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1 package body pa_purge_validate_costing as
2 /* $Header: PAXCSVTB.pls 120.8 2007/12/09 10:23:35 vvjoshi ship $ */
4  -- forward declarations
6 -- Start of comments
7 -- API name         : validate_costing
8 -- Type             : Public
9 -- Pre-reqs         : None
10 -- Function         : This procedure is the main validate procedure for
11 --                    costing validations.
12 --
13 -- Parameters       : p_project_Id			IN     NUMBER,
14 --                              The project id for which records have
15 --                              to be purged/archived.
16 --		      p_txn_to_date			IN     DATE,
17 --                              If the purging is being done on projects
18 --                              that are active then this parameter is
19 --                              determine the date to which the transactions
20 --                              need to be purged.
21 --		      p_active_flag			IN    VARCHAR2,
22 --                              The flag to specify purging is done on
23 --                              open or closed projects.
24 --		      X_Err_Stack			IN OUT VARCHAR2,
25 --                              Error stack
26 --		      X_Err_Stage		        IN OUT VARCHAR2,
27 --                              Stage in the procedure where error occurred
28 --		      X_Err_Code		        IN OUT NUMBER
29 --                              Error code returned from the procedure
30 -- End of comments
32  procedure Validate_Costing (
33 			p_project_id                     in NUMBER,
34                         p_txn_to_date                    in DATE,
35                         p_active_flag                    in VARCHAR2,
36                         x_err_code                       in OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
37                         x_err_stack                      in OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
38                         x_err_stage                      in OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
39  is
42   cursor IsCostDistributed is
43       select 'NOT COST DISTRIBUTED'
44         from dual
45        where exists (
46 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
47                 from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
48                 where ei.project_id = p_project_id
49                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
50                   or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <=
51 				          trunc(p_txn_to_date ) ))
52                 and nvl(ei.cost_distributed_flag, 'N') <> 'Y') ;
54   cursor IsTransImported is
55       select 'NOT IMPORTED'
56         from dual
57        where exists (
58 		select 'X'
59                 from pa_transaction_interface_all it,
60                      pa_projects t
61                 where it.project_number = t.segment1
62                 and t.project_id = p_project_id
63                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
64                    or (trunc(it.expenditure_item_date ) <=
65 					trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))
66                 and it.transaction_status_code <> 'A') ;
68   cursor IsInterfaced (P_User_Source_Name IN VARCHAR2) is
69       select 'NOT Transferred and Accepted in other system'
70         from dual
71        where exists (
72 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
73                 from  pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
74                       pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
75                 where ei.expenditure_item_id = cdl.expenditure_item_id
76               and ei.system_linkage_function not in ('VI', 'ER')  /* Bug#2427766 */
77 /*                and ei.system_linkage_function <> 'VI'  Bug#2616111 */
78                 and ei.project_id = p_project_id
79                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
80                    or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <=
81 					trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))
82                 and (cdl.transfer_status_code not in ( 'A','V','G') /** 4317826 **/
83 		or exists (select 1
84 		             from xla_events xe
85                             where xe.event_id = cdl.acct_event_id
86 			      and xe.event_status_code <> 'P'
87 			      and xe.process_status_code <> 'P')));
89                 /* Commented below for R12
90                 or  exists (select reference26
91                             from pa_gl_interface gl
92                             where
93                                 gl.user_je_source_name || '' = P_User_Source_Name
94                             and gl.reference26 = cdl.batch_name
95 			    and ((gl.Status NOT LIKE 'W%'
96                                  and gl.Status <> 'NEW'
97                                  and gl.Status <> 'PROCESSED')
98                               or
99 			         gl.Status = 'NEW')))) ;
100                 */
103   /* Commented below code for R12 changes.
