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Line 14: -- added calls to ams_access_pvt.create_access and

10: -- 4. commented out reference to object_attributes
11: -- 17-AUG-2001 julou modified
12: -- added approval for status change
13: -- 21-AUG-2001 julou modified
14: -- added calls to ams_access_pvt.create_access and
15: -- ams_access_pvt.update_object_owner.
16: -- 01-Nov-2001 rssharma modified
17: -- passing list_price , along with operand
18: -- 22-Oct-2002 RSSHARMA Added Function to get Currency Header Name

Line 15: -- ams_access_pvt.update_object_owner.

11: -- 17-AUG-2001 julou modified
12: -- added approval for status change
13: -- 21-AUG-2001 julou modified
14: -- added calls to ams_access_pvt.create_access and
15: -- ams_access_pvt.update_object_owner.
16: -- 01-Nov-2001 rssharma modified
17: -- passing list_price , along with operand
18: -- 22-Oct-2002 RSSHARMA Added Function to get Currency Header Name
19: -- Added Currency_header_id for multi currency support

Line 190: l_access_rec ams_access_PVT.access_rec_type;

186: v_qualifiers_val_tbl QP_Qualifier_Rules_Pub.Qualifiers_Val_Tbl_Type;
187: v_pricing_attr_tbl QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
188: v_pricing_attr_val_tbl QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Val_Tbl_Type;
189: l_ozf_price_list_attr_rec OZF_PRICE_LIST_PVT.OZF_PRICE_LIST_Rec_Type;
190: l_access_rec ams_access_PVT.access_rec_type;
191: l_jtf_note_id NUMBER;
192: l_lines_delete VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
193: l_access_id NUMBER;

Line 256: IF AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(p_price_list_rec.list_header_id, 'PRIC',l_resource_id,'USER') NOT IN ('F','R') THEN

254: -- Commented to allow product association to Price Lists Created in QP
255: /* IF p_price_list_rec.operation <> QP_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE THEN
256: IF AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(p_price_list_rec.list_header_id, 'PRIC',l_resource_id,'USER') NOT IN ('F','R') THEN
260: x_error_source := 'H';

Line 646: ams_access_PVT.create_access(

642: l_access_rec.ADMIN_FLAG := 'Y';
643: l_access_rec.ACTIVE_TO_DATE := p_price_list_rec.end_date_active;
644: l_access_rec.OWNER_FLAG := 'Y';
646: ams_access_PVT.create_access(
647: p_api_version => l_api_version,
648: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.g_false,
649: p_commit => FND_API.g_false,
650: p_validation_level => FND_API.g_valid_level_full,

Line 705: l_is_owner := ams_access_PVT.check_owner(p_object_id => p_price_list_rec.list_header_id

701: l_ozf_price_list_attr_rec.price_list_attribute_id := p_price_list_rec.price_list_attribute_id;
702: l_ozf_price_list_attr_rec.object_version_number := p_price_list_rec.object_version_number;
703: l_ozf_price_list_attr_rec.qp_list_header_id := p_price_list_rec.list_header_id;
704: -- added by julou 08/21/2001 check if the owner is changed. if so, update the owner inof in ams_act_access
705: l_is_owner := ams_access_PVT.check_owner(p_object_id => p_price_list_rec.list_header_id
706: ,p_object_type => 'PRIC'
707: ,p_user_or_role_id => l_owner_id
708: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');
709: IF l_owner_id IS NOT NULL AND l_owner_id <> FND_API.G_MISS_NUM AND l_is_owner = 'N' THEN -- owner is changed

Line 711: l_is_admin := ams_Access_PVT.Check_Admin_Access(l_resource_id); -- check if login user is super user

707: ,p_user_or_role_id => l_owner_id
708: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');
709: IF l_owner_id IS NOT NULL AND l_owner_id <> FND_API.G_MISS_NUM AND l_is_owner = 'N' THEN -- owner is changed
710: -- bug 3780070 exception when updating price list created from QP i.e. no owner id for QP price lists
711: l_is_admin := ams_Access_PVT.Check_Admin_Access(l_resource_id); -- check if login user is super user
712: l_login_is_owner := ams_access_PVT.check_owner(p_object_id => p_price_list_rec.list_header_id
713: ,p_object_type => 'PRIC'
714: ,p_user_or_role_id => l_resource_id
715: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');

Line 712: l_login_is_owner := ams_access_PVT.check_owner(p_object_id => p_price_list_rec.list_header_id

708: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');
709: IF l_owner_id IS NOT NULL AND l_owner_id <> FND_API.G_MISS_NUM AND l_is_owner = 'N' THEN -- owner is changed
710: -- bug 3780070 exception when updating price list created from QP i.e. no owner id for QP price lists
711: l_is_admin := ams_Access_PVT.Check_Admin_Access(l_resource_id); -- check if login user is super user
712: l_login_is_owner := ams_access_PVT.check_owner(p_object_id => p_price_list_rec.list_header_id
713: ,p_object_type => 'PRIC'
714: ,p_user_or_role_id => l_resource_id
715: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');
716: IF l_is_admin OR l_login_is_owner = 'Y' THEN -- only super user/owner of price list can change the owner

Line 717: ams_access_PVT.update_object_owner(

713: ,p_object_type => 'PRIC'
714: ,p_user_or_role_id => l_resource_id
715: ,p_user_or_role_type => 'USER');
716: IF l_is_admin OR l_login_is_owner = 'Y' THEN -- only super user/owner of price list can change the owner
717: ams_access_PVT.update_object_owner(
718: p_api_version => l_api_version,
719: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.g_false,
720: p_commit => FND_API.g_false,
721: p_validation_level => FND_API.g_valid_level_full,