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Line 4550: from fnd_lookup_values flv,

4546: l_code varchar2(30);
4547: begin
4548: select flv.lookup_code
4549: into l_code
4550: from fnd_lookup_values flv,
4551: per_assignments_f asg,
4552: hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys key
4553: where key.user_key_value = p_assignment_user_key
4554: and asg.assignment_id = key.unique_key_id

Line 4751: from fnd_lookup_values flv

4747: -- Check against meaning using the new R11.5 lookup tables.
4748: --
4749: select flv.lookup_code
4750: into l_code
4751: from fnd_lookup_values flv
4752: where flv.meaning = p_meaning_or_code
4753: and flv.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
4754: and flv.language = nvl(l_language_code, userenv('LANG'))
4755: and flv.view_application_id = 3