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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_com_rec_interface AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI81B.pls 120.2 2006/05/04 07:45:15 abshriva noship $ */
4 /*=======================================================================+
5  |  Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 Oracle Corp. Redwood Shores, California, USA|
6  |                            All rights reserved.                       |
7  +=======================================================================+
8  |                                                                       |
9  | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
10  |      PL/SQL body for package: IGS_FI_COM_REC_INTERFACE                |
11  |                                                                       |
12  | NOTES                                                                 |
13  | New Package created for procedures and functions as per               |
14  | Commercial Receivables TD.  (Enh 2831569)                             |
15  | HISTORY                                                               |
16  | Who             When            What                                  |
17  |abshriva   4-May-2006 Bug 5178077: Modification in procedure Transfer  |
18  | svuppala      30-MAY-2005       Enh 3442712 - Done the TBH            |
19  |                                 modifications by adding new columns   |
20  |                                 Unit_Type_Id, Unit_Level in           |
21  |                                 igs_fi_invln_int_all                  |
22  | pathipat        22-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Rec Enh build      |
23  |                                 Added 2 new cols to igs_fi_com_recs_int
24  |                                 Modified transfer() for the above     |
25  |uudayapr     16-oct-2003   Enh #3117341 Modified the  cur_charges in   |
26  |                             Transfer procedure as a part of AUDIT and |
27  |                           SPECIAL FEES BUILD.                         |
28  *=======================================================================*/
31 g_b_data_found            BOOLEAN      := FALSE;
33 g_v_space       CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(10) := '       ';   -- Constant 7 char space used in logging messages in log file.
34 g_v_tutnfee     CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'TUTNFEE';
35 g_v_other       CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'OTHER';
36 g_v_external    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'EXTERNAL';
37 g_v_ancillary   CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'ANCILLARY';
38 g_v_sponsor     CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'SPONSOR';
39 g_v_aid_adj     CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'AID_ADJ';
40 g_v_document    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'DOCUMENT';
42 -- Constant variables for Credit Classes SPNSP and CHGADJ
43 g_v_spnsp       CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(7) := 'SPNSP';
44 g_v_chgadj      CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(7) := 'CHGADJ';
46 --Added the constant variable for AUDIT and SPECIAL FEE TYPE CATEGORY.
47 g_v_audit       CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'AUDIT';
48 g_v_special     CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(20) := 'SPECIAL';
51 PROCEDURE chk_manage_account( p_v_manage_acc       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
52                               p_v_message_name     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
53                              )  AS
54   ------------------------------------------------------------------
55   --Created by  : Priya Athipatla, Oracle IDC
56   --Date created: 10-APR-2003
57   --
58   --Purpose: Procedure returns value of MANAGE_ACCOUNTS column in
59   --         IGS_FI_CONTROL_ALL
60   --
61   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
62   --
63   --Change History:
64   --Who         When            What
65   --
66   -------------------------------------------------------------------
68   CURSOR cur_manage_acct IS
69     SELECT manage_accounts
70     FROM igs_fi_control_all;
72   BEGIN
74      OPEN cur_manage_acct;
75      FETCH cur_manage_acct INTO p_v_manage_acc;
76      IF cur_manage_acct%NOTFOUND THEN
77         p_v_manage_acc := NULL;
78         p_v_message_name := 'IGS_FI_SYSTEM_OPT_SETUP';
79         RETURN;
80      END IF;
81      CLOSE cur_manage_acct;
83      -- If manage_accounts is NULL
84      IF (p_v_manage_acc IS NULL) THEN
85         p_v_message_name := 'IGS_FI_MANAGE_ACC_NULL';
86         RETURN;
87      -- If manage_accounts is OTHER
88      ELSIF (p_v_manage_acc = 'OTHER') THEN
89         p_v_message_name := 'IGS_FI_MANAGE_ACC_OTH';
90         RETURN;
91      -- If manage_Accounts is STUDENT_FINANCE
92      ELSIF (p_v_manage_acc = 'STUDENT_FINANCE') THEN
