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APPS.IGS_AD_IMP_009 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

|| npalanis       22-APR-2003 BUG:2832980 location_id is not selected in form_dup where clause because it is not used any where
||  pkpatel       22-JUN-2001 Bug no.2702536
||                            Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id, p_addr_type and p_person_id_type to IGS_AD_IMP_FIND_DUP_PERSONS
||                            And implemented the new record level duplicate check.
|| gmuralid      4 -DEC-2002  Change by gmuralid, removed reference to table igs_ad_intl_int,
||                            igs_pe_fund_dep_int.Included references to igs_pe_visa_int,
||                            igs_pe_vst_hist_int,igs_pe_passport_int,igs_pe_eit_int
||                            As a part of BUG 2599109, SEVIS Build
||  ssawhney   21-may-2002   Bug 2381539, %imp_p% procedures, incorrect ref to variable x_lvcExactSelectClause in case of partial match
||                           because of which it was not going into match at all.
||  pkpatel    30-MAY-2002   Bug 2377580, parameters were missing in the call to Igs_Pe_Identify_Dups.form_dup_whereclause
||  npalanis   5-Jun-2002    Bug 2397849 , The function for match indicator 15 ,16 and 17 are handled.
||  pkpatel    10-OCT-2002   Bug No: 2603065
||                           Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
||  ssawhney   22-oct-2002   SWS104, Bug 2630860. Introduced validations from making STATISTICS not mandatory.
||                           modified for ACADHONORS.SWS104 obsoleted IGS_AD_REFS_INT
|| sjalasut    31st oct    SWS105 ad_collact table obsoleted
|| sjalasut    Jan 20, 2003 changed the references of IGS_AD_INQ_CHAR_INT to IGS_RC_I_CHAR_INT for RCT101 Build. bug 2664699
|| rrengara    14 Feb 2003  changes for RCT Build. Removed the obsolete table names and replaced the new table names
|| ssawhney    24-feb-2003   REF CUR dup_matches_cur was not being closed for exact match of DUP_MATCHES_P and PP
|| vrathi      26-Jun-2003   Bug 3001974 Added specific messages in duplicate check fiunctions. + sswhney - valriable lenght increased
                             for whereclause execution.
|| asbala      23-SEP-2003     Bug 3130316, Duplicate Person Matching Performance Improvements
|| gmaheswa    9-OCT-2003      Bug 3146324, Match Criteria sets Enhancement

-- constants to replace match indicator values for sql performance tuning
cst_mi_val_11 CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(2) := '11';
Line: 69

  ||                                  Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001     Bug no.2702536
  ||                                  Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
  ||  pkpatel         4-MAY-2003      Bug 3004858 (PKM Issue to use bind variable)
  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
  CURSOR imp_person_cur(cp_d_interface_id igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v.interface_id%TYPE) IS
  FROM   igs_ad_imp_matches_p_v
  WHERE  interface_id = cp_d_interface_id;
Line: 86

  x_lvcExactSelectClause     VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 87

  x_lvcPartialSelectClause   VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 143

                x_select_clause         => x_lvcExactSelectClause);
Line: 147

      IF x_lvcExactSelectClause <> 'PARTIAL_MATCH' THEN
           -- Open the Dynamic Cursor with the select statement returned for Exact Match

        l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 153

        dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id, x_lvcExactSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 169

                        (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                         x_org_id => lnOrg_ID,
                         x_addr_type=> p_c_addr_type,
                         x_mode =>'I',
                         x_Party_Site_ID => NULL);
Line: 189

                        /*If the dynamic Query returns only one row, then Update the
                                  igs_ad_interface_table */

        IF x_match_cnt = 1 THEN  /* Only One Match is Found  Match_Ind 12 is - Match to a Single Person*/
          UPDATE igs_ad_interface
          SET   match_ind = cst_mi_val_12,
               person_id = l_person_id
          WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 201

        ELSIF x_match_cnt > 1 THEN   -- if more than one duplicate is found then update match_ind to 13
                                                     -- 13 -  Match to Multiple Persons
          UPDATE igs_ad_interface
          SET match_ind = cst_mi_val_13,
             ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_2,
             STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
          WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 235

