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APPS.IGS_PS_GEN_002 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 36

    SELECT crv.title
    FROM igs_ps_ver crv,
      igs_ps_stat crst
    WHERE crv.course_cd  = p_course_cd AND
      crst.course_status = crv.course_status
    ORDER BY decode( crst.s_course_status,
      cst_active, 1,
      cst_planned, 2, 3) ASC,
      crv.expiry_dt  DESC,
      crv.version_number DESC;
Line: 102

      SELECT  sca.cal_type, sca.version_number,sca.location_cd,sca.attendance_mode,sca.attendance_type
      FROM    igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca
      WHERE   sca.person_id = cp_person_id
      AND     sca.course_cd = cp_course_cd;
Line: 110

    SELECT aav.acad_cal_type, acai.crv_version_number , acai.location_cd,acai.attendance_mode,acai.attendance_type
    FROM igs_ad_appl aav,
         igs_ad_ps_appl_inst acai
    WHERE acai.person_id=cp_person_id AND acai.course_cd=cp_course_cd AND
    aav.person_id = acai.person_id AND aav.admission_appl_number = acai.admission_appl_number;
Line: 123

  SELECT program_length, program_length_measurement
  FROM   igs_ps_ofr_opt_all
  WHERE  course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
         version_number = cp_version_number AND
         cal_type = cp_cal_type AND
	 attendance_type = cp_attendance_type AND
         location_cd = cp_location AND
         attendance_mode = cp_attendance_mode AND
         program_length  IS NOT NULL AND
         program_length_measurement  IS NOT NULL;
Line: 227

    SELECT cul.unit_level
    FROM igs_ps_unit_lvl cul
    WHERE cul.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
      cul.version_number = p_course_version_number AND
      cul.unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
      cul.version_number = p_unit_version_number;
Line: 234

    SELECT uv.unit_level
    FROM igs_ps_unit_ver uv
    WHERE uv.unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
      uv.version_number = p_unit_version_number;
Line: 272

  p_last_update_on IN DATE ,
  p_update_on IN DATE ,
  p_last_update_who IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_percentage IN NUMBER ,
  p_major_field_ind IN VARCHAR2)
  v_s_course_status igs_ps_stat.s_course_status%TYPE;
Line: 283

    SELECT s_course_status
    FROM  igs_ps_stat, igs_ps_ver
    WHERE igs_ps_ver.course_cd = p_course_cd  AND
      igs_ps_ver.version_number  = p_version_number  AND
      igs_ps_stat.course_status = igs_ps_ver.course_status;
Line: 294

      x_rowid  => x_rowid,
      x_course_cd  => p_course_cd,
      x_field_of_study => p_field_of_study,
      x_hist_start_dt => p_last_update_on,
      x_version_number => p_version_number,
      x_hist_end_dt => p_update_on,
      x_hist_who  => p_last_update_who,
      x_percentage => p_percentage,
      x_major_field_ind => p_major_field_ind,
      x_mode  => 'R',
      x_org_id   => l_org_id);
Line: 318

  p_last_update_on IN DATE ,
  p_update_on IN DATE ,
  p_last_update_who IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_start_dt IN DATE ,
  p_review_dt IN DATE ,
  p_expiry_dt IN DATE ,
  p_end_dt IN DATE ,
  p_course_status IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_title IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_short_title IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_abbreviation IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_supp_exam_permitted_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_generic_course_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_graduate_students_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_intrmsn_allowed_ind IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_course_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_responsible_org_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_responsible_ou_start_dt IN DATE ,
  p_govt_special_course_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
  p_qualification_recency IN NUMBER ,
  p_external_adv_stnd_limit IN NUMBER ,
  p_internal_adv_stnd_limit IN NUMBER ,
  p_contact_hours IN NUMBER ,
  p_credit_points_required IN NUMBER ,
  p_govt_course_load IN NUMBER ,
  p_std_annual_load IN NUMBER ,
  p_course_total_eftsu IN NUMBER ,
  p_max_intrmsn_duration IN NUMBER ,
  p_num_of_units_before_intrmsn IN NUMBER ,
  p_min_sbmsn_percentage IN NUMBER,
  p_min_cp_per_calendar IN NUMBER,
  p_approval_date IN DATE,
  p_external_approval_date IN DATE,
  p_federal_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
  p_institutional_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
  p_max_cp_per_teaching_period IN NUMBER,
  p_residency_cp_required IN NUMBER,
  p_state_financial_aid IN VARCHAR2,
  p_primary_program_rank IN NUMBER,
  p_n_max_wlst_per_stud IN NUMBER,
  p_n_annual_instruction_time IN NUMBER)
  v_ct_description igs_ps_type.description%TYPE;
Line: 367

