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Line 602: l_acad_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 14, 6));

598: errbuf := NULL;
599: lv_status := 'S';
600: lv_sql_stmt := igs_pe_dynamic_persid_group.get_dynamic_sql (p_person_id_group,lv_status,lv_group_type);
601: l_acad_cal_type := RTRIM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 1, 10));
602: l_acad_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 14, 6));
603: l_adm_cal_type := RTRIM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 23, 10));
604: l_adm_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 37, 6));
605: l_record_errored := 'N';
606: igs_ge_msg_stack.initialize;

Line 604: l_adm_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 37, 6));

600: lv_sql_stmt := igs_pe_dynamic_persid_group.get_dynamic_sql (p_person_id_group,lv_status,lv_group_type);
601: l_acad_cal_type := RTRIM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 1, 10));
602: l_acad_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 14, 6));
603: l_adm_cal_type := RTRIM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 23, 10));
604: l_adm_sequence_number := IGS_GE_NUMBER.TO_NUM ( SUBSTR ( p_calendar_details, 37, 6));
605: l_record_errored := 'N';
606: igs_ge_msg_stack.initialize;
608: -- If the person id group as well as the session details are not entered then