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1 PACKAGE wip_movProc_grp AS
2 /* $Header: wipmvgps.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 08:17:27 appldev noship $*/
4 /****************************************************************************
5  *
6  * This procedure works similar to backflushIntoMMTT and backflushIntoMTI
7  * except that this procedure will put item/lot/serial in PL/SQL object
8  * instead of insert them into MMTT and MTI. This procedure will be called
9  * from OSFM OA page.
10  *
12  *
13  * p_wipEntityID          WMTI.WIP_ENTITY_ID
14  * p_orgID                WMTI.ORGANIZATION_ID
15  * p_primaryQty           WMTI.PRIMARY_QUANTITY
16  * p_txnDate              WMTI.TRANSACTION_DATE
17  * p_txnHdrID             MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can generate this
18  *                        value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
19  * p_txnType              There are 3 possible values for this parameter
20  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_TXN (1) [move/scrap/reject]
21  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_TXN (2) [completion/EZ completion]
22  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.RET_TXN (3) [return/EZ return]
23  * p_fmOp                 WMTI.FM_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
24  *                        not completion and return transactions.
25  * p_fmStep               WMTI.FM_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
26  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
27  * p_toOp                 WMTI.TO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
28  *                        not completion and return transactions.
29  * p_toStep               WMTI.TO_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
30  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
31  * p_movTxnID             WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of parent move record. Only pass
32  *                        if not completion and return transactions. Caller can
33  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
34  * p_cplTxnID             MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Only pass this
35  *                        value if completion/return/EZ completion/EZ return
36  *                        Caller can generate this value from
37  *                        mtl_material_transactions_s.
38  * x_lotSerRequired       This parameter will determine whether we need to
39  *                        gather more lot/serial information from the user.
40  *                        There are 2 possible return values
41  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.YES(1) and WIP_CONSTANTS.NO(2)
42  * x_compInfo             PL/SQL object that store item/lot/serial information
43  *                        of backflush components.
44  * x_returnStatus         There are 2 possible values
45  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
46  *                        means this procedure succesfully processed
47  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
48  *                        means this transaction error out
49  *****************************************************************************/
50 PROCEDURE backflush(p_wipEntityID     IN        NUMBER,
51                     p_orgID           IN        NUMBER,
52                     p_primaryQty      IN        NUMBER,
53                     p_txnDate         IN        DATE,
54                     p_txnHdrID        IN        NUMBER,
55                     p_txnType         IN        NUMBER,
56                     p_fmOp            IN        NUMBER,
57                     p_fmStep          IN        NUMBER,
58                     p_toOp            IN        NUMBER,
59                     p_toStep          IN        NUMBER,
60                     p_movTxnID        IN        NUMBER,
61                     p_cplTxnID        IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
62                     x_lotSerRequired OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
63                     x_compInfo       OUT NOCOPY system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
64                     x_returnStatus   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
66 /****************************************************************************
67  *
68  * This procedure should be called from WIP Completion, WIP Move,
69  * and OSFM Move forms to insert all backflush components into MMTT. This
70  * procedure should be called before calling the main processors because we
71  * may need to gather lot/serial information for the backflush components.
72  * By the time the main processor pick up the record, all the information
73  * should be ready.
74  *
76  *
77  * p_wipEntityID          WMTI.WIP_ENTITY_ID
78  * p_orgID                WMTI.ORGANIZATION_ID
79  * p_primaryQty           WMTI.PRIMARY_QUANTITY
80  * p_txnDate              WMTI.TRANSACTION_DATE
81  * p_txnHdrID             MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can generate this
82  *                        value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
83  * p_txnType              There are 3 possible values for this parameter
84  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_TXN (1) [move/scrap/reject]
85  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_TXN (2) [completion/EZ completion]
86  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.RET_TXN (3) [return/EZ return]
87  * p_fmOp                 WMTI.FM_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
88  *                        not completion and return transactions.
89  * p_fmStep               WMTI.FM_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
90  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
91  * p_toOp                 WMTI.TO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
92  *                        not completion and return transactions.
93  * p_toStep               WMTI.TO_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
94  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
95  * p_movTxnID             WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of parent move record. Only pass
96  *                        if not completion and return transactions. Caller can
97  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
98  * p_cplTxnID             MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Only pass this
99  *                        value if completion/return/EZ completion/EZ return
100  *                        Caller can generate this value from
101  *                        mtl_material_transactions_s.
