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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

       SELECT 'X'
       FROM igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti,
            igs_pe_person_types pt
       WHERE pt.person_type_code = pti.person_type_code
       AND system_type IN ('NONIMG_STUDENT')
       AND person_id = p_person_id
       AND NVL(end_date, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE;
Line: 41

      SELECT 'X' FROM igs_en_svs_auth esa
                 WHERE person_id  = cp_person_id
                 AND NVL(esa.end_dt, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
                 AND exists (select 'x'
                             from igs_en_svs_auth_cal sac
                             where sac.sevis_auth_id = esa.sevis_auth_id
                             and cal_type = cp_cal_type
                             and ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 97

      FROM   igs_en_svs_auth auth,
             igs_en_svs_auth_cal sac
      WHERE auth.sevis_auth_id = sac.sevis_auth_id
          AND sac.cal_type = l_cal_type
      AND sac.ci_sequence_number = l_sequence_number;
Line: 107

     SELECT course_cd
     FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att
     WHERE  person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 113

     SELECT party_number, person_first_name||' '||person_middle_name||' '||person_last_name full_name
     FROM hz_parties
     WHERE party_id = l_person_id;
Line: 118

     SELECT alternate_code, start_dt, end_dt
     FROM igs_ca_inst_all
     WHERE cal_type = l_cal_type
     AND sequence_number = l_sequence_number;
Line: 124

    SELECT s_cal_cat
    FROM igs_ca_type
    WHERE cal_type = l_cal_type;
Line: 131

     SELECT  meaning
     FROM igs_lookups_view
     WHERE lookup_type =  'IGS_EN_SEVIS_AUTH_CODES'
     AND lookup_code = l_lookup_code;
Line: 138

    SELECT api_person_id
    FROM igs_pe_person_id_type_v
    WHERE pe_person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 145

   SELECT load_cal_type,load_ci_sequence_number
   WHERE  teach_cal_type = p_cal_type AND
          teach_ci_sequence_number = p_sequence_number AND
          load_end_dt >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
   ORDER BY load_start_dt asc;
Line: 155

    SELECT attendance_type FROM igs_en_atd_type_load
    WHERE  cal_type = l_cal_type
    AND    lower_enr_load_range = (SELECT MAX(lower_enr_load_range)
                                  FROM  igs_en_atd_type_load
                                  WHERE cal_type = l_cal_type);
Line: 393

FROM   igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti,
       igs_pe_person_types pt
WHERE  pt.person_type_code = pti.person_type_code
AND    pt.system_type = 'NONIMG_STUDENT'
AND    pti.person_id = p_person_id
AND    NVL(pti.end_date, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE;
Line: 409

SELECT gn.note_text,
FROM   igs_pe_pers_note pn,
       igs_ge_note gn,
       igs_ca_inst ci
WHERE  ci.cal_type = p_cal_type
AND    ci.sequence_number = p_seq_num
AND    pn.person_id = p_person_id
AND    pn.pe_note_type = 'RET_FULL_LOAD'
AND    pn.reference_number = gn.reference_number
AND    ci.start_dt <= pn.start_date
AND    NVL (pn.end_date, ci.end_dt) <= ci.end_dt
ORDER BY pn.start_date DESC;
Line: 430

SELECT attendance_type
FROM   igs_en_atd_type_load
WHERE  cal_type = p_cal_type
AND    lower_enr_load_range = ( SELECT MAX(lower_enr_load_range)
                                FROM   igs_en_atd_type_load
                                WHERE  cal_type = p_cal_type );
Line: 531

	  SELECT visa_type
	  FROM igs_pe_nonimg_form
	  WHERE person_id = p_person_id
	  AND form_status = 'A';
Line: 537

	    SELECT visa_type
	    FROM   igs_pe_visa_v
	    WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
	    AND visa_issue_date <= sysdate
	    AND sysdate <= visa_expiry_date ;
Line: 584

        SELECT add_months(TRUNC(p_start_date ),cp_no_of_months) final_dt
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 609

PROCEDURE insert_auth_cal_rec(
      p_sevis_auth_id                     IN NUMBER,
      p_cal_type                          IN VARCHAR2,
      p_ci_sequence_number                IN NUMBER) AS

   CURSOR c_auth_cal_exists IS
   WHERE SEVIS_AUTH_ID = p_sevis_auth_id
   AND cal_type = p_cal_type
   AND ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 635

    igs_en_svs_auth_cal_pkg.insert_row (
      x_mode                              => 'R',
      x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
      x_sevis_auth_id                     => p_sevis_auth_id,
      x_cal_type                          => p_cal_type,
      x_ci_sequence_number                => p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 645

END insert_auth_cal_rec;
Line: 647

PROCEDURE insert_authorization_rec(
      p_sevis_authorization_code            IN VARCHAR2,
      p_start_dt                          IN DATE,
      p_end_dt                            IN DATE,
      p_comments                          IN VARCHAR2,
      p_sevis_auth_id                     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
      p_sevis_authorization_no            IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
      p_person_id                         IN NUMBER,
      p_cancel_flag                        IN VARCHAR2) AS

    lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25) ;
Line: 662

   SELECT sevis_auth_id
   FROM igs_en_svs_auth
   WHERE person_id = p_person_id
   AND sevis_authorization_code = p_sevis_authorization_code
   AND start_dt = p_start_dt
   AND NVL(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 684

    igs_en_svs_auth_pkg.insert_row (
      x_mode                              => 'R',
      x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
      x_sevis_authorization_code          => p_sevis_authorization_code,
      x_start_dt                          => p_start_dt,
      x_end_dt                            => p_end_dt,
      x_comments                          => p_comments,
      x_sevis_auth_id                     => p_sevis_auth_id,
      x_sevis_authorization_no            => l_sevis_authorization_no,
      x_person_id                         => p_person_id,
      x_cancel_flag                       => p_cancel_flag);
Line: 698

END insert_authorization_rec;
Line: 733

      p_sevis_authorization_code ,
      p_start_dt               ,
      p_end_dt                 ,
      p_comments               ,
      p_sevis_auth_id          ,
      p_sevis_authorization_no ,
      p_person_id              ,
Line: 743

   insert_auth_cal_rec(p_sevis_auth_id, p_cal_type, p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 747

   insert_auth_cal_rec(p_sevis_auth_id, p_cal_type, p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 759

  SELECT start_dt, end_dt
  WHERE cal_type = p_cal_type
  AND sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 855

                        SELECT 'x'
                        FROM igs_en_svs_auth F,
                             igs_en_svs_auth S
                        WHERE f.person_id =cp_person_id
                        AND   s.person_id =cp_person_id
                        AND   f.ROWID    <> s.ROWID
                        AND   f.end_dt BETWEEN s.start_dt AND s.end_dt;