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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

|                             massive_update:                           |
|                                p_application_id must be not null.     |
|                             load_balance_temp_tables:                 |
|                                added support for p_application_id     |
|                                not null when p_request_id not null    |
|    29-OCT-03 A. Quaglia     Bug3190083                                |
|                             lock_create_balance_statuses:             |
|                                replaced FND_FLEX_APIS                 |
|                                get_qualifier_segnum + get_segment_info|
|                                with get_segment_column                |
|                             in all _srs:                              |
|                                added activate/deactivate trace stmts  |
|    31-OCT-03 A.Quaglia      Bug3202694:                               |
|                             massive_update:                           |
|                                added p_entity_id                      |
|                                old, deprecated API maintained until   |
|                                uptake is done.                        |
|                             calculate_balances:                       |
|                                if no rows to process exit immediately |
|                                also when commit_flag <> 'Y'           |
|    31-OCT-03 A.Quaglia      Replaced other occurences of FND_FLEX_APIS|
|    26-NOV-03 A.Quaglia      Bug3264347:                               |
|                             massive_update_srs:                       |
|                                new param p_dummy                      |
|                             massive_update:                           |
|                                changed concurrent submission of       |
|                                XLABAOPE (new dummy param in def.)     |
|    15-DEC-03 A.Quaglia      Bug3315864:                               |
|                             move_balances_forward:                    |
|                                fixed carry forward of NULL amounts    |
|                             move_identified_bals_forward:             |
|                                fixed carry forward of NULL amounts    |
|                                fixed missing outer join on one cond.  |
|                                fixed running from SQLPlus (no req.id) |
|                                renamed to move_balances_forward_COMMIT|
|                             build_line_selection_dyn_stmts:           |
|                                corrected WHEN clause in INSERT ALL    |
|    05-MAR-04 A.Quaglia      Changed trace handling as per Sandeep's   |
|                             code.                                     |
|    19-MAR-04 A.Quaglia      Fixed debug changes issues:               |
|                               -Replaced global variable for trace     |
|                                with local one                         |
|                               -Fixed issue with SQL%ROWCOUNT which is |
|                                modified after calling debug proc      |
|    29-JUL-04 A.Quaglia      Bug3202694:                               |
|                             massive_update:                           |
|                                removed deprecated API                 |
|                                                                       |
|    22-OCT-04 W.Shen         New API is added                          |
|                             massive_update(p_application_id)          |
|                                This API is for Bulk Event API only    |
|                                It will update the balance for events  |
|                                in events_gt table.                    |
|                             Two private functions: Calculate_balances,|
|                                Load_balance_temp_tables are updated   |
|                                too                                    |
|    11-MAR-05 W. Chan       Fixed bug 4220415 - removed join to        |
|                            xla_transaction_entities in                |
|                            load_balance_temp_tables when the          |
|                            entity_id IS NULL                          |
|                                                                       |
|    01-APR-05 W. Chan       Fixed bug 4277500 - removed join to        |
|                            xla_events in load_balance_temp_tables     |
|                            when the entity_id IS NULL                 |
|                                                                       |
|    10-APR-05 W. Shen       Fixed bug 4277500 - removed the table      |
|    30-NOV-05 V. Kumar      Bug 4769611 Modify SQLs in balance calcul- |
|                             ation routine                             |
|    19-Jan-05 V. Kumar      Removed the code for AC balances           |
|    03-Mar-06 V. Kumar      Populating GL_SL_LINK_IN in xla_ae_lines   |
|    05-Dec-08 karamakr      7608545- Reset l_begin_bal_dr,             |
|                            l_begin_bal_cr to null                     |

--Generic Procedure/Function template
|                                                                       |
| Private Function                                                      |
|                                                                       |
| Description                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Pseudo-code                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Open issues                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|  MUST SOLVE                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
|  NICE TO SOLVE                                                        |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |

   -- Private exceptions
   le_resource_busy                   EXCEPTION;
Line: 308

   ,p_balance_status_code_selected IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_balance_status_code_not_sel  IN VARCHAR2
|                                                                       |
| Private Function                                                      |
|                                                                       |
| Description                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| WARNING: this procedure performs COMMITs                              |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Pseudo-code                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| Open issues                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |

CURSOR lc_lock_balance_statuses ( cp_application_id       INTEGER
                                 ,cp_ledger_id            INTEGER
                                 ,cp_balance_status_code  VARCHAR2
                                 ,cp_balance_source_code  VARCHAR2
                                 ,cp_effective_period_num INTEGER
                                 ,cp_request_id           INTEGER
   SELECT xbs.code_combination_id
     FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
    WHERE xbs.application_id          = cp_application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id               = cp_ledger_id
      AND xbs.balance_status_code     = cp_balance_status_code
      AND xbs.balance_source_code     = cp_balance_source_code
      AND xbs.effective_period_num    = cp_effective_period_num
      AND xbs.request_id              = cp_request_id
Line: 410

         ,p_msg      => 'p_balance_status_code_selected :' || p_balance_status_code_selected
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 422

   IF  p_balance_status_code_selected IS NULL
   AND p_balance_status_code_not_sel  IS NULL
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
            ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:'
||'p_balance_status_code_selected and p_balance_status_code_not_sel '
|| 'cannot be both NULL'
            ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 441

||'p_balance_status_code_selected and p_balance_status_code_not_sel '
|| 'cannot be both NULL');
Line: 466

   SELECT gpssource.period_name
         ,DECODE( gpssource.period_year
                ) first_period_flag
     INTO l_source_period_name
     FROM gl_period_statuses gpssource
         ,gl_period_statuses gpsdest
    WHERE gpssource.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
      AND gpssource.application_id         =  101
      AND gpssource.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
      AND gpssource.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
      AND gpssource.effective_period_num   =  p_source_effective_period_num
      AND gpsdest.ledger_id                =  p_ledger_id
      AND gpsdest.application_id           =  101
      AND gpsdest.effective_period_num     =
          ( SELECT MIN(gps2.effective_period_num)
              FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
             WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
               AND gps2.application_id         =  101
               AND gps2.effective_period_num   >  p_source_effective_period_num
               AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
               AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
Line: 567

      UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbsext
         SET xbsext.balance_status_code      = p_balance_status_code_selected
            ,xbsext.last_update_date         = l_date
            ,xbsext.last_updated_by          = l_user_id
            ,xbsext.last_update_login        = l_login_id
            ,xbsext.program_update_date      = l_date
            ,xbsext.program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
            ,xbsext.program_id               = l_prog_id
            ,xbsext.request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
       WHERE xbsext.ROWID IN
            (SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses    xbs
                   ,fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
              WHERE xbs.application_id       =  p_application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id            =  p_ledger_id
                AND xbs.balance_source_code  =  NVL( p_balance_source_code
                AND xbs.effective_period_num =  p_source_effective_period_num
                AND xbs.balance_status_code  IN ( p_balance_status_code_not_sel
                AND fnd.request_id(+)           =  xbs.request_id
                --pick up records being handled by this request
                --or by any another request which is not running
                AND (    NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)  =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                      OR NVL(fnd.status_code,'N') <> 'R'
             --handle the case where the procedure is invoked
             --outside a concurrent request
             SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses    xbs
              WHERE xbs.application_id       =  p_application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id            =  p_ledger_id
                AND xbs.balance_source_code  =  NVL( p_balance_source_code
                AND xbs.effective_period_num =  p_source_effective_period_num
                AND xbs.balance_status_code  IN ( p_balance_status_code_not_sel
                AND NVL(l_req_id, -1)         = -1
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 619

                           || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to '
                           || p_balance_status_code_selected
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 678

                    ,cp_balance_status_code  => p_balance_status_code_selected
                    ,cp_balance_source_code  => 'C'
                    ,cp_effective_period_num => p_source_effective_period_num
                    ,cp_request_id           => NVL(l_req_id, -1)
Line: 685

               INSERT INTO xla_control_balances
                 ( application_id
   SELECT xba.application_id
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                                -(NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0))
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                          - (NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0))
                 ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_dr
                       ,xba.beginning_balance_dr + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                 )       --beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                                -(NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0))
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0))
                 ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_cr
                       ,xba.beginning_balance_cr + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                 )       --beginning_balance_cr
         ,NULL              --period_balance_dr
         ,NULL              --period_balance_cr
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0) )
                 ,NVL2( xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr
                       ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0)
                 )       --draft_beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0) )
                 ,NVL2( xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr
                       ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0)
                 )       --draft_beginning_balance_cr
         ,NULL              --period_draft_balance_dr
         ,NULL              --period_draft_balance_cr
         ,'N'            --initial_balance_flag
         ,l_dest_first_period_flag --first_period_flag
         ,SYSDATE        --creation_date
         ,l_user_id      --created_by
         ,SYSDATE        --last_update_date
         ,l_user_id      --last_update_by
         ,l_login_id     --last_update_login
         ,SYSDATE        --program_update_date
         ,l_prog_appl_id --program_application_id
         ,l_prog_id      --program_id
         ,NVL(l_req_id, -1)   --request_id
     FROM xla_balance_statuses       xbs
         ,xla_control_balances       xba
         ,xla_control_balances       xbanew
    WHERE xbs.application_id                   =  p_application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id                        =  p_ledger_id
      AND xbs.balance_source_code              =  'C'
      AND xbs.balance_status_code              =  p_balance_status_code_selected
      AND xbs.effective_period_num             =  p_source_effective_period_num
      AND xbs.request_id                       =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
      AND xba.ledger_id                        =  p_ledger_id
      AND xba.application_id                   =  p_application_id
      AND xba.code_combination_id              =  xbs.code_combination_id
      AND xba.period_name                      =  l_source_period_name
      AND xbanew.application_id             (+)=  p_application_id
      AND xbanew.ledger_id                  (+)=  p_ledger_id
      AND xbanew.application_id             (+)=  xba.application_id
      AND xbanew.code_combination_id        (+)=  xba.code_combination_id
      AND xbanew.period_name                (+)=  l_dest_period_name
      AND xbanew.party_id                   (+)=  xba.party_id
      AND xbanew.party_site_id              (+)=  xba.party_site_id
      AND xbanew.ledger_id                     IS NULL
      AND ROWNUM                               <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 839

                    ,cp_balance_status_code  => p_balance_status_code_selected
                    ,cp_balance_source_code  => 'A'
                    ,cp_effective_period_num => p_source_effective_period_num
                    ,cp_request_id           => NVL(l_req_id, -1)
Line: 846

            INSERT INTO xla_ac_balances
                 ( application_id
   SELECT xba.application_id
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                                -(NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0))
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                          - (NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0))
                 ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_dr
                       ,xba.beginning_balance_dr + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                 )       --beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( l_dest_first_period_flag
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                                -(NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0))
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0))
                 ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_cr
                       ,xba.beginning_balance_cr + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                 )       --beginning_balance_cr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_dr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_cr
         ,'N'            --initial_balance_flag
         ,SYSDATE        --creation_date
         ,l_user_id      --created_by
         ,SYSDATE        --last_update_date
         ,l_user_id      --last_update_by
         ,l_login_id     --last_update_login
         ,SYSDATE        --program_update_date
         ,l_prog_appl_id --program_application_id
         ,l_prog_id      --program_id
         ,NVL(l_req_id, -1)  --request_id
     FROM xla_balance_statuses         xbs
         ,xla_ac_balances              xba
         ,xla_ac_balances              xbanew
         ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b        xbh
    WHERE xbs.application_id                   =  p_application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id                        =  p_ledger_id
      AND xbs.balance_source_code              =  'A'
      AND xbs.balance_status_code              =  p_balance_status_code_selected
      AND xbs.effective_period_num             =  p_source_effective_period_num
      AND xbs.request_id                       =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
      AND xba.application_id                   =  p_application_id
      AND xba.ledger_id                        =  p_ledger_id
      AND xba.application_id                   =  xbs.application_id
      AND xba.code_combination_id              =  xbs.code_combination_id
      AND xba.period_name                      =  l_source_period_name
      AND xbanew.application_id             (+)=  p_application_id
      AND xbanew.ledger_id                  (+)=  p_ledger_id
      AND xbanew.application_id             (+)=  xba.application_id
      AND xbanew.code_combination_id        (+)=  xba.code_combination_id
      AND xbanew.period_name                (+)=  l_dest_period_name
      AND xbanew.analytical_criterion_code  (+)=  xba.analytical_criterion_code
      AND xbanew.analytical_criterion_type_code
                                            (+)=  xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
      AND xbanew.amb_context_code           (+)=  xba.amb_context_code
      AND xbanew.ac1                        (+)=  xba.ac1
      AND xbanew.ac2                        (+)=  xba.ac2
      AND xbanew.ac3                        (+)=  xba.ac3
      AND xbanew.ac4                        (+)=  xba.ac4
      AND xbanew.ac5                        (+)=  xba.ac5
      AND xbanew.ledger_id                     IS NULL
      AND xbh.analytical_criterion_code        =  xba.analytical_criterion_code
      AND xbh.analytical_criterion_type_code   =  xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
      AND xbh.amb_context_code                 =  xba.amb_context_code
      AND (    xba.period_year                        =  l_dest_period_year
           OR  xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code        =  'A'
           OR  (     xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code  =  'B'
                 AND xbs.account_type            IN ('A', 'L', 'O')
      -- Bug 7321087  Begin
                        FROM xla_ac_balances xba1
                        WHERE xba1.application_id                 = xba.application_id
                        AND xba1.ledger_id                      = xba.ledger_id
                        AND xba1.code_combination_id            = xba.code_combination_id
                        AND xba1.analytical_criterion_code      = xba.analytical_criterion_code
                        AND xba1.analytical_criterion_type_code = xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
                        AND xba1.amb_context_code               = xba.amb_context_code
                        AND NVL(xba1.ac1,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(xba.ac1,C_DUMMY)
                        AND NVL(xba1.ac2,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(xba.ac2,C_DUMMY)
                        AND NVL(xba1.ac3,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(xba.ac3,C_DUMMY)
                        AND NVL(xba1.ac4,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(xba.ac4,C_DUMMY)
                        AND NVL(xba1.ac5,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(xba.ac5,C_DUMMY)
                        AND xba1.period_name                    =  l_dest_period_name)
      -- Bug 7321087  End
      AND ROWNUM                               <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 1014

      UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbs
         SET xbs.balance_status_code  = p_balance_status_code_not_sel
            ,xbs.effective_period_num = l_dest_effective_period_num
            ,last_update_date         = l_date
            ,last_updated_by          = l_user_id
            ,last_update_login        = l_login_id
            ,program_update_date      = l_date
            ,program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
            ,program_id               = l_prog_id
            ,request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
       WHERE xbs.application_id       = p_application_id
         AND xbs.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id
         AND xbs.balance_source_code  = NVL( p_balance_source_code
         AND xbs.effective_period_num = p_source_effective_period_num
         AND xbs.balance_status_code  = p_balance_status_code_selected
         AND xbs.request_id           = NVL(l_req_id, -1);
Line: 1039

                            ' xla_balance_statuses updated to '
                            || p_balance_status_code_not_sel
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1141

   SELECT MIN(xbs.effective_period_num)
     INTO l_min_bal_effective_period_num
     FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
    WHERE xbs.application_id      = p_application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id           = p_ledger_id
      AND xbs.balance_source_code = p_balance_source_code;
Line: 1157

   SELECT MAX(gps.effective_period_num)
     INTO l_latest_effective_period_num
     FROM gl_period_statuses gps
    WHERE gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id         =  101
      AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
      AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N';
Line: 1176

   FOR i IN ( SELECT gps.effective_period_num
                FROM gl_period_statuses gps
               WHERE gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
                 AND gps.application_id         =  101
                 AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                 AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                 AND gps.effective_period_num   >= l_min_bal_effective_period_num
                 AND gps.effective_period_num   <  l_latest_effective_period_num
              ORDER BY gps.effective_period_num
      IF NOT move_balances_forward_COMMIT
                          ( p_application_id               => p_application_id
                           ,p_ledger_id                    => p_ledger_id
                           ,p_balance_source_code          => p_balance_source_code
                           ,p_source_effective_period_num  => i.effective_period_num
                           ,p_balance_status_code_selected => 'O'
                           ,p_balance_status_code_not_sel  => 'A'
         l_return_value := FALSE;
Line: 1328

     FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
         ,xla_balance_statuses        xbs
    WHERE xbs.application_id          =  xbct.application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id               =  xbct.ledger_id
      AND xbs.code_combination_id     =  xbct.code_combination_id
      AND xbs.balance_source_code     =  'C'
   FOR UPDATE OF xbs.ledger_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1339

     FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt xblt
         ,xla_balance_statuses        xbs
    WHERE xbs.application_id          =  xblt.application_id
      AND xbs.ledger_id               =  xblt.ledger_id
      AND xbs.code_combination_id     =  xblt.code_combination_id
      AND xbs.balance_source_code     =  'A'
   FOR UPDATE OF xbs.ledger_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1394

         ,p_msg   => 'Start inserting in xla_balance_statuses'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1400

   INSERT INTO xla_bal_statuses_gt
               ( application_id
                 , -1
                 ,'TO BE DETERMINED'
                 ,'TO BE DETERMINED'
             FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
                 ,xla_balance_statuses xbs
            WHERE xbs.application_id       (+)=  xbct.application_id
              AND xbs.ledger_id            (+)=  xbct.ledger_id
              AND xbs.code_combination_id  (+)=  xbct.code_combination_id
              AND xbs.balance_source_code  (+)=  'C'
              AND xbs.ledger_id               IS NULL

           UNION ALL

                 , -1
                 ,'TO BE DETERMINED'
                 ,'TO BE DETERMINED'
             FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt    xbat
                 ,xla_balance_statuses xbs
            WHERE xbs.application_id       (+)=  xbat.application_id
              AND xbs.ledger_id            (+)=  xbat.ledger_id
              AND xbs.code_combination_id  (+)=  xbat.code_combination_id
              AND xbs.balance_source_code  (+)=  'A'
              AND xbs.ledger_id               IS NULL

Line: 1458

                      ' records inserted in xla_bal_statuses_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1464

              SELECT DISTINCT
                FROM xla_bal_statuses_gt xbs

      IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
         (p_module => l_log_module
         ,p_msg   => 'ledger_id                 : ' || i.ledger_id
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1478

      SELECT gle.chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO l_chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_ledgers gle
       WHERE gle.ledger_id = i.ledger_id;
Line: 1498

      SELECT MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
        INTO l_latest_open_eff_period_num
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
       WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  i.ledger_id
         AND gps2.application_id         =  101
         AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
         AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N';
Line: 1554

      UPDATE xla_bal_statuses_gt xbst
         SET xbst.effective_period_num   = ' ||l_latest_open_eff_period_num || '
             ( SELECT ' || l_balancing_segment_column || '
                     ,' || l_account_segment_column   || '
                FROM gl_code_combinations   gcc
               WHERE gcc.code_combination_id  = xbst.code_combination_id
      WHERE xbst.ledger_id =  ' || i.ledger_id;
Line: 1576

                      ' records updated in xla_bal_statuses_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1583

   INSERT INTO xla_balance_statuses
               ( application_id
       SELECT    application_id
                ,NVL(l_req_id, -1)
         FROM   xla_bal_statuses_gt xbst;
Line: 1629

                      ' records inserted in xla_balance_statuses'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 1730

SELECT DISTINCT ctr.application_id
      ,NVL(xba.period_year, ctr.period_year) contributed_period_year
      ,NVL2( contribution_dr
            ,NVL2( contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr - contribution_cr)
                           ,contribution_dr - contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr)
           ) net_contribution_dr
       ,NVL2( contribution_cr
             ,NVL2( contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr - contribution_dr)
                           ,contribution_cr - contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr)
           ) net_contribution_cr
       ,NVL2( contribution_draft_dr
             ,NVL2( contribution_draft_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_dr - contribution_draft_cr)
                           ,contribution_draft_dr - contribution_draft_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_dr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_draft_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_cr)
           ) net_contribution_draft_dr
       ,NVL2( contribution_draft_cr
             ,NVL2( contribution_draft_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_cr - contribution_draft_dr)
                           ,contribution_draft_cr - contribution_draft_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_cr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_draft_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_draft_dr)
           ) net_contribution_draft_cr
      ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
                     -NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr,0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0)
              ,  NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0)
                                     - NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
              ,- NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
             )    change_balance_dr
      ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(ctr.contribution_cr , 0)
                     -NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
              ,  NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
                                     - NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
              ,- NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
             )    change_balance_cr
      ,DECODE( SIGN (  NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0)
                     + NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_dr, 0)
                     - NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0)
                     - NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_cr, 0)
              ,NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_dr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_cr, 0)
                                         - NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0)
              ,-NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0)
             )    change_draft_balance_dr
      ,DECODE( SIGN (  NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0)
                     + NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_cr, 0)
                     - NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0)
                     - NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_dr, 0)
              ,NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_cr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_draft_dr, 0)
                                         - NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0)
              ,-NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0)
             )    change_draft_balance_cr
  FROM xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt ctr
      ,xla_control_balances           xba
WHERE ctr.application_id          =  p_application_id
  AND ctr.ledger_id               =  p_ledger_id
  AND ctr.effective_period_num    =  p_effective_period_num
  AND xba.application_id       (+)=  ctr.application_id
  AND xba.ledger_id            (+)=  ctr.ledger_id
  AND xba.code_combination_id  (+)=  ctr.code_combination_id
  AND xba.party_type_code      (+)=  ctr.party_type_code
  AND xba.party_id             (+)=  ctr.party_id
  AND xba.party_site_id        (+)=  ctr.party_site_id
  AND xba.first_period_flag    (+)=  'Y'
  AND xba.period_year          (+)>= ctr.period_year;
Line: 2035

         UPDATE xla_control_balances xba
            SET xba.beginning_balance_dr  =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_dr (i)
                ,xba.beginning_balance_cr =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_cr (i)
                ,xba.period_balance_dr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_dr (i)
                ,xba.period_balance_cr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_cr (i)
                ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_draft_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_draft_dr (i)
                ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_draft_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_draft_cr (i)
                ,xba.period_draft_balance_dr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_draft_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_draft_dr (i)
                ,xba.period_draft_balance_cr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_draft_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_draft_cr (i)
                ,first_period_flag              =
                        DECODE( xba.first_period_flag
                               ,DECODE( xba.period_name
                                       ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                ,creation_date              = g_date
                ,created_by                 = g_user_id
                ,last_update_date           = g_date
                ,last_updated_by            = g_user_id
                ,last_update_login          = g_login_id
                ,program_update_date        = g_date
                ,program_application_id     = g_prog_appl_id
                ,program_id                 = g_prog_id
                ,request_id                 = g_req_id
          WHERE xba.application_id       = la_application_id(i)
            AND xba.ledger_id            = la_ledger_id(i)
            AND xba.code_combination_id  = la_code_combination_id(i)
            AND xba.party_type_code      = la_party_type_code(i)
            AND xba.party_id             = la_party_id(i)
            AND xba.party_site_id        = la_party_site_id(i)
            AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
            AND xba.period_name IN
                        ( SELECT gps.period_name
                            FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps
                           WHERE gps.ledger_id                  =  la_ledger_id(i)
                             AND gps.period_year                =  la_contribution_period_year(i)
                             AND gps.effective_period_num       >= la_contribution_eff_per_num(i)
            AND la_contributed_period_year(i)  =  la_contribution_period_year(i);
Line: 2148

         ,p_msg   => l_row_count || 'Same year balances updated '
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 2157

         UPDATE xla_control_balances xba
            SET xba.beginning_balance_dr       =
                  DECODE( la_change_balance_dr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
                          + la_change_balance_dr(i)
               ,xba.beginning_balance_cr       =
                  DECODE( la_change_balance_cr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
                          + la_change_balance_cr(i)
               ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr =
                  DECODE( la_change_draft_balance_dr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0)
                          + la_change_draft_balance_dr(i)
               ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr =
                  DECODE( la_change_draft_balance_cr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0)
                          + la_change_draft_balance_cr(i)
               ,xba.first_period_flag              =
                   (SELECT gps2.first_period_in_year_flag
                      FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps2
                     WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  la_ledger_id(i)
                       AND gps2.period_name            =  xba.period_name
               ,creation_date              = g_date
               ,created_by                 = g_user_id
               ,last_update_date           = g_date
               ,last_updated_by            = g_user_id
               ,last_update_login          = g_login_id
               ,program_update_date        = g_date
               ,program_application_id     = g_prog_appl_id
               ,program_id                 = g_prog_id
               ,request_id                 = g_req_id
          WHERE xba.application_id       = la_application_id(i)
            AND xba.ledger_id            = la_ledger_id(i)
            AND xba.code_combination_id  = la_code_combination_id(i)
            AND xba.party_type_code      = la_party_type_code(i)
            AND xba.party_id             = la_party_id(i)
            AND xba.party_site_id        = la_party_site_id(i)
            AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
            AND xba.period_name IN
              ( SELECT gps.period_name
                  FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps
                 WHERE gps.ledger_id                 =  la_ledger_id(i)
                   AND gps.period_year               = la_contributed_period_year(i)
            AND la_contributed_period_year(i) > la_contribution_period_year(i);
Line: 2222

                     || ' following years balances updated '
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 2235

