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2 /* $Header: AHLVRLGS.pls 115.15 2003/11/06 00:55:31 ssurapan noship $ */
3 --
4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- Define Record Types for record structures needed by the APIs --
6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- Record of task hours and times
8 TYPE Visit_Task_Times_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
9         VISIT_TASK_ID           NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the visit task
10         MR_ROUTE_ID             NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the associated route
11         PARENT_TASK_ID          NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the latest ending parent (can be null)
12         TASK_START_HOUR         NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Normalized start hour for this task (w.r.t visit)
13         TASK_DURATION           NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Duration of the visit
14         TASK_END_HOUR           NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Normalized end hour for this task
15         TASK_START_TIME         DATE             := NULL,  -- Actual start time of this task
16         TASK_END_TIME           DATE             := NULL   -- Actual end time of this task
17         );
19 -- Record of Plan resources
20 TYPE Plan_Rsrc_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
21         ASO_BOM_TYPE            VARCHAR2(30)     := NULL,  -- ASO or BOM type of Resource
22         RESOURCE_ID             NUMBER           := NULL,  -- ASO resource id or BOM resource id
23         RESOURCE_TYPE           NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Resource type code
24         RESOURCE_TYPE_MEANING   VARCHAR2(30)     := NULL,  -- Meaning of Resource type code
25         RESOURCE_NAME           VARCHAR2(30)     := NULL,  -- Name of the resource
26         RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION    VARCHAR2(240)    := NULL,  -- Description of the resource
27      	CAPACITY_UNITS          NUMBER,
28         REQUIRED_UNITS          NUMBER           := NULL,  ------- Required Units of Resource
29         AVAILABLE_UNITS         NUMBER           := NULL,------  -- Available Units of Resource
30     	DEPT_DESCRIPTION        VARCHAR2(240)    := NULL,
31         PERIOD_STRING           VARCHAR2(80)     := NULL,  -- Display String of Period --new
32         PERIOD_START            DATE             := NULL,  -- Period Start Date/Time  -- new
33         PERIOD_END              DATE             := NULL,  -- Period End Date/Time   -- new
34         DEPT_ID                 NUMBER           := null
35         );
37 -- Record of Resource Requirement and Availability over a Period
38 TYPE Period_Rsrc_Req_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
39         PERIOD_STRING           VARCHAR2(80)     := NULL,  -- Display String of Period
40         PERIOD_START            DATE             := NULL,  -- Period Start Date/Time
41         PERIOD_END              DATE             := NULL,  -- Period End Date/Time
42         RESOURCE_ID             NUMBER           := NULL,  -- ASO resource id or BOM resource id
43 	RESOURCE_TYPE           NUMBER           := NULL,
44     	DEPARTMENT_ID           NUMBER           := NULL,
45     	DEPT_DESCRIPTION        VARCHAR2(240)    := NULL,
47     	RESOURCE_NAME           VARCHAR2(30)     := NULL,
49     	CAPACITY_UNITS          NUMBER           := NULL,
50         REQUIRED_UNITS          NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Required Units of Resource
51         AVAILABLE_UNITS         NUMBER           := NULL  -- Available Units of Resource
52         );
54 -- Record of Plan resources
55 TYPE Task_Requirement_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
56         VISIT_ID                NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Visit Id
57         TASK_ID                 NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Task Id
58         VISIT_NAME              VARCHAR2(80)     := NULL,  -- Visit Name
59         VISIT_NUMBER            NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Visit Number
60         VISIT_TASK_NAME         VARCHAR2(80)     := NULL,  -- Task Name
61         TASK_TYPE_CODE          VARCHAR2(30)            ,
62         DEPT_NAME               VARCHAR2(80)            ,
63         REQUIRED_UNITS          NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Required Units of Resource
64         AVAILABLE_UNITS         NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Available Units of Resource
65         QUANTITY                NUMBER           := NULL   -- Quantity Required
66         );
68 -- Record of Resource details
69 TYPE Task_Resource_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
70         TASK_ID                 NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the visit task
71         PER_COMPETENCE_ID       NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the resource's competence
72         PERRATING_LEVEL_ID      NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the Resource's rating level
73         PER_QUALIFICATION_ID    NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the Resource's qualification
74         BOM_RESOURCE_ID         NUMBER           := NULL,  -- The resource's BOM id
75         TIMESPAN                NUMBER           := NULL  -- The resource's duration/timespan
76         );
78 -- Record of skillset
79 TYPE Skillset_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
80         PER_COMPETENCE_ID       NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the resource's competence
81         PER_COMPETENCE_NAME     VARCHAR2(240)    := NULL,  -- Name of the competence
82         PERRATING_LEVEL_ID      NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the Resource's rating level