                        x_select_clause         => x_lvcPartialSelectClause);
Line: 237

        IF x_lvcPartialSelectClause IS NOT NULL THEN

                -- Execute the Dynamic SQL
          l_cursor_id1 := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 243

          dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id1, x_lvcPartialSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 259

                                (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                 x_org_id => lnOrg_ID,
                                 x_addr_type=> p_c_addr_type,
                                 x_mode =>'R',
                                 x_Party_Site_ID => NULL);
Line: 279

            UPDATE igs_ad_interface
            SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_11
            WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 285

            UPDATE igs_ad_interface
            SET   match_ind = cst_mi_val_14,
                  ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_3,
                  STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
            WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 302

      UPDATE igs_ad_interface
      SET     status = cst_stat_val_3,
              match_ind = cst_mi_val_24,
              ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_1
      WHERE interface_id = p_d_interface_id;
Line: 333

  ||                                  Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001     Bug no.2702536
  ||                                  Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
  ||  pkpatel         4-MAY-2003      Bug 3004858 (PKM Issue to use bind variable)
  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    l_prog_label  VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 348

    SELECT  *
    FROM    igs_ad_imp_matches_pp_v
    WHERE   interface_id = cp_d_interface_id AND
            ( person_id_type = cp_c_person_id_type OR person_id_type IS NULL );
Line: 353

    x_lvcExactSelectClause     VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 354

    x_lvcPartialSelectClause   VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 409

                        x_select_clause         => x_lvcExactSelectClause,
                        x_api_person_id         =>imp_person_rec.alternate_id,
                        x_person_id_type        =>imp_person_rec.person_id_type
Line: 415

        IF x_lvcExactSelectClause <> 'PARTIAL_MATCH' THEN

          l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 420

          dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id, x_lvcExactSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 436

		 /* Insert into igs_ad_imp_near_match, all the duplicate records */
                                                (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                                 x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                                 x_person_id=> l_person_id,
                                                 x_mode =>'R',
                                                 x_Party_Site_ID => NULL);
Line: 456

                        /*If the dynamic Query returns only one row, then Update the igs_ad_interface_table */
             IF x_match_cnt = 1 THEN  /* Only One Match is Found */
               UPDATE igs_ad_interface
               SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_12,
                      person_id = l_person_id
               WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 466

               UPDATE igs_ad_interface
               SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_13,
                      error_code = cst_err_val_2,
                      STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
               WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 497

                                x_select_clause         => x_lvcPartialSelectClause);
Line: 500

            IF x_lvcPartialSelectClause IS NOT NULL THEN

                                /* Exceute the Partial Select Clause */
                                l_cursor_id1 := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 506

                                dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id1, x_lvcPartialSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 526

                                        /* Insert into igs_ad_imp_near_match_int, all the duplicate records */
                                                (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                                 x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                                 x_person_id=> l_person_id,
                                                 x_mode =>'R',
                                                 x_party_Site_ID => NULL);
Line: 550

                          UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                          SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_11
                          WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 558

                          UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                          SET match_ind = cst_mi_val_14,
                                ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_3,
                                STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
                          WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 577

          UPDATE igs_ad_interface
          SET   status = cst_stat_val_3,
                match_ind = cst_mi_val_24,
                error_code = cst_err_val_1
          WHERE interface_id = p_d_interface_id;
Line: 614

  ||                                  Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001     Bug no.2702536
  ||                                  Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
  ||  pkpatel         4-MAY-2003      Bug 3004858 (PKM Issue to use bind variable)

	l_prog_label  VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 630

        SELECT *
        FROM   igs_ad_imp_matches_pa_v
        WHERE  interface_id = cp_d_interface_id
        ( addr_type = cp_c_addr_type OR addr_type IS NULL OR Igs_Pe_Identify_Dups.g_primary_addr_flag = 'Y');
Line: 639

	SELECT PS.party_site_id
	FROM hz_party_sites PS,hz_party_site_uses PSU
	WHERE PS.party_site_id = PSU.party_site_id AND
	PS.party_id = cp_person_id AND
	PSU.site_use_type = cp_addr_type;
Line: 646