93         p_v_message_name := NULL;
94         RETURN;
95      END IF;
97   END chk_manage_account;
100 FUNCTION get_party_number(p_party_id   IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
101   ------------------------------------------------------------------
102   --Created by  : Priya Athipatla, Oracle IDC
103   --Date created: 21-APR-2003
104   --
105   --Purpose: Function returning party_number for the passed party_id
106   --
107   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
108   --
109   --Change History:
110   --Who         When            What
111   --
112   -------------------------------------------------------------------
113   CURSOR cur_get_party(cp_party_id  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE) IS
114     SELECT party_number
115     FROM   hz_parties
116     WHERE  party_id = cp_party_id;
118   l_v_party_number      hz_parties.party_number%TYPE := NULL;
122   -- Obtain the party_number corresponding to the party_id passed
123   OPEN cur_get_party(p_party_id);
124   FETCH cur_get_party INTO l_v_party_number;
125   CLOSE cur_get_party;
127   RETURN l_v_party_number;
129 END get_party_number;
132 PROCEDURE transfer(errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
133                    retcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
134                   ) AS
135   ------------------------------------------------------------------
136   --Created by  : Priya Athipatla, Oracle IDC
137   --Date created: 21-APR-2003
138   --
139   --Purpose: Concurrent program to Transfer data to Commercial Receivables
140   --
141   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
142   --
143   --Change History:
144   --Who         When            What
145   --abshriva   4-May-2006       Bug 5178077: Introduced igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id
146   --svuppala   30-MAY-2005      Enh 3442712 - Done the TBH modifications by adding
147   --                            new columns Unit_Type_Id, Unit_Level in igs_fi_invln_int_all
148   --pathipat    22-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Rec Enh build
149   --                            Added code w.r.t new columns student_party_id and
150   --                            source_invoice_id in igs_fi_com_recs_int
151   --uudayapr   16-oct-2003    Enh#3117341 Modified cur_charges cursor as a part
152   --                          of audit and special fees built.
153   -------------------------------------------------------------------
155   CURSOR cur_charges IS
156     SELECT inv.person_id,
157            inv.fee_type,
158            inv.course_cd,
159            inv.invoice_creation_date,
160            inv.fee_cat,
161            inv.fee_ci_sequence_number,
162            inv.fee_cal_type,
163            inv.effective_date,
164            inv.waiver_flag,
165            inv.waiver_reason,
166            inv.attendance_type,
167            inv.attendance_mode,
168            inv.currency_cd,
169            inv.invoice_amount   charge_amount,
170            inv.invoice_number   charge_number,
171            ft.s_fee_type,
172            invln.row_id invln_rowid,
173            invln.*
174     FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv,
175            igs_fi_invln_int invln,
176            igs_fi_fee_type ft
177     WHERE inv.invoice_id = invln.invoice_id
178     AND   inv.fee_type = ft.fee_type
179     AND   ft.s_fee_type IN (g_v_tutnfee,g_v_other,g_v_external,
180                             g_v_ancillary,g_v_sponsor,g_v_aid_adj,g_v_document,
181                             g_v_audit,g_v_special) -- Added audit and special fees.
182     AND   invln.gl_posted_date IS NULL
183     ORDER BY inv.person_id, ft.s_fee_type, inv.invoice_number
184     FOR UPDATE OF invln.gl_posted_date NOWAIT;
186   CURSOR cur_credits IS
187     SELECT crd.credit_id cr_id,
188            crd.credit_number,
189            crd.party_id,
190            crd.transaction_date trans_date,
191            crd.effective_date,
192            crd.fee_cal_type,
193            crd.fee_ci_sequence_number,
194            crd.currency_cd,
195            crd.description,
196            crd.credit_type_id,
197            crd.source_invoice_id,
198            cra.*,
199            cra.rowid  cra_rowid,
200            crt.credit_class
201     FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
202            igs_fi_cr_activities cra,
203            igs_fi_cr_types crt
204     WHERE  crd.credit_id = cra.credit_id
205     AND    crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
206     AND    crt.credit_class IN (g_v_chgadj, g_v_spnsp)
207     AND    cra.gl_posted_date IS NULL
208     FOR UPDATE OF cra.gl_posted_date NOWAIT;
210   CURSOR cur_course_desc(cp_course_cd  igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE) IS
211     SELECT title
212     FROM igs_ps_ver
213     WHERE course_cd = cp_course_cd;
215   -- Returns the party_id from Credits table corresponding to the charge denoted by
216   -- the SOURCE_INVOICE_ID column.
