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2 /* $Header: EGOVAMLS.pls 120.1 2005/10/06 03:10:07 srajapar noship $ */
4   --
5   --  Constants used for validation mode
6   --
7   MODE_HISTORICAL              VARCHAR2(30)  := 'HISTORICAL';
8   MODE_NORMAL                  VARCHAR2(30)  := 'NORMAL';
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11 --  API Name:	       Delete_AML_Interface_Lines
12 --
13 --  Type:            Public
14 --
15 --  Description:     To delete the interface records from AML Interface
16 --                   Table EGO_AML_INTF
17 --
18 -- Parameters:
19 --     IN    :
20 --        p_data_set_id        IN      NUMBER     The job number
21 --
22 --        p_delete_line_type   IN      NUMBER --  mandatory parameter
23 --              How the lines are to be processed in the interface table:
24 --              refer to the constants above for the parametere being passed
25 --
26 --  Atleast one of the above two parameters should be given else
27 --  the program will fail with insufficient parameters
28 --
29 --     OUT    :
30 --             x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
31 --             x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
32 --             x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
33 --
34 --  Version:		Current version 1.0
35 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
37 Procedure Delete_AML_Interface_Lines (
38     p_api_version            IN  NUMBER
39    ,p_commit                 IN  VARCHAR2
40    ,p_data_set_id            IN  NUMBER
41    ,p_delete_line_type       IN  NUMBER
42    ,x_return_status         OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
43    ,x_msg_count             OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
44    ,x_msg_data              OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
45    );
47 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
48 --  API Name:	          Load_Interface_Lines
49 --
50 --  Type:               Public
51 --
52 --  Description:        To bulkload the API records into the Production
53 --                      and Pending changes table.
54 --
55 -- Parameters:
56 --     IN    :
57 --        p_data_set_id        IN      NUMBER     The job number
58 --
59 --        p_delete_line_type   IN      NUMBER --  mandatory parameter
60 --              How the lines are to be processed in the interface table:
61 --              refer to the constants above for the parametere being passed
62 --
63 --        p_mode               IN      VARCHAR2
64 --             Determines the mode of the program.  Allowable value sare
65 --                MODE_HISTORICAL
66 --                MODE_NORMAL
67 --             as defined in the specification
68 --
69 --        p_perform_security_check IN  VARCHAR2
70 --             Determines whether to perform security check
71 --              FND_API.G_TRUE allows you to perform security check
72 --              on all other values, security check is not performed.
73 --
74 --     OUT    :
75 --             ERRBUF                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
76 --             RETCODE                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
77 --
78 --  Version:		Current version 1.0
79 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 Procedure Load_Interface_Lines (
81     ERRBUF                   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
82    ,RETCODE                  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
83    ,p_data_set_id             IN  NUMBER
84    ,p_delete_line_type        IN  NUMBER
85    ,p_mode                    IN  VARCHAR2
86    ,p_perform_security_check  IN  VARCHAR2
87    );