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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers
                 where status_code IN ('P', 'E', 'R', 'N', 'IP')
                 and book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                 and ( x_conc_request_id is null OR
                       nvl(concurrent_request_id,0) <> x_conc_request_id ) );
Line: 65

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers hdr
                 where hdr.status_code IN ('P', 'E', 'R', 'N', 'IP')
                 and hdr.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                 and ( x_conc_request_id is null OR
                       nvl(hdr.concurrent_request_id,0) <> x_conc_request_id )
                 and ( hdr.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                         'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                       OR ( hdr.event_code in ( 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE')
                            and ( x_event_code IN ('CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE',
                                                   'CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY' ) and
                                                    to_number(hdr.source_entity_key_value) = x_category_id )
                            or  (x_event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                                   'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                                                   'CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT', 'HR_MASS_TRANSFER' ) )

                        OR ( hdr.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT','CHANGE_ASSET_LEASE','CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY')
                             and (( x_event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT', 'CHANGE_ASSET_LEASE',
                                                   'CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY') and
                                                    to_number(hdr.source_entity_key_value) = x_asset_id )
                             OR x_event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                                  'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                                                  'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE',
                                                  'HR_MASS_TRANSFER' )
                            ) )
Line: 98

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a
                 where a.status_code IN ('P', 'E', 'R', 'N', 'IP')
                 and a.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                 and a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                       'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                                       'HR_MASS_TRANSFER', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE',
                                       'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE') );
Line: 110

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a
                 where a.status_code IN ('P', 'E', 'R', 'N', 'IP')
                 and a.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                 and ( a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                         'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                                         'HR_MASS_TRANSFER') or
                       (a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE') and
                                       to_number(a.source_entity_key_value) = x_category_id ) or
                       (a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT','CHANGE_ASSET_LEASE',
                                           'CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY') and
                                          to_number(a.source_entity_key_value) = x_asset_id )
                       ) );
Line: 127

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a
                 where a.status_code IN ('P', 'E', 'R', 'N', 'IP')
                 and a.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                 and ( a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT', 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE',
                                       'CHANGE_NODE_RULE_SET', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_RULE_SET',
                                       'HR_MASS_TRANSFER', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE',
                                       'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE') or
                       ( a.event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_ASSET_PARENT','CHANGE_ASSET_LEASE',
                                           'CHANGE_ASSET_CATEGORY') and
                                          to_number(a.source_entity_key_value) = x_asset_id )
                       ) );
Line: 144

  select 1
  from dual
  where exists ( select 'x'
                 from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a
                 where a.status_code IN ('P', 'R')
                 AND EXISTS ( select 'x'
                              from fa_mass_update_batch_details b
                              where a.batch_id = b.batch_id )
                 AND (   ( (source_entity_key_value = x_node_id AND
                                     event_code = 'CHANGE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE')
                            OR (source_attribute_old_id = x_node_id AND
                                     event_code = 'CHANGE_NODE_PARENT')
                     OR  ( event_code IN ( 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE', 'CHANGE_CATEGORY_LIFE_END_DATE') AND
                                   to_number(a.source_entity_key_value) = (select asset_category_id
                                                                           from fa_additions
                                                                           where asset_id = x_asset_id )
Line: 167

    select 1
    from dual
    where exists ( select 'X'
                   from fa_hr_retirement_details
                   -- where status_code = 'P' -- msiddiqu 15-feb-2001
                   where status_code IN ('P', 'IP')
                   and asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, asset_id)
                   and book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                   and ( x_conc_request_id is null OR
                        nvl(concurrent_request_id,0) <> x_conc_request_id ) );
Line: 296

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          where a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.event_code <> 'HR_REINSTATEMENT' -- bugfix for 891822 msiddiqu 25-APR-2001
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.status_code in ('P','R')  -- uncommented for bugfix 1613882
          -- where x_attribute IS NULL
          -- where status_code = 'P'  -- commented for bugfix 1613882
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 315