104   cursor IsMRCInterfaced (P_User_Source_Name IN VARCHAR2) is
105      select 'MRC NOT Transferred and Accepted in other system'
106      from dual
107      where exists (
108      	select ei.expenditure_item_id
109         from   pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
110                pa_mc_cost_dist_lines_all mrccdl
111         where ei.expenditure_item_id = mrccdl.expenditure_item_id
112         and ei.system_linkage_function not in ('VI', 'ER')
113         and ei.project_id = p_project_id
114         and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
115             or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <= trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))
116         and (mrccdl.transfer_status_code not in ('A','V','G')
117         or  exists (select reference26
118                     from pa_gl_interface gl
119                     where
120                         gl.user_je_source_name || '' = P_User_Source_Name
121                     and gl.reference26 = mrccdl.batch_name
122                     and ((gl.Status NOT LIKE 'W%'
123                          and gl.Status <> 'NEW'
124                          and gl.Status <> 'PROCESSED')
125                        or
126                          gl.Status = 'NEW')))) ;
127    */
129   cursor IsResAccumulated is
130       select 'Cost not accumulated'
131         from dual
132        where exists (
133 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
134                 from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
135                      pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
136                 where ei.expenditure_item_id = cdl.expenditure_item_id
137                 and ei.project_id = p_project_id
138                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
139                     or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <=
140 					trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))
141                 and cdl.line_type = 'R'
142                 and nvl(cdl.resource_accumulated_flag, 'N') <> 'Y') ;
144   cursor IsBurdenDistributed is
145       select 'Not Burden Distributed'
146         from dual
147        where exists (
148 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
149                 from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
150                      pa_project_types_all pt,
151                      pa_tasks t,
152                      pa_projects_all p
153                 where ei.task_id = t.task_id
154                 and t.project_id = p.project_id
155                 and t.project_id = p_project_id
156                 and p.project_type = pt.project_type
157                 and pt.org_id = p.org_id -- Removed NVL for bug#590817 by vvjoshi
158                 and pt.burden_cost_flag = 'Y'
159                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
160                    or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <=
161 					trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))) ;
163 /*** In part I of archive purge,projects with intercompany transactions are not to be
164      purged. Hence check for the existence of any EIs with cross charge code I or
165      existence of records in pa_draft_invoice_details for the project. ***/
166 /* Bug#2416385 Commented for Phase-3 Archive and Purge
167   cursor  IsIntercompany is
168       select 'INTERCOMPANY EIs INV EXISTS'
169         from dual
170       where exists (
171                select ei.expenditure_item_id
172                from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
173                     pa_tasks t
174                where ei.task_id = t.task_id
175                and   t.project_id = p_project_id
176                and   ei.cc_cross_charge_code = 'I')
177       or exists   (
178                select null
179                from   pa_draft_invoice_details_all di
180                where  di.cc_project_id = p_project_id );
181 */
183   cursor IsBorrLentDistributed is
184       select 'NOT BL DISTRIBUTED'
185         from dual
186        where exists (
187 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
188                 from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
189                 where ei.project_id = p_project_id
190                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
191                   or trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date) <= trunc(p_txn_to_date)  )
192                 and ei.cc_cross_charge_code = 'B'
193                 and ei.cc_bl_distributed_code <> 'Y') ;
195   cursor IsCCDLInterfaced (P_User_Source_Name IN VARCHAR2) is
196       select 'NOT Transferred and Accepted in other system'
197         from dual
198        where exists (
199 		select ei.expenditure_item_id
200                 from pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
201                      pa_cc_dist_lines_all ccdl
202                 where ei.expenditure_item_id = ccdl.expenditure_item_id
203                 and ei.project_id = p_project_id
204                 and ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
205                    or (trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date ) <=
206 					trunc(p_txn_to_date  ) ))
207                 and (ccdl.transfer_status_code not in ( 'A','V')
208 		or exists (select 1
209 		             from xla_events xe
210                             where xe.event_id = ccdl.acct_event_id
211 			      and xe.event_status_code <> 'P'
212 			      and xe.process_status_code <> 'P')));
214                 /* Commented below code for R12 changes.
215                 or  exists (select reference26
216                             from pa_gl_interface gl
217                             where
218                                 gl.user_je_source_name || '' = P_User_Source_Name
219                             and gl.reference26 = ccdl.gl_batch_name
220 			    and ((gl.Status NOT LIKE 'W%'
221                                  and gl.Status <> 'NEW'
222                                  and gl.Status <> 'PROCESSED')
223                               or
224 			         gl.Status = 'NEW')))) ;
226                 */
228   cursor IsDestProjectType is
229       select 'This project is defined as a destination project in project type'
230         from dual
231        where exists (
232 		select project_type
233 		  from pa_project_types
234 	         where burden_sum_dest_project_id = p_project_id
235 		    );
237 /*******************************************************************************
238  project related supplier invoices pending for transfer is handled as part of
239  capital check. Now check is done for successfully interfaced VI, if eligible
240  for discounts, fully paid or not.
241  This check is necessary as discount is generated during payment of an invoice
242  and if main invoice is purged before payment, discount transaction will not
243  find the parent record during transfer to PA.
