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1 PACKAGE dbms_tts IS
4   v_exclude_xmlverify   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
6   --
7   -- Input formats for passphrase in set_passphrase procedure.
8   --
9   OBFUSCATED     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1;  -- obfuscated binary value
10   ENCRYPTED      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2;  -- encrypted binary value
12   -- This package checks if the transportable set is self-contained.  All
13   -- violations are inserted into a temporary table that can be selected from
14   -- view transport_set_violations.
15   --
16   TYPE tablespace_names IS TABLE OF varchar(30) INDEX BY binary_integer;
18   -- Table to hole the list of errors from containment checking.
19   v_tts_error$          tts_error_tab := tts_error_tab();
21   --++
22   -- Definition: This procedure checks if a tablespace is temporary or if it is
23   --             a tablespace that can not be exported using transportable
24   --             tablespace mode.
25   --
26   -- Inputs:     a_tsname - tablespace name
27   --             a_ts_num - tablespace id number
28   --             upcase   - allow upcasing of username or not
29   --
30   -- Outputs:    None
31   --++
32   PROCEDURE checkTablespace (
33         a_tsname        IN varchar2,
34         a_ts_num        IN OUT number,
35         upcase          IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
37   --++
38   -- Definition:  This procedure performs a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
39   --              Data Pump worker process on target system executes this
40   --              procedure over a network link on the remote source system.
41   --              Once this key exchange has taken place, both sides can
42   --              transmit sensitive data securely.
43   --
44   -- Inputs:      source_key       - public key of the source process. In this
45   --                                 case "source" refers to the initiator
46   --                                 of the key exchange, which is the  worker
47   --                                 on the local system.
48   -- Outputs:     target_key       - public key of the target process. In this
49   --                                 case "target" refers to the process with
50   --                                 which the "source" end wishes to exchange
51   --                                 keys, which is the worker on the remote
52   --                                 system.
53   --              digest           - digest/verifier of the shared key.
54   --
55   -- Possible Exceptions:
56   --              Internal errors
57   --++
58   PROCEDURE dh_key_exchange (
59         source_key              IN varchar2,
60         target_key             OUT varchar2,
61         digest                 OUT varchar2);
63   --++
64   -- Definition:  This procedure sets the passphrase in a package state
65   --              variable. Subsequent calls to get/put protected routines
66   --              can pass the obfuscated passphrase to their respective
67   --              C callouts as needed.
68   --
69   -- Inputs:      passphrase       - passphrase that is placed in a package
70   --                                 state variable and passed to the get/put
71   --                                 protected routines in subsequent calls.
72   --              passphraseFmt    - passphrase is either in obfuscated or
73   --                                 encrypted format. Valid values are:
74   --                                   - SYS.DBMS_TTS.OBFUSCATED
75   --                                   - SYS.DBMS_TTS.ENCRYPTED
76   --                                 If the format is encrypted, this procedure
77   --                                 decrypts the passphrase and then obfuscates
78   --                                 it before placing into the package state
79   --                                 variable. The key used for decrypting
80   --                                 should have been setup via a previous
81   --                                 call to dh_key_exchange.
82   --
83   -- Possible Exceptions:
84   --              Internal errors
85   --++
86   PROCEDURE set_passphrase (
87         passphrase              IN raw,
88         passphraseFmt           IN pls_integer DEFAULT SYS.DBMS_TTS.OBFUSCATED);
90   --++
91   -- Definition:  This procedure verifies that the tablespace list provided is
92   --              a closed set.  Any violations will be stored in the
93   --              sys.tts_error$ table.
94   --
95   -- Inputs:      ts_list          - comma separated tablespace name list
96   --              incl_constraints - include constraints or not
97   --              full_check       - perform a full check or not
98   --
99   -- Outputs:     None
100   --++
101   PROCEDURE transport_set_check (
102         ts_list                 IN clob,
103         incl_constraints        IN boolean  DEFAULT FALSE,
104         full_check              IN boolean  DEFAULT FALSE);
106   --++
107   -- Definition:  This function verifies that the tablespace list provided is
108   --              a closed set.  If called from within a datapump job then all
109   --              violations will be in the sys.tts_error$ table and false will
110   --              be returned. Otherwise, false will be returned on the first
111   --              violation detected and no information is stored in the
112   --              sys.tts_error$ table.