217   CURSOR cur_chg_stdnt_party(cp_invoice_id    igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
218     SELECT party_id
219     FROM igs_fi_credits
220     WHERE source_invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
222   -- Returns the party_id from Charges Table correponding to the value in  Source_invoice_id
223   -- column of the Credits Table of type Aid Adjustment
224   CURSOR cur_credit_stdnt_party(cp_source_invoice_id    igs_fi_credits_all.source_invoice_id%TYPE) IS
225     SELECT person_id
226     FROM igs_fi_inv_int
227     WHERE invoice_id =  cp_source_invoice_id
228     AND transaction_type = g_v_aid_adj;
230   l_v_title             igs_ps_ver.title%TYPE := NULL;
232   l_v_manage_acc        igs_fi_control_all.manage_accounts%TYPE := NULL;
233   l_v_message_name      fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE  := NULL;
235   l_v_party             igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
236   l_v_charge_number     igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
237   l_v_s_fee_type        igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
238   l_v_fee_type          igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
239   l_v_charge_amt        igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
240   l_v_credit_number     igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := NULL;
242   l_n_last_person_id    hz_parties.party_id%TYPE := NULL;
243   l_org_id              VARCHAR2(15);
244   l_rowid               ROWID  := NULL;
246   skip_record           EXCEPTION;
247   e_resource_busy       EXCEPTION;
249   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_resource_busy, -54);
251   l_n_chg_stdnt_party       igs_fi_credits_all.party_id%TYPE;
252   l_n_credit_stdnt_party    igs_fi_inv_int_all.person_id%TYPE;
255   BEGIN
256      l_org_id := NULL;
257      igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(l_org_id);
260        fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
261        retcode:=2;
262        RETURN;
263   END;
264    retcode := 0;
265    errbuf  := NULL;
267    -- Step 1:
268    -- Call the generic proc to obtain the Manage Accounts set up
269    -- in the System Options form.
270    chk_manage_account(l_v_manage_acc,
271                       l_v_message_name);
273    -- If Manage Accounts <> 'Other' then this process is not available.
274    IF (l_v_manage_acc <> 'OTHER') OR (l_v_manage_acc IS NULL) THEN
275       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_MANAGE_ACC_PRC_OTH');
276       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get());
277       fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
278       retcode := 2;
279       RETURN;
280    END IF;
282    -- This message is always logged irrespective of error records being found or not
283    fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_LOG_ERR_TRX');
284    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get());
285    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' ');
287    -- Obtain the meaning of the lookup codes to log the details.
288    l_v_party         := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','PARTY');
289    l_v_charge_number := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','CHARGE_NUMBER');
290    l_v_s_fee_type    := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','SYSTEM_FEE_TYPE');
291    l_v_fee_type      := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','FEE_TYPE');
292    l_v_charge_amt    := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','CHG_AMOUNT');
293    l_v_credit_number := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','CREDIT_NUMBER');
295    -- Step 2: Loop across all the transactions in the Charges table (cur_charges)
296    FOR l_rec_charges IN cur_charges
297       LOOP
298         BEGIN
300          SAVEPOINT sp_charges;
302          -- Step 3: If Error Account of record is 'Y' then log the person details
303          --         and skip the record. Move to the next record fetched.
304          IF l_rec_charges.error_account = 'Y' THEN
305             g_b_data_found := TRUE;
306             -- Log Person Number only once for a given person
307             IF l_n_last_person_id = l_rec_charges.person_id THEN
308                NULL;
309             ELSE
310                -- Log the details of the party with error_account = 'Y'
311                fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_party||': '||get_party_number(l_rec_charges.person_id));
312                l_n_last_person_id := l_rec_charges.person_id;
313             END IF;
315             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,g_v_space ||l_v_charge_number||': '||l_rec_charges.charge_number);
316             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,g_v_space ||l_v_s_fee_type   ||': '||l_rec_charges.s_fee_type);
317             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,g_v_space ||l_v_fee_type     ||': '||l_rec_charges.fee_type);
318             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,g_v_space ||l_v_charge_amt   ||': '||l_rec_charges.charge_amount);
319             fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
321             -- Skip the record and move to the next record from Step 2
322             RAISE skip_record;
324          END IF;   -- End IF for error_account = 'Y'
326          -- Processing for Error Account = 'N'
327          l_rowid := NULL;
328          -- Obtain the Description corresponding to the Course_Cd
329          OPEN cur_course_desc(l_rec_charges.course_cd);
330          FETCH cur_course_desc INTO l_v_title;
331          CLOSE cur_course_desc;
333          -- Obtain value to be inserted into Student Party ID column
334          IF l_rec_charges.s_fee_type = g_v_sponsor THEN
335             OPEN cur_chg_stdnt_party(l_rec_charges.invoice_id);
336             FETCH cur_chg_stdnt_party INTO l_n_chg_stdnt_party;