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          -- where x_attribute IS NOT NULL
          -- where x_attribute = 'ASSET_KEY'
          where a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.attribute_name IN ('ASSET_KEY', 'CATEGORY')
          and b.status_code in ( 'P', 'R') -- bugfix 1613882
          -- and status_code = 'P'
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 336

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          -- where x_attribute IS NOT NULL
          -- where x_attribute = 'DISTRIBUTION'
          where a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.attribute_name IN ('DISTRIBUTION', 'CATEGORY')
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 355

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          -- where x_attribute IS NOT NULL
          -- where x_attribute = 'LEASE_NUMBER'
          where a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.attribute_name IN ('LEASE_NUMBER', 'CATEGORY')
          -- and status_code = 'P' -- bugfix 1613882
          and b.status_code in ( 'P', 'R')
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 375

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          -- where x_attribute IS NOT NULL
          -- where x_attribute = 'LIFE_END_DATE'
          where a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.attribute_name IN ('CATEGORY', 'LEASE_NUMBER', 'LIFE_END_DATE')
          -- and status_code = 'P' -- bugfix 1613882
          and b.status_code in ( 'P', 'R')
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 395

         select 1
         into   v_dummy
         from   dual
         where  exists
          select 'X'
          from fa_mass_update_batch_headers a,
               fa_mass_update_batch_details b
          -- where x_attribute IS NOT NULL
          -- where x_attribute = 'CATEGORY'
          -- if category check for all attributes
          where -- status_code = 'P' -- bugfix 1613882
          a.status_code <> 'C'
          and a.batch_id = b.batch_id
          and b.status_code in ( 'P', 'R')
          and b.asset_id = nvl(x_asset_id, b.asset_id)
          and b.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
Line: 461

PROCEDURE insert_hr_retirement_hdrs(
             x_event_code               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_book_type_code           IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_status                   IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_node_entity_id           IN     NUMBER
           , x_rejection_reason_code    IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_retirement_method        IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_retirement_type_code     IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_proceeds_of_sale         IN     NUMBER
           , x_cost_of_removal          IN     NUMBER
           , x_retire_date              IN     DATE
           , x_prorate_by               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_retire_by                IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_retirement_amount        IN     NUMBER
           , x_retirement_percent       IN     NUMBER
           , x_allow_partial_retire_flg IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_retire_units_flg         IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_created_by               IN     NUMBER
           , x_creation_date            IN     DATE
           , x_last_updated_by          IN     NUMBER
           , x_last_update_date         IN     DATE
           , x_last_update_login        IN     NUMBER
           , x_concurrent_request_id    IN     NUMBER
           , x_batch_id                 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
           , x_transaction_name         IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute_category       IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute1               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute2               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute3               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute4               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute5               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute6               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute7               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute8               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute9               IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute10              IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute11              IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute12              IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute13              IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute14              IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_attribute15              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute_category      IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute1              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute2              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute3              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute4              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute5              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute6              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute7              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute8              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute9              IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute10             IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute11             IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute12             IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute13             IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute14             IN     VARCHAR2
           , TH_attribute15             IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_err_code                 IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           , x_err_stage                IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           , x_err_stack                IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS

   select fa_hr_retirement_hdrs_s.nextval
   from dual;
Line: 529

  x_err_stack:= x_err_stack||'-> Insert_hr_retirement_hdrs';
Line: 536

  x_err_stage:= 'Inserting retirement_headers';
Line: 537

  Insert into fa_hr_retirement_headers(
   , book_type_code
   , status_code
   , asset_hierarchy_id
   , rejection_reason_code
   , retirement_method
   , retirement_type_code
   , retire_date
   , prorate_by
   , retire_by
   , retirement_amount
   , retirement_percent
   , allow_partial_retire_flag
   , retire_units_flag
   , created_by
   , creation_date
   , last_updated_by
   , last_update_date
   , last_update_login
   , concurrent_request_id
   , batch_id
   , transaction_name
   , attribute_category
   , attribute1
   , attribute2
   , attribute3
   , attribute4
   , attribute5
   , attribute6
   , attribute7
   , attribute8
   , attribute9
   , attribute10
   , attribute11
   , attribute12
   , attribute13
   , attribute14
   , attribute15
   , th_attribute_category
   , th_attribute1
   , th_attribute2
   , th_attribute3
   , th_attribute4
   , th_attribute5
   , th_attribute6
   , th_attribute7
   , th_attribute8
   , th_attribute9
   , th_attribute10
   , th_attribute11
   , th_attribute12
   , th_attribute13
   , th_attribute14
   , th_attribute15
   , proceeds_of_sale
   , cost_of_removal
   , x_book_type_code
   , x_status
   , x_node_entity_id
   , x_rejection_reason_code
   , x_retirement_method
   , x_retirement_type_code
   , x_retire_date
   , x_prorate_by
   , x_retire_by
   , x_retirement_amount
   , x_retirement_percent
   , x_allow_partial_retire_flg
   , x_retire_units_flg
   , x_created_by
   , x_creation_date
   , x_last_updated_by
   , x_last_update_date
   , x_last_update_login
   , x_concurrent_request_id
   , x_batch_id
   , x_transaction_name
   , x_attribute_category
   , x_attribute1
   , x_attribute2
   , x_attribute3
   , x_attribute4
   , x_attribute5
   , x_attribute6
   , x_attribute7
   , x_attribute8
   , x_attribute9
   , x_attribute10
   , x_attribute11
   , x_attribute12
   , x_attribute13
   , x_attribute14
   , x_attribute15
   , TH_attribute_category
   , TH_attribute1
   , TH_attribute2
   , TH_attribute3
   , TH_attribute4
   , TH_attribute5
   , TH_attribute6
   , TH_attribute7
   , TH_attribute8
   , TH_attribute9
   , TH_attribute10
   , TH_attribute11
   , TH_attribute12
   , TH_attribute13
   , TH_attribute14
   , TH_attribute15
   , x_proceeds_of_sale
   , x_cost_of_removal );
Line: 659

END insert_hr_retirement_hdrs;
Line: 665

PROCEDURE insert_hr_retirement_dtls(
             x_batch_id                   IN     NUMBER
           , x_book_type_code             IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_asset_id                   IN     NUMBER
           , x_date_placed_in_service     IN     DATE
           , x_current_cost               IN     NUMBER
           , x_cost_retired               IN     NUMBER
           , x_current_units              IN     NUMBER
           , x_units_retired              IN     NUMBER
           , x_prorate_percent            IN     NUMBER
           , x_retirement_convention_code IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_status_code                IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_rejection_reason           IN     VARCHAR2
           , x_proceeds_of_sale           IN     NUMBER
           , x_cost_of_removal            IN     NUMBER
           , x_created_by                 IN     NUMBER
           , x_creation_date              IN     DATE
           , x_last_updated_by            IN     NUMBER
           , x_last_update_date           IN     DATE
           , x_last_update_login          IN     NUMBER
           , x_concurrent_request_id      IN     NUMBER
           , x_err_code                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           , x_err_stage                  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           , x_err_stack                  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS

v_old_err_stack  VARCHAr2(640);
Line: 694

  x_err_stack := x_err_stack||'->'||'insert_fa_hr_retirement_dtls';
Line: 696

  insert into fa_hr_retirement_details(
    , book_type_code
    , asset_id
    , date_placed_in_service
    , current_cost
    , cost_retired
    , current_units
    , units_retired
    , prorate_percent
    , retirement_convention_code
    , status_code
    , rejection_reason
    , proceeds_of_sale
    , cost_of_removal
    , created_by
    , creation_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_date
    , last_update_login
    , concurrent_request_id )
  values (
    , x_book_type_code
    , x_asset_id
    , x_date_placed_in_service
    , x_current_cost
    , x_cost_retired
    , x_current_units
    , x_units_retired
    , x_prorate_percent
    , x_retirement_convention_code
    , x_status_code
    , x_rejection_reason
    , x_proceeds_of_sale
    , x_cost_of_removal
    , x_created_by
    , x_creation_date
    , x_last_updated_by
    , x_last_update_date
    , x_last_update_login
    , x_concurrent_request_id );
Line: 744