244 *******************************************************************************/
245 CURSOR IsVIPaymentPendg IS
247 FROM   dual
248 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT aid.invoice_id
249                FROM   ap_invoices_all ai,
250    	      	      ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
251 -- bug 2404115	       WHERE  ai.project_id = p_project_id
252 	       WHERE  aid.project_id = p_project_id
253                AND    nvl(ai.invoice_amount,0) <> 0 /* Bug 5063560 */
254 	       AND    ai.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
255                AND    ai.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'EXPENSE REPORT'
256                AND    (p_active_flag <> 'A' or
257 -- bug 2404115                       ai.expenditure_item_date < p_txn_to_date)
258                        trunc(aid.expenditure_item_date) <= trunc(p_txn_to_date))
259                AND    aid.pa_addition_flag = 'Y'
260 	       AND    nvl(ai.payment_status_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
261                AND    nvl(aid.reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'    /* 4065283 */
262 /* Bug#2407614. For all the supplier invoices check if payment has been done.
263 	       AND    exists (SELECT NULL
264 			      FROM   ap_payment_schedules_all aps
265 			      WHERE  aps.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id
266 			      AND    nvl(aps.discount_amount_available, 0) > 0
267 			      AND    nvl(aps.amount_remaining, 0 ) > 0
268 			     ) */
269              );
271 /*  bug 2396427. Inter project receiver project check. */
272 /* Bug#2416385 Commented for Phase-3 Archive and Purg
273       cursor ISInterPrjRecvPrj IS
274       select 'This is an Inter-Project Receiver Project'
275         from dual
276        where exists ( select NULL
277                         from pa_tasks pt
278                        where pt.project_id = p_project_id
279                          and pt.receive_project_invoice_flag = 'Y'
280                          and exists ( select NULL
281 				      from   pa_project_customers ppc
282 				      where  ppc.receiver_task_id = pt.task_id )
283                     );
284 */
285 /*  Bug# 2405565. Check whether discount lines are interfaced to projects. */
287     cursor ISDistLinesIntfed IS
288     select 'Discount Not Interfaced'
289     from dual
290     where exists (
291     select null from ap_invoices ai,
292                      ap_invoice_distributions aid,
293                      -- ap_invoice_payments pay --R12 change
294                      ap_payment_hist_dists paydist
295     where aid.project_id = p_project_id
296     and   ai.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
297     -- and   paydist.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id -- R12 change
298     -- and   pay.discount_taken <> 0 -- R12 change
299     and   paydist.invoice_distribution_id = aid.invoice_distribution_id
300     and   paydist.amount <> 0
301     and   ai.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'EXPENSE REPORT'
302     and   paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code = 'DISCOUNT'
303     and   paydist.pa_addition_flag  = 'N'
304     and   aid.expenditure_item_date >= nvl(to_date(fnd_profile.value_specific('PA_DISC_PULL_START_DATE'),'YYYY/MM/DD'),to_date('01/01/2051','DD/MM/YYYY'))  /* Bug 3134267 */ /*Bug4124600*/ /* Bug 4468796 */
305   /* --Commented for R12
306     and   not exists
307            ( select 'X' from pa_cost_distribution_lines cdl
308              where cdl.system_reference2=to_char(aid.invoice_id)
309              and cdl.system_reference3=to_char(aid.distribution_line_number)
310              and cdl.system_reference4=to_char(pay.invoice_payment_id)
311            )
312   */
313    );
315    /* Bug 2503876. Organization forecast Dummy projects should not be purged */
317    cursor ISOrgForecastProject IS
318    select 'Organization Forecast Project'
319    from dual
320    where exists (
321               select null from pa_projects pj,
322                                pa_project_types pt
323               where pj.project_id = p_project_id
324               and   pj.project_type = pt.project_type
325               and   pt.org_project_flag = 'Y'
326                 );
328    /* Bug 2553535. Unassigned forecast items should be purged using the
329       new concurrent process PRC:Archive/Purge Unassinged forecast items */
331       cursor IsUnassignedTimeType IS
332       select 'Unassigned Time Project Type'
333       from dual
334       where exists ( select    pt.project_type
335                      from      pa_project_types pt,
336                                pa_projects p
337                       where    p.project_id = p_project_id
338                       and      pt.project_type = p.project_type
339                       and      nvl(pt.unassigned_time, 'N') = 'Y' );
341       /* Check for project related iExpense transactions Pending for import */
342       /* This portion has been done dynamically since pa_interfaced_flag is not
343          added to ap_expense_report_lines table in release 11.5.3 bug 2695986
344       cursor IsIexpenseTxnsPending IS
345       select 'Iexpense Transactions Pending'
346       from dual
347       where exists (select h.report_header_id
348                     from   ap_expense_report_headers h,
349                            ap_expense_report_lines l
353                     and    ( p_active_flag <> 'A'
350                     where  h.report_header_id = l.report_header_id
351                     and    h.source <> 'Oracle Project Accounting'
352                     and    l.project_id = p_project_id
354                              or (trunc(l.expenditure_item_date ) <=
355                                           trunc(p_txn_to_date ) ))