	              FOR j IN (select nvl(beginning_balance_dr,0) + nvl(period_balance_dr,0) begin_dr
                               ,nvl(beginning_balance_cr,0) + nvl(period_balance_cr,0) begin_cr
                           from(select xcb.*
                                  from xla_control_balances xcb, gl_period_statuses gps
                                 where xcb.application_id = la_application_id(i)
                                   and xcb.application_id = gps.application_id
                                   and xcb.ledger_id = gps.ledger_id
                                   and xcb.ledger_id = la_ledger_id(i)
                                   and xcb.period_name = gps.period_name
                                   and xcb.code_combination_id = la_code_combination_id(i)
                                   and xcb.party_type_code =  la_party_type_code(i)
                                   and xcb.party_id =  la_party_id(i)
                                   and xcb.party_site_id =  la_party_site_id(i)
                                   and gps.effective_period_num < la_contribution_eff_per_num(i)
                                 order by gps.effective_period_num desc)
                          where rownum = 1) LOOP
                   l_begin_bal_dr := j.begin_dr;
Line: 2256

            INSERT INTO xla_control_balances xba
                  ( application_id
                     SELECT la_application_id(i)
                           ,DECODE( gps.first_period_in_year_flag
                                    ,CASE WHEN l_begin_bal_dr IS NULL AND l_begin_bal_cr IS NULL THEN
                                             DECODE( gps.period_name

					        ELSE 'N' END
                           ,NULLIF(NVL(DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                    ),0) +  nvl(l_begin_bal_dr,0)
				  ,0) --beginning_balance_dr
                           ,NULLIF(NVL(DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                     ),0) +   nvl(l_begin_bal_cr,0)
				   ,0) --beginning_balance_cr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_balance_dr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_balance_cr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  ) --draft_beginning_balance_dr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  ) --draft_beginning_balance_cr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_draft_balance_dr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_draft_balance_cr
                       FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps
                           ,xla_control_balances       xba
                      WHERE gps.ledger_id                  =  la_ledger_id (i)
                        AND gps.effective_period_num       >= la_contribution_eff_per_num(i)
                        AND gps.effective_period_num       <= la_balance_stat_eff_per_num(i)
                        AND xba.application_id          (+)=  la_application_id(i)
                        AND xba.ledger_id               (+)=  la_ledger_id(i)
                        AND xba.code_combination_id     (+)=  la_code_combination_id(i)
                        AND xba.party_type_code         (+)=  la_party_type_code(i)
                        AND xba.party_id                (+)=  la_party_id(i)
                        AND xba.party_site_id           (+)=  la_party_site_id(i)
                        AND xba.period_name             (+)=  gps.period_name
                        AND xba.ledger_id                  IS NULL
Line: 2410

             ,p_msg    => l_row_count || 'New balances inserted '
             ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 2461

SELECT ctr.application_id
      ,NVL(xba.period_year, ctr.period_year) contributed_period_year
      ,NVL2( contribution_dr
            ,NVL2( contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr - contribution_cr)
                           ,contribution_dr - contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_cr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr)
           ) net_contribution_dr
       ,NVL2( contribution_cr
             ,NVL2( contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr - contribution_dr)
                           ,contribution_cr - contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_cr)
             ,NVL2( contribution_dr
                   ,DECODE( SIGN(contribution_dr)
           ) net_contribution_cr
      ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
                     -NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr,0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0)
              ,  NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0)
                                     - NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
              ,- NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
             )    change_balance_dr
      ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(ctr.contribution_cr , 0)
                     -NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
              ,  NVL(ctr.contribution_cr, 0) - NVL(ctr.contribution_dr, 0)
                                     - NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
              ,- NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
             )    change_balance_cr
 FROM xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt            ctr
     ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b          xbh
     ,xla_ac_balances                xba
WHERE  ctr.application_id = p_application_id
       AND ctr.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
       AND ctr.effective_period_num = p_effective_period_num
       AND xbh.analytical_criterion_code = ctr.analytical_criterion_code
       AND xbh.analytical_criterion_type_code = ctr.analytical_criterion_type_code
       AND xbh.amb_context_code = ctr.amb_context_code
       AND xba.application_id (+)  = ctr.application_id
       AND xba.ledger_id (+)  = ctr.ledger_id
       AND xba.code_combination_id (+)  = ctr.code_combination_id
       AND xba.analytical_criterion_code (+)  = ctr.analytical_criterion_code
       AND xba.analytical_criterion_type_code (+)  = ctr.analytical_criterion_type_code
       AND xba.amb_context_code (+)  = ctr.amb_context_code
       AND NVL(xba.ac1 (+) ,'A') = NVL(ctr.ac1,'A')
       AND NVL(xba.ac5 (+) ,'A') = NVL(ctr.ac5,'A')
       AND NVL(xba.ac2 (+) ,'A') = NVL(ctr.ac2,'A')
       AND NVL(xba.ac3 (+) ,'A') = NVL(ctr.ac3,'A')
       AND NVL(xba.ac4 (+) ,'A') = NVL(ctr.ac4,'A')
       AND xba.first_period_flag (+)  = 'Y'
       AND xba.period_year (+)  >= ctr.period_year;
Line: 2837

      UPDATE xla_ac_balances xba
         SET xba.beginning_balance_dr  =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_dr (i)
                ,xba.beginning_balance_cr =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_cr (i)
                ,xba.period_balance_dr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_dr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) + la_contribution_dr (i)
                ,xba.period_balance_cr    =
                        DECODE( xba.period_name
                               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                               ,NVL2( la_contribution_cr (i)
                                     ,NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) + la_contribution_cr (i)
                ,first_period_flag              =
                        DECODE( xba.first_period_flag
                               ,DECODE( xba.period_name
			               ,la_contribution_period_name (i)
                ,creation_date              = g_date
                ,created_by                 = g_user_id
                ,last_update_date           = g_date
                ,last_updated_by            = g_user_id
                ,last_update_login          = g_login_id
                ,program_update_date        = g_date
                ,program_application_id     = g_prog_appl_id
                ,program_id                 = g_prog_id
                ,request_id                 = g_req_id
       WHERE xba.application_id             = la_application_id(i)
         AND xba.ledger_id                  = la_ledger_id(i)
         AND xba.code_combination_id        = la_code_combination_id(i)
         AND xba.analytical_criterion_code  = la_analytical_criterion_code(i)
         AND xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
                                            = la_anacri_type_code(i)
         AND xba.amb_context_code           = la_amb_context_code(i)
         AND (xba.ac1 IS NULL or xba.ac1    = la_ac1(i))
         AND (xba.ac2 IS NULL or xba.ac2    = la_ac2(i))
         AND (xba.ac3 IS NULL or xba.ac3    = la_ac3(i))
         AND (xba.ac4 IS NULL or xba.ac4    = la_ac4(i))
         AND (xba.ac5 IS NULL or xba.ac5    = la_ac5(i))
         AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
         AND xba.period_name IN
                        ( SELECT gps.period_name
                            FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps
                           WHERE gps.ledger_id                  =  la_ledger_id(i)
                             AND gps.period_year                =  la_contribution_period_year(i)
                             AND gps.effective_period_num       >= la_contribution_eff_per_num(i)
         AND la_contributed_period_year(i)  =  la_contribution_period_year(i);
Line: 2920

         ,p_msg   => l_row_count || 'Same year balances updated '
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 2929

         UPDATE xla_ac_balances xba
            SET xba.beginning_balance_dr       =
                  DECODE( la_change_balance_dr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0)
                          + la_change_balance_dr(i)
               ,xba.beginning_balance_cr       =
                  DECODE( la_change_balance_cr(i)
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0)
                          + la_change_balance_cr(i)
               ,xba.first_period_flag              =
                   (SELECT gps2.first_period_in_year_flag
                      FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps2
                     WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  la_ledger_id(i)
                       AND gps2.period_name            =  xba.period_name
                  ,creation_date              = g_date
                  ,created_by                 = g_user_id
                  ,last_update_date           = g_date
                  ,last_updated_by            = g_user_id
                  ,last_update_login          = g_login_id
                  ,program_update_date        = g_date
                  ,program_application_id     = g_prog_appl_id
                  ,program_id                 = g_prog_id
                  ,request_id                 = g_req_id
             WHERE xba.ledger_id            = la_ledger_id(i)
               AND xba.application_id       = la_application_id(i)
               AND xba.code_combination_id  = la_code_combination_id(i)
               AND xba.analytical_criterion_code  = la_analytical_criterion_code(i)
               AND xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
                                                  = la_anacri_type_code(i)
               AND xba.amb_context_code           = la_amb_context_code(i)
               AND (xba.ac1 IS NULL or xba.ac1    = la_ac1(i))
               AND (xba.ac2 IS NULL or xba.ac2    = la_ac2(i))
               AND (xba.ac3 IS NULL or xba.ac3    = la_ac3(i))
               AND (xba.ac4 IS NULL or xba.ac4    = la_ac4(i))
               AND (xba.ac5 IS NULL or xba.ac5    = la_ac5(i))
               AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
               AND (    la_year_end_carry_forward_code(i)    = 'A'
                     OR (     la_year_end_carry_forward_code(i) =  'B'
                          AND la_account_type(i)           IN ('A', 'L', 'O')
               AND xba.period_name IN
                 ( SELECT gps.period_name
                     FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt gps
                    WHERE gps.ledger_id                 = la_ledger_id(i)
                      AND gps.period_year               = la_contributed_period_year(i)
               AND la_contributed_period_year(i) > la_contribution_period_year(i);
Line: 2991

                         || ' following years balances updated '
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 3002

               INSERT INTO xla_ac_balances xba
                  ( application_id
                     SELECT la_application_id(i)
                           ,DECODE( gps.first_period_in_year_flag
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  ) --beginning_balance_dr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  ) --beginning_balance_cr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_balance_dr
                           ,DECODE( gps.period_year
                                   ,DECODE( gps.period_name
                                  )  --period_balance_cr
                       FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt            gps
                           ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b              xbh
                      WHERE gps.ledger_id                      = la_ledger_id (i)
                        AND gps.effective_period_num          >= la_contribution_eff_per_num(i)
                        AND gps.effective_period_num          <= la_balance_stat_eff_per_num(i)
                        -- bug 6117987
                        AND NOT EXISTS
                             -- bug 7113937 Removed outer join in where clause
                             SELECT 1
                              FROM xla_ac_balances xba
                             WHERE xba.application_id              = la_application_id(i)
                               AND xba.ledger_id                   = la_ledger_id (i)
                               AND xba.code_combination_id         = la_code_combination_id(i)
                               AND xba.analytical_criterion_code   = la_analytical_criterion_code(i)
                               AND xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
                                                                   = la_anacri_type_code(i)
                               AND xba.amb_context_code            = la_amb_context_code(i)
                               AND NVL(xba.ac1,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(la_ac1(i),C_DUMMY)
                               AND NVL(xba.ac2,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(la_ac2(i),C_DUMMY)
                               AND NVL(xba.ac3,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(la_ac3(i),C_DUMMY)
                               AND NVL(xba.ac4,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(la_ac4(i),C_DUMMY)
                               AND NVL(xba.ac5,C_DUMMY)               = NVL(la_ac5(i),C_DUMMY)
                               AND xba.period_name                 =  gps.period_name
                        AND xbh.analytical_criterion_code      = la_analytical_criterion_code(i)
                        AND xbh.analytical_criterion_type_code = la_anacri_type_code(i)
                        AND xbh.amb_context_code               =  la_amb_context_code(i)
                        AND (     gps.period_year            =  la_contribution_period_year(i)
                              OR  xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code       =  'A'
                              OR  (     xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code =  'B'
                                    AND la_account_type(i)              IN ('A', 'L', 'O')
Line: 3142

	     ,p_msg   => l_row_count  || 'New balances inserted '
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 3363

      INSERT INTO xla_control_balances xba
                  ( application_id
                     SELECT xba.application_id
--disregarding indentation for readability
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_balance_dr
                       ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_dr
                             ,xba.beginning_balance_dr + xba.period_balance_dr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) )
                 )       --beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_balance_cr
                       ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_cr
                             ,xba.beginning_balance_cr + xba.period_balance_cr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) )
                 )       --beginning_balance_cr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_dr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_cr
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_draft_balance_dr
                       ,NVL2( xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr
                             ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr + xba.period_draft_balance_dr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0))
                 )       --draft_beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_draft_balance_cr
                       ,NVL2( xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr
                             ,xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr + xba.period_draft_balance_cr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0) )
                         ,NVL (xba.draft_beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.draft_beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_draft_balance_dr, 0) )
                 )       --draft_beginning_balance_cr
                 ,NULL   --period_draft_balance_dr
                 ,NULL   --period_draft_balance_cr