END insert_hr_retirement_dtls;
Line: 806

v_last_update_login NUMBER;
Line: 807

v_last_updated_by   NUMBER;
Line: 856

  select sum(fab.cost) total_cost
       , sum(fah.units) total_units
  from ( select asset_id
         from fa_asset_hierarchy
         where asset_id IS NOT NULL
         start with asset_hierarchy_id = x_node_entity_id
         connect by prior asset_hierarchy_id = parent_hierarchy_id ) hr
     , fa_asset_history fah
     , fa_category_book_defaults fcbd
     , fa_books fab
     , fa_additions faa
  where hr.asset_id = faa.asset_id
  AND faa.asset_id = fab.asset_id
  AND fab.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
  --  AND fab.cost > 0
  AND faa.asset_id = fah.asset_id
  AND fah.date_ineffective IS NULL
  AND faa.asset_category_id = fcbd.category_id
  AND fab.book_type_code = fcbd.book_type_code
  AND fab.date_placed_in_service
      BETWEEN fcbd.start_dpis
      AND nvl(TO_DATE(fcbd.end_dpis, 'DD-MM-YYYY'),
              TO_DATE('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))
              WHERE fth.asset_id = fab.asset_id
              AND fth.book_type_code = fab.book_type_code
              AND (fth.transaction_date_entered <= x_Retire_Date
              AND fth.transaction_type_code not in ('FULL RETIREMENT',
               FROM fa_distribution_history fad
                  , gl_code_combinations gcc
               WHERE fad.asset_id = faa.asset_id
               AND fad.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
               AND fad.date_ineffective IS NULL )
                   from fa_retirements frt,
                        fa_books fb
                   where frt.asset_id = fab.asset_id
                   AND frt.asset_id = fb.asset_id
                   AND frt.transaction_header_id_out is NULL
                   AND frt.status = 'PROCESSED'
                   AND frt.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
                   AND fb.period_counter_fully_retired is NOT NULL
                   AND fb.transaction_header_id_in =
                   AND fb.date_ineffective IS NULL )
 AND faa.asset_type IN ('CIP', 'CAPITALIZED', 'EXPENSED')
 AND fab.date_ineffective IS NULL ;
Line: 915

  select  faa.asset_id
        , faa.asset_number
        , fab.cost
        , fab.date_placed_in_service
        , fcbd.retirement_prorate_convention ret_conv
        , fah.units
        , fab.itc_amount
        , fab.itc_amount_id
  from  ( select asset_id
         from fa_asset_hierarchy
         where asset_id IS NOT NULL
         start with asset_hierarchy_id = x_node_entity_id
         connect by prior asset_hierarchy_id = parent_hierarchy_id ) hr
       , fa_asset_history fah
       , fa_category_book_defaults fcbd
       , fa_books fab
       , fa_additions faa
  where hr.asset_id = faa.asset_id
   AND faa.asset_id = fab.asset_id
   AND fab.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
 --  AND fab.cost > 0
   AND faa.asset_id = fah.asset_id
   AND fah.date_ineffective IS NULL
   AND faa.asset_category_id = fcbd.category_id
   AND fab.book_type_code = fcbd.book_type_code
   AND fab.date_placed_in_service
       BETWEEN fcbd.start_dpis
               AND nvl(TO_DATE(fcbd.end_dpis, 'DD-MM-YYYY'),
                       TO_DATE('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))
                   FROM FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS fth
                   WHERE fth.asset_id = fab.asset_id
                   AND fth.book_type_code = fab.book_type_code
                   AND (fth.transaction_date_entered <= x_Retire_Date
			      AND fth.transaction_type_code not in ('FULL RETIREMENT',
                FROM fa_distribution_history fad
                   , gl_code_combinations gcc
                WHERE fad.asset_id = faa.asset_id
                AND fad.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
                AND fad.date_ineffective IS NULL )
                   from fa_retirements frt,
                        fa_books fb
                   where frt.asset_id = fab.asset_id
                   AND frt.asset_id = fb.asset_id
                   AND frt.transaction_header_id_out is NULL
                   AND frt.status = 'PROCESSED'
                   AND frt.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
                   AND fb.period_counter_fully_retired is NOT NULL
                   AND fb.transaction_header_id_in =
                   AND fb.date_ineffective IS NULL )
   AND faa.asset_type IN ('CIP', 'CAPITALIZED', 'EXPENSED')
   AND fab.date_ineffective IS NULL
   ORDER BY 4 asc;
Line: 974

