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Line 118: from msc_plans

114: l_def_pref_id number;
115: l_plan_type number;
116: cursor plan_type_c(v_plan_id number) is
117: select curr_plan_type
118: from msc_plans
119: where plan_id = v_plan_id;
120: BEGIN
121: open plan_type_c(arg_plan_id);
122: fetch plan_type_c into l_plan_type;

Line 135: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_plan_buckets mpb, msc_period_start_dates mpsd

132: CURSOR c1(p_plan_id NUMBER) IS
133: SELECT mp.plan_id, mp.compile_designator, mtp.calendar_code, mpb.bkt_start_date, mpb.bkt_end_date,
134: mpsd.period_start_date, mpb.bucket_type
135: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_plan_buckets mpb, msc_period_start_dates mpsd
136: WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
137: AND mtp.sr_tp_id = mp.organization_id
138: AND mtp.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
139: AND mtp.partner_type = 3

Line 485: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_system_items msi, msc_item_categories mic, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_trading_partners cust,

481: mic.sr_category_id AS sr_category_id, mic.category_name AS category_name,
482: mp.compile_designator AS plan_name,
483: mtp.organization_code AS org_name,
484: msi.item_name AS item_name, cust.partner_id
485: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_system_items msi, msc_item_categories mic, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_trading_partners cust,
486: msc_safety_stocks mss,
487: (SELECT demands.plan_id, demands.sr_instance_id, demands.organization_id, demands.using_assembly_item_id,
488: demands.customer_id, demands.demand_id
489: FROM msc_demands demands

Line 536: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_system_items msi, msc_item_categories mic, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_trading_partners cust,

532: mic.sr_category_id AS sr_category_id, mic.category_name AS category_name,
533: mp.compile_designator AS plan_name,
534: mtp.organization_code AS org_name,
535: cust.partner_id, cust.partner_name, cust.customer_class_code, msi.item_name AS item_name
536: FROM msc_plans mp, msc_system_items msi, msc_item_categories mic, msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_trading_partners cust,
537: (SELECT demands.plan_id, demands.sr_instance_id, demands.organization_id, demands.using_assembly_item_id,
538: demands.customer_id, demands.demand_id
539: FROM msc_demands demands
540: WHERE demands.origination_type IN (6,7,8,9,11,12,15,22,28,29,30)) msd

Line 651: msc_item_categories mic, msc_plans mp, msc_plan_organizations mpo,

647: cust.partner_name AS partner_name,
648: cust.customer_class_code AS customer_class_code,
649: RECORD_SERVICE_LEVEL AS record_type
650: FROM msc_demands msd, msc_system_items msi,
651: msc_item_categories mic, msc_plans mp, msc_plan_organizations mpo,
652: msc_trading_partners cust
653: WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
654: AND msd.plan_id = msi.plan_id
655: AND msd.origination_type IN (6,7,8,9,11,12,15,22,28,29,30)

Line 752: msc_plans mp, msc_plan_organizations mpo

748: NULL AS partner_name,
749: NULL AS customer_class_code,
750: RECORD_SAFETY_STOCK AS record_type
751: FROM msc_safety_stocks mss, msc_system_items msi, msc_item_categories mic,
752: msc_plans mp, msc_plan_organizations mpo
753: WHERE mss.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
754: AND mss.plan_id = msi.plan_id
755: AND mss.organization_id = msi.organization_id
756: AND mss.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id

Line 812: FROM msc_plans_tree_v mpt, msc_plans mp

809: IS
810: CURSOR c1(p_plan_id NUMBER) IS
811: SELECT 1
812: FROM msc_plans_tree_v mpt, msc_plans mp
813: WHERE mpt.curr_plan_type = 4
814: AND mpt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
815: AND mp.plan_start_date IS NOT NULL
816: AND mp.plan_id = p_plan_id;