                           ,(SELECT DECODE( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                              FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                             WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  ledger_id
                               AND gps2.application_id         =  101
                               AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                               AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                               AND gps2.period_year            =  gpsnew.period_year
                               AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gpsnew.effective_period_num
                           ,NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                       FROM xla_balance_statuses       xbs
                           ,gl_period_statuses         gpsbs
                           ,xla_control_balances       xba
                           ,gl_period_statuses         gpsnew
                      WHERE xbs.application_id             =  p_application_id
                        AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  p_ledger_id
                        AND xbs.balance_source_code        =  'C'
                        AND xbs.effective_period_num       <  p_dest_effective_period_num
                        AND xbs.code_combination_id        =  p_code_combination_id
                        AND gpsbs.ledger_id                =  p_ledger_id
                        AND gpsbs.application_id           =  101
                        AND gpsbs.effective_period_num     =  xbs.effective_period_num
                        AND xba.ledger_id                  =  p_ledger_id
                        AND xba.application_id             =  p_application_id
                        AND xba.code_combination_id        =  p_code_combination_id
                        AND xba.party_type_code            =  p_party_type_code
                        AND xba.party_id                   =  p_party_id
                        AND xba.period_name                =  gpsbs.period_name
                        AND gpsnew.ledger_id               =  p_ledger_id
                        AND gpsnew.application_id          =  101
                        AND gpsnew.closing_status          IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                        AND gpsnew.adjustment_period_flag  =  'N'
                        AND gpsnew.effective_period_num    <= p_dest_effective_period_num
                        AND gpsnew.effective_period_num    >
                                 SELECT MAX(effective_period_num)
                                   FROM xla_control_balances       xbanew
                                       ,gl_period_statuses         gpsint
                                  WHERE xbanew.ledger_id               =  p_ledger_id
                                    AND xbanew.application_id          =  p_application_id
                                    AND xbanew.code_combination_id     =  p_code_combination_id
                                    AND xbanew.party_type_code         =  p_party_type_code
                                    AND xbanew.party_id                =  p_party_id
                                    AND xbanew.party_site_id           =  xba.party_site_id
                                    AND gpsint.ledger_id               =  p_ledger_id
                                    AND gpsint.application_id          =  101
                                    AND gpsint.period_name             =  xbanew.period_name
Line: 3551

      INSERT INTO xla_ac_balances xba
                  ( application_id
                     SELECT xba.application_id
--disregarding indentation for readability
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_balance_dr
                       ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_dr
                             ,xba.beginning_balance_dr + xba.period_balance_dr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0) )
                 )       --beginning_balance_dr
         ,DECODE( gpsnew.period_year
                 ,NVL2( xba.period_balance_cr
                       ,NVL2( xba.beginning_balance_cr
                             ,xba.beginning_balance_cr + xba.period_balance_cr
                 ,DECODE( SIGN ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                                -( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) )
                         ,NVL(xba.beginning_balance_cr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_cr, 0)
                          - ( NVL(xba.beginning_balance_dr, 0) + NVL(xba.period_balance_dr, 0) )
                 )       --beginning_balance_cr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_dr
         ,NULL           --period_balance_cr
                 ,(SELECT DECODE( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                     FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                    WHERE gps2.ledger_id              =  ledger_id
                      AND gps2.application_id         =  101
                      AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                      AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                      AND gps2.period_year            =  gpsnew.period_year
                      AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gpsnew.effective_period_num
                 ,NVL(l_req_id, -1)
            FROM xla_balance_statuses         xbs
                ,gl_period_statuses           gpsbs
                ,xla_ac_balances              xba
                ,gl_period_statuses           gpsnew
                ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b        xbh
           WHERE xbs.application_id                 =  p_application_id
             AND xbs.ledger_id                      =  p_ledger_id
             AND xbs.balance_source_code            =  'A'
             AND xbs.effective_period_num           <  p_dest_effective_period_num
             AND xbs.code_combination_id            =  p_code_combination_id
             AND gpsbs.ledger_id                    =  p_ledger_id
             AND gpsbs.application_id               =  101
             AND gpsbs.effective_period_num         =  xbs.effective_period_num
             AND xba.ledger_id                      =  p_ledger_id
             AND xba.application_id                 =  p_application_id
             AND xba.code_combination_id            =  p_code_combination_id
             AND xba.analytical_criterion_code      = p_analytical_criterion_code
             AND xba.analytical_criterion_type_code = p_anacri_type_code
             AND xba.amb_context_code               = p_amb_context_code
             AND xba.ac1                            = p_ac1
             AND xba.ac2                         (+)= p_ac2
             AND xba.ac3                         (+)= p_ac3
             AND xba.ac4                         (+)= p_ac4
             AND xba.ac5                         (+)= p_ac5
             AND xba.period_name                    =  gpsbs.period_name
             AND xbh.analytical_criterion_code      =  xba.analytical_criterion_code
             AND xbh.analytical_criterion_type_code =  xba.analytical_criterion_type_code
             AND xbh.amb_context_code               =  xba.amb_context_code
             AND (    xba.period_year             =  gpsnew.period_year
                  OR  xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code        =  'A'
                  OR  (     xbh.year_end_carry_forward_code  =  'B'
                        AND xbs.account_type            IN ('A', 'L', 'O')
             AND gpsnew.ledger_id               =  p_ledger_id
             AND gpsnew.application_id          =  101
             AND gpsnew.closing_status          IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
             AND gpsnew.adjustment_period_flag  =  'N'
             AND gpsnew.effective_period_num    <= p_dest_effective_period_num
             AND gpsnew.effective_period_num    >
                        SELECT MAX(effective_period_num)
                         FROM xla_ac_balances    xbanew
                              ,gl_period_statuses         gpsint
                         WHERE xbanew.ledger_id                  =  p_ledger_id
                           AND xbanew.application_id             =  p_application_id
                           AND xbanew.code_combination_id        =  p_code_combination_id
                           AND gpsint.ledger_id                  =  p_ledger_id
                           AND gpsint.application_id             =  101
                           AND gpsint.period_name                =  xbanew.period_name
Line: 3738

PROCEDURE build_line_selection_dyn_stmts
  ( p_application_id           IN         INTEGER
   ,p_ledger_id                IN         INTEGER
   ,p_event_id                 IN         INTEGER
   ,p_accounting_batch_id      IN         INTEGER
   ,p_ae_header_id             IN         INTEGER
   ,p_ae_line_num              IN         INTEGER
   ,p_code_combination_id      IN         INTEGER
   ,p_period_name              IN         VARCHAR2
   ,p_balance_source_code      IN         VARCHAR2
   ,p_balance_flag_pre_update  IN         VARCHAR2
   ,p_balance_flag_post_update IN         VARCHAR2
   ,p_commit_flag              IN         VARCHAR2
   ,p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,p_line_selection_dyn_stmt  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,p_locking_arg_array        OUT NOCOPY t_array_varchar  -- bug 7551435
   ,p_lck_bind_var_count       OUT NOCOPY        INTEGER   -- bug 7551435
   ,p_selection_arg_array      OUT NOCOPY t_array_varchar  -- bug 7551435
   ,p_ins_bind_var_num         OUT NOCOPY        INTEGER   -- bug 7551435
  l_log_module                 VARCHAR2 (2000);     -- bug 7551435
Line: 3765

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.build_line_selection_dyn_stmts';
Line: 3778

      ' SELECT 1
        FROM xla_ae_headers       aeh
            ,xla_ae_lines         ael
       WHERE ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
         AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
         AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN (''D'', ''F'')
Line: 3792

Line: 3797

Line: 3805

Line: 3813

Line: 3897

         ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT';
Line: 3949

   p_line_selection_dyn_stmt :=
     WHEN control_balance_flag = ''' || p_balance_flag_pre_update || '''
      AND NVL( ''' || p_balance_source_code || ''', ''C'') = ''C''
     INTO xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
          ,NVL(party_site_id, -999)

    WHEN analytical_balance_flag = ''' || p_balance_flag_pre_update || '''
     AND NVL( ''' || p_balance_source_code || ''', ''A'') = ''A''
    INTO xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
         ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999)         party_site_id
     FROM xla_ae_headers       aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines         ael
         ,gl_period_statuses   gps
    WHERE ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN (''D'', ''F'')
--      AND ael.control_balance_flag = ''' || p_balance_flag_pre_update || '''
--      AND NVL( ''' || p_balance_source_code || ''', ''C'') = ''C''
Line: 4056

      p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
      ' AND (   ael.control_balance_flag    =  :' || p_ins_bind_var_num ;
Line: 4058

Line: 4060

     p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||

        '    OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  :' || p_ins_bind_var_num||') ';
Line: 4063

Line: 4070

      p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
       AND ael.control_balance_flag    =  :' || p_ins_bind_var_num ;
Line: 4073

Line: 4079

      p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
       AND ael.analytical_balance_flag   =  :' || p_ins_bind_var_num ;
Line: 4082

Line: 4090

      p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
       AND aeh.ledger_id = :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4093

Line: 4099

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND aeh.period_name                 =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num ;
Line: 4101

Line: 4108

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND ael.code_combination_id          =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4110

Line: 4119

      p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
          AND ael.application_id                 = :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4122

Line: 4130

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND aeh.ae_header_id                 =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4132

Line: 4140

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND aeh.event_id                     =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4142

Line: 4150

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND aeh.accounting_batch_id          =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4152

Line: 4160

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '            AND ael.ae_line_num                  =  :'   || p_ins_bind_var_num;
Line: 4162

Line: 4169

         p_line_selection_dyn_stmt := p_line_selection_dyn_stmt ||
         '  AND ROWNUM                                     <= '   || C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 4200

                ,p_msg    => 'START of Line Selection statement'
                ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4205

                ,p_msg    => SUBSTR(p_line_selection_dyn_stmt, 1, 1000)
                ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4210

                ,p_msg    => SUBSTR(p_line_selection_dyn_stmt, 1001, 1000)
                ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4215

                ,p_msg    => SUBSTR(p_line_selection_dyn_stmt, 2001, 1000)
                ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4220

                ,p_msg    => 'END of Line Selection statement'
                ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4234

                 ,p_msg    => 'p_selection_arg_array['||i||']='||p_selection_arg_array(i)
                 ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 4269

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.build_line_selection_dyn_stmts');
Line: 4270

END build_line_selection_dyn_stmts;
Line: 4278

   ,p_balance_flag_pre_update  IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt   IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_line_selection_dyn_stmt  IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_locking_arg_array        IN t_array_varchar
   ,p_lck_bind_var_count       IN INTEGER
   ,p_selection_arg_array      IN t_array_varchar
   ,p_ins_bind_var_num         IN INTEGER

CURSOR lc_lock_entries_for_event_API
( p_application_id          INTEGER
 ,p_balance_flag_pre_update VARCHAR2
   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
     FROM xla_events              xev
         ,xla_events_gt           xeg
         ,xla_ae_headers          aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines            ael
         ,gl_period_statuses      gps
    WHERE xev.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND xeg.event_id                     =  xev.event_id
      AND xeg.application_id               =  xev.application_id
      AND xev.process_status_code in ('D', 'I')
      AND aeh.event_id                     =  xev.event_id
      AND aeh.application_id               =  xev.application_id
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN ('D', 'F')
      AND (    ael.control_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
            OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
    FOR UPDATE OF ael.ae_line_num NOWAIT;
Line: 4336

 ,p_balance_flag_pre_update VARCHAR2
   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
     FROM xla_events              xev
         ,xla_ae_headers          aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines            ael
         ,gl_period_statuses      gps
    WHERE xev.request_id                   =  p_request_id
      AND xev.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND xev.process_status_code  IN ('D', 'P')
      AND aeh.event_id                     =  xev.event_id
      AND aeh.application_id               =  xev.application_id
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND (    ael.control_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
            OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
    FOR UPDATE OF ael.ae_line_num NOWAIT;
Line: 4379

 ,p_balance_flag_pre_update VARCHAR2
   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
     FROM xla_ae_headers           aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines             ael
         ,gl_period_statuses       gps
    WHERE aeh.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND aeh.entity_id                    =  p_entity_id
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN ('D', 'F')
      AND (    ael.control_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
            OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
    FOR UPDATE OF ael.ae_line_num NOWAIT;
Line: 4431

     FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt;
Line: 4434

     FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt;
Line: 4448

         ,p_balance_flag_pre_update => p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4454