	SELECT PS.party_site_id
	FROM hz_party_sites PS
	WHERE PS.party_id = cp_person_id AND
	PS.identifying_address_flag = 'Y';
Line: 651

	 x_lvcExactSelectClause     VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 652

	 x_lvcPartialSelectClause   VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 719

                        x_select_clause         => x_lvcExactSelectClause,
                        x_addr_type             =>imp_person_rec.addr_type,
                        x_city                  =>imp_person_rec.city,
                        x_state                 =>imp_person_rec.state,
                        x_province              =>imp_person_rec.province,
                        x_county                =>imp_person_rec.county,
                        x_country               =>imp_person_rec.country,
                        x_postcode              =>imp_person_rec.postcode
Line: 729

                IF x_lvcExactSelectClause <> 'PARTIAL_MATCH' THEN
		  l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 733

                  dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id, x_lvcExactSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 760

                                /* Insert into igs_ad_imp_near_match, all the duplicate records */
                                        (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                         x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                         x_mode =>'R',
                                         x_party_SITE_ID => lnParty_Site_ID);
Line: 781

                        /*If the dynamic Query returns only one row, then Update the igs_ad_interface_table */
                        IF x_match_cnt = 1 THEN  /* Only One Match is Found */
                                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_12,
                                       person_id = l_person_id
                                WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 793

                                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                SET match_ind = cst_mi_val_13,
                                        error_code = cst_err_val_2,
                                        STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
                                WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 824

                                x_select_clause         => x_lvcPartialSelectClause,  -- bug  Bug 2381539, it was being taken as exactselect
                                x_addr_type             =>imp_person_rec.addr_type,
                                x_addr_line_1           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_1,
                                x_addr_line_2           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_2,
                                x_addr_line_3           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_3,
                                x_addr_line_4           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_4,
                                x_city                  =>imp_person_rec.city,
                                x_state                 =>imp_person_rec.state,
                                x_province              =>imp_person_rec.province,
                                x_county                =>imp_person_rec.county,
                                x_country               =>imp_person_rec.country,
                                x_postcode              =>imp_person_rec.postcode
Line: 838

                IF x_lvcPartialSelectClause IS NOT NULL THEN

                                        /* Execute the Partial Select Clause */
                        l_cursor_id1 := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 844

                                dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id1, x_lvcPartialSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 874

                                        /* Insert into igs_ad_imp_near_match_int, all the duplicate records */
                                                (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                                 x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                                 x_mode =>'R',
                                                 x_party_Site_ID => lnParty_Site_ID);
Line: 898

                                        UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                        SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_11
                                        WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 906

                                        UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                        SET match_ind = '14',
                                                ERROR_CODE = 'E003',
                                                STATUS = '3'
                                        WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 926

                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                SET     status = '3',
                    match_ind = '24',
                        error_code = 'E001'
                WHERE interface_id = p_d_interface_id;
Line: 964

  ||                                  Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001     Bug no.2702536
  ||                                  Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
  ||  pkpatel         4-MAY-2003      Bug 3004858 (PKM Issue to use bind variable)
  ||  gmaheswa	      24-March-2006   Bug 4218763 Modified imp_person_cur to condsider Igs_Pe_Identify_Dups.g_primary_addr_flag = 'Y' condition.

         l_prog_label  VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 981

        SELECT *
        FROM   igs_ad_imp_matches_ppa_v
        WHERE interface_id = cp_d_interface_id
         AND (addr_type = cp_c_addr_type OR addr_type IS NULL OR Igs_Pe_Identify_Dups.g_primary_addr_flag = 'Y')
         AND (person_id_type = cp_c_person_id_type OR person_id_type IS NULL);
Line: 990

	SELECT PS.party_site_id
	FROM hz_party_sites PS,hz_party_site_uses PSU
	WHERE PS.party_site_id = PSU.party_site_id AND
	PS.party_id = cp_person_id AND
	PSU.site_use_type = cp_addr_type;
Line: 997

	SELECT PS.party_site_id
	FROM hz_party_sites PS
	WHERE PS.party_id = cp_person_id AND
	PS.identifying_address_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1005

         x_lvcExactSelectClause     VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 1006

         x_lvcPartialSelectClause   VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 1079

