 TAX_MODIFIED_BY  ,
																 adhoc_flag   ,
																 precedence_1  ,
																 precedence_2  ,
																 precedence_3  ,
																 precedence_4  ,
																 precedence_5  ,
																 precedence_6  ,
																 precedence_7  ,
																 precedence_8  ,
																 precedence_9   ,
																 precedence_10  ,
																 creation_date  ,
																 created_by      ,
																 last_update_date  ,
																 last_updated_by   ,
																 last_update_login )
																 VALUES (
																 jai_cmn_document_taxes_s.nextval ,
																 round(NVL(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * v_currency_conv_factor,rec.rounding_factor),
																 p_tax_category_id ,
Line: 2574

        ELSIF transaction_name = 'RMA_LEGACY_INSERT' THEN

            -- This elsif added by Aparajita on 31-may-2002 for bug 2381492
                rma_line_id, tax_line_no,
    precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3,  precedence_4,precedence_5,
    precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8,  precedence_9,precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
    tax_id,  tax_rate,
                qty_rate, uom, tax_amount,
                func_tax_amount, creation_date, created_by,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by,  last_update_login
            ) VALUES (
                p_line_id, row_count,
    rec.p_1,rec.p_2, rec.p_3,rec.p_4,   rec.p_5,
    rec.p_6,rec.p_7, rec.p_8,rec.p_9,   rec.p_10,
    rec.tax_id,  rec.tax_rate,
                rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code, ROUND(nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), rec.rounding_factor),
                DECODE( NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0) ),
                nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * v_currency_conv_factor, p_creation_date, p_created_by,
                p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by,  p_last_update_login
Line: 2597

        ELSIF transaction_name = 'SO_LINES_UPDATE'  THEN

            SET tax_amount = ROUND(NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                base_tax_amount = DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
                func_tax_amount = NVL(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * v_currency_conv_factor,
                last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
                last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
                last_update_login = p_last_update_login
            WHERE line_id = P_line_id
            AND header_id = p_header_id
            AND tax_line_no = row_count;
Line: 2618

                customer_trx_line_id, link_to_cust_trx_line_id, tax_line_no,
                precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5,
                precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
                tax_id, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom,
                creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
                last_updated_by, last_update_login
            ) VALUES(
                ra_customer_trx_lines_s.NEXTVAL, p_line_id, row_count,
                rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
                rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
    rec.tax_id, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code,
                ROUND(NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
                NVL(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * v_currency_conv_factor,
                p_creation_date, p_created_by, p_last_update_date,
                p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login
Line: 2643

                INSERT INTO JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES(customer_trx_line_id,
                    precedence_1,precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4,precedence_5,
                    precedence_6,precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9,precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
                    tax_id, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom,
                    creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
                    last_updated_by, last_update_login)
                VALUES(ra_customer_trx_lines_s.nextval, p_line_id, row_count,
                    rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
                    rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
        rec.tax_id, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code,
                    ROUND(nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                    decode(nvl(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), nvl(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
                    (nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) *  v_currency_conv_factor),
                    p_creation_date, p_created_by, p_last_update_date,
                    p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login);
Line: 2666

        ELSIF transaction_name = 'AR_LINES_UPDATE' THEN

            --2001/03/30 Manohar Mishra
            -- Added the following IF condition
            --if ((v_register_code<>'BOND_REG') and (rec.tax_type_val<>1)) then
            SET tax_amount      = ROUND(NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                base_tax_amount   = DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)),
                func_tax_amount   = NVL(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) *  v_currency_conv_factor,
                last_update_date  = p_last_update_date,
                last_updated_by   = p_last_updated_by,
                last_update_login = p_last_update_login
            WHERE link_to_cust_trx_line_id = P_line_id
            AND     tax_line_no = row_count;
Line: 2716

                    SELECT Tax_Type, Mod_Cr_Percentage, Vendor_Id
                    FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                    WHERE Tax_Id = taxid;
Line: 2721

                    SELECT vendor_id
                    FROM JAI_PO_REQ_LINE_TAXES
                    WHERE Requisition_Line_Id = ( SELECT Requisition_Line_Id
                    FROM Po_Requisition_Lines_All
                    WHERE Line_Location_Id = p_line_id );
Line: 2728

                    SELECT Line_Focus_Id
                    FROM JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS
                    WHERE Po_Line_Id = p_line_id
                    AND Po_Header_Id = p_header_id
                    AND Line_Location_Id IS NULL;
Line: 2735