      WHEN control_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
      INTO xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
     WHEN analytical_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
     INTO xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
         ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999)         party_site_id
     FROM xla_events_gt           xeg
         ,xla_events              xe
         ,xla_ae_headers          aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines            ael
         ,gl_period_statuses      gps
    WHERE xeg.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND aeh.application_id               =  xeg.application_id
      AND aeh.event_id                     =  xeg.event_id
      AND xe.event_id                      =  xeg.event_id
      AND xe.application_id                =  xeg.application_id
      AND xe.process_status_code in ('D', 'I')
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN ('D', 'F')
      AND ( ael.control_balance_flag       =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
         OR ael.analytical_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4573

         ,p_balance_flag_pre_update => p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4579

     WHEN control_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
     INTO xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
    WHEN analytical_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
    INTO xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid

   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
         ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999)         party_site_id
     FROM xla_events              xev
         ,xla_ae_headers          aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines            ael
         ,gl_period_statuses      gps
    WHERE xev.request_id                   =  p_request_id
      AND xev.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND xev.process_status_code   IN ('D', 'P')
      AND aeh.application_id               =  xev.application_id
      AND aeh.event_id                     =  xev.event_id
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND (    ael.control_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
            OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4695

         ,p_balance_flag_pre_update => p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4701

     WHEN control_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
     INTO xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid
     WHEN analytical_balance_flag = p_balance_flag_pre_update
     INTO xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt
         ( line_rowid
         ( line_rowid

   SELECT ael.ROWID    line_rowid
         ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999)         party_site_id
     FROM xla_ae_headers           aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines             ael
         ,gl_period_statuses       gps
    WHERE aeh.application_id               =  p_application_id
      AND aeh.entity_id                    =  p_entity_id
      AND ael.ae_header_id                 =  aeh.ae_header_id
      AND ael.application_id               =  aeh.application_id
      AND gps.ledger_id                    =  aeh.ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id               =  101
      AND gps.period_name                  =  aeh.period_name
      AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code IN ('D', 'F')
      AND (    ael.control_balance_flag    =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
            OR ael.analytical_balance_flag =  p_balance_flag_pre_update
Line: 4875

        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1);
Line: 4878

          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2);
Line: 4881

             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3);
Line: 4884

                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4888

                  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4892

                    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4896

                     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4900

                        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4904

                           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),
Line: 4910

                             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),p_selection_arg_array(2),p_selection_arg_array(3),
Line: 4915

                                  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),
Line: 4922

                                    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_line_selection_dyn_stmt using p_selection_arg_array(1),
Line: 4948

            ,p_msg   => 'Entries selected'
            ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EVENT
Line: 4958

                       || ' lines inserted in temp tables. '
          ,p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5017

     FROM xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt;
Line: 5022

        INTO xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt
        ( application_id
         SELECT xbct.application_id
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_dr)       contribution_dr
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_cr)       contribution_cr
           FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt  xbct
               ,xla_ae_line_acs          xad
          WHERE xad.ae_header_id   = xbct.ae_header_id
            AND xad.ae_line_num    = xbct.ae_line_num
       GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5091

                      || ' inserted into xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5098

        INTO xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt
           ( application_id
              SELECT  xbct.application_id
                     ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                         )  contribution_dr
                     ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                         )  contribution_cr
                FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt  xbct
                    ,xla_ae_line_acs          xad
               WHERE xad.ae_header_id   = xbct.ae_header_id
                 AND xad.ae_line_num    = xbct.ae_line_num
            GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5176

                      || ' inserted into xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5182

        INTO xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt
           ( application_id
              SELECT  xbct.application_id
                     ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                         )  * -1 contribution_dr
                     ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                         )  * -1 contribution_cr
                FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt  xbct
                    ,xla_ae_line_acs          xad
              WHERE xad.ae_header_id   = xbct.ae_header_id
                AND xad.ae_line_num    = xbct.ae_line_num
            GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5260

                      || ' inserted into xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5288

                      || ' inserted into xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5338

     FROM xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt;
Line: 5343

        INTO xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt
     ( application_id
        SELECT  xbct.application_id
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_dr)       contribution_dr
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_cr)       contribution_cr
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_dr) * -1  contribution_draft_dr
               ,SUM(xbct.accounted_cr) * -1  contribution_draft_cr
           FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt  xbct
       GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5392

        INTO xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt
         ( application_id
            SELECT  xbct.application_id
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  contribution_dr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  contribution_cr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  contribution_draft_dr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  contribution_draft_cr
              FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt  xbct
          GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5461

        INTO xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt
         ( application_id
            SELECT  xbct.application_id
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  * -1 contribution_dr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  * -1 contribution_cr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  * -1 contribution_draft_dr
                   ,SUM(DECODE( xbct.accounting_entry_status_code
                       )  * -1 contribution_draft_cr
               FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt  xbct
           GROUP BY xbct.application_id
Line: 5554

                      ' inserted into xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5579

PROCEDURE insert_ledger_period_statuses
          ( p_ledger_id                   IN INTEGER
           ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        IN INTEGER
           ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num IN INTEGER
           ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         IN INTEGER
           ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         IN INTEGER
           ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         IN INTEGER
           ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         IN INTEGER
l_row_count                 NUMBER;
Line: 5595

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_ledger_period_statuses';
Line: 5613

  INTO xla_bal_period_stats_gt
     ( ledger_id
       SELECT gps.ledger_id
             ,( SELECT NVL2( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                  FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                 WHERE gps2.application_id         =  101
                   AND gps2.ledger_id              =  gps.ledger_id
                   AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                   AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                   AND gps2.period_year            =  gps.period_year
                   AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gps.effective_period_num
              ) first_period_in_year_flag
         FROM gl_period_statuses gps
        WHERE gps.application_id         =  101
          AND gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
          AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
          AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
          AND gps.effective_period_num   =  p_equal_to_eff_per_num
          AND (gps.ledger_id, gps.period_name)
              NOT IN (SELECT xbp.ledger_id, xbp.period_name
                        FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbp
Line: 5663

  INTO xla_bal_period_stats_gt
     ( ledger_id
       SELECT gps.ledger_id
             ,( SELECT NVL2( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                  FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                 WHERE gps2.application_id         =  101
                   AND gps2.ledger_id              =  gps.ledger_id
                   AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                   AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                   AND gps2.period_year            =  gps.period_year
                   AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gps.effective_period_num
              ) first_period_in_year_flag
         FROM gl_period_statuses gps
        WHERE gps.application_id         =  101
          AND gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
          AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
          AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
          AND gps.effective_period_num   >= p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num
          AND (gps.ledger_id, gps.period_name)
              NOT IN (SELECT xbp.ledger_id, xbp.period_name
                        FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbp
Line: 5711

  INTO xla_bal_period_stats_gt
     ( ledger_id
      SELECT gps.ledger_id
            ,( SELECT NVL2( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                 FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                WHERE gps2.application_id         =  101
                  AND gps2.ledger_id              =  gps.ledger_id
                  AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                  AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                  AND gps2.period_year            =  gps.period_year
                  AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gps.effective_period_num
              ) first_period_in_year_flag
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
       WHERE gps.application_id         =  101
         AND gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
         AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
         AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
         AND gps.effective_period_num   >= p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1
         AND gps.effective_period_num   <> p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2
         AND (gps.ledger_id, gps.period_name)
             NOT IN (SELECT xbp.ledger_id, xbp.period_name
                       FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbp
Line: 5760

  INTO xla_bal_period_stats_gt
     ( ledger_id
      SELECT gps.ledger_id
            ,( SELECT NVL2( MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                 FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                WHERE gps2.application_id         =  101
                  AND gps2.ledger_id              =  gps.ledger_id
                  AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
                  AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                  AND gps2.period_year            =  gps.period_year
                  AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gps.effective_period_num
              ) first_period_in_year_flag
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
       WHERE gps.application_id         =  101
         AND gps.ledger_id              =  p_ledger_id
         AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O','C','P')
         AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
         AND gps.effective_period_num   >= p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1
         AND gps.effective_period_num   <  p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2
         AND (gps.ledger_id, gps.period_name)
           NOT IN (SELECT xbp.ledger_id, xbp.period_name
                    FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbp
Line: 5823

                     || ' inserted into xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5842

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.insert_ledger_period_statuses');
Line: 5843

END insert_ledger_period_statuses;
Line: 5883

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 5893

                               ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                   ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5899

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 5928

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
                  AND (   xbst.effective_period_num < p_first_eff_per_num
                       OR xbst.effective_period_num > p_first_eff_per_num
Line: 5941

                               ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                   ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5947

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id
                  AND xbst.effective_period_num > p_first_eff_per_num;
Line: 5958

                               ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                   ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5963

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id;
Line: 5973

                              ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                   ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 5978

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 6006

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id
                  AND xbst.effective_period_num < p_first_eff_per_num;
Line: 6017

                                 ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                      ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6023

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => NULL
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 6034

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => NULL
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => g_cached_ledgers(p_ledger_id)
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 6063

                 FROM xla_bal_period_stats_gt xbst
                WHERE xbst.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
                  AND xbst.effective_period_num < p_first_eff_per_num;
Line: 6074

                                  ' deleted from xla_bal_period_stats_gt'
                      ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6080

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => NULL
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => g_cached_ledgers(p_ledger_id)
Line: 6102

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 6115

                  ( p_ledger_id                   => p_ledger_id
                   ,p_equal_to_eff_per_num        => NULL
                   ,p_grt_or_equal_to_eff_per_num => p_first_eff_per_num
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_diff_2_arg2         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg1         => NULL
                   ,p_grteq_1_less_2_arg2         => NULL
Line: 6157

   ,p_update_mode                IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_balance_source_code        IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_called_by_flag             IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_commit_flag                IN VARCHAR2

|                                                                       |
| Private Procedure                                                     |
|                                                                       |
| Description                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Pseudo-code                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Open issues                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |

l_temp_rows_inserted           INTEGER;
Line: 6185

l_balance_flag_pre_update      VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 6186

l_balance_flag_post_update     VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 6190

l_line_selection_dyn_stmt      VARCHAR2(4000);
Line: 6200

l_selection_arg_array      t_array_varchar;
Line: 6279

         ,p_msg   => 'p_update_mode           :' || p_update_mode
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6299

   IF p_update_mode = 'A'
      l_balance_flag_pre_update  := 'P';
Line: 6302

      l_balance_flag_post_update := 'Y';
Line: 6304

   ELSIF p_update_mode = 'D'
      l_balance_flag_pre_update  := 'Y';
Line: 6307

      l_balance_flag_post_update := 'P';
Line: 6309

   ELSIF p_update_mode = 'F'
      IF p_commit_flag = 'Y'
         IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
             ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'Unsupported p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode || ' with p_commit_flag: ' ||
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 6329

'Unsupported p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode || ' with p_commit_flag: ' ||
Line: 6332

      l_balance_flag_pre_update  := 'Y';
Line: 6333

      l_balance_flag_post_update := 'Y';
Line: 6335

   ELSIF p_update_mode = 'M'
      l_balance_flag_pre_update  := 'P';
Line: 6338

      l_balance_flag_post_update := 'Y';
Line: 6352

                         'Unkown p_update_mode value: ' || p_update_mode
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 6363

                         'Unkown p_update_mode value: ' || p_update_mode);
Line: 6392

       ( p_application_id           => p_application_id
        ,p_ledger_id                => p_ledger_id
        ,p_event_id                 => p_event_id
        ,p_accounting_batch_id      => p_accounting_batch_id
        ,p_ae_header_id             => p_ae_header_id
        ,p_ae_line_num              => p_ae_line_num
        ,p_code_combination_id      => p_code_combination_id
        ,p_period_name              => p_period_name
        ,p_balance_source_code      => p_balance_source_code
        ,p_balance_flag_pre_update  => l_balance_flag_pre_update
        ,p_balance_flag_post_update => l_balance_flag_post_update
        ,p_commit_flag              => p_commit_flag
        ,p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt   => l_entry_locking_dyn_stmt
        ,p_line_selection_dyn_stmt  => l_line_selection_dyn_stmt
        ,p_locking_arg_array        => l_locking_arg_array
        ,p_lck_bind_var_count       => l_lck_bind_var_count
        ,p_selection_arg_array      => l_selection_arg_array
        ,p_ins_bind_var_num         => l_ins_bind_var_num
Line: 6418

      l_temp_rows_inserted := load_balance_temp_tables
         ( p_application_id           => p_application_id
          ,p_request_id               => p_request_id
          ,p_entity_id                => p_entity_id
          ,p_called_by_flag           => p_called_by_flag
          ,p_balance_flag_pre_update  => l_balance_flag_pre_update
          ,p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt   => l_entry_locking_dyn_stmt
          ,p_line_selection_dyn_stmt  => l_line_selection_dyn_stmt
          ,p_locking_arg_array        => l_locking_arg_array
          ,p_lck_bind_var_count       => l_lck_bind_var_count
          ,p_selection_arg_array      => l_selection_arg_array
          ,p_ins_bind_var_num         => l_ins_bind_var_num
         )  ;
Line: 6433

