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Line 38: 20-JUL-99 Gperry 115.14 genutils -> benutils package

34: to check for all plans in
35: the profile.
36: 12 Jul 99 tguy 115.13 fixed from and to check for
37: postal zip range.
38: 20-JUL-99 Gperry 115.14 genutils -> benutils package
39: rename.
40: 30-Aug-99 maagrawa 115.15 Added p_dpnt_inelig_rsn_cd
41: to procedure main.
42: Added p_inelig_rsn_cd to

Line 116: derived inside benutils.formula

112: validated when postal teria is validated
113: 15-jan-01 tilak 115.40 bug : 1540610 >= min and < max age validation is
114: change to >= min and < max+1
115: 29-aug-01 pbodla 115.41 bug:1949361 jurisdiction code is
116: derived inside benutils.formula
117: 18-Sep-01 ikasire 115.42 bug 1977901 fixed the logic in max/min
118: age validation
119: 28-sep-01 tjesumic 115.43 bug : 1638727 fixed , error message for
120: depnt address is reomoved,dpnt wont be eligible

Line 1067: l_outputs := benutils.formula

1063: -- available all the time. This is a work around to access the
1064: -- contact person data. Customer have to write the formula function.
1065: --
1066: if l_ade.dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl is not null then
1067: l_outputs := benutils.formula
1068: (p_formula_id => l_ade.dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl,
1069: p_effective_date => nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date),
1070: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
1071: p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,

Line 1102: l_outputs := benutils.formula

1098: -- Bug 4271143 Added apld_dpnt_cvg_elig_rl condition also as if
1099: -- Coverage Eligibility Rule is specified, then it should also evaluate to true
1100: --
1101: if l_ade.apld_dpnt_cvg_elig_rl is not null then
1102: l_outputs := benutils.formula
1103: (p_formula_id => l_ade.apld_dpnt_cvg_elig_rl,
1104: p_effective_date => nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date),
1105: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
1106: p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,

Line 1502: l_outputs := benutils.formula

1498: fetch c_asg into l_assignment_id,l_organization_id,l_region_2;
1499: --
1500: close c_asg;
1501: --
1502: l_outputs := benutils.formula
1503: (p_formula_id => l_ade1.apld_dpnt_cvg_elig_rl,
1504: p_effective_date => nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date),
1505: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
1506: p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,

Line 1775: l_elig_change_dt:= benutils.derive_date(

1771: --
1772: if l_defct_brch_dtctd = 'USE_LE_OCRD_BRCH_DT' then
1773: l_elig_change_dt := l_effective_date - 1;
1774: else
1775: l_elig_change_dt:= benutils.derive_date(
1776: p_date => l_dob,
1777: p_uom => age.age_uom,
1778: p_min => age.mn_age_num,
1779: p_max => age.mx_age_num,

Line 1813: l_elig_change_dt := benutils.derive_date(

1809: l_elig := 'N';
1810: if l_defct_brch_dtctd = 'USE_LE_OCRD_BRCH_DT' then
1811: l_elig_change_dt := l_effective_date - 1;
1812: else
1813: l_elig_change_dt := benutils.derive_date(
1814: p_date => l_dob,
1815: p_uom => age.age_uom,
1816: p_min => age.mn_age_num,
1817: p_max => age.mx_age_num,