356                     and    nvl(l.pa_interfaced_flag,'N') <> 'Y'); */
357      /* Bug2767419. Checking for the existence of iexpense txns pending
358         for transfer to PA. Instead of using pa_interfaced_flag of ap_exp_lines
359         the check is done thru ap_invoice tables. */
360      cursor IsIexpenseTxnsPending IS
361      select 'Iexpense Transactions Pending'
362      from dual
363      where exists (
364                    select null
365                    from   ap_expense_report_headers h,
366                           ap_expense_report_lines l
367                    where  l.project_id = p_project_id
368                    and    (p_active_flag <> 'A'
369                            or (trunc(l.expenditure_item_date ) <=
370                                                         trunc(p_txn_to_date )))
371                    and    l.report_header_id = h.report_header_id
372                    and    h.source <> 'Oracle Project Accounting'
373                    and    not exists (
374                                       select null
375                                       from  ap_invoice_distributions d
376                                       where d.invoice_id = h.vouchno
377                                       and d.pa_addition_flag IN ('Z','T','E','Y')));
380       /* Bug 2610276. Added Expense report payment check */
381       cursor IsERPaymentPendg IS
383       FROM   dual
384       WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT aid.invoice_id
385                      FROM   ap_invoices_all ai,
386    	      	            ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
387 	             WHERE  aid.project_id = p_project_id
388 	             AND    ai.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
389                      AND    ai.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'EXPENSE REPORT'
390                      AND    (p_active_flag <> 'A' or
391                              trunc(aid.expenditure_item_date) <=
392                                                  trunc(p_txn_to_date))
393 	             AND    nvl(ai.payment_status_flag,'N') <> 'Y' );
395       l_err_stack_old    VARCHAR2(2000);
396       l_err_stack        VARCHAR2(2000);
397       l_err_stage        VARCHAR2(500);
398       l_err_code         NUMBER ;
399       l_dummy            VARCHAR2(500);
400       l_user_source_name GL_JE_SOURCES.USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME%TYPE;
401       --l_used_in_OTL      BOOLEAN := FALSE; Commented for Bug 2726711
402       l_purgeable        BOOLEAN := FALSE;   /* Added for Bug 2726711 */
404       l_source_project   NUMBER;
405       l_target_project   NUMBER;
406       l_offset_project   NUMBER;
408       V_CursorID        INTEGER;
409       V_Stmt            VARCHAR2(500);
410       V_Delete_Allowed  VARCHAR2(1);
411       V_Dummy           INTEGER;
412       l_igc_exists      NUMBER;
413       l_dummy_num       NUMBER;
415  BEGIN
416      l_err_code  := 0 ;
417      l_err_stack_old := x_err_stack;
418      pa_debug.debug(' -- Performing costing validation for project '||
419 				to_char(p_project_id));
420      -- Check if there are expenditure items that are not Cost
421      -- Distributed
423      Open IsCostDistributed ;
424      Fetch IsCostDistributed into l_dummy ;
425      If l_dummy is not null then
426         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_NOT_COSTED');
427         fnd_msg_pub.add;
428         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
430         l_err_stage := 'After open cursor IsCostDistributed' ;
431         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
432 		       ' ->After open cursor IsCostDistributed' ;
433         pa_debug.debug('    * Uncosted items exists for project '||
434 		       to_char(p_project_id));
435      End If;
436      close IsCostDistributed;
437      l_dummy := NULL;
439      -- Check if there are expenditure items that are not Cost
440      -- Distributed
442      Open IsTransImported ;
443      Fetch IsTransImported into l_dummy ;
444      If l_dummy is not null then
445         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_NOT_TR_IMPORTED');
446         fnd_msg_pub.add;
447         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
449         l_err_stage := 'After open cursor IsTransImported' ;
450         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After open cursor IsTransImported' ;
451         pa_debug.debug('    * Items that are not revenue generated exists for project '||to_char(p_project_id));
452      End If;
453      close IsTransImported;
454      l_dummy := NULL;
456      -- Check if there are CDLs that are not accepted in the other
457      -- application
459      /*
460       *   Need the user_je_source_name use in the the IsInterfaced
461       *   and IsMRCInterfaced cursors. Added the parameter to Open
462       *   IsInterfaced and IsMRCInterfaced cursors.
463       */
464      SELECT user_je_source_name
465      INTO   l_user_source_name
466      FROM   GL_Je_Sources
467      WHERE je_source_name='Project Accounting';
472         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_NOT_INFCED');
469      Open IsInterfaced(l_User_Source_Name) ;
470      Fetch IsInterfaced into l_dummy ;
471      If l_dummy is not null then
473         fnd_msg_pub.add;
474         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
476         l_err_stage := 'After transfer check' ;
477         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After transfer check' ;
478         pa_debug.debug('    * Not all costs are transferred for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
479      End If;
480      close IsInterfaced;
482 /* Check if there are MRC CDLs that are not accepted in the other
483  * application.  New for 11.0 due to MRC.