337             CLOSE cur_chg_stdnt_party;
338          ELSE
339             l_n_chg_stdnt_party := NULL;
340          END IF;
342          -- Step 4: If Error Account = N, then insert the record into IGS_FI_COM_RECS_INT table
343          igs_fi_com_recs_int_pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid                                   => l_rowid ,
344                                               x_transaction_category                    => 'CHARGE' ,
345                                               x_transaction_header_id                   => l_rec_charges.invoice_id ,
346                                               x_transaction_number                      => l_rec_charges.charge_number ,
347                                               x_party_id                                => l_rec_charges.person_id ,
348                                               x_transaction_date                        => l_rec_charges.invoice_creation_date ,
349                                               x_effective_date                          => l_rec_charges.effective_date ,
350                                               x_fee_type                                => l_rec_charges.fee_type ,
351                                               x_s_fee_type                              => l_rec_charges.s_fee_type ,
352                                               x_fee_cal_type                            => l_rec_charges.fee_cal_type ,
353                                               x_fee_ci_sequence_number                  => l_rec_charges.fee_ci_sequence_number ,
354                                               x_fee_category                            => l_rec_charges.fee_cat ,
355                                               x_course_cd                               => l_rec_charges.course_cd ,
356                                               x_attendance_mode                         => l_rec_charges.attendance_mode ,
357                                               x_attendance_type                         => l_rec_charges.attendance_type ,
358                                               x_course_description                      => l_v_title ,
359                                               x_reversal_flag                           => l_rec_charges.waiver_flag,
360                                               x_reversal_reason                         => l_rec_charges.waiver_reason,
361                                               x_line_number                             => l_rec_charges.line_number,
362                                               x_transaction_line_id                     => l_rec_charges.invoice_lines_id,
363                                               x_charge_method_type                      => l_rec_charges.s_chg_method_type,
364                                               x_description                             => l_rec_charges.description,
365                                               x_charge_elements                         => l_rec_charges.chg_elements,
366                                               x_amount                                  => l_rec_charges.amount,
367                                               x_credit_points                           => l_rec_charges.credit_points,
368                                               x_unit_offering_option_id                 => l_rec_charges.uoo_id,
369                                               x_cr_gl_code_combination_id               => l_rec_charges.rev_gl_ccid,
370                                               x_dr_gl_code_combination_id               => l_rec_charges.rec_gl_ccid,
371                                               x_credit_account_code                     => l_rec_charges.rev_account_cd,
372                                               x_debit_account_code                      => l_rec_charges.rec_account_cd,
373                                               x_org_unit_cd                             => l_rec_charges.org_unit_cd,
374                                               x_location_cd                             => l_rec_charges.location_cd,
375                                               x_gl_date                                 => l_rec_charges.gl_date,
376                                               x_credit_type_id                          => NULL,
377                                               x_credit_class                            => NULL,
378                                               x_currency_cd                             => l_rec_charges.currency_cd,
379                                               x_extract_flag                            => NULL,
380                                               x_mode                                    => 'R',
381                                               x_student_party_id                        => l_n_chg_stdnt_party,
382                                               x_source_invoice_id                       => NULL
383                                               );
385          -- Step 5: For every record inserted into the Receivables interface table,
386          --         update the record in IGS_FI_INVLN_INT - set gl_posted_date to sysdate
387          igs_fi_invln_int_pkg.update_row( x_rowid                        => l_rec_charges.invln_rowid,
388                                           x_invoice_id                   => l_rec_charges.invoice_id,
389                                           x_line_number                  => l_rec_charges.line_number,
390                                           x_invoice_lines_id             => l_rec_charges.invoice_lines_id,
391                                           x_attribute2                   => l_rec_charges.attribute2,
392                                           x_chg_elements                 => l_rec_charges.chg_elements,
393                                           x_amount                       => l_rec_charges.amount,