                    SELECT Line_Focus_Id
                    FROM JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS
                    WHERE Po_Line_Id = p_line_id
                    AND Po_Header_Id = p_header_id
                    AND Line_Location_Id = line_id;
Line: 2816

                        INSERT INTO JAI_PO_TAXES(
                            line_focus_id, line_location_id,  po_line_id, po_header_id,
          precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5,
          precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
                            tax_id, tax_type, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom, tax_amount, tax_target_amount,
                            currency, modvat_flag, vendor_id,
                            creation_date, created_by,
                            last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login,
                            tax_category_id     -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
                        ) VALUES (
                            v_seq_val, v_line_id, p_line_id, p_header_id,
          rec.p_1, rec.p_2,rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
          rec.p_6, rec.p_7,rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
                            rec.tax_id,  rec.tax_type, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code,
                            ROUND(NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                            DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0),
                            NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)) * p_currency_conv_factor ,
                            p_currency, v_modvat_flag, v_vendor_id,
                            p_creation_date, p_created_by,
                            p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login,
                            p_tax_category_id   -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
Line: 2845

                          JAI_RETRO_PRC_PKG.Update_Price_Changes( pn_tax_amt         => ROUND(NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR)
                                                                , pn_line_no         => row_count
                                                                , pn_line_loc_id     => v_line_id
                                                                , pv_process_flag    => lv_process_flag
                                                                , pv_process_message => lv_process_message
Line: 2863

                        INSERT INTO JAI_PO_TAXES(
                            Line_Focus_Id, Line_Location_Id,  Po_Line_Id, Po_Header_Id,
          Precedence_1, Precedence_2, Precedence_3, Precedence_4, Precedence_5,
          Precedence_6, Precedence_7, Precedence_8, Precedence_9, Precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
                            Tax_Id, Tax_Type, Tax_Rate, Qty_Rate, UOM, Tax_Amount,
                            Currency, Modvat_Flag, Vendor_Id,
                            Creation_Date, Created_By,
                            Last_Update_Date, Last_Updated_By, Last_Update_Login,
                            tax_category_id     -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
                        ) VALUES (
                            v_seq_val, NULL, p_line_id, p_header_id,
          rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3, rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
          rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8, rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
                            rec.tax_id,  rec.tax_type, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code, NULL,
                            DECODE( NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0),
                                NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)) * p_currency_conv_factor ,
                            p_currency, v_modvat_flag, v_vendor_id,
                            p_creation_date, p_created_by,
                            p_last_update_date, p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login,
                            p_tax_category_id   -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
Line: 2892

                        UPDATE JAI_PO_TAXES
                        SET Tax_Amount = ROUND(NVL( tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0 ),REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                            tax_target_amount = DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0),
                                NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)) * p_currency_conv_factor ,
                            last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
                            last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
                            last_update_login = p_last_update_login
                        WHERE po_line_id = p_line_id
                        AND line_location_id = v_line_id;
Line: 2902

                        UPDATE JAI_PO_TAXES
                        SET Tax_Amount = ROUND(NVL( tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0 ), REC.ROUNDING_FACTOR),
                            tax_target_amount = DECODE(NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0), 0, NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0),
                                NVL(base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0)) * p_currency_conv_factor ,
                            last_updated_by = p_last_updated_by,
                            last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
                            last_update_login = p_last_update_login
                        WHERE Po_Line_Id = p_line_id
                        AND Line_Location_Id IS NULL;
Line: 2970

                    requisition_line_id, requisition_header_id, tax_line_no,
                    precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5,
                    precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
                    tax_id, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom, tax_amount, Tax_Target_Amount,
                    tax_type, modvat_flag, vendor_id, currency,
                    creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
                    last_updated_by, last_update_login,
                    tax_category_id     -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
                ) VALUES (
                    p_line_id, p_header_id, row_count,
                    rec.p_1, rec.p_2, rec.p_3,rec.p_4, rec.p_5,
                    rec.p_6, rec.p_7, rec.p_8,rec.p_9, rec.p_10,
                    rec.tax_id, rec.tax_rate, rec.tax_amount, rec.uom_code,
                    ROUND( NVL(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), rec.rounding_factor), -- v_currency_conv_factor ),
                    NVL( base_tax_amt_tab(row_count), 0) * ( v_currency_conv_factor),  rec.tax_type, v_modvat_flag, v_vendor_id, v_currency,
                    p_creation_date, p_created_by, p_last_update_date,
                    p_last_updated_by, p_last_update_login,
                    p_tax_category_id       -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
Line: 3029