                        x_select_clause         =>x_lvcExactSelectClause,
                        x_addr_type             =>imp_person_rec.addr_type,
                        x_city                  =>imp_person_rec.city,
                        x_state                 =>imp_person_rec.state,
                        x_province              =>imp_person_rec.province,
                        x_county                =>imp_person_rec.county,
                        x_country               =>imp_person_rec.country,
                        x_postcode              =>imp_person_rec.postcode
Line: 1089

                IF x_lvcExactSelectClause <> 'PARTIAL_MATCH' THEN
                        l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 1093

                        dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id, x_lvcExactSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 1122

                                /* Insert into igs_ad_imp_near_match, all the duplicate records */
                                        (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                         x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                         x_mode =>'R',
                                         x_party_Site_ID => lnParty_Site_ID);
Line: 1143

                     /*If the dynamic Query returns only one row, then Update the igs_ad_interface_table */
                        IF x_match_cnt = 1 THEN  /* Only One Match is Found */

                                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                SET    match_ind = cst_mi_val_12,
                                       person_id = l_person_id
                                WHERE  interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 1156

                                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                SET match_ind = '13',
                                        ERROR_CODE = 'E002',
                                        STATUS = '3'
                                WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 1189

                                x_select_clause         =>x_lvcPartialSelectClause,  -- bug  Bug 2381539, it was being taken as exactselect
                                x_addr_type             =>imp_person_rec.addr_type,
                                x_addr_line_1           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_1,
                                x_addr_line_2           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_2,
                                x_addr_line_3           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_3,
                                x_addr_line_4           =>imp_person_rec.addr_line_4,
                                x_city                  =>imp_person_rec.city,
                                x_state                 =>imp_person_rec.state,
                                x_province              =>imp_person_rec.province,
                                x_county                =>imp_person_rec.county,
                                x_country               =>imp_person_rec.country,
                                x_postcode              =>imp_person_rec.postcode
Line: 1203

             IF x_lvcPartialSelectClause IS NOT NULL THEN
                                /* Exceute the Partial Select Clause */
                                l_cursor_id1 := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 1208

                                dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id1, x_lvcPartialSelectClause, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 1238

                                                (x_rowid =>l_rowid,
                                                x_Org_ID => lnOrg_ID,
                                                x_mode =>'R',
                                                x_party_Site_ID => lnParty_Site_ID );
Line: 1259

                                        UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                        SET   match_ind = cst_mi_val_11
                                        WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 1267

                                        UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                                        SET match_ind = cst_mi_val_14,
                                                ERROR_CODE = cst_err_val_3,
                                                STATUS = cst_stat_val_3
                                        WHERE interface_id = imp_person_rec.interface_id;
Line: 1286

                UPDATE igs_ad_interface
                SET     status = cst_stat_val_3,
                    match_ind = cst_mi_val_24,
                        error_code = cst_err_val_1
                WHERE interface_id = p_d_interface_id;
Line: 1323

  ||                                  Increased the size of variable x_lvcExactSelectClause and x_lvcPartialSelectClause from 500 to 2000
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001     Bug no.2702536
  ||                                  Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id
  ||  pkpatel         22-JUN-2001    Bug no.2702536
  ||                                 Added the parameters p_match_ind, p_person_id, p_addr_type and p_person_id_type.
  ||                                 Implemented the new record level duplicate check.
  ||  asbala          23-SEP-2003     Bug 3130316, Duplicate Person Matching Performance Improvements
                                     Calling the logic to DELETE from igs_ad_near_mtch for the interface ids at one shot.

	l_prog_label  VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 1344

        SELECT md.exact_include
    	FROM igs_pe_mtch_set_data md
        WHERE md.match_set_id = cp_d_match_set_id
        AND   md.data_element = cp_lookup_code
		AND   md.drop_if_null = cp_din;
Line: 1352

        SELECT 'X'
	    FROM igs_ad_stat_int
        WHERE   interface_id = cp_interface_id AND
                status = cp_status;
Line: 1450

   UPDATE igs_ad_interface
   SET status='3', ERROR_CODE='E177'
   WHERE interface_id = p_interface_id;