484  */
486      l_dummy := NULL;
488     /* Commented below code for R12 changes.
489      Open IsMRCInterfaced(l_User_Source_Name) ;
490      Fetch IsMRCInterfaced into l_dummy ;
491      If l_dummy is not null then
492        	fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_MRC_ARPR_NOT_INFCED');
493        	fnd_msg_pub.add;
494        	l_err_code   :=  10 ;
495        	l_err_stage := 'After transfer check' ;
496         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After transfer check' ;
497 	pa_debug.debug('  * Not all MRC costs are transferred for the project ' || to_char(p_project_id));
498      End If;
499      close IsMRCInterfaced;
500      */
503 /* End of new section for MRC CDLs */
505      l_dummy := NULL;
507      -- Check if there are CDLs whose costs are not accumulated
509 /*** -- This section of the code has been commented out due to the request from
510      -- some customers who do not run summarization.  So if the user wants to
511      -- check if summarization has been run the this section of the code needs
512      -- to be put in the client-extension.
514      Open IsResAccumulated ;
515      Fetch IsResAccumulated into l_dummy ;
516      If l_dummy is not null then
517         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_NOT_RES_ACCUM');
518         fnd_msg_pub.add;
519         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
521         l_err_stage := 'After resource accumulation check ' ;
522         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After resource accumulation check ' ;
523         pa_debug.debug('    * Not all costs are accumulated for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
524      End If;
525      close IsResAccumulated;
526      l_dummy := NULL;
528 ***/
529      -- Check if total burden cost distribution is run for the costs
530 /*
531      Open IsBurdenDistributed ;
532      Fetch IsBurdenDistributed into l_dummy ;
533      If l_dummy is not null then
534         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_NOT_BRDN_DIST');
535         fnd_msg_pub.add;
536         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
538         l_err_stage := 'After Burden Cost Dist. check ' ;
539         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After Burden Cost Dist. check ' ;
540         pa_debug.debug('    * Not all costs are burden distributed for project '||to_char(p_project_id));
541      End If;
542      close IsBurdenDistributed;
543      l_dummy := NULL;
544 */
546 /* Bug#2416385 Commented for Phase-3 Archive and Purg
547     -- Check there are no intercompany tranactions
549     Open IsIntercompany;
550     Fetch IsIntercompany into l_dummy;
551     If l_dummy is not null then
552        fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_IC_TRX_EXISTS');
553        fnd_msg_pub.add;
554        l_err_code  := 10;
555        l_err_stage := 'After intercompany check ';
556        l_err_stack := l_err_stack|| ' -> After intercompany check';
557        pa_debug.debug('    * Intercompany transactions exists for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
558     End If;
559     Close IsIntercompany;
560     l_dummy := NULL;
561 */
563      -- Check if all the eligible borrowed lent EIs are BL distributed.
565     Open IsBorrLentDistributed;
566     Fetch IsBorrLentDistributed into l_dummy;
567     If l_dummy is not null then
568        fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_NOT_BL_DIST');
569        fnd_msg_pub.add;
570        l_err_code  := 10;
571        l_err_stage := 'After Borrowed and Lent Dist check ';
572        l_err_stack := l_err_stack|| ' -> After Borrwed and Lent Dist Check ';
573        pa_debug.debug('    * Eligible Borrowed and Lent  EIs are not BL distributed for project '||to_char(p_project_id));
574     End If;
575     Close IsBorrLentDistributed;
576     l_dummy := NULL;
578      -- Check if BL cost is transferred to other applications.