394                                           x_unit_attempt_status          => l_rec_charges.unit_attempt_status,
395                                           x_eftsu                        => l_rec_charges.eftsu,
396                                           x_credit_points                => l_rec_charges.credit_points,
397                                           x_attribute_category           => l_rec_charges.attribute_category,
398                                           x_attribute1                   => l_rec_charges.attribute1,
399                                           x_s_chg_method_type            => l_rec_charges.s_chg_method_type,
400                                           x_description                  => l_rec_charges.description,
401                                           x_attribute3                   => l_rec_charges.attribute3,
402                                           x_attribute4                   => l_rec_charges.attribute4,
403                                           x_attribute5                   => l_rec_charges.attribute5,
404                                           x_attribute6                   => l_rec_charges.attribute6,
405                                           x_attribute7                   => l_rec_charges.attribute7,
406                                           x_attribute8                   => l_rec_charges.attribute8,
407                                           x_attribute9                   => l_rec_charges.attribute9,
408                                           x_attribute10                  => l_rec_charges.attribute10,
409                                           x_rec_account_cd               => l_rec_charges.rec_account_cd,
410                                           x_rev_account_cd               => l_rec_charges.rev_account_cd,
411                                           x_rec_gl_ccid                  => l_rec_charges.rec_gl_ccid,
412                                           x_rev_gl_ccid                  => l_rec_charges.rev_gl_ccid,
413                                           x_org_unit_cd                  => l_rec_charges.org_unit_cd,
414                                           x_posting_id                   => l_rec_charges.posting_id,
415                                           x_attribute11                  => l_rec_charges.attribute11,
416                                           x_attribute12                  => l_rec_charges.attribute12,
417                                           x_attribute13                  => l_rec_charges.attribute13,
418                                           x_attribute14                  => l_rec_charges.attribute14,
419                                           x_attribute15                  => l_rec_charges.attribute15,
420                                           x_attribute16                  => l_rec_charges.attribute16,
421                                           x_attribute17                  => l_rec_charges.attribute17,
422                                           x_attribute18                  => l_rec_charges.attribute18,
423                                           x_attribute19                  => l_rec_charges.attribute19,
424                                           x_attribute20                  => l_rec_charges.attribute20,
425                                           x_error_string                 => l_rec_charges.error_string,
426                                           x_error_account                => l_rec_charges.error_account,
427                                           x_location_cd                  => l_rec_charges.location_cd,
428                                           x_uoo_id                       => l_rec_charges.uoo_id,
429                                           x_gl_date                      => l_rec_charges.gl_date,
430                                           x_gl_posted_date               => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
431                                           x_posting_control_id           => l_rec_charges.posting_control_id,
432                                           x_mode                         => 'R' ,
433                                           x_unit_type_id                 => l_rec_charges.unit_type_id,
434                                           x_unit_level                   => l_rec_charges.unit_level
435                                           );
437         EXCEPTION
438           WHEN skip_record THEN
439              -- Process ends with a warning status
440              retcode := 1;
441              NULL;
442           WHEN OTHERS THEN
443              -- Record with some error encountered, so set flag to TRUE
444              g_b_data_found := TRUE;
445              -- Process ends with a warning status
446              retcode := 1;
447              ROLLBACK TO sp_charges;
448              fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_charge_number||' - '||l_rec_charges.invoice_id || ': '||SQLERRM);
449              fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
450         END;
451       END LOOP;  -- End of Step 2 - Loop across all Charges
453       -- Commit transactions after charges are processed
454       COMMIT;
456    -- Step 6: Loop across all the Credits, i.e., cur_credits
457    FOR l_rec_credits IN cur_credits
458       LOOP
459         BEGIN
460            SAVEPOINT sp_credits;
461            l_rowid := NULL;
463            IF (l_rec_credits.credit_class = g_v_spnsp) THEN
464                OPEN cur_credit_stdnt_party(l_rec_credits.source_invoice_id);
465                FETCH cur_credit_stdnt_party INTO l_n_credit_stdnt_party;
466                CLOSE cur_credit_stdnt_party;
467            ELSE
468                l_n_credit_stdnt_party := NULL;
469            END IF;
471            -- Step 7: Insert the credit record into the interface table.