83         PER_RATING_LEVEL_NAME   VARCHAR2(80)     := NULL,  -- Name of the rating level
84         PER_QUALIFICATION_ID    NUMBER           := NULL,  -- Id of the Resource's qualification
85         PER_QUALIFICATION_NAME  VARCHAR2(100)    := NULL   -- Name of the qualification
86         );
89 ----------------------------------------------
90 -- Define Table Type for records structures --
91 ----------------------------------------------
92 TYPE Visit_Task_Times_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Visit_Task_Times_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
94 TYPE Plan_Rsrc_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Plan_Rsrc_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
96 TYPE Period_Rsrc_Req_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Period_Rsrc_Req_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
98 TYPE Task_Requirement_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Task_Requirement_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
100 TYPE Task_Resource_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Task_Resource_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
102 TYPE Skillset_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Skillset_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
104 ------------------------
105 -- Declare Procedures --
106 ------------------------
108 -- Start of Comments --
109 --  Procedure name    : Derive_Visit_Task_Times
110 --  Type              : Private
111 --  Function          : Derive the start and end times/hours of tasks associated with a visit
112 --  Pre-reqs    :
113 --  Parameters  :
114 --
115 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
116 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
117 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
118 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
119 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
120 --      p_default                       IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
121 --      p_module_type                   IN      VARCHAR2     Default  NULL.
122 --
123 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
124 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
125 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
126 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
127 --
128 --  Derive_Visit_Task_Times Parameters:
129 --      p_visit_id                      IN      NUMBER       Required
130 --         The id of the visit whose associated tasks' start and end times or hours
131 --         need to be derived
132 --      p_start_time                    IN      DATE         DEFAULT NULL
133 --         Start time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or after this
134 --         time will be considered. Tasks that end before this time will be ignored.
135 --         If null, no filtering will be done
136 --      p_end_time                      IN      DATE         DEFAULT NULL
137 --         End time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or before this
138 --         time will be considered. Tasks that start after this time will be ignored.
139 --         If null, no filtering will be done
140 --      x_visit_start_time              OUT     DATE
141 --         The start time of the visit
142 --      x_visit_end_time                OUT     DATE
143 --         The derived end time of the visit
144 --      x_visit_end_hour                OUT     NUMBER
145 --         The derived end hour (normalized) of the visit
146 --      x_visit_task_times_tbl          OUT     AHL_LTP_RESRC_LEVL_PVT.Visit_Task_Times_Tbl_Type
147 --         The table containing details about the tasks associated with this visit
148 --
149 --  Version :
150 --      Initial Version   1.0
151 --
152 --  End of Comments.
154 PROCEDURE Derive_Visit_Task_Times
155 (
156     p_api_version           IN            NUMBER,
157     p_init_msg_list         IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
158     p_commit                IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
159     p_validation_level      IN            NUMBER    := Fnd_Api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
160     p_default               IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_TRUE,
161     p_module_type           IN            VARCHAR2  := NULL,
162     p_visit_id              IN            NUMBER,
163     p_start_time            IN            DATE      := NULL,
164     p_end_time              IN            DATE      := NULL,
165     x_visit_start_time      OUT NOCOPY           DATE,
166     x_visit_end_time        OUT NOCOPY           DATE,
167     x_visit_end_hour        OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
168     x_visit_task_times_tbl  OUT NOCOPY    Ahl_Ltp_Resrc_Levl_Pvt.Visit_Task_Times_Tbl_Type,
169     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2,
170     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
171     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2
172 );
174 -- Start of Comments --
175 --  Procedure name    : Get_Plan_Resources
176 --  Type              : Private
177 --  Function          : Gets the distinct Resources (Name, Type, Code) required by a given
178 --                      department during a given period for a given Plan
179 --  Pre-reqs    :
180 --  Parameters  :
181 --
182 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
183 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
184 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
185 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
186 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
187 --      p_default                       IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
188 --      p_module_type                   IN      VARCHAR2     Default  NULL.
