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1 package ZPB_METADATA_PKG as
2 /* $Header: ZPBMDPKS.pls 120.0.12010.4 2006/08/03 11:59:25 appldev noship $ */
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- BUILD_DIMS - Exposes metadata for dimensions and objects associated with them
6 -- 				hierarchies, attributes, levels
7 --
8 -- IN: p_aw       - The AW to build
9 --     p_sharedAW - The shared AW (may be the same as p_aw)
10 --     p_type     - The AW type (PERSONAL or SHARED)
11 --     p_dims     - Space separated list of dim ID's
12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 procedure BUILD_DIMS(p_aw       in            varchar2,
14                      p_sharedAW in            varchar2,
15                      p_type     in            varchar2,
16                      p_dims     in            varchar2);
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 -- BUILD_INSTANCE - Expose metadata for all measures of an instance by calling
20 --				   	BUILD_MEASURE.  If it has not been done yet, call
21 --					BUILD_CUBE to expose metadat for the containing cube
22 --
23 -- IN: p_aw       - The AW
24 --     p_instance - The ID of the instance
25 --     p_type     - The type of the instance (PERSONAL, SHARED_VIEW, etc)
26 --     p_approver - The approvee ID.  Null is not applicable
27 --
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 procedure BUILD_INSTANCE(p_aw       in            varchar2,
30                          p_instance in            varchar2,
31                          p_type     in            varchar2,
32                          p_template in            varchar2 default null,
33                          p_approvee in            varchar2 default null);
35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 -- BUILD_MEASURE - Builds a metadata map for a measure
37 --
38 -- IN: p_aw   - The AW containing the Calc
39 --     p_meas - The ID of the calc measure
40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 procedure BUILD_MEASURE(p_aw       in            varchar2,
42                         p_instance in            varchar2,
43                         p_meas     in            varchar2,
44                         p_cube     in            varchar2,
45                         p_column   in            varchar2,
46                         p_template in            varchar2 default null,
47                         p_approvee in            varchar2 default null,
48 					    p_currencyRel in         varchar2 default null);
50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 -- BUILD - Builds the Metadata Map, which is a map used by the
52 --         Java tier to boostrap OLAPI.
53 --
54 -- IN: p_aw     - The AW
55 --     p_sharedAW - The name of the shared AW.  May be the same as p_aw.
56 --     p_type   - The type, either PERSONAL or SHARED
57 --     p_doMeas - Update the measures as well, values are 'Y' or 'N'
58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 procedure BUILD(p_aw       in varchar2,
60                 p_sharedAW in varchar2,
61                 p_type     in varchar2,
62                 p_doMeas   in varchar2,
63 				p_onlySec  in varchar2 default 'N');
65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 -- BUILD_EXCEPTION_INST - Returns the instance_id for the "fake" excpetion
67 --                        instance.  The cube and measure information for
68 --						  this fake instance is never committed to DB but
69 --						  used only in the session in which its created.
70 --
71 -- IN: p_sharedAw - The shared AW
72 --     p_persAw   - The personal AW
73 --     p_instance - The ID of the instance
74 --     p_name     - The name of the measures to be created
75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 procedure BUILD_EXCEPTION_INST(p_sharedAw in            varchar2,
77                               p_persAw   in            varchar2,
78                               p_instance in            varchar2,
79                               p_name     in            varchar2,
80 							  p_user_id  in            varchar2,
81 							  p_bus_area_id in         varchar2,
82 							  p_fake_flag in           boolean default true,
83 						      p_start_up_flag in       boolean default false);
85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 -- BUILD_OWNERMAP_MEASURE - Exposes MD for containing cube and ownermap measure
87 --
88 -- IN: p_aw   - The AW of the ownermap measure
89 --     p_dims - The dimensions of the ownermap measure
90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 procedure BUILD_OWNERMAP_MEASURE(p_aw       in            varchar2,
92                                  p_dims     in            varchar2);
94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 -- BUILD_CUBE -Exposes metadata for a cube (zpb_cubes), its dimensionality
96 --				(zpb_cube_dims) and its hierarchies (zpb_cube_hier)
97 --
98 -- IN: p_aw       - The AW
99 --     p_cubeView - The name of the cube
100 --	   p_dims	  - Dimensionality of cube
101 --
102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 procedure BUILD_CUBE(p_aw       	in      varchar2,
104                      p_cubeView 	in      varchar2,
105                      p_dims     	in      varchar2,
106 		     		 p_cube_type 	in		varchar2 default 'STANDARD');
109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 -- REMOVE_INSTANCE - Removes the metadata for a given instance
111 --
112 -- IN: p_aw       - The AW to build on
113 --     p_instance - The ID of the instance
114 --     p_type     - The type of the instance (PERSONAL, SHARED_VOEW, etc)
115 --     p_template - The template ID. Null is not applicable
116 --     p_approvee - The approvee ID. Null is not applicable
117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 procedure REMOVE_INSTANCE(p_aw       in            varchar2,
119                           p_instance in            varchar2,
120                           p_type     in            varchar2,
121                           p_template in            varchar2,
122                           p_approvee in            varchar2);
124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 --  delete_user - 	   Procedure deletes all personal "personal" cubes and the
126 -- 					   contained measures for the specified user
127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 procedure delete_user(p_user varchar2);
130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 -- BUILD_PERSONAL_DIMS - Updates user's personal scoping for hierarchies, levels,
132 --						 and attributes.  Updates user's personal levels.
133 --
134 -- IN: p_aw       - The AW to build
135 --     p_sharedAW - The shared AW (may be the same as p_aw)
136 --     p_type     - The AW type (PERSONAL or SHARED)
137 --     p_dims     - Space separated list of dim ID's
138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 procedure BUILD_PERSONAL_DIMS(p_aw       	 in   varchar2,
140                      		  p_sharedAw 	 in   varchar2,
141                      		  p_type     	 in   varchar2,
142                      		  p_dims     	 in   varchar2);
144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 --  cleanOutBusinessArea - Procedure that deletes all md records for a
146 --                         particular business area.  Done before a universe
147 --                                              refresh.
148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 procedure cleanBusArea(p_bus_area_id in number);
151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 --  delete_shared_cubes - 	   Procedure deletes all shared and shared "personal" cubes and the
153 -- 					           contained measures for the specified business area
154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 procedure delete_shared_cubes(p_sharaw in varchar2);