    SELECT description
    FROM igs_ps_type
    WHERE course_type = p_course_type;
Line: 371

    SELECT party_name description
    FROM igs_or_inst_org_base_v
    WHERE party_number = p_responsible_org_unit_cd AND
  start_dt    = p_responsible_ou_start_dt;
Line: 376

    SELECT  description
    FROM    igs_ps_govt_spl_type
    WHERE   govt_special_course_type = p_govt_special_course_type;
Line: 417

      x_rowid        => x_rowid,
      x_course_cd                  => p_course_cd,
      x_version_number             => p_version_number,
      x_hist_start_dt              => p_last_update_on,
      x_hist_end_dt                => p_update_on,
      x_hist_who                   => p_last_update_who,
      x_start_dt                   => p_start_dt,
      x_review_dt                  => p_review_dt,
      x_expiry_dt                  => p_expiry_dt,
      x_end_dt                     => p_end_dt,
      x_course_status              => p_course_status,
      x_title                      => p_title,
      x_short_title                => p_short_title,
      x_abbreviation               => p_abbreviation,
      x_supp_exam_permitted_ind    => p_supp_exam_permitted_ind,
      x_generic_course_ind         => p_generic_course_ind,
      x_graduate_students_ind      => p_graduate_students_ind,
      x_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind  => p_count_intrmsn_in_time_ind,
      x_intrmsn_allowed_ind        => p_intrmsn_allowed_ind,
      x_course_type                => p_course_type,
      x_ct_description             => v_ct_description,
      x_responsible_org_unit_cd    => p_responsible_org_unit_cd,
      x_responsible_ou_start_dt    => p_responsible_ou_start_dt,
      x_ou_description             => v_ou_description,
      x_govt_special_course_type   => p_govt_special_course_type,
      x_gsct_description           => v_gsct_description,
      x_qualification_recency      => p_qualification_recency,
      x_external_adv_stnd_limit    => p_external_adv_stnd_limit,
      x_internal_adv_stnd_limit    => p_internal_adv_stnd_limit,
      x_contact_hours              => p_contact_hours,
      x_credit_points_required     => p_credit_points_required,
      x_govt_course_load           => p_govt_course_load,
      x_std_annual_load            => p_std_annual_load,
      x_course_total_eftsu         => p_course_total_eftsu,
      x_max_intrmsn_duration       => p_max_intrmsn_duration,
      x_num_of_units_before_intrmsn=> p_num_of_units_before_intrmsn,
      x_min_sbmsn_percentage       => p_min_sbmsn_percentage,
      x_min_cp_per_calendar        => p_min_cp_per_calendar,
      x_approval_date              => p_approval_date,
      x_external_approval_date     => p_external_approval_date,
      x_federal_financial_aid      => p_federal_financial_aid ,
      x_institutional_financial_aid=> p_institutional_financial_aid ,
      x_max_cp_per_teaching_period => p_max_cp_per_teaching_period ,
      x_residency_cp_required      => p_residency_cp_required,
      x_state_financial_aid        => p_state_financial_aid,
      x_primary_program_rank       => p_primary_program_rank,
      x_max_wlst_per_stud          => p_n_max_wlst_per_stud,
      x_mode                       => 'R',
      x_org_id                     => l_org_id,
      x_annual_instruction_time    => p_n_annual_instruction_time);