580      Open IsCCDLInterfaced(l_User_Source_Name) ;
581      Fetch IsCCDLInterfaced into l_dummy ;
582      If l_dummy is not null then
583         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_BL_NOT_IFCD');
584         fnd_msg_pub.add;
585         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
586         l_err_stage := 'After BL transfer check' ;
587         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After BL transfer check' ;
588         pa_debug.debug('    * Not all BL costs are transferred for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
589      End If;
590      Close IsCCDLInterfaced;
591      l_dummy := NULL;
593      -- Check if the project is defined as a destination project in any project type
595      Open IsDestProjectType;
596      Fetch IsDestProjectType into l_dummy;
597      If l_dummy is not null then
598         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_DEST_PRJ_TYPE');
599         fnd_msg_pub.add;
603         pa_debug.debug('    * The project '||to_char(p_project_id)||' is defined as a destination project in project type check ');
600         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
601         l_err_stage := 'After destination project in project type check' ;
602         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After destination project in project type check' ;
604      End If;
605      Close IsDestProjectType;
606      l_dummy := NULL;
608      --Check to see if the project has been used in OTL
609 /* Commented for Bug 2726711
610    Modified call to ProjectTaskPurgeable to validate if the project is purgable
611      PA_OTC_API.ProjectTaskUsed( p_search_attribute => 'PROJECT',
612                                  p_search_value     => p_project_id,
613                                  x_used             => l_used_in_OTL );*/
615      PA_OTC_API.ProjectTaskPurgeable   /* Add for bug 2726711 */
616 		   (P_Search_Attribute => 'PROJECT',
617                     P_Search_Value     => p_project_id,
618                     X_Purgeable        => l_purgeable);
620      --IF l_used_in_OTL   Commented for Bug 2726711
621      IF  NOT l_purgeable
622      THEN
623         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_OTL_NOT_IFCD');
624         fnd_msg_pub.add;
625         l_err_code := 10;
626         l_err_stage := 'After OTL check' ;
627         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After OTL check' ;
628         pa_debug.debug('    * OTL records exists for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
629      END IF;
631      pa_debug.debug(' -- Performing Allocations validation for project '||
632                                 to_char(p_project_id));
634      pa_purge_validate_costing.Validate_Allocations(p_proj_id    => p_project_id,
635 						    x_source     => l_source_project,
636 						    x_target     => l_target_project,
637 						    x_offset     => l_offset_project);
638      IF l_source_project = 1 THEN
639         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_SOURCE_PROJECT');
640         fnd_msg_pub.add;
641         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
643         l_err_stage := 'After checking for source project' ;
644         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
645                        ' ->After checking for source project' ;
646         pa_debug.debug('    * There exists a rule with run status not as RS which contains
647 the project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'as source project');
648      END IF;
650      IF l_target_project = 1 THEN
651         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_TARGET_PROJECT');
652         fnd_msg_pub.add;
653         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
655         l_err_stage := 'After checking for tartget project' ;
656         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
657                        ' ->After checking for target project' ;
658         pa_debug.debug('    * There exists a rule with run status not as RS which contains
659 the project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'as target project');
660      END IF;
662      IF l_offset_project = 1 THEN
663         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_OFFSET_PROJECT');
664         fnd_msg_pub.add;
665         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
667         l_err_stage := 'After checking for offset project' ;
668         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
669                        ' ->After checking for offset project' ;
670         pa_debug.debug('    * There exists a rule with run status not as RS which contains
671 the project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'as offset project');
672      END IF;
674 /* checking for the project in property manager */
675      IF ( NOT PNP_OTH_PROD.delete_project (p_project_id) ) then
676         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_PROJ_INUSE_PROP_MGR');
677         fnd_msg_pub.add;
678         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
680         l_err_stage := 'After checking for the project in property manager';
681         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
682                        ' ->After checking for the project in property manager';
683         pa_debug.debug('    *  The project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'is in use by Property Manager module');
684      END IF;
687 /*  checking for the project in contract commitments  */
688 /* commneted the code and added the modified code below since the arguments are changed in the
689    call to the procedure IGC_CC_PROJECTS_PKG.delete_project for bug#2272487
690        IF ( NOT IGC_CC_PROJECTS_PKG.delete_project (p_project_id) ) then
691         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_PROJ_INUSE_CNTR_CMTS');
692         fnd_msg_pub.add;
693         l_err_code   :=  10 ;
695         l_err_stage := 'After checking for the project in contract commitments';
696         l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
697                        ' ->After checking for the project in contract commitments';
698         pa_debug.debug('    *  The project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'is in use by Contract Commitments');
699      END IF;
700 */
702 /*  checking for the project in contract commitments  */
703        select count(*) into l_igc_exists
704 	 from fnd_product_installations
705         where application_id = 8407
706         and   status <> 'N';
708      IF ( l_igc_exists > 0 ) then
710        V_CursorID := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
712        V_Stmt := ' begin
713                      IGC_CC_PROJECTS_PKG.delete_project (:project_id, :delete_allowed);
714                    end; ';
716        DBMS_SQL.PARSE(V_CursorID, V_Stmt, DBMS_SQL.v7);
718        DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(V_CursorID, ':project_id', p_project_id, 20);
719        DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(V_CursorID, ':delete_allowed', V_Delete_Allowed, 1);
721        V_Dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(V_CursorID);
723        DBMS_SQL.VARIABLE_VALUE(V_CursorID, ':delete_allowed', V_Delete_Allowed);
725        DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(V_CursorID);
727        IF ( V_Delete_Allowed = 'N' ) then
728            fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_PROJ_INUSE_CNTR_CMTS');
729            fnd_msg_pub.add;
730            l_err_code   :=  10 ;
732            l_err_stage := 'After checking for the project in contract commitments';
733            l_err_stack := l_err_stack ||
734                        ' ->After checking for the project in contract commitments';
735            pa_debug.debug('    *  The project '||to_char(p_project_id)|| 'is in use by Contract Commitments');
736        END IF;
738      END IF;
739      -- Check supplier invoices eligible for discounts are fully paid.
