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Line 62: GNT.grantee_key in (select role_name from wf_user_roles wur where wur.user_name = fnd_global.user_name()

58: FROM fnd_grants gnt, fnd_responsibility fr
59: WHERE GNT.object_id = p_object_id AND
60: (((GNT.grantee_type = 'USER' AND
61: GNT.grantee_key = ''||p_owner_name||'') OR (GNT.grantee_type = 'GROUP' AND
62: GNT.grantee_key in (select role_name from wf_user_roles wur where wur.user_name = fnd_global.user_name()
63: and wur.user_orig_system = 'PER' and
64: wur.user_orig_system_id = fnd_global.employee_id() and
65: (start_date is NULL or start_date <= SYSDATE) and
66: (expiration_date is NULL or expiration_date >= SYSDATE))))) AND

Line 64: wur.user_orig_system_id = fnd_global.employee_id() and

60: (((GNT.grantee_type = 'USER' AND
61: GNT.grantee_key = ''||p_owner_name||'') OR (GNT.grantee_type = 'GROUP' AND
62: GNT.grantee_key in (select role_name from wf_user_roles wur where wur.user_name = fnd_global.user_name()
63: and wur.user_orig_system = 'PER' and
64: wur.user_orig_system_id = fnd_global.employee_id() and
65: (start_date is NULL or start_date <= SYSDATE) and
66: (expiration_date is NULL or expiration_date >= SYSDATE))))) AND
67: (GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID) AND
68: (GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID) AND

Line 67: (GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID) AND

63: and wur.user_orig_system = 'PER' and
64: wur.user_orig_system_id = fnd_global.employee_id() and
65: (start_date is NULL or start_date <= SYSDATE) and
66: (expiration_date is NULL or expiration_date >= SYSDATE))))) AND
67: (GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID) AND
68: (GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID) AND
69: (GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID) AND
70: (GNT.ctx_org_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_org_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID')) AND
71: GNT.start_date <= sysdate AND

Line 68: (GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID) AND

64: wur.user_orig_system_id = fnd_global.employee_id() and
65: (start_date is NULL or start_date <= SYSDATE) and
66: (expiration_date is NULL or expiration_date >= SYSDATE))))) AND
67: (GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID) AND
68: (GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID) AND
69: (GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID) AND
70: (GNT.ctx_org_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_org_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID')) AND
71: GNT.start_date <= sysdate AND
72: (GNT.end_date IS NULL OR GNT.end_date >= sysdate) AND

Line 69: (GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID) AND

65: (start_date is NULL or start_date <= SYSDATE) and
66: (expiration_date is NULL or expiration_date >= SYSDATE))))) AND
67: (GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_secgrp_id = FND_GLOBAL.SECURITY_GROUP_ID) AND
68: (GNT.ctx_resp_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID) AND
69: (GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_resp_appl_id = FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID) AND
70: (GNT.ctx_org_id = -1 OR GNT.ctx_org_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID')) AND
71: GNT.start_date <= sysdate AND
72: (GNT.end_date IS NULL OR GNT.end_date >= sysdate) AND