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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_eres_utils AS
2 /* $Header: GMEERESB.pls 120.2 2005/07/17 21:32:52 jsrivast noship $ */
3 /*
4 REM **********************************************************************
5 REM *                                                                    *
6 REM * FILE:    GMEERESB.pls                                              *
7 REM * PURPOSE: Package Body for the GME ERES_UTILS routines              *
8 REM *          It contens all the routines to support the ERES output    *
9 REM *          during XML mapping, used by gateway product.              *
10 REM * AUTHOR:  Shrikant Nene, OPM Development                            *
11 REM * DATE:    August 18th 2002                                          *
12 REM **********************************************************************
13 * This file contains the procedure for create batch steps in Oracle      *
14 * Process Manufacturing (OPM). Each procedure has a common set of        *
15 * parameters to which API-specific parameters are appended.              *
16 *************************************************************************/
18    PROCEDURE get_phantom_or_not (p_batch_id IN NUMBER, x_phantom OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
19    IS
20       CURSOR cur_get_phant IS
21        SELECT count(1)
22        FROM   gme_material_details
23        WHERE  phantom_id = p_batch_id
24        AND    ROWNUM     = 1;
26       l_exists              NUMBER;
27    BEGIN
28       OPEN  cur_get_phant;
29       FETCH cur_get_phant INTO l_exists;
30       CLOSE cur_get_phant;
32       IF l_exists > 0 THEN
33          x_phantom := fnd_message.get_string('GME','GME_PHANTOM');
34       ELSE
35          x_phantom := NULL;
36       END IF;
37    END get_phantom_or_not;
39    /* This procedure returns the plant code and batch number for a
40       given batch_id */
41    PROCEDURE get_batch_number (
42       p_batch_id       IN              NUMBER
43      ,x_batch_number   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
44    IS
45       CURSOR get_doc_number (v_batch_id IN NUMBER)
46       IS
47          SELECT organization_code || ' ' || batch_no
48          FROM   gme_batch_header_vw
49          WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id;
50    BEGIN
51       OPEN  get_doc_number (p_batch_id);
52       FETCH get_doc_number INTO x_batch_number;
53       CLOSE get_doc_number;
54    END get_batch_number;
55 END gme_eres_utils;