    select --sob.currency_code
         --, fc.extended_precision
         --, fc.minimum_accountable_unit
    from gl_sets_of_books sob,
         fa_book_controls fbc,
         fnd_currencies fc
    where fc.currency_code = sob.currency_code
    and fc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and fbc.book_type_code = x_book_type_code
    and fbc.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id;
Line: 995

  v_last_updated_by:= v_created_by;
Line: 996

  v_last_update_login:= nvl(TO_NUMBER(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),-1);
Line: 998

  x_err_stack:= x_err_stack||'->'||'Insert_hr_retirement_hdrs';
Line: 999

  insert_hr_retirement_hdrs (
           , x_book_type_code
           , 'IP'
           , x_node_entity_id
           , v_rejection_reason_code
           , x_retirement_method
           , x_retirement_type_code
           , x_proceeds_of_sale
           , x_cost_of_removal
           , x_retire_date
           , x_prorate_by
           , x_retire_by
           , x_retirement_amount
           , x_retirement_percent
           , x_allow_partial_retire
           , x_retire_units
           , v_created_by
           , v_sysdate         -- creation_date
           , v_last_updated_by
           , v_sysdate         -- last_update_date
           , v_last_update_login
           , v_conc_request_id
           , x_batch_id
           , x_transaction_name
           , x_attribute_category
           , x_attribute1
           , x_attribute2
           , x_attribute3
           , x_attribute4
           , x_attribute5
           , x_attribute6
           , x_attribute7
           , x_attribute8
           , x_attribute9
           , x_attribute10
           , x_attribute11
           , x_attribute12
           , x_attribute13
           , x_attribute14
           , x_attribute15
           , TH_attribute_category
           , TH_attribute1
           , TH_attribute2
           , TH_attribute3
           , TH_attribute4
           , TH_attribute5
           , TH_attribute6
           , TH_attribute7
           , TH_attribute8
           , TH_attribute9
           , TH_attribute10
           , TH_attribute11
           , TH_attribute12
           , TH_attribute13
           , TH_attribute14
           , TH_attribute15
           , x_err_code
           , x_err_stage
           , x_err_stack );
Line: 1286

    x_err_stack:= x_err_stack||'->'||'Insert_hr_retirement_dtls';
Line: 1287

      , x_book_type_code
      , ret_tab(i).asset_id
      , ret_tab(i).dpis
      , ret_tab(i).cost
      , ret_tab(i).cost_retired
      , ret_tab(i).units
      , ret_tab(i).units_retired
      , ret_tab(i).prorate_percent
      , ret_tab(i).ret_prorate_conv
      , 'IP' --x_status_code
      , v_rejection_reason_code
      , ret_tab(i).proceeds_of_sale
      , ret_tab(i).cost_of_removal
      , v_created_by
      , v_sysdate  --v_creation_date
      , v_last_updated_by
      , v_sysdate --v_last_update_date
      , v_last_update_login
      , v_conc_request_id
      , x_err_code
      , x_err_stage
      , x_err_stack );
Line: 1315