              ,'Values before insert into jai_cmn_document_taxes'                                                   ||chr(10)
               || ',tax_line_no            -> '||row_count                                                      ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_id                 -> '||rec.tax_id                                                     ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_type               -> '||rec.tax_type                                                   ||CHR(10)
               || ',currency_code          -> '||p_currency                                                     ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_rate               -> '||rec.tax_rate                                                   ||CHR(10)
               || ',qty_rate               -> '||rec.tax_amount                                                 ||CHR(10)
               || ',uom                    -> '||rec.uom_code                                                   ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_amt                -> '||round( nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) , rec.rounding_factor  )  ||CHR(10)
               || ',func_tax_amt           -> '||nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * v_currency_conv_factor    ||CHR(10)
               || ',modvat_flag            -> '||v_modvat_flag                                                  ||CHR(10)
               || ',adhoc_flag             -> '||rec.adhoc_flag                                                 ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_category_id        -> '||rec.tax_category_id                                            ||CHR(10)
               || ',source_doc_type        -> '||p_source_trx_type                                              ||CHR(10)
               || ',source_doc_id          -> '||p_header_id                                                    ||CHR(10)
               || ',source_doc_line_id     -> '||p_line_id                                                      ||CHR(10)
               || ',source_table_name      -> '||p_source_table_name                                            ||CHR(10)
               || ',tax_modified_by        -> '||jai_constants.tax_modified_by_system                           ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_1           -> '||rec.p_1                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_2           -> '||rec.p_2                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_3           -> '||rec.p_3                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_4           -> '||rec.p_4                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_5           -> '||rec.p_5                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_6           -> '||rec.p_6                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_7           -> '||rec.p_7                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_8           -> '||rec.p_8                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_9           -> '||rec.p_9                                                        ||CHR(10)
               || ',precedence_10          -> '||rec.p_10                                                       ||CHR(10)
               || ',creation_date          -> '||p_creation_date                                                ||CHR(10)
               || ',created_by             -> '||p_created_by                                                   ||CHR(10)
               || ',last_update_date       -> '||p_last_update_date                                             ||CHR(10)
               || ',last_updated_by        -> '||p_last_updated_by                                              ||CHR(10)
               || ',last_update_login      -> '||p_last_update_login                                            ||CHR(10)
              );   */ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784
Line: 3067

              INSERT INTO jai_cmn_document_taxes
              ( doc_tax_id
              , tax_line_no
              , tax_id
              , tax_type
              , currency_code
              , tax_rate
              , qty_rate
              , uom
              , tax_amt
              , func_tax_amt
              , modvat_flag
              , adhoc_flag
              , tax_category_id
              , source_doc_type
              , source_doc_id
              , source_doc_line_id
              , source_doc_parent_line_no --added by Eric Ma,Sep 27,2007
              , source_table_name
              , tax_modified_by
              , precedence_1
              , precedence_2
              , precedence_3
              , precedence_4
              , precedence_5
              , precedence_6
              , precedence_7
              , precedence_8
              , precedence_9
              , precedence_10
              , creation_date
              , created_by
              , last_update_date
              , last_updated_by
              , last_update_login
              ( jai_cmn_document_taxes_s.nextval        -- doc_tax_id
              , row_count                               -- tax_line_no
              , rec.tax_id                              -- tax_id
              , rec.tax_type                            -- tax_type
              , p_currency                              -- currency
              , rec.tax_rate                            -- tax_rate
              , rec.tax_amount                          -- qty_rate
              , rec.uom_code                            -- uom
              , round( nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0)    -- tax_amount
                     , rec.rounding_factor
              , nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0)
                   * v_currency_conv_factor             -- func_tax_amount
              , v_modvat_flag                           -- modvat_flag
              , rec.adhoc_flag                          -- adhoc_flag
              , rec.tax_category_id                     -- tax_category_id
              , p_source_trx_type                       -- source_doc_type
              , p_header_id                             -- source_doc_id
              , p_line_id                               -- source_doc_line_id
              , p_line_id       -- source_doc_parent_line_no,added by Eric Ma
              , p_source_table_name                      -- source_table_name
              , jai_constants.tax_modified_by_system
              --tax_modified_by(SYSTEM=system defaulted, MANUAL=User Modified)
              , rec.p_1                                  -- precedence_1
              , rec.p_2                                  -- precedence_2
              , rec.p_3                                  -- precedence_3
              , rec.p_4                                  -- precedence_4
              , rec.p_5                                  -- precedence_5
              , rec.p_6                                  -- precedence_6
              , rec.p_7                                  -- precedence_7
              , rec.p_8                                  -- precedence_8
              , rec.p_9                                  -- precedence_9
              , rec.p_10                                 -- precedence_10
              , p_creation_date                          -- creation_date
              , p_created_by                             -- created_by
              , p_last_update_date                       -- last_update_date
              , p_last_updated_by                        -- last_updated_by
              , p_last_update_login                      -- last_update_login
Line: 3145

