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Line 712: 'gl_code_combinations gltax, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist dist, '||

708: 'ar_vat_tax vat, ra_tax_exemptions ex, ar_lookups lk2, ar_lookups lk3, '||
709: 'ra_customer_trx_lines line, ra_customer_trx_lines tax, hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site, '||
710: 'hz_party_sites party_site, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign, hz_locations loc, ' ||
711: 'hz_cust_site_uses su, ra_customer_trx othertrx, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, '||
712: 'gl_code_combinations gltax, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist dist, '||
713: 'ra_customer_trx trx ';
715: select_adj_from :=
716: 'FROM gl_code_combinations cc, ar_adjustments adj, hz_cust_accounts c, hz_parties party, ar_vat_tax vat, '||

Line 716: 'FROM gl_code_combinations cc, ar_adjustments adj, hz_cust_accounts c, hz_parties party, ar_vat_tax vat, '||

712: 'gl_code_combinations gltax, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist dist, '||
713: 'ra_customer_trx trx ';
715: select_adj_from :=
716: 'FROM gl_code_combinations cc, ar_adjustments adj, hz_cust_accounts c, hz_parties party, ar_vat_tax vat, '||
717: 'ra_tax_exemptions ex, ar_lookups lk2, ar_lookups lk3, fnd_currencies cy, '||
718: 'ra_customer_trx_lines line, ra_customer_trx_lines tax, ra_customer_trx trx, '||
719: 'hz_cust_site_uses su, hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site, ' ||
720: 'hz_locations loc, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign, hz_party_sites party_site ';

Line 728: 'gl_code_combinations gltax, '||

724: 'ar_vat_tax vat, ra_tax_exemptions ex, ar_lookups lk2, ar_lookups lk3, '||
725: 'ra_customer_trx_lines line, ra_customer_trx_lines tax, ' ||
726: ' hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site, hz_locations loc, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign, hz_party_sites party_site, '||
727: 'hz_cust_site_uses su, ra_customer_trx othertrx, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, '||
728: 'gl_code_combinations gltax, '||
729: 'ra_customer_trx trx,ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist dist ';
731: select_adj_from :=
732: 'FROM hz_cust_accounts c, hz_parties party, ar_vat_tax vat, '||

Line 736: 'hz_locations loc, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign, gl_code_combinations cc, ar_adjustments adj ';

732: 'FROM hz_cust_accounts c, hz_parties party, ar_vat_tax vat, '||
733: 'ra_tax_exemptions ex, ar_lookups lk2, ar_lookups lk3, fnd_currencies cy, '||
734: 'ra_customer_trx_lines line, ra_customer_trx_lines tax, ra_customer_trx trx, '||
735: 'hz_cust_site_uses su, hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site, hz_party_sites party_site, ' ||
736: 'hz_locations loc, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign, gl_code_combinations cc, ar_adjustments adj ';
737: END IF;
739: select_statement := select_trx_cols ||
740: select_trx_from ||

Line 1831: from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, gl_code_combinations cc

1827: BEGIN
1828: if c_detail_level = 'RX_LINE' then
1829: select min(decode(taxdist.code_combination_id,null,'N','Y'))
1830: into warn_gltax_range
1831: from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, gl_code_combinations cc
1832: where customer_trx_line_id = c_trx_id
1833: AND taxdist.code_combination_id = cc.code_combination_id;
1834: if warn_gltax_range is null then
1835: warn_gltax_range := 'N';

Line 1840: from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, gl_code_combinations cc,

1836: end if;
1837: else
1838: select min(decode(taxdist.code_combination_id,null,'N','Y'))
1839: into warn_gltax_range
1840: from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist taxdist, gl_code_combinations cc,
1841: ra_customer_trx trx, ra_customer_trx_lines tax
1842: where taxdist.customer_trx_line_id = tax.customer_trx_line_id
1843: AND tax.line_type = 'TAX'
1844: AND trx.customer_trx_id = tax.customer_trx_id