741      Open IsVIPaymentPendg;
742      Fetch IsVIPaymentPendg into l_dummy ;
743      If l_dummy is not null then
744         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_VI_DIS_NOT_PAID');
745         fnd_msg_pub.add;
746         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
747         l_err_stage := 'After VI discount check' ;
748         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After VI discount check' ;
749         pa_debug.debug('    * Supplier invoice eligible for discount not fully paid for project '||to_char(p_project_id));
750      End If;
751      Close IsVIPaymentPendg;
752      l_dummy := NULL;
754 /* Bug#2416385 Commented for Phase-3 Archive and Purg
755      Open ISInterPrjRecvPrj;
756      Fetch ISInterPrjRecvPrj into l_dummy;
757      If l_dummy is not null then
758         fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_IP_RCVR_PROJ');
759         fnd_msg_pub.add;
760         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
761         l_err_stage := 'After IP receiver project check' ;
762         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After IP receiver project check' ;
763         pa_debug.debug('    * This is an inter-project receiver project');
764      End If;
765      Close ISInterPrjRecvPrj;
766      l_dummy := NULL;
767 */
768      Open ISDistLinesIntfed;
769      Fetch ISDistLinesIntfed into l_dummy;
770      If l_dummy is not null then
771         fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_VI_DISC_NOT_IFCD');
772         fnd_msg_pub.add;
773         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
774         l_err_stage := 'After Vendor invoice discount interface check' ;
775         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After Vendor invoice discount interface check' ;
776         pa_debug.debug('    * Supplier invoice discount lines not interfaced');
777      End If;
778      Close ISDistLinesIntfed;
779      l_dummy := NULL;
781      Open ISOrgForecastProject;
782      Fetch ISOrgForecastProject into l_dummy;
783      If l_dummy is not null then
784         fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_ORG_FC_DUM_PRJ');
785         fnd_msg_pub.add;
786         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
787         l_err_stage := 'After organization forecast project check' ;
788         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After organization forecast project check' ;
789         pa_debug.debug('    * This is an organization forecast project');
790      End If;
791      Close ISOrgForecastProject;
792      l_dummy := NULL;
794      Open IsUnassignedTimeType;
795      Fetch IsUnassignedTimeType into l_dummy;
796      If l_dummy is not null then
797         fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_UNASS_PROJ_TYPE');
798         fnd_msg_pub.add;
799         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
800         l_err_stage := 'After Unassigned Time project type check' ;
801         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After Unassigned Time project type check' ;
802         pa_debug.debug('    * This is an unassigned time project');
803      End If;
804      Close IsUnassignedTimeType;
805      l_dummy := NULL;
807      /* bug # 2695986 */
808      /* bug 2767419
809      select to_number(replace(release_name,'.'))