113   --
114   -- Inputs:      ts_list          - comma separated tablespace name list
115   --              incl_constraints - include constraints or not
116   --              full_check       - perform a full check or not
117   --              job_type         = DATABASE_EXPORT IF FULL TTS
118   --              encryption_password = true if encryption password supplied
119   --                                    on command line.
120   --
121   -- Outputs:     None
122   --
123   -- Return:      True if self contained, false if not.
124   --++
125   FUNCTION isSelfContained (
126         ts_list                 IN clob,
127         incl_constraints        IN boolean,
128         full_check              IN boolean,
129         job_type                IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
130         encryption_password     IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE)
133   --
134   -- Description:  This procedure checks if the transportable set is compatible
135   --               with the specified char sets. Result is displayed in output.
136   --               Must set serveroutput on.
137   --
138   -- Inputs:       ts_list      - comma separated tablespace name list
139   --               target_db_char_set_name
140   --               target_db_nchar_set_name
141   --
142   -- Outputs:      None
143   --++
144   PROCEDURE transport_char_set_check_msg (
145         ts_list                         IN  CLOB,
146         target_db_char_set_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
147         target_db_nchar_set_name        IN  VARCHAR2);
149   --
150   -- Description:  This procedure adds an error to sys.tts_error$ if the error
151   --               was not already previously added.
152   --
153   -- Inputs:       exp_err_num - expected error number
154   --               err_num     - error number raised
155   --               err_msg     - error text to insert
156   --
157   -- Outputs:      None
158   --
159   -- Return:       TRUE = expected error -- FALSE = error not expected
160   --++
161   FUNCTION insert_error (
162         exp_err_num IN number,
163         err_num     IN number,
164         err_msg     IN varchar2)
167   --++
168   -- Definition:  This function returns TRUE if char set is compatible. msg is
169   --              set to OK or error message.
170   --
171   -- Inputs:       ts_list      - comma separated tablespace name list
172   --               target_db_char_set_name
173   --               target_db_nchar_set_name
174   --
175   -- Outputs:      None
176   --
177   -- Returns:      True if compatible, false otherwise
178   --++
179   FUNCTION transport_char_set_check (
180         ts_list                         IN  CLOB,
181         target_db_char_set_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
182         target_db_nchar_set_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
183         err_msg                         OUT VARCHAR2)
186 --++
187 -- Procedure:    get_protected_ce_tab_key
188 --
189 -- Description:  This trusted callout provides an interface to get the
190 --               column encryption table keys in the protected form.
191 --               The table key is extracted from the enc$, unwrapped with the
192 --               Master Key, re-wrapped with the passphrase setup in a previous
193 --               call to dbms_tts.set_passphrase.
194 --
195 -- Inputs:       schemaName   - schema name
196 --               tableName    - table name
197 --
198 -- Outputs:      protTableKey - protected table key
199 --
200 -- Note:         If not executed within dbms_datapump, it is a no-op.
201 --
202 --               If the procedure is executed successfully, the protected
203 --               table key is returned to the caller.
204 --
205 --               Errors are signaled otherwise.
206 --++
207 -- internal version is the trusted callout, not to be called directly
208 -- by the user
210 PROCEDURE  get_protected_ce_tab_key (
211         schemaName     IN  VARCHAR2,            -- schema name
212         tableName      IN  VARCHAR2,            -- table name
213         protTableKey   OUT RAW);                -- protected Table Key
215 --++
216 -- Procedure:    add_protected_ce_tab_key
217 --
218 -- Description:  This trusted callout provides an interface to add the
219 --               column encryption table key to the TDE dictionary table.
220 --               The table key is unwrapped with the passphrase setup in
221 --               a previous call to dbms_tts.set_passphrase, re-wrapped
222 --               with the Master Key and added to enc$.
223 --
224 -- Inputs:       schemaName   - schema name
225 --               tableName    - table name
226 --               protTableKey - protected table key
227 --
228 -- Outputs:      None.
229 --
230 -- Note:         If not executed within dbms_datapump, it is a no-op.
231 --
232 --               If the procedure is executed successfully, the protected
233 --               table key is added to TDE dictionary table.
234 --
235 --               Errors are signaled otherwise.