            insert into jai_cmn_document_taxes
            (              doc_tax_id
                        ,  tax_line_no
                        ,  tax_id
                        ,  tax_type
                        ,  currency_code
                        ,  tax_rate
                        ,  qty_rate
                        ,  uom
                        ,  tax_amt
                        ,  func_tax_amt
                        ,  modvat_flag
                        ,  adhoc_flag
                        ,  tax_category_id
                        ,  source_doc_type
                        ,  source_doc_id
                        ,  source_doc_line_id
                        ,  source_table_name
                        ,  tax_modified_by
                        ,  precedence_1
                        ,  precedence_2
                        ,  precedence_3
                        ,  precedence_4
                        ,  precedence_5
                        ,  precedence_6
                        ,  precedence_7
                        ,  precedence_8
                        ,  precedence_9
                        ,  precedence_10
                        ,  creation_date
                        ,  created_by
                        ,  last_update_date
                        ,  last_updated_by
                        ,  last_update_login
                             jai_cmn_document_taxes_s.nextval               -- doc_tax_id
                        ,    row_count                                  -- tax_line_no
                        ,    rec.tax_id                                 -- tax_id
                        ,    rec.tax_type                               -- tax_type
                        ,    p_currency                                 -- currency
                        ,    rec.tax_rate                               -- tax_rate
                        ,    rec.tax_amount                             -- qty_rate
                        ,    rec.uom_code                               -- uom
                        ,    round( nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0)       -- tax_amount
                                  , rec.rounding_factor
                        ,    nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0)
                                * v_currency_conv_factor                -- func_tax_amount
                        ,    v_modvat_flag                              -- modvat_flag
                        ,    rec.adhoc_flag                             -- adhoc_flag
                        ,    rec.tax_category_id                        -- tax_category_id
                        ,    p_source_trx_type                          -- source_doc_type
                        ,    p_header_id                                -- source_doc_id
                        ,    p_line_id                                  -- source_doc_line_id
                        ,    p_source_table_name                        -- source_table_name
                        ,    jai_constants.tax_modified_by_system       -- tax_modified_by (SYSTEM=system defaulted, MANUAL=User Modified)
                        ,    rec.p_1                                    -- precedence_1
                        ,    rec.p_2                                    -- precedence_2
                        ,    rec.p_3                                    -- precedence_3
                        ,    rec.p_4                                    -- precedence_4
                        ,    rec.p_5                                    -- precedence_5
                        ,    rec.p_6                                    -- precedence_6
                        ,    rec.p_7                                    -- precedence_7
                        ,    rec.p_8                                    -- precedence_8
                        ,    rec.p_9                                    -- precedence_9
                        ,    rec.p_10                                   -- precedence_10
                        ,    p_creation_date                            -- creation_date
                        ,    p_created_by                               -- created_by
                        ,    p_last_update_date                         -- last_update_date
                        ,    p_last_updated_by                          -- last_updated_by
                        ,    p_last_update_login                        -- last_update_login
Line: 3220

       /*      jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Record inserted into jai_cmn_document_taxes');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784
Line: 3229

           update   jai_cmn_document_taxes
           set      tax_amt        = tax_amt_tab(row_count)
                   ,func_tax_amt   = nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * nvl(v_currency_conv_factor ,1)
                   ,last_update_date  = p_last_update_date
                   ,last_updated_by   = p_last_updated_by
                   ,last_update_login = p_last_update_login
           where   source_doc_line_id = p_line_id
           and     tax_id             = rec.tax_id
           and     source_doc_type    = jai_constants.pa_draft_invoice;
Line: 3252

            update   JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES
            set      tax_amount        = tax_amt_tab(row_count)
                    ,func_tax_amount   = nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * nvl(v_currency_conv_factor ,1)
                    ,base_tax_amount   = round( nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), rec.rounding_factor)
                    ,last_update_date  = p_last_update_date
                    ,last_updated_by   = p_last_updated_by
                    ,last_update_login = p_last_update_login
            where   delivery_detail_id = p_line_id
            and     tax_id             = rec.tax_id;
Line: 3283

                update   JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES
                set      tax_amount              = tax_amt_tab(row_count)
                        ,func_tax_amount         = nvl(func_tax_amt_tab(row_count),0) * nvl(v_currency_conv_factor ,1)
                        ,base_tax_amount         = round( nvl(tax_amt_tab(row_count),0), rec.rounding_factor)
                        ,last_update_date        = p_last_update_date
                        ,last_updated_by         = p_last_updated_by
                        ,last_update_login       = p_last_update_login
                where   link_to_cust_trx_line_id = p_line_id
                and     tax_id                   = rec.tax_id;
Line: 3314