         IF l_temp_rows_inserted = 0
            l_result := TRUE;
Line: 6437

         ELSIF l_temp_rows_inserted < C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE
            -- not accurate because of the multi-insert
            -- but it works for small calculations
            -- which is when the check is more useful
            l_exit_after_calculation := TRUE;
Line: 6447

         IF l_temp_rows_inserted = 0
            l_result := TRUE;
Line: 6456

      IF p_update_mode <> 'M'
         IF  p_commit_flag = 'Y'
            --If commit flag is set then the balance calculation was not called in
            --online mode. Hence we have time to call the open period routine.
            FOR l_apps_ldgr IN
                  SELECT DISTINCT
                    FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
                  SELECT DISTINCT
                    FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt xbat
               IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
                   ( p_module => l_log_module
                    ,p_msg   => 'Moving bals forward for ledger id: '
                                || l_apps_ldgr.ledger_id
                    ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6531

      END IF;  --p_update_mode
Line: 6560

      UPDATE xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
         SET (
               SELECT xbs.balance_status_code
                 FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
                WHERE xbs.application_id      =  xbct.application_id
                  AND xbs.ledger_id           =  xbct.ledger_id
                  AND xbs.code_combination_id =  xbct.code_combination_id
                  AND xbs.balance_source_code =  'C'
Line: 6581

                      ' updated in xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6586

      UPDATE xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt xbat
         SET (
               SELECT xbs.balance_status_code
                 FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
                WHERE xbs.application_id      =  xbat.application_id
                  AND xbs.ledger_id           =  xbat.ledger_id
                  AND xbs.code_combination_id =  xbat.code_combination_id
                  AND xbs.balance_source_code =  'A'
Line: 6610

                      ' updated in xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6617

      IF p_update_mode <> 'M'
         --Remove the lines for which the balance status is in maintenance mode.
           FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
          WHERE xbct.balance_status_code = 'M';
Line: 6630

                         ' lines deleted from xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6640

           FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt xbat
          WHERE xbat.balance_status_code = 'M';
Line: 6649

                            ' lines deleted from xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6661

      IF p_update_mode = 'A'
      OR p_update_mode = 'M'
         l_operation_code := 'A';
Line: 6665

      ELSIF p_update_mode = 'D'
         l_operation_code := 'R';
Line: 6668

      ELSIF p_update_mode = 'F'
         l_operation_code := 'F';
Line: 6676

'Unsupported p_update_mode value: ' || p_update_mode
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 6687

'Unsupported p_update_mode value: ' || p_update_mode);
Line: 6693

         l_temp_rows_inserted := load_ctrl_secondary_temp_tabs
                 ( p_operation_code => l_operation_code
Line: 6696

         IF l_temp_rows_inserted > 0
            FOR i IN
             SELECT DISTINCT
               FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt bclt
             ORDER BY bclt.application_id


               IF p_update_mode = 'M'
                      ( p_ledger_id            => i.ledger_id
                       ,p_first_eff_per_num    => i.effective_period_num
                       ,p_load_single_period   => TRUE
Line: 6729

               IF  p_update_mode <> 'M'
               AND p_commit_flag =  'N'
                  --control balances
                  FOR m IN
                     SELECT DISTINCT
                       FROM xla_bal_ctrl_ctrbs_gt  bcct
                      WHERE bcct.application_id             = i.application_id
                        AND bcct.ledger_id                  = i.ledger_id
                        AND bcct.effective_period_num       = i.effective_period_num
                        AND bcct.balance_status_eff_per_num <  bcct.effective_period_num
                     IF NOT move_identified_bals_forward
                    ( p_application_id             => i.application_id
                     ,p_ledger_id                  => i.ledger_id
                     ,p_code_combination_id        => m.code_combination_id
                     ,p_dest_effective_period_num  => i.effective_period_num
                     ,p_balance_source_code        => 'C'
                     ,p_party_type_code            => m.party_type_code
                     ,p_party_id                   => m.party_id
                     ,p_analytical_criterion_code  => NULL
                     ,p_anacri_type_code           => NULL
                     ,p_amb_context_code           => NULL
                     ,p_ac1                        => NULL
                     ,p_ac2                        => NULL
                     ,p_ac3                        => NULL
                     ,p_ac4                        => NULL
                     ,p_ac5                        => NULL
                        IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
                             (p_module => l_log_module
                             ,p_msg   => 'move_identified_bals_forward failed'
                              ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6792

            IF p_update_mode <> 'F'
               g_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 6796

               UPDATE xla_ae_lines ael
                  SET ael.control_balance_flag    = l_balance_flag_post_update
                     ,ael.last_update_date        = g_date
                     ,ael.last_updated_by         = g_user_id
                     ,ael.last_update_login       = g_login_id
                     ,ael.program_update_date     = g_date
                     ,ael.program_application_id  = g_prog_appl_id
                     ,ael.program_id              = g_prog_id
                     ,ael.request_id              = g_req_id
                     ( ael.ROWID
                      (  SELECT xbct.line_rowid
                           FROM xla_bal_ctrl_lines_gt xbct
		                 FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
				     ,gl_period_statuses gps
				WHERE ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
				  AND aeh.application_id = ael.application_id
				  AND gps.application_id = 101
				  AND gps.period_name = aeh.period_name
				  AND gps.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
				  AND gps.closing_status IN ('O','C','P'));
Line: 6828

                                  || l_balance_flag_post_update
                      ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6833

            END IF; --p_update_mode
Line: 6835

         END IF; --l_temp_rows_inserted
Line: 6841

         l_temp_rows_inserted := load_alyt_secondary_temp_tabs
                ( p_operation_code             => l_operation_code
Line: 6845

         IF l_temp_rows_inserted > 0
            FOR i IN
             SELECT DISTINCT
               FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt bclt

               IF p_update_mode = 'M'
                      ( p_ledger_id            => i.ledger_id
                       ,p_first_eff_per_num    => i.effective_period_num
                       ,p_load_single_period   => TRUE
Line: 6873

               IF  p_update_mode <> 'M'
               AND p_commit_flag =  'N'
                  --analytical balances
                  FOR m IN
                     SELECT DISTINCT
                       FROM xla_bal_ac_ctrbs_gt  bact
                      WHERE bact.application_id             = i.application_id
                        AND bact.ledger_id                  = i.ledger_id
                        AND bact.effective_period_num       = i.effective_period_num
                        AND bact.balance_status_eff_per_num <  bact.effective_period_num
                     IF NOT move_identified_bals_forward
                    ( p_application_id             => i.application_id
                     ,p_ledger_id                  => i.ledger_id
                     ,p_code_combination_id        => m.code_combination_id
                     ,p_dest_effective_period_num  => i.effective_period_num
                     ,p_balance_source_code        => 'A'
                     ,p_party_type_code            => NULL
                     ,p_party_id                   => NULL
                     ,p_analytical_criterion_code  => m.analytical_criterion_code
                     ,p_anacri_type_code           => m.analytical_criterion_type_code
                     ,p_amb_context_code           => m.amb_context_code
                     ,p_ac1                        => m.ac1
                     ,p_ac2                        => m.ac2
                     ,p_ac3                        => m.ac3
                     ,p_ac4                        => m.ac4
                     ,p_ac5                        => m.ac5
                        IF (C_LEVEL_ERROR >= g_log_level) THEN
                              (p_module => l_log_module
                              ,p_msg   => 'move_identified_bals_forward failed'
                               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_ERROR
Line: 6944

            IF p_update_mode <> 'F'
               g_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 6948

               UPDATE xla_ae_lines ael
                  SET ael.analytical_balance_flag = l_balance_flag_post_update
                     ,ael.last_update_date        = g_date
                     ,ael.last_updated_by         = g_user_id
                     ,ael.last_update_login       = g_login_id
                     ,ael.program_update_date     = g_date
                     ,ael.program_application_id  = g_prog_appl_id
                     ,ael.program_id              = g_prog_id
                     ,ael.request_id              = g_req_id
                WHERE ( ael.application_id
                      (  SELECT xbct.application_id
                           FROM xla_bal_anacri_lines_gt xbct
	                   FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
	                	,gl_period_statuses gps
			   WHERE ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
			         AND aeh.application_id = ael.application_id
			         AND gps.application_id = 101
			         AND gps.period_name = aeh.period_name
			         AND gps.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
			         AND gps.closing_status IN ('O','C','P')); --Bug 7493686
Line: 6983

                                  || l_balance_flag_post_update
                      ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 6987

            END IF; --p_update_mode
Line: 6989

         END IF; --l_temp_rows_inserted
Line: 7059

FUNCTION event_set_update
    p_update_mode                  IN VARCHAR2
l_return_value                 BOOLEAN;
Line: 7070

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.event_set_update';
Line: 7080

   IF p_update_mode IS NULL
   OR p_update_mode NOT IN ('A', 'D')
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
            ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'Unsupported value for p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 7098

'Unsupported value for p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode);
Line: 7112

             ,p_update_mode                => p_update_mode
             ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
             ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
             ,p_commit_flag                => 'N'
Line: 7132

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.event_set_update');
Line: 7133

END event_set_update;
Line: 7137

FUNCTION single_update
    p_application_id          IN INTEGER
   ,p_ae_header_id            IN INTEGER
   ,p_ae_line_num             IN INTEGER
   ,p_update_mode             IN VARCHAR2
l_return_value                 BOOLEAN      ;
Line: 7151

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.single_update';
Line: 7201

   IF p_update_mode IS NULL
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
            ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'p_update_mode cannot be NULL'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 7218

'p_update_mode cannot be NULL');
Line: 7219

   ELSIF p_update_mode NOT IN ('A', 'D', 'F')
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
            ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'Unsupported value for p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 7236

'Unsupported value for p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode);
Line: 7250

             ,p_update_mode                => p_update_mode
             ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
             ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
             ,p_commit_flag                => 'N'
Line: 7269

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.single_update');
Line: 7270

END single_update;
Line: 7273

PROCEDURE massive_update_srs
                           ( p_errbuf               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                            ,p_retcode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                            ,p_application_id       IN         NUMBER
                            ,p_dummy                IN         VARCHAR2
                            ,p_ledger_id            IN         NUMBER
                            ,p_accounting_batch_id  IN         NUMBER
                            ,p_update_mode          IN         VARCHAR2)
|                                                                       |
| Public Function                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| Description                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|  Just the SRS wrapper for massive_update in batch mode                |
|                                                                       |
| Pseudo-code                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|  Call massive_update             and assign its return code to        |
|  p_retcode                                                            |
|  RETURN p_retcode (0=success, 1=warning, 2=error)                     |
|                                                                       |
| Open issues                                                           |
| -----------                                                           |
|                                                                       |
| 1) Need to review the value assigned to p_errbuf                      |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |

l_commit_flag     VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 7312

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.massive_update_srs';
Line: 7324

   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'p_update_mode: ' || p_update_mode);
Line: 7326

   IF p_update_mode = 'F'
      l_commit_flag := 'N';
Line: 7344

             ,p_update_mode                => p_update_mode
             ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
             ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
             ,p_commit_flag                => l_commit_flag
      p_retcode := 0;
Line: 7369

END massive_update_srs;
Line: 7371

FUNCTION massive_update_for_events(p_application_id IN INTEGER)
RETURN boolean
   l_log_module                 VARCHAR2 (2000);
Line: 7378

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.massive_update_for_events';
Line: 7422

             ,p_update_mode                => 'D'
             ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
             ,p_called_by_flag             => 'E'
             ,p_commit_flag                => 'N'
Line: 7433

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update_for_events');
Line: 7434

END massive_update_for_events;
Line: 7436

FUNCTION massive_update
    p_application_id          IN INTEGER
   ,p_ledger_id               IN INTEGER
   ,p_entity_id               IN INTEGER
   ,p_event_id                IN INTEGER
   ,p_request_id              IN INTEGER
   ,p_accounting_batch_id     IN INTEGER
   ,p_update_mode             IN VARCHAR2
   ,p_execution_mode          IN VARCHAR2
   l_req_id                 NUMBER;
Line: 7457

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.massive_update';
Line: 7484

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: p_application_id cannot be NULL');
Line: 7508

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_entity_id is not NULL, p_ledger_id must be NULL');
Line: 7526

