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Line 2110: ,hz_cust_accounts caa

2106: ,nvl(csu.tax_header_level_flag, caa.tax_header_level_flag) tax_header_level_flag
2107: ,csu.Tax_Classification
2108: FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all csu
2109: ,hz_cust_acct_sites cas
2110: ,hz_cust_accounts caa
2111: WHERE csu.site_use_id = p_site_use_id
2112: AND csu.cust_acct_site_id = p_account_site_id
2113: AND csu.cust_acct_site_id = cas.cust_acct_site_id
2114: AND cas.cust_account_id = caa.cust_account_id

Line 2239: hz_cust_accounts caa

2235: caa.tax_code tax_code
2236: ,caa.tax_rounding_rule tax_rounding_rule
2237: ,caa.tax_header_level_flag tax_header_level_flag
2238: FROM
2239: hz_cust_accounts caa
2240: WHERE caa.cust_account_id = p_account_id;
2242: BEGIN

Line 2554: -- or hz_cust_accounts or hz_cust_site_uses

2550: END IF; -- if5
2551: END IF; -- if4
2552: END IF; -- if3 p_site_ptp_id id not null
2553: -- Check if we can get the registration information from ap_supplier_sites_all
2554: -- or hz_cust_accounts or hz_cust_site_uses
2555: --
2556: IF (p_account_id is not NULL) and (p_account_site_id IS NOT NULL) THEN -- if6
2557: -- Check party type code
2558: IF p_account_type_code = 'SUPPLIER' THEN -- if7