236 --++
237 -- internal version is the trusted callout, not to be called directly
238 -- by the user
240 PROCEDURE  add_protected_ce_tab_key (
241         schemaName     IN VARCHAR2,             -- schema name
242         tableName      IN VARCHAR2,             -- table name
243         protTableKey   IN RAW);                 -- protected Table Key
245 --++
246 -- Procedure:    get_protected_tse_key
247 --
248 -- Description:  This trusted callout provides an interface to get the
249 --               tablespace encryption keys in the protected form. The
250 --               TSE key is rewrapped using the passphrase setup in a
251 --               previous call to dbms_tts.set_passphrase.
252 --
253 -- Inputs:       tablespaceNumber - tablespace number
254 --
255 -- Outputs:      protTablespaceKey - protected tablespace key
256 --
257 -- Note:         If not executed within dbms_datapump, it is a no-op.
258 --
259 --               If the procedure is executed successfully, the protected
260 --               tablespace key is returned to the caller.
261 --
262 --               Errors are signaled otherwise.
263 --++
264 -- internal version is the trusted callout, not to be called directly
265 -- by the user
267 PROCEDURE  get_protected_tse_key (
268         tablespaceNumber  IN  NUMBER,          -- tablespace number
269         protTablespaceKey OUT RAW);            -- protected Tablespace Key
271 --++
272 -- Description:  This procedure provides an interface to rewrap tablespace
273 --               key from a passphrase protected key to target DB wallet
274 --               and write it to the file header
275 --               Must operate on a datafile file before plugin
276 --               Must be executed within the context of dbms_datapump.
277 --               This procedure uses a passphrase setup in a previous
278 --               call to dbms_tts.set_passphrase.
279 --
280 -- Inputs:       filename   - fully-qualified absolute path datafile name
281 --               protTablespaceKey - protected tablespace key
282 --
283 -- Outputs:      None
284 --               If the procedure executed successfully, the tablespace key
285 --               in the file header has been rewrapped by the target DB
286 --               wallet and is ready to be plugged in.
287 --
288 --               Errors are signaled otherwise.
289 --++
291 PROCEDURE  put_protected_tse_key (
292         filename           IN  VARCHAR2,  -- data file name
293         protTablespaceKey  IN  RAW);      -- protected Tablespace Key
295 --++
296 -- Procedure:    get_afn_dbid
297 --
298 -- Description:  This trusted callout gets the absolute file number and the
299 --               database id for a given file
300 --
301 -- Inputs:       datafile
302 --
303 -- Outputs:      absolute file number
304 --               database id
305 --
306 -- Note:         If not executed within dbms_datapump, it is a no-op.
307 --
308 --               Errors are signaled otherwise.
309 --++
310 PROCEDURE  get_afn_dbid (
311         fn      IN  VARCHAR2,                        -- filename
312         afn     OUT NUMBER,                          -- absolute file number
313         dbid    OUT NUMBER);                         -- database id
315   --++
316   -- Description:  NULL
317   --
318   -- Inputs:       None
319   --
320   -- Outputs:      None
321   --++
322   PROCEDURE downgrade;
324   --++
325   -- Definition:  This function queries the pl/sql table and pipelines it to
326   --              look like a sql table.
327   --
328   -- Inputs:      None
329   --
330   -- Outputs:     None
331   --++
332   FUNCTION tab_func_error RETURN sys.tts_error_tab pipelined;
335   /*******************************************************************
336   **               Possible Exceptions                              **
337   *******************************************************************/
339   ts_not_found                  EXCEPTION;
340   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_not_found, -29304);
341   ts_not_found_num              NUMBER := -29304;
343   invalid_ts_list               EXCEPTION;
344   PRAGMA exception_init         (invalid_ts_list, -29346);
345   invalid_ts_list_num           NUMBER := -29346;
347   sys_or_tmp_ts                 EXCEPTION;
348   PRAGMA exception_init         (sys_or_tmp_ts, -29351);
349   sys_or_tmp_ts_num             NUMBER := -29351;
351   encpwd_error                  EXCEPTION;
352   PRAGMA exception_init         (encpwd_error, -39330);
353   encpwd_error_num              NUMBER := -39330;
355   /*******************************************************************
356   **               Trusted callouts                                 **
357   *******************************************************************/
359 END dbms_tts;