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_entity_id is not NULL, p_event_id must be NULL');
Line: 7543

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_entity_id is not NULL, p_request_id must be NULL');
Line: 7561

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_entity_id is not NULL, p_accounting_batch_id must be NULL');
Line: 7586

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_request_id is not NULL, p_ledger_id must be NULL');
Line: 7604

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_request_id is not NULL, p_entity_id must be NULL');
Line: 7622

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_request_id is not NULL, p_event_id must be NULL');
Line: 7640

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: IF p_request_id is not NULL, p_accounting_batch_id must be NULL');
Line: 7646

   IF p_update_mode IS NULL
   OR p_update_mode NOT IN ('A', 'D', 'F')
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            (p_module => l_log_module
            ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'Invalid p_update_mode parameter: '|| p_update_mode
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 7661

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: Invalid p_update_mode parameter: '|| p_update_mode);
Line: 7681

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: Invalid p_execution_mode parameter: '|| p_execution_mode);
Line: 7705

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: When p_execution_mode is C, p_event_id, must be NULL');
Line: 7723

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: When p_execution_mode is C, p_request_id, must be NULL');
Line: 7741

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: When p_execution_mode is C, p_entity_id, must be NULL');
Line: 7757

                 ,argument5   => p_update_mode
Line: 7794

             ,p_update_mode                => p_update_mode
             ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
             ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
             ,p_commit_flag                => 'N'
Line: 7813

         ,p_value_1        => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update'
         ,p_token_2        => 'ERROR'
         ,p_value_2        => 'EXCEPTION: Invalid value for parameter p_execution_mode: ' || p_execution_mode);
Line: 7833

      (p_location => 'xla_balances_pkg.massive_update');
Line: 7834

END massive_update;
Line: 7856

l_num_of_records_updated          INTEGER;
Line: 7885

           FROM xla_control_balances xcbext
          WHERE xcbext.ROWID IN
                 ( SELECT xcb.ROWID
                     FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                         ,xla_control_balances      xcb
                         ,gl_period_statuses        gps
                    WHERE xbs.balance_source_code  = 'C'
                      AND xbs.balance_status_code  = 'R'
                      AND xbs.request_id           = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                      AND xcb.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
                      AND xcb.application_id       = xbs.application_id
                      AND xcb.ledger_id            = xbs.ledger_id
                      AND xcb.code_combination_id  = xbs.code_combination_id
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NOT NULL
                                AND xcb.party_type_code          =  xbs.recreate_party_type_code
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NOT NULL
                                AND xcb.party_id                 = xbs.recreate_party_id
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_site_id   IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_site_id   IS NOT NULL
                                AND xcb.party_site_id            = xbs.recreate_party_site_id
                      AND gps.ledger_id            =  xcb.ledger_id
                      AND gps.application_id       =  101
                      AND gps.period_name          =  xcb.period_name
                      AND gps.effective_period_num >= xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
Line: 7929

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_control_balances deleted'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 7945

           FROM xla_ac_balances xabext
          WHERE xabext.ROWID IN
                 ( SELECT xab.ROWID
                     FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                         ,xla_ac_balances   xab
                         ,gl_period_statuses        gps
                    WHERE xbs.balance_source_code  = 'A'
                      AND xbs.balance_status_code  = 'R'
                      AND xbs.request_id           = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                      AND xab.initial_balance_flag =  'N'
                      AND xab.application_id       =  xbs.application_id
                      AND xab.ledger_id            =  xbs.ledger_id
                      AND xab.code_combination_id  =  xbs.code_combination_id
                      AND gps.ledger_id            =  xab.ledger_id
                      AND gps.period_name          =  xab.period_name
                      AND gps.application_id       =  101
                      AND gps.effective_period_num >= xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
Line: 7971

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_ac_balances deleted'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 7988

         l_num_of_records_updated := 0;
Line: 7989

         UPDATE xla_ae_lines ael
            SET ael.control_balance_flag =
                             DECODE( ael.control_balance_flag
          WHERE ael.ROWID IN
                  (SELECT xal.ROWID
                     FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                         ,xla_ae_headers            xah
                         ,xla_ae_lines              xal
                         ,gl_period_statuses        gps
                    WHERE xbs.balance_status_code        = 'R'
                      AND xbs.balance_source_code        = 'C'
                      AND xbs.request_id                 = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                      AND xah.ledger_id                  = xbs.ledger_id
                      AND xah.application_id             = xbs.application_id
                      AND xal.ae_header_id               = xah.ae_header_id
                      AND xal.application_id             = xah.application_id
                      AND xal.code_combination_id        = xbs.code_combination_id
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_type_code IS NOT NULL
                                AND xal.party_type_code          =  xbs.recreate_party_type_code
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_id        IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_id        IS NOT NULL
                                AND (   xal.party_id                 = xbs.recreate_party_id
                      AND (   (     xbs.recreate_party_site_id   IS NULL
                           OR (     xbs.recreate_party_site_id   IS NOT NULL
                                AND (   xal.party_site_id            = xbs.recreate_party_site_id
                      AND xal.control_balance_flag       <> 'P'
                      AND gps.ledger_id                  =  xah.ledger_id
                      AND gps.period_name                =  xah.period_name
                      AND gps.application_id             =  101
                      AND gps.effective_period_num       >= xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8038

            l_num_of_records_updated := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 8043

             ,p_msg   => l_num_of_records_updated  || ' xla_ae_lines (ctrl bal) updated to P'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8048

         UPDATE xla_ae_lines ael
            SET ael.analytical_balance_flag =
                             DECODE( ael.analytical_balance_flag
          WHERE ael.ROWID IN
                  (SELECT xal.ROWID
                     FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                         ,xla_ae_headers            xah
                         ,xla_ae_lines              xal
                         ,gl_period_statuses        gps
                    WHERE xbs.balance_status_code        =  'R'
                      AND xbs.balance_source_code        =  'A'
                      AND xbs.request_id                 =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
                      AND xah.ledger_id                  =  xbs.ledger_id
                      AND xah.application_id             =  xbs.application_id
                      AND xal.ae_header_id               =  xah.ae_header_id
                      AND xal.application_id             =  xah.application_id
                      AND xal.code_combination_id        =  xbs.code_combination_id
                      AND xal.analytical_balance_flag    <> 'P'
                      AND gps.ledger_id                  =  xah.ledger_id
                      AND gps.period_name                =  xah.period_name
                      AND gps.application_id             =  101
                      AND gps.effective_period_num       >= xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8077

         l_num_of_records_updated := l_num_of_records_updated  + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 8082

             ,p_msg   => l_num_of_records_updated  || ' xla_ae_lines (ac bal) updated to P'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8087

         IF l_num_of_records_updated = 0
Line: 8100

         UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbs
            SET xbs.balance_status_code  = 'B'
               ,xbs.effective_period_num = (SELECT LEAST( NVL( xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
                                              FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                                             WHERE gps.ledger_id      = xbs.ledger_id
                                               AND gps.application_id = 101
                                               AND gps.closing_status IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                                               AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
                                               AND gps.effective_period_num < xbs.recreate_effective_period_num
               ,last_update_date         = l_date
               ,last_updated_by          = l_user_id
               ,last_update_login        = l_login_id
               ,program_update_date      = l_date
               ,program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
               ,program_id               = l_prog_id
               ,request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
          WHERE xbs.balance_status_code  =  'R'
            AND xbs.request_id           =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8130

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to B'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8155

         SELECT xbs.ledger_id
           INTO l_current_ledger_id
           FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
          WHERE xbs.balance_status_code        = 'B'
            AND xbs.request_id                 =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
            AND ROWNUM                         = 1
         GROUP BY xbs.ledger_id;
Line: 8186

      FOR i IN ( SELECT gps.period_name
                       ,( SELECT MAX(gps2.effective_period_num)
                            FROM gl_period_statuses gps2
                           WHERE gps2.ledger_id              = l_current_ledger_id
                             AND gps2.application_id         =  101
                             AND gps2.effective_period_num   <  gps.effective_period_num
                             AND gps2.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                             AND gps2.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                        ) previous_effective_period_num
                   FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                  WHERE gps.ledger_id              =  l_current_ledger_id
                    AND gps.application_id         =  101
                    AND gps.closing_status         IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                    AND gps.adjustment_period_flag =  'N'
                    AND gps.effective_period_num   >= l_current_effective_period_num
                 ORDER BY gps.effective_period_num

         IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
            ( p_module => l_log_module
             ,p_msg   => 'i.previous_effective_period_num: '
                         || i.previous_effective_period_num
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8227

                           ,p_balance_status_code_selected => 'Q'
                           ,p_balance_status_code_not_sel  => 'B'
Line: 8261

                      ,p_update_mode                => 'M'
                      ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
                      ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
                      ,p_commit_flag                => 'Y'
Line: 8289

      UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbs
         SET xbs.balance_status_code  = 'C'
            ,last_update_date         = l_date
            ,last_updated_by          = l_user_id
            ,last_update_login        = l_login_id
            ,program_update_date      = l_date
            ,program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
            ,program_id               = l_prog_id
            ,request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
       WHERE xbs.balance_status_code  = 'B'
         AND xbs.request_id           = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
         AND xbs.ledger_id            = l_current_ledger_id;
Line: 8308

                            || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to C'
                ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8319

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO l_warning_count
     FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
    WHERE xbs.request_id             =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
      AND NVL(xbs.warning_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 8345

         UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbs
            SET xbs.balance_status_code  = 'A'
               ,last_update_date         = l_date
               ,last_updated_by          = l_user_id
               ,last_update_login        = l_login_id
               ,program_update_date      = l_date
               ,program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
               ,program_id               = l_prog_id
               ,request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
          WHERE xbs.request_id             =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
            AND NVL(xbs.warning_flag, 'N') =  'Y'
            AND ROWNUM                     <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8363

             , p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to A'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8387

         UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbs
            SET xbs.balance_status_code  = 'A'
               ,last_update_date         = l_date
               ,last_updated_by          = l_user_id
               ,last_update_login        = l_login_id
               ,program_update_date      = l_date
               ,program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
               ,program_id               = l_prog_id
               ,request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
          WHERE xbs.balance_status_code  =  'C'
            AND xbs.request_id           =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8405

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to A'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8506

      SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO l_chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_ledgers  xgl
       WHERE xgl.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 8516

         SELECT gps.effective_period_num
           INTO l_starting_eff_period_num
           FROM gl_period_statuses gps
          WHERE gps.ledger_id      = p_ledger_id
            AND gps.application_id = 101
            AND gps.period_name    = p_starting_period_name;
Line: 8543

            'AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
                           FROM xla_ae_headers xah
                               ,xla_ae_lines   xal
                          WHERE xah.application_id             =  xbs.application_id
                            AND xah.ledger_id                  =  xbs.ledger_id
                            AND xal.code_combination_id        =  xbs.code_combination_id
                            AND xal.ae_header_id               =  xah.ae_header_id
                            AND xal.party_type_code            = ''' || p_party_type_code ||'''
Line: 8569

   '  INSERT
      INTO xla_bal_recreate_gt
      ( application_id
      SELECT xbs.application_id
        FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
            ,gl_code_combinations      gcc
            ,xla_bal_recreate_gt xbt
       WHERE gcc.code_combination_id           =  xbs.code_combination_id
         AND xbt.application_id             (+)=  xbs.application_id
         AND xbt.ledger_id                  (+)=  xbs.ledger_id
         AND xbt.code_combination_id        (+)=  xbs.code_combination_id
         AND xbt.balance_source_code        (+)=  xbs.balance_source_code
         AND xbt.application_id                IS NULL
         AND ROWNUM                            <= ' || C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE || '
Line: 8622

                      || ' records inserted in xla_bal_recreate_gt'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8639

         UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbsext
            SET xbsext.balance_status_code      = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_type_code = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_id        = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_site_id   = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_effective_period_num = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
                                                         ,NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                                                              ,(SELECT MIN(effective_period_num)
                                                                  FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                                                                 WHERE gps.ledger_id      = xbsext.ledger_id
                                                                   AND gps.application_id = 101
                                                                   AND gps.closing_status IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                                                                   AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
               ,xbsext.warning_flag             = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.last_update_date         = l_date
               ,xbsext.last_updated_by          = l_user_id
               ,xbsext.last_update_login        = l_login_id
               ,xbsext.program_update_date      = l_date
               ,xbsext.program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
               ,xbsext.program_id               = l_prog_id
               ,xbsext.request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
          WHERE xbsext.ROWID IN
            (SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_bal_recreate_gt xbt
                   ,xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                   ,fnd_concurrent_requests   fnd
              WHERE xbs.application_id             =  xbt.application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  xbt.ledger_id
                AND xbs.code_combination_id        =  xbt.code_combination_id
                AND xbs.balance_source_code        =  xbt.balance_source_code
                AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                AND fnd.request_id(+)                 =  xbs.request_id
                AND (   xbs.balance_status_code       =  'A'
                     OR (    xbs.balance_status_code  IN ('R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
                         AND nvl(fnd.status_code,'N')          <>  'R'
             SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
              WHERE xbs.application_id             =  NVL( p_application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  NVL( p_ledger_id
                AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                AND NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)        =  -1
                AND xbs.balance_status_code        IN ('A', 'R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8727