472            igs_fi_com_recs_int_pkg.insert_row( x_rowid                                 => l_rowid ,
473                                                x_transaction_category                    => 'CREDIT' ,
474                                                x_transaction_header_id                   => l_rec_credits.cr_id ,
475                                                x_transaction_number                      => l_rec_credits.credit_number ,
476                                                x_party_id                                => l_rec_credits.party_id ,
477                                                x_transaction_date                        => l_rec_credits.trans_date ,
478                                                x_effective_date                          => l_rec_credits.effective_date ,
479                                                x_fee_type                                => NULL,
480                                                x_s_fee_type                              => NULL,
481                                                x_fee_cal_type                            => l_rec_credits.fee_cal_type ,
482                                                x_fee_ci_sequence_number                  => l_rec_credits.fee_ci_sequence_number ,
483                                                x_fee_category                            => NULL,
484                                                x_course_cd                               => NULL,
485                                                x_attendance_mode                         => NULL,
486                                                x_attendance_type                         => NULL,
487                                                x_course_description                      => NULL,
488                                                x_reversal_flag                           => NULL,
489                                                x_reversal_reason                         => NULL,
490                                                x_line_number                             => NULL,
491                                                x_transaction_line_id                     => l_rec_credits.credit_activity_id,
492                                                x_charge_method_type                      => NULL,
493                                                x_description                             => l_rec_credits.description,
494                                                x_charge_elements                         => NULL,
495                                                x_amount                                  => l_rec_credits.amount,
496                                                x_credit_points                           => NULL,
497                                                x_unit_offering_option_id                 => NULL,
498                                                x_cr_gl_code_combination_id               => l_rec_credits.cr_gl_ccid,
499                                                x_dr_gl_code_combination_id               => l_rec_credits.dr_gl_ccid,
500                                                x_credit_account_code                     => l_rec_credits.cr_account_cd,
501                                                x_debit_account_code                      => l_rec_credits.dr_account_cd,
502                                                x_org_unit_cd                             => NULL,
503                                                x_location_cd                             => NULL,
504                                                x_gl_date                                 => l_rec_credits.gl_date,
505                                                x_credit_type_id                          => l_rec_credits.credit_type_id,
506                                                x_credit_class                            => l_rec_credits.credit_class,
507                                                x_currency_cd                             => l_rec_credits.currency_cd,
508                                                x_extract_flag                            => NULL,
509                                                x_mode                                    => 'R',
510                                                x_student_party_id                        => l_n_credit_stdnt_party,
511                                                x_source_invoice_id                       => l_rec_credits.source_invoice_id
512                                                );
514            -- Step 8: For each record inserted, update gl_posted_Date to sysdate in the Activities table
515            igs_fi_cr_activities_pkg.update_row( x_rowid                        => l_rec_credits.cra_rowid,
516                                                 x_credit_activity_id           => l_rec_credits.credit_activity_id,
517                                                 x_credit_id                    => l_rec_credits.credit_id,
518                                                 x_status                       => l_rec_credits.status,
519                                                 x_transaction_date             => l_rec_credits.transaction_date,
520                                                 x_amount                       => l_rec_credits.amount,
521                                                 x_dr_account_cd                => l_rec_credits.dr_account_cd,
522                                                 x_cr_account_cd                => l_rec_credits.cr_account_cd,
523                                                 x_dr_gl_ccid                   => l_rec_credits.dr_gl_ccid,
524                                                 x_cr_gl_ccid                   => l_rec_credits.cr_gl_ccid,
525                                                 x_bill_id                      => l_rec_credits.bill_id,
526                                                 x_bill_number                  => l_rec_credits.bill_number,
527                                                 x_bill_date                    => l_rec_credits.bill_date,
528                                                 x_posting_id                   => l_rec_credits.posting_id,
529                                                 x_gl_date                      => l_rec_credits.gl_date,
530                                                 x_gl_posted_date               => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
531                                                 x_posting_control_id           => l_rec_credits.posting_control_id,
532                                                 x_mode                         => 'R'
533                                                 );
535         EXCEPTION
536            WHEN OTHERS THEN
537               -- Record with some error encountered, so set flag to TRUE
538               g_b_data_found := TRUE;
539               -- Process ends with a warning status
540               retcode := 1;
541               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_credit_number||' - '||l_rec_credits.credit_id || ': '||SQLERRM);
542               fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
543               ROLLBACK TO sp_credits;
544         END;
546       END LOOP;  -- End of looping across Credits in IGS_FI_CREDITS table (Step 6)
548       -- Step 9: If there are no records, log 'No Data Found' in the log file.
549       -- This message is logged in 2 cases: (a) No data found for transferring to interface table
550       --                                    (b) All the data transferred successfully without any error records
552       IF (NOT g_b_data_found) THEN
553         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_NO_DATA_FOUND');
554         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
555         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ');
556         RETURN;
557       END IF;
559       -- Step 10: Commit the transactions
560       COMMIT;
563   WHEN e_resource_busy THEN
564      fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_RFND_REC_LOCK');
565      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get());
566      fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log);
567      retcode := 2;
570      ROLLBACK;
571      retcode := 2;
572      errbuf  := fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION'||' - '||SQLERRM);
573      igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
574      igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
576 END transfer;
578 END igs_fi_com_rec_interface;