189 --
190 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
191 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
192 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
193 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
194 --
195 --  Get_Plan_Resources Parameters:
196 --      p_dept_id                       IN      NUMBER       REQUIRED
197 --         The department that is to be searched for resources
198 --      p_dept_name                     IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
199 --         The name of the department (will be mapped to Id if p_dept_id is not given)
200 --      p_org_name                      IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
201 --         The name of the organization where the department is
202 --      p_plan_id                       IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
203 --         The id of the plan for which to get the resources
204 --      p_start_time                    IN      DATE         REQUIRED
205 --         Start time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or after this
206 --         time will be considered. Tasks that end before this time will be ignored.
207 --      p_end_time                      IN      DATE         REQUIRED
208 --         End time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or before this
209 --         time will be considered. Tasks that start after this time will be ignored.
210 --      x_plan_rsrc_tbl                 OUT  AHL_LTP_RESRC_LEVL_PVT.Plan_Rsrc_Tbl_Type
211 --         The table containing the distinct resources required.
212 --
213 --  Version :
214 --      Initial Version   1.0
215 --
216 --  End of Comments.
217 PROCEDURE Get_Plan_Resources
218 (
219     p_api_version           IN            NUMBER,
220     p_init_msg_list         IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
221     p_commit                IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
222     p_validation_level      IN            NUMBER    := Fnd_Api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
223     p_default               IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_TRUE,
224     p_module_type           IN            VARCHAR2  := NULL,
225     p_dept_id               IN            NUMBER,
226     p_dept_name             IN            VARCHAR2,
227     p_org_name              IN            VARCHAR2,
228     p_plan_id               IN            NUMBER,
229     p_start_time            IN            DATE,
230     p_end_time              IN            DATE,
231     x_plan_rsrc_tbl         OUT NOCOPY    Ahl_Ltp_Resrc_Levl_Pvt.Plan_Rsrc_Tbl_Type,
232     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2,
233     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
234     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2
235 );
237 -- Start of Comments --
238 --  Procedure name    : Get_Rsrc_Req_By_Period
239 --  Type              : Private
240 --  Function          : Gets the Requirements and Availability of a Resource
241 --                      by periods for a given department, during a given period,
242 --                      for a given Plan
243 --  Pre-reqs    :
244 --  Parameters  :
245 --
246 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
247 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
248 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
249 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
250 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
251 --      p_default                       IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
252 --      p_module_type                   IN      VARCHAR2     Default  NULL.
253 --
254 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
255 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
256 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
257 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
258 --
259 --  Get_Plan_Resources Parameters:
260 --      p_dept_id                       IN      NUMBER       REQUIRED
261 --         The department that is to be searched for resources
262 --      p_dept_name                     IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
263 --         The name of the department (will be mapped to Id if p_dept_id is not given)
264 --      p_org_name                      IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
265 --         The name of the organization where the department is
266 --      p_plan_id                       IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
267 --         The id of the plan for which to get the resources
268 --      p_start_time                    IN      DATE         REQUIRED
269 --         Start time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or after this
270 --         time will be considered. Tasks that end before this time will be ignored.
271 --      p_end_time                      IN      DATE         REQUIRED
272 --         End time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress before this
273 --         time will be considered. Tasks that start at or after this time will be ignored.
274 --      p_UOM_id                        IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
275 --         The id of the Period's unit of Measure (Days, Weeks, Months etc.)
276 --      p_resource_id                   IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
280 --      x_per_rsrc_tbl                  OUT  AHL_LTP_RESRC_LEVL_PVT.Period_Rsrc_Req_Tbl_Type
277 --         The id of the Resource whose requirements/Availabilities are to be derived
278 --      p_aso_bom_rsrc_type             IN      VARCHAR2    REQUIRED
279 --         The type of the resource (ASORESOURCE or BOMRESOURCE)
281 --         The table containing the distinct resources required.
282 --
283 --  Version :
284 --      Initial Version   1.0
285 --
286 --  End of Comments.