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to R'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8741

     SELECT count(*)
       INTO l_count_unavailable
       FROM xla_bal_recreate_gt xbt
           ,xla_balance_statuses      xbs
      WHERE xbs.application_id             =  xbt.application_id
        AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  xbt.ledger_id
        AND xbs.code_combination_id        =  xbt.code_combination_id
        AND xbs.balance_source_code        =  xbt.balance_source_code
        AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
        AND (   NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)    <> NVL(l_req_id, -1)
             OR xbs.balance_status_code    NOT IN ('R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
Line: 8834

      SELECT gps.effective_period_num
        INTO l_starting_eff_period_num
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
       WHERE gps.ledger_id      = p_ledger_id
         AND gps.application_id = 101
         AND gps.period_name    = p_starting_period_name;
Line: 8846

      UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbsext
            SET xbsext.balance_status_code      = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_type_code = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_id        = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_party_site_id   = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.recreate_effective_period_num = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
                                                         ,NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                                                              ,(SELECT MIN(effective_period_num)
                                                                  FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                                                                 WHERE gps.ledger_id      = xbsext.ledger_id
                                                                   AND gps.application_id = 101
                                                                   AND gps.closing_status IN ('O', 'C', 'P')
                                                                   AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
               ,xbsext.warning_flag             = DECODE( xbsext.balance_status_code
               ,xbsext.last_update_date         = l_date
               ,xbsext.last_updated_by          = l_user_id
               ,xbsext.last_update_login        = l_login_id
               ,xbsext.program_update_date      = l_date
               ,xbsext.program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
               ,xbsext.program_id               = l_prog_id
               ,xbsext.request_id               = l_req_id
          WHERE xbsext.ROWID IN
            (SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
                   ,fnd_concurrent_requests   fnd
              WHERE xbs.application_id             =  NVL( p_application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  NVL( p_ledger_id
                AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                AND fnd.request_id(+)                 =  xbs.request_id
                AND (   xbs.balance_status_code       =  'A'
                     OR (    xbs.balance_status_code  IN ('R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
                         AND NVL(fnd.status_code,'N')          <>  'R'
             SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
              WHERE xbs.application_id             =  NVL( p_application_id
                AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  NVL( p_ledger_id
                AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
                AND NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)        =  -1
                AND xbs.balance_status_code        IN ('A', 'R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
            AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 8935

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to R'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 8951

     SELECT count(*)
       INTO l_count_unavailable
       FROM xla_balance_statuses      xbs
      WHERE xbs.application_id             =  NVL( p_application_id
        AND xbs.ledger_id                  =  NVL( p_ledger_id
        AND xbs.effective_period_num       >= NVL( l_starting_eff_period_num
        AND (   NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)    <> NVL(l_req_id, -1)
             OR xbs.balance_status_code    NOT IN ('R', 'B', 'Q', 'C')
Line: 8981

             ,p_msg   => 'This request was unable to select all the requested balances'
             ,p_level => C_LEVEL_ERROR
Line: 9066

        FROM xla_bal_recreate_gt;
Line: 9074

         ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_bal_recreate_gt deleted.'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9119

         ,p_msg   => 'recreation selection failed'
          ,p_level => C_LEVEL_ERROR
Line: 9328

      INTO xla_bal_synchronize_gt
      ( chart_of_accounts_id
      SELECT gcc.chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_code_combinations         gcc
            ,xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
       WHERE gcc.chart_of_accounts_id               =  :1
         AND gcc.' || l_account_segment_column || ' =  :2
         AND xbt.chart_of_accounts_id            (+)=  :3
         AND xbt.code_combination_id             (+)=  gcc.code_combination_id
         AND xbt.chart_of_accounts_id               IS NULL
         AND ROWNUM                                 <= :4
      USING p_chart_of_accounts_id
Line: 9357

                          || ' records inserted in xla_bal_synchronize_gt'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9371

   SELECT MIN(reference3)
     INTO l_min_reference3
     FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
    WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id;
Line: 9416

      UPDATE xla_balance_statuses xbsext
         SET xbsext.balance_status_code      = 'S'
            ,xbsext.last_update_date         = l_date
            ,xbsext.last_updated_by          = l_user_id
            ,xbsext.last_update_login        = l_login_id
            ,xbsext.program_update_date      = l_date
            ,xbsext.program_application_id   = l_prog_appl_id
            ,xbsext.program_id               = l_prog_id
            ,xbsext.request_id               = NVL(l_req_id, -1)
       WHERE xbsext.ROWID IN
            (SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses    xbs
                   ,fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
              WHERE xbs.ledger_id            IN
                        SELECT xgl.ledger_id
                          FROM gl_ledgers        xgl
                         WHERE xgl.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
                AND xbs.code_combination_id IN
                        SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                          FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                         WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
                AND xbs.balance_source_code  =  'C'
                AND xbs.balance_status_code  IN ('A', 'S')
                AND fnd.request_id(+)           =  xbs.request_id
                AND NVL(fnd.status_code,'N')  <> 'R'
             SELECT xbs.ROWID
               FROM xla_balance_statuses    xbs
              WHERE xbs.ledger_id            IN
                        SELECT xgl.ledger_id
                          FROM gl_ledgers        xgl
                         WHERE xgl.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
                AND xbs.code_combination_id IN
                        SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                          FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                         WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
                AND xbs.balance_source_code  =  'C'
                AND xbs.balance_status_code  IN ('A', 'S')
                AND NVL(xbs.request_id, -1)  =  NVL(l_req_id, -1)
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9472

                           || ' xla_balance_statuses updated to S'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9490

       SELECT xbs.code_combination_id
         FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
        WHERE xbs.ledger_id            IN
                SELECT xgl.ledger_id
                  FROM gl_ledgers        xgl
                      ,xla_setup_ledgers xsl
                 WHERE xgl.chart_of_accounts_id = :1
                   AND xsl.ledger_id            = xgl.ledger_id
          AND xbs.balance_source_code  =  ''C''
          AND xbs.code_combination_id IN
                   SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                     FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                    WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = :1
       FOR UPDATE OF xbs.ledger_id
   USING p_chart_of_accounts_id
Line: 9513

     INTO l_count_unavailable
     FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
    WHERE xbs.balance_status_code  <> 'S'
      AND ( xbs.application_id
              SELECT xbt.application_id
                FROM xla_bal_recreate_gt xbt
Line: 9548

      UPDATE xla_ae_lines xal
         SET xal.control_balance_flag = NULL
       WHERE xal.code_combination_id  IN
                  SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                    FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                   WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
         AND xal.control_balance_flag IS NOT NULL
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9564

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_ae_lines updated to N'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9580

        FROM xla_control_balances xcb
       WHERE xcb.code_combination_id IN
                 SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                   FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                  WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9595

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses deleted'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9610

        FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
       WHERE xbs.code_combination_id IN
                SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
                  FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                 WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
         AND xbs.balance_status_code = 'S'
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9626

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_balance_statuses deleted'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9639

     INTO l_count_unavailable
     FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
    WHERE xbs.balance_source_code  =  'C'
      AND xbs.code_combination_id IN
         SELECT xbt.code_combination_id
           FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
          WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
Line: 9678

          UPDATE xla_ae_lines xal
             SET xal.control_balance_flag = 'P'
           WHERE xal.ROWID IN
                 ( SELECT xal.ROWID
                     FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
                         ,xla_ae_lines                 xal
                         ,xla_ae_headers               xah
                         ,xla_subledgers               xsl
                    WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id =  p_chart_of_accounts_id
                      AND xal.code_combination_id  =  xbt.code_combination_id
                      AND xah.ae_header_id         =  xal.ae_header_id
                      AND xah.application_id       =  xal.application_id
                      AND xal.party_type_code      IS NOT NULL
                      AND xal.party_id             IS NOT NULL
                      AND xal.control_balance_flag IS NULL
                      AND xsl.application_id       =  xah.application_id
                      AND xbt.reference3           =  xsl.control_account_type_code
             AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9703

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_ae_lines updated to P'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9731

                ,p_update_mode                => 'M'
                ,p_balance_source_code        => NULL
                ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
                ,p_commit_flag                => 'Y'
Line: 9741

        FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
       WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
         AND ROWNUM                   <= C_BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE;
Line: 9751

             ,p_msg   => l_row_count || ' xla_bal_synchronize_gt deleted'
               ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
Line: 9999

   INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
Line: 10040

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
    ,LEDGER_ID              --5067260
    ,ACCOUNTING_DATE        --5067260
    ,GL_SL_LINK_ID          --5041325
           ,xla_gl_sl_link_id_s.nextval,NULL)  --5041325
Line: 10092

     FROM xla_ae_lines xal
    WHERE xal.ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 10096

     FROM xla_ae_headers xah
    WHERE xah.ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 10187

   SELECT gll.currency_code
     INTO l_ledger_currency_code
     FROM gl_ledgers gll
    WHERE gll.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 10200

   SELECT gps.effective_period_num
     INTO l_effective_period_num
     FROM gl_period_statuses gps
    WHERE gps.ledger_id      = p_ledger_id
      AND gps.period_name    = p_period_name
      AND gps.application_id = 101;
Line: 10222

   SELECT xls.application_id
     INTO l_application_id
     FROM xla_subledgers xls
    WHERE xls.application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 10235

   SELECT xll.ledger_id
     INTO l_ledger_id
     FROM xla_gl_ledgers_v xll
    WHERE xll.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 10291

   SELECT MIN(gps.effective_period_num)
     INTO l_first_entry_eff_period_num
     FROM gl_period_statuses gps
         ,xla_ae_headers xah
         ,xla_ae_lines   xal
    WHERE gps.ledger_id           = p_ledger_id
      AND gps.application_id      = 101
      AND gps.period_name         = xah.period_name
      AND xah.ledger_id           = p_ledger_id
      AND xah.application_id      = p_application_id
      AND xal.ae_header_id        = xah.ae_header_id
      AND xal.code_combination_id = p_code_combination_id
      AND xal.party_type_code     = p_party_type_code
      AND xal.party_id            = p_party_id
      AND NVL(xal.party_site_id,-999)= p_party_site_id;
Line: 10331

      SELECT xba.period_name
        INTO l_existing_balance_period_name
        FROM xla_control_balances xba
       WHERE xba.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id
         AND xba.application_id       = p_application_id
         AND xba.code_combination_id  = p_code_combination_id
         AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'Y'
         AND xba.party_type_code      = p_party_type_code
         AND xba.party_id             = p_party_id
         AND xba.party_site_id        = p_party_site_id;
Line: 10380

      UPDATE xla_control_balances xba
         SET xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
       WHERE xba.rowid = l_existing_balance_rowid;
Line: 10389

         ,p_msg      => l_row_count || ' balances updated '
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 10395

   SELECT xla_ae_headers_s.nextval
     INTO l_ae_header_id
Line: 10444

             ,p_update_mode                => 'A'
             ,p_balance_source_code        => 'C'
             ,p_called_by_flag             => NULL
             ,p_commit_flag                => 'N'
      IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN
            ( p_module => l_log_module
             ,p_msg   => 'EXCEPTION:' ||
'Failure propagating the initial balance'
              ,p_level => C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION
Line: 10468

   UPDATE xla_control_balances xba
      SET xba.beginning_balance_dr = xba.beginning_balance_dr + xba.period_balance_dr
         ,xba.beginning_balance_cr = xba.beginning_balance_cr + xba.period_balance_cr
         ,xba.period_balance_dr    = 0
         ,xba.period_balance_cr    = 0
         ,xba.initial_balance_flag = 'Y'
         ,xba.first_period_flag    = 'Y'
    WHERE xba.ledger_id            = p_ledger_id
      AND xba.application_id       = p_application_id
      AND xba.code_combination_id  = p_code_combination_id
      AND xba.initial_balance_flag = 'N'
      AND xba.party_type_code      = p_party_type_code
      AND xba.party_id             = p_party_id
      AND xba.party_site_id        = p_party_site_id
      AND xba.period_name          = p_period_name;