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Line 349: l_attribute3:=FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;

345: --Condition Added By Mithun for Persistent resp Enhancement
346: --condition was added so that Whenever TK makes modification to a timecard
347: --The resp_id and user_id stored in attribute3 and attribute4 gets refreshed.
348: if hxc_timekeeper_process.g_submit and detail_attribute_info.attribute_category = 'SECURITY' then
349: l_attribute3:=FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
350: l_attribute4:=FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;
351: else
352: l_attribute3:=detail_attribute_info.attribute3;
353: l_attribute4:=detail_attribute_info.attribute4;

Line 350: l_attribute4:=FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;

346: --condition was added so that Whenever TK makes modification to a timecard
347: --The resp_id and user_id stored in attribute3 and attribute4 gets refreshed.
348: if hxc_timekeeper_process.g_submit and detail_attribute_info.attribute_category = 'SECURITY' then
349: l_attribute3:=FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
350: l_attribute4:=FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;
351: else
352: l_attribute3:=detail_attribute_info.attribute3;
353: l_attribute4:=detail_attribute_info.attribute4;
354: end if;