810      into   l_dummy_num
811      from fnd_product_groups;
813      IF l_dummy_num > 1154 THEN
814 	     V_Stmt := 'select ' || '''Iexpense Transactions Pending''' ||
815 			' from dual '||
816 			' where exists (select h.report_header_id '||
817 			    ' from   ap_expense_report_headers h, '||
818 				   ' ap_expense_report_lines l '||
819 			    ' where  h.report_header_id = l.report_header_id '||
820 			    ' and    h.source <> '||'''Oracle Project Accounting''' ||
821 			    ' and    l.project_id = :p_proj_id '||
822 			    ' and    ( :p_act_flag <> '|| '''A''' ||
823 			    ' or (trunc(l.expenditure_item_date ) <= trunc(:p_txn_date ) )) '||
824 			    ' and    nvl(l.pa_interfaced_flag,'||'''N'''||') <> '||'''Y'''||')';
827 	      V_CursorID := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
828 	      DBMS_SQL.PARSE(V_CursorID, V_Stmt, DBMS_SQL.v7);
829 	      DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(V_CursorID, ':p_act_flag',p_active_flag);
830 	      DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(V_CursorID, ':p_proj_id',p_project_id);
831 	      DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(V_CursorID, ':p_txn_date',p_txn_to_date);
832 	      V_Dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(V_CursorID);
834 	      IF (DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(V_CursorID) > 0 ) THEN
835 		fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_IEXP_TXNS_IMP_PEND');
836 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
837 		l_err_code  :=  10 ;
838 		l_err_stage := 'After Iexpense transactions transfer check' ;
839 		l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After Iexpense transactions transfer check' ;
840 		pa_debug.debug('    * Project related Iexpense transactions are yet to be imported to projects');
841 	      END IF;
843 	      DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(V_CursorID);
844        END IF;
845     */
847      Open IsIexpenseTxnsPending;
848      Fetch IsIexpenseTxnsPending into l_dummy;
849      If l_dummy is not null then
850 	fnd_message.set_name('PA','PA_ARPR_IEXP_TXNS_IMP_PEND');
851 	fnd_msg_pub.add;
852 	l_err_code  :=  10 ;
853 	l_err_stage := 'After Iexpense transactions transfer check' ;
854 	l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After Iexpense transactions transfer check' ;
855 	pa_debug.debug('    * Project related Iexpense transactions are yet to be imported to projects');
856      End If;
857      Close IsIexpenseTxnsPending;
858      l_dummy := NULL;
860      Open IsERPaymentPendg;
861      Fetch IsERPaymentPendg into l_dummy ;
862      If l_dummy is not null then
863         fnd_message.set_name('PA', 'PA_ARPR_ER_NOT_PAID');
864         fnd_msg_pub.add;
865         l_err_code  :=  10 ;
866         l_err_stage := 'After ER Payment check' ;
867         l_err_stack := l_err_stack || ' ->After ER Payment check' ;
868         pa_debug.debug('    * Expense reports are yet to be paid for the project '||to_char(p_project_id));
869      End If;
870      Close IsERPaymentPendg;
871      l_dummy := NULL;
873      x_err_code  := l_err_code ;
874      x_err_stage := l_err_stage ;
875      x_err_stack := l_err_stack_old ;
878   WHEN PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error then
879        RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
882     x_err_stage := l_err_stage ;
883     pa_debug.debug('Error Procedure Name  := PA_PURGE_VALIDATE_COSTING.VALIDATE_COSTING' );
884     pa_debug.debug('Error stage is '||l_err_stage );
885     pa_debug.debug('Error stack is '||l_err_stack );
886     pa_debug.debug(SQLERRM);
887     PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.g_sqlerrm := SQLERRM ;
889     RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
891  END Validate_Costing ;
894  PROCEDURE Validate_Allocations ( p_proj_id                    IN  NUMBER,
895 			          x_source                     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
896 			 	  x_target                     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
897 				  x_offset                     OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER)
898  IS
900 /* Modified these 2 cursors and added the modified code below for the bug#2272487 */
902       cursor c_source is
903       select 1
904         from dual
905       where exists ( select null
906                        from pa_alloc_run_sources pars,
907                             pa_alloc_runs par
908                       where par.rule_id = pars.rule_id
909                         and pars.project_id = p_proj_id
910                         and par.run_id = pars.run_id
911                    /*     and par.run_status <> 'RS'   commented for bug#2446122   */
912 			and par.run_status not in ( 'RS', 'RV')   /* Added for bug#2446122  */
913                    );
915       cursor c_target is
916       select 1
917         from dual
918        where exists ( select null
919                         from pa_alloc_run_targets part,
920                              pa_alloc_runs par
921                        where par.rule_id = part.rule_id
922                          and part.project_id = p_proj_id
923                          and par.run_id = part.run_id
924                    /*     and par.run_status <> 'RS'   commented for bug#2446122   */
925 			and par.run_status not in ( 'RS', 'RV')   /* Added for bug#2446122  */
926                     );
928  /* added the check for offsets for bug#2272487  */
930       cursor c_offset is
931       select 1
932         from dual
933        where exists ( select null
934                         from pa_alloc_rules_all para,
935                              pa_alloc_runs par
936                        where par.rule_id = para.rule_id
937                          and para.offset_project_id = p_proj_id
938                    /*     and par.run_status <> 'RS'   commented for bug#2446122   */
939 			and par.run_status not in ( 'RS', 'RV')   /* Added for bug#2446122  */
940                     );
944       l_source           NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
945       l_target           NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
946       l_offset           NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
948  BEGIN
950      -- Check if there is any allocation rule existing with status not as
951      -- Released Successfully (RS) having the input project_id
953       open c_source;
954       fetch c_source into l_source;
955       close c_source;
957       open c_target;
958       fetch c_target into l_target;
959       close c_target;
961       open c_offset;
962       fetch c_offset into l_offset;
963       close c_offset;
965       x_source := l_source;
966       x_target := l_target;
967       x_offset := l_offset;
969  END Validate_Allocations;
971 END ;