102  * p_mtlTxnMode           material processing mode
103  * p_reasonID             reason ID that will be inserted into MTI, MMTT
104  * p_reference            reference text that will be inserted into MTI, MMTT
105  * x_bfRequired           There are 3 possible return values
106  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_NOBF (0):
107  *                        means there is  no component to backflush
108  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_BF_NOPAGE (1):
109  *                        means there are some components to backflush, but
110  *                        no need to go to backflush page
111  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_BF_PAGE (2):
112  *                        means there are some components to backflush, and
113  *                        backflush page required to gather more lot/serial
114  * x_returnStatus         There are 2 possible values
115  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
116  *                        means this procedure succesfully processed
117  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
118  *                        means this transaction error out
119  *****************************************************************************/
120 PROCEDURE backflushIntoMMTT(p_wipEntityID   IN        NUMBER,
121                             p_orgID         IN        NUMBER,
122                             p_primaryQty    IN        NUMBER,
123                             p_txnDate       IN        DATE,
124                             p_txnHdrID      IN        NUMBER,
125                             p_txnType       IN        NUMBER,
126                             p_fmOp          IN        NUMBER,
127                             p_fmStep        IN        NUMBER,
128                             p_toOp          IN        NUMBER,
129                             p_toStep        IN        NUMBER,
130                             p_movTxnID      IN        NUMBER,
131                             p_cplTxnID      IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
132                             p_mtlTxnMode    IN        NUMBER,
133                             p_reasonID      IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
134                             p_reference     IN        VARCHAR2:= NULL,
135                             x_bfRequired   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
136                             x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
138 /****************************************************************************
139  *
140  * This procedure will be called from OSFM new backflush API for forward move
141  * and completion transaction. For undo and return transaction, OSFM
142  * will call their API to derive lot/serial of the component. This API is
143  * mainly use for background transaction.
144  *
146  *
147  * p_wipEntityID          WMTI.WIP_ENTITY_ID
148  * p_orgID                WMTI.ORGANIZATION_ID
149  * p_primaryQty           WMTI.PRIMARY_QUANTITY
150  * p_txnDate              WMTI.TRANSACTION_DATE
151  * p_txnHdrID             MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can generate this
152  *                        value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
153  * p_txnType              There are 3 possible values for this parameter
154  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_TXN (1) [move/scrap/reject]
155  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_TXN (2) [completion/EZ completion]
156  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.RET_TXN (3) [return/EZ return]
157  * p_fmOp                 WMTI.FM_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
158  *                        not completion and return transactions.
159  * p_fmStep               WMTI.FM_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
160  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
161  * p_toOp                 WMTI.TO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
162  *                        not completion and return transactions.
163  * p_toStep               WMTI.TO_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
164  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
165  * p_movTxnID             WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of parent move record. Only pass
166  *                        if not completion and return transactions. Caller can
167  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
168  * p_cplTxnID             MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Only pass this
169  *                        value if completion/return/EZ completion/EZ return
170  *                        Caller can generate this value from
171  *                        mtl_material_transactions_s.
172  * p_mtlTxnMode           material processing mode
173  * p_reasonID             reason ID that will be inserted into MTI, MMTT
174  * p_reference            reference text that will be inserted into MTI, MMTT
175  * x_lotSerRequired       This parameter will determine whether we need to
176  *                        gather more lot/serial information from the user.
177  *                        There are 2 possible return values
178  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.YES(1) and WIP_CONSTANTS.NO(2)
179  * x_returnStatus         There are 2 possible values
180  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
181  *                        means this procedure succesfully processed
182  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
183  *                        means this transaction error out
184  *****************************************************************************/
185 PROCEDURE backflushIntoMTI(p_wipEntityID     IN        NUMBER,
186                            p_orgID           IN        NUMBER,
187                            p_primaryQty      IN        NUMBER,
188                            p_txnDate         IN        DATE,
189                            p_txnHdrID        IN        NUMBER,
190                            p_txnType         IN        NUMBER,
191                            p_fmOp            IN        NUMBER,
192                            p_fmStep          IN        NUMBER,
193                            p_toOp            IN        NUMBER,
194                            p_toStep          IN        NUMBER,
195                            p_movTxnID        IN        NUMBER,
196                            p_cplTxnID        IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
197                            p_mtlTxnMode      IN        NUMBER,
198                            p_reasonID        IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
199                            p_reference       IN        VARCHAR2:= NULL,
200                            x_lotSerRequired OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
201                            x_returnStatus   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
203 /***************************************************************************
204  * This procedure will be used to do move, easy-return, easy-completion, and
205  * scrap transaction for Discrete, OSFM jobs, and Repetitive Schedule. The
206  * caller need to insert the record into WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE before calling
207  * this routine. Caller can generate wmti.transaction_id and wmti.group_id
208  * from the sequence wip_transactions_s. Caller need to insert both group_id
209  * and transaction_id before calling the procedure below. These 2 columns
210  * should have to same value. Caller should insert wmti.process_phase =
211  * 1(Validation) if validation needed, and insert wmti.process_phase =
212  * 2(Processing) if no validation needed(e.g. form do the validation), and
213  * insert wmti.process_status = 2(Running) to prevent Move Manager from
214  * picking up this record.
