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Line 1072: ar_cash_receipts cr

1068: ar_receivable_applications ra1, --bug1199027
1069: ar_cash_receipt_history crh,
1070: ar_cash_receipt_history crh_batch,
1071: ar_cash_receipt_history crh_remit,
1072: ar_cash_receipts cr
1073: WHERE lu1.lookup_code (+) = cr.reversal_category
1074: AND lu1.lookup_type (+) = 'REVERSAL_CATEGORY_TYPE'
1075: AND lu2.lookup_code (+) = cr.reversal_reason_code
1076: AND lu2.lookup_type (+) = 'CKAJST_REASON'

Line 2157: ar_cash_receipts cr ,

2153: '' /* override_auto_accounting_flag */
2154: FROM
2155: ar_vat_tax vt,
2156: ar_cash_receipt_history crh,
2157: ar_cash_receipts cr ,
2158: ar_receivable_applications ra
2159: WHERE crh.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id
2160: and nvl(crh.current_record_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
2161: and cr.vat_tax_id = vt.vat_tax_id (+)

Line 2288: ar_cash_receipts cr,

2284: '' /* override_auto_accounting_flag */
2285: FROM
2286: ra_cust_trx_types ctt,
2287: ar_payment_schedules ps,
2288: ar_cash_receipts cr,
2289: ar_receivable_applications ra,
2290: ra_customer_trx ct
2291: WHERE ctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id
2292: and ps.payment_schedule_id (+) = ra.applied_payment_schedule_id

Line 2553: ar_cash_receipts cr,

2549: to_date(null), /* expiration_date */
2550: to_number(null), /* expiration_days */
2551: '' /* override_auto_accounting_flag */
2552: FROM
2553: ar_cash_receipts cr,
2554: ar_receivable_applications ra
2555: where cr.cash_receipt_id = ra.cash_receipt_id
2556: and ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = -3
2557: and ra.status = 'ACTIVITY'

Line 3885: FROM ar_cash_receipts cr

3881: FOR UPDATE OF ra.cash_receipt_id NOWAIT;
3883: cursor cr_cur is
3884: select 'Found' record_found
3885: FROM ar_cash_receipts cr
3886: where cr.cash_receipt_id = p_entity_id
3887: FOR UPDATE OF cr.cash_receipt_id NOWAIT;
3889: BEGIN

Line 3899: ar_cash_receipts cr

3895: FROM ar_distributions dist,
3896: ar_payment_schedules ps,
3897: ar_receivable_applications ra,
3898: ar_cash_receipt_history crh,
3899: ar_cash_receipts cr
3900: WHERE cr.cash_receipt_id = p_entity_id
3901: AND cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
3902: AND cr.cash_receipt_id = ra.cash_receipt_id (+)
3903: AND crh.cash_receipt_history_id = dist.source_id (+)

Line 3966: FROM ar_cash_receipts

3962: IF p_customer_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3963: BEGIN
3964: SELECT 'Y'
3965: INTO l_same_customer
3966: FROM ar_cash_receipts
3967: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_entity_id
3968: AND NVL( pay_from_customer, p_customer_id ) = p_customer_id ;

Line 4135: -- Call entity handler to delete from ar_cash_Receipts.

4131: --
4132: -- bug3975105 added 'N'
4133: print( p_recursive_level, ' ...deleting rows', 'N');
4134: --
4135: -- Call entity handler to delete from ar_cash_Receipts.
4136: -- DELETE FROM ar_cash_receipts
4137: -- WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_entity_id;
4138: ARP_CASH_RECEIPTS_PKG.DELETE_P(p_entity_id);

Line 4136: -- DELETE FROM ar_cash_receipts

4132: -- bug3975105 added 'N'
4133: print( p_recursive_level, ' ...deleting rows', 'N');
4134: --
4135: -- Call entity handler to delete from ar_cash_Receipts.
4136: -- DELETE FROM ar_cash_receipts
4137: -- WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_entity_id;
4138: ARP_CASH_RECEIPTS_PKG.DELETE_P(p_entity_id);
4140: --