287 PROCEDURE Get_Rsrc_Req_By_Period
288 (
289     p_api_version           IN            NUMBER,
290     p_init_msg_list         IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
291     p_commit                IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
292     p_validation_level      IN            NUMBER    := Fnd_Api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
293     p_default               IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_TRUE,
294     p_module_type           IN            VARCHAR2  := NULL,
295     p_dept_id               IN            NUMBER,
296     p_dept_name             IN            VARCHAR2,
297     p_org_name              IN            VARCHAR2,
298     p_plan_id               IN            NUMBER,
299     p_start_time            IN            DATE,
300     p_end_time              IN            DATE,
301     p_UOM_code              IN            VARCHAR2,
302     p_required_capacity     IN            NUMBER,
303     x_per_rsrc_tbl          OUT NOCOPY    Ahl_Ltp_Resrc_Levl_Pvt.Period_Rsrc_Req_Tbl_Type,
304     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2,
305     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
306     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2
307 );
309 -- Start of Comments --
310 --  Procedure name    : Get_Task_Requirements
311 --  Type              : Private
312 --  Function          : Gets the Requirements of a Resource by Visit/Task
313 --                      for a given department, during a given period,
314 --                      for a given Plan
315 --  Pre-reqs    :
316 --  Parameters  :
317 --
318 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
319 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
320 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
321 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
322 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
323 --      p_default                       IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
324 --      p_module_type                   IN      VARCHAR2     Default  NULL.
325 --
326 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
327 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
328 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
329 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
330 --
331 --  Get_Plan_Resources Parameters:
332 --      p_dept_id                       IN      NUMBER       REQUIRED
333 --         The department that is to be searched for resources
334 --      p_dept_name                     IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
335 --         The name of the department (will be mapped to Id if p_dept_id is not given)
336 --      p_org_name                      IN      VARCHAR2     REQUIRED
337 --         The name of the organization where the department is
338 --      p_plan_id                       IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
339 --         The id of the plan for which to get the resources
340 --      p_start_time                    IN      DATE         REQUIRED
341 --         Start time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress at or after this
342 --         time will be considered. Tasks that end before this time will be ignored.
343 --      p_end_time                      IN      DATE         REQUIRED
344 --         End time filter for tasks. Only tasks that are in progress before this
345 --         time will be considered. Tasks that start at or after this time will be ignored.
346 --      p_resource_id                   IN      NUMBER     REQUIRED
347 --         The id of the Resource whose requirements/Availabilities are to be derived
348 --      p_aso_bom_rsrc_type             IN      VARCHAR2    REQUIRED
349 --         The type of the resource (ASORESOURCE or BOMRESOURCE)
350 --      x_task_req_tbl                  OUT     AHL_LTP_RESRC_LEVL_PVT.Task_Requirement_Tbl_Type
351 --         The table containing the resource requirements.
352 --
353 --  Version :
354 --      Initial Version   1.0
355 --
356 --  End of Comments.
357 PROCEDURE Get_Task_Requirements
358 (
359     p_api_version           IN            NUMBER,
360     p_init_msg_list         IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
361     p_commit                IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
362     p_validation_level      IN            NUMBER    := Fnd_Api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
363     p_default               IN            VARCHAR2  := Fnd_Api.G_TRUE,
364     p_module_type           IN            VARCHAR2  := NULL,
365     p_dept_id               IN            NUMBER,
366     p_dept_name             IN            VARCHAR2,
367     p_org_name              IN            VARCHAR2,
368     p_plan_id               IN            NUMBER,
369     p_start_time            IN            DATE,
370     p_end_time              IN            DATE,
371     p_dstart_time           IN            DATE,
372     p_dend_time             IN            DATE,
373     p_resource_id           IN            NUMBER,
374     p_aso_bom_rsrc_type     IN            VARCHAR2,
375     x_task_req_tbl          OUT NOCOPY    Ahl_Ltp_Resrc_Levl_Pvt.Task_Requirement_Tbl_Type,
376     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2,
377     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
378     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR2
379 );
381 /*
382 --//@@@@@ TO BE REMOVED
383 PROCEDURE Dump_Working_dates_tbl
384 (
385   p_start_date IN DATE := TO_DATE('15-May-2002'),
386   p_dept_id IN NUMBER := 1,
387   p_num_days IN NUMBER := 100
388 );
389 */
391 END Ahl_Ltp_Resrc_Levl_Pvt;