215  *
217  *
218  * p_movTxnid           transaction_id in WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE
219  * p_procPhase          There are 2 possible values
220  *                      WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_VAL(1),
221  *                      and WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_PROC(2)
222  *                      This value should be the same as WMTI.PROCESS_PHASE
223  * p_txnHdrID           MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can
224  *                      generate this value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
225  * p_mtlMode            Material processing mode. Can be either
227  *                      WIP_CONSTANTS.IMMED_CONC
228  * p_cplTxnID           MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Caller can
229  *                      generate this value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
230  * p_commmit            commit the change to the database if succesfully
231  *                      processing ? pass
232  *                      fnd_api.g_true or fnd_api.g_false
233  *                      if callers do not pass anything, no commit occur
234  * x_returnStatus       There are 2 possible values
235  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
236  *                      means the move transaction succesfully processed
237  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error*
238  *                      means an exception occurred
239  *                      The size of this variable should be VARCHAR2(1)
240  * x_errorMsg           contains the error message on failure. null on success.
241  *                      The size of this variable should be VARCHAR2(1000)
242  *                      because there may be errors in several columns.
243  *
244  * NOTE:
245  * 1. This procedure should be called if caller want to process one record at
246  *    a time such as Online transaction.
247  * 2. This procedure will return fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error if this records
248  *    failed. The caller can check the error message from x_errorMsg.
249  * 3. The caller does not have to insert child record for overmove/
250  *    overcompletion. This API will take care everything. The caller does not
251  *    have to call QA API either.
252  ***************************************************************************/
253 PROCEDURE processInterface(p_movTxnID      IN         NUMBER,
254                            p_procPhase     IN         NUMBER,
255                            p_txnHdrID      IN         NUMBER,
256                            p_mtlMode       IN         NUMBER,
257                            p_cplTxnID      IN         NUMBER := NULL,
258                            p_commit        IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
259                            x_returnStatus  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
260                            x_errorMsg      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
262 /***************************************************************************
263  * This procedure will be used to do move, easy-return, easy-completion, and
264  * scrap transaction for Discrete, OSFM jobs, and Repetitive Schedule. The
265  * caller need to insert the record into WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE before calling
266  * this routine. Caller can generate wmti.group_id from the sequence
267  * wip_transactions_s. Only group_id is mandatory for procedure below. Caller
268  * does not have to insert transaction_id. Caller should always insert
269  * wmti.process_phase = 1(Validation) to make sure that the records are valid,
270  * and insert wmti.process_status = 2(Running) to prevent Move
271  * Manager from picking up these records.
272  *
274  *
275  * p_groupID            group_id in WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE
276  * p_commmit            commit the change to the database if no record in this
277  *                      group error out ? pass
278  *                      fnd_api.g_true or fnd_api.g_false
282  *                      means the move transaction succesfully processed
279  *                      if callers do not pass anything, no commit occur
280  * x_returnStatus       There are 2 possible values
281  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
283  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error*
284  *                      means an exception occurred
285  *                      The size of this variable should be VARCHAR2(1)
286  *
287  * NOTE:
288  * 1. This procedure should be called if caller want to do batch processing for
289  *    multiple records in WMTI.
290  * 2. This procedure will return fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error if one or more
291  *    records in this group_id failed. The caller can check the error message,
292  *    and error column from WIP_TXN_INTERFACE_ERRORS.
293  * 3. The caller does not have to insert child record for overmove/
294  *    overcompletion. This API will take care everything. The callter does not
295  *    have to call QA API either.
296  ***************************************************************************/
297 PROCEDURE processInterface(p_groupID       IN         NUMBER,
298                            p_commit        IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
299                            x_returnStatus  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
300 END wip_movProc_grp;