    x_err_stack:= x_err_stack||'->'||'Insert_hr_retirement_dtls';
Line: 1316

      , x_book_type_code
      , qualified_asset_rec.asset_id
      , qualified_asset_rec.date_placed_in_service
      , nvl(qualified_asset_rec.cost, 0)
      , nvl(v_cost_retired, 0)
      , nvl(qualified_asset_rec.units, 0)
      , nvl(v_units_retired, 0)
      , nvl(v_prorate_percent, 0)
      , qualified_asset_rec.retirement_prorate_convention
      , 'IP' --x_status_code
      , v_rejection_reason_code
      , nvl(v_asset_pos, 0)
      , nvl(v_asset_cor, 0)
      , v_created_by
      , v_sysdate  --v_creation_date
      , v_last_updated_by
      , v_sysdate --v_last_update_date
      , v_last_update_login
      , v_conc_request_id
      , x_err_code
      , x_err_stage
      , x_err_stack );
Line: 1365

  select *
  from fa_hr_retirement_headers
  where batch_id >= nvl(x_from_batch_num, batch_id )
  AND batch_id <= nvl(x_to_batch_num, batch_id)
  AND status_code IN ('IP', 'P', 'RC')
  order by creation_date
Line: 1379

       update fa_hr_retirement_headers
       set status_code = 'IP'
       where batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id;
Line: 1383

       update fa_hr_retirement_details
       set status_code = 'IP'
       where batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id;
Line: 1431

        select 'Y'
        into v_dummy
        from fa_hr_retirement_details
        where batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id
        and status_code in ('IP','R')
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 1444

    	  update fa_hr_retirement_headers
    	  set status_code = 'R' -- Rejected Processed
            , concurrent_request_id = v_conc_request_ID
            , last_updated_by = fnd_global.login_id
            , last_update_date = sysdate
            , last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
    	  where batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id;
Line: 1452

          Update fa_hr_retirement_details
          set status_code = 'P'
          where status_code <> 'R'
          and batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id;
Line: 1457

          update fa_hr_retirement_headers
          set status_code = 'CP' -- Completetly Processed
            , concurrent_request_id = v_conc_request_ID
            , last_updated_by = fnd_global.login_id
            , last_update_date = sysdate
            , last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
          where batch_id = hrh_rec.batch_id;
Line: 1523

  select batch_id,
  from fa_hr_retirement_details
  where batch_id = x_batch_id
  order by date_placed_in_service asc;
Line: 1538

  select distribution_id
       , code_combination_id
       , units_assigned
       , location_id
       , assigned_to
       , date_effective
       , transaction_header_id_in
  from fa_distribution_history
  where book_type_code = x_book_type_code
  and   asset_id = x_asset_id
  and   date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 1598

  v_last_update_login     NUMBER;
Line: 1648

  v_last_update_login:= nvl(TO_NUMBER(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),-1);
Line: 1818

      update fa_hr_retirement_details
      set retirement_id = v_retirement_id
      where batch_id = hrd_rec.batch_id
      and asset_id = hrd_rec.asset_id;
Line: 1830

    	  UPDATE fa_hr_retirement_details
    	  SET status_code = 'R'
            , rejection_reason = v_error_tab(hrd_rec.asset_id).rejection_reason
            , concurrent_request_id = x_conc_request_id
            , last_updated_by = v_user
            , last_update_date = v_sysdate
            , last_update_login = v_last_update_login
          WHERE asset_id = hrd_rec.asset_id
    	  and batch_id = x_batch_id;
Line: 1843

      UPDATE fa_hr_retirement_details
    	  SET status_code = 'A'
            , rejection_reason = null
            , concurrent_request_id = x_conc_request_id
           -- , retirement_id = v_retirement_id
            , last_updated_by = v_user
            , last_update_date = v_sysdate
            , last_update_login = v_last_update_login
          WHERE batch_id = x_batch_id;