            SET tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id
            WHERE line_focus_id = v_line_focus_id_holder;
Line: 3325

            SET tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id
            WHERE requisition_line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 3391

                       for     select a.tax_id
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.line_no
                                                        , (p_max_tax_line + a.line_no)
                                      )       lno
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_1
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_1, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_1))
                                      )       p_1
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_2
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_2, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_2))
                                      )       p_2
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_3
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_3, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_3))
                                      )       p_3
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_4
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_4, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_4))
                                      )       p_4
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_5
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_5, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_5))
                                      )       p_5
                            /* Bug 5094130. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Included precedences 6 to 10*/
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_6
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_6, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_6))
                                      )       p_6
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_7
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_7, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_7))
                                      )       p_7
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_8
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_8, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_8))
                                      )       p_8
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_9
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_9, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_9))
                                      )       p_9
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_10
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_10, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_10))
                                      )       p_10
                             , b.tax_rate
                             , b.tax_amount
                             , b.uom_code
                             , b.end_date valid_date
                             , DECODE(rgm_tax_types.regime_Code,jai_constants.vat_regime, 4,  /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                                          'EXCISE',                 1,
                                          'ADDL. EXCISE',           1,
                                          'OTHER EXCISE',           1,
                                          'TDS',                    2,
                                          'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'  ,6, --modified by walton for inclusive tax
				           JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS , 6 , /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/ --modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                          'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'     ,6, --modified by walton for inclusive tax
				            JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS, 6 ,  /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/--modified by walton for inclusive tax
                                      ) tax_type_val
                             , b.mod_cr_percentage
                             , b.vendor_id
                             , b.tax_type
                             , nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor
                             , b.adhoc_flag
                             , a.tax_category_id
			     , b.inclusive_tax_flag  --added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dev-07
                        from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES a
                           , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b
                           , jai_regime_tax_types_v rgm_tax_types   /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                        where a.tax_category_id in (p_tax_category_id, nvl(p_threshold_tax_cat_id,-1))
                        and   rgm_tax_types.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                        and   a.tax_id = b.tax_id
                        order by   decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.line_no
                                                        , (p_max_tax_line + a.line_no)
Line: 3464

                       for     select a.tax_id
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.line_no
                                                        , (p_max_tax_line + a.line_no)
                                      )       lno
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_1
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_1, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_1))
                                      )       p_1
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_2
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_2, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_2))
                                      )       p_2
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_3
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_3, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_3))
                                      )       p_3
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_4
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_4, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_4))
                                      )       p_4
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_5
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_5, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_5))
                                      )       p_5
                            /* Bug 5094130. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Included precedences 6 to 10*/
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_6
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_6, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_6))
                                      )       p_6
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_7
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_7, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_7))
                                      )       p_7
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_8
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_8, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_8))
                                      )       p_8
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_9
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_9, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_9))
                                      )       p_9
                             , decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.precedence_10
                                                        , decode (a.precedence_10, p_base,  p_max_rgm_tax_line,  (p_max_tax_line + a.precedence_10))
                                      )       p_10
                             , b.tax_rate
                             , b.tax_amount
                             , b.uom_code
                             , b.end_date valid_date
                             , DECODE(rgm_tax_types.regime_Code,jai_constants.vat_regime, 4,  /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                                          'EXCISE',                 1,
                                          'ADDL. EXCISE',           1,
                                          'OTHER EXCISE',           1,
                                          'TDS',                    2,
                                          'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'  ,1,
				           JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS , 1 , /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/
                                          'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'     ,1,
				            JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS, 1 ,  /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/
                                      ) tax_type_val
                             , b.mod_cr_percentage
                             , b.vendor_id
                             , b.tax_type
                             , nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor
                             , b.adhoc_flag
                             , a.tax_category_id
                             , b.inclusive_tax_flag  --Add by Kevin Cheng
                        from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES a
                           , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b
                           , jai_regime_tax_types_v rgm_tax_types   /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                        where a.tax_category_id in (p_tax_category_id, nvl(p_threshold_tax_cat_id,-1))
                        and   rgm_tax_types.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/
                        and   a.tax_id = b.tax_id
                        order by   decode (a.tax_category_id, p_tax_category_id, a.line_no
                                                        , (p_max_tax_line + a.line_no)