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Line 109: -- | Igs_En_Elgb_Ovr_Pkg.insert_row (** If not exists )

105: -- |
106: -- | Function ENRP_LOG_PARA ( ** log parameters )
107: -- | Function ENRP_VAL_PARA ( ** Validate parameters )
108: -- | LOOP for all students
109: -- | Igs_En_Elgb_Ovr_Pkg.insert_row (** If not exists )
110: -- | Procedure ENRP_INS_STEP_OVER ( ** create override records for all steps passed )
111: -- | Procedure enrp_chk_pers_over/enrp_chk_prg_over/enrp_chk_unit_over ( ** based on the step type different call)
112: -- | Igs_En_Gen_015.validation_step_is_overridden ( ** whether step is overriden )
113: -- | Igs_En_Elgb_Ovr_Step_Pkg.insert_row ( ** create override record for the step )

Line 1409: Igs_En_Elgb_Ovr_Pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => l_rowid,

1405: -- if override record is not exists for the given student in given calendar(Load/Teach)
1406: IF cur_elgb_over%NOTFOUND THEN
1407: -- create override record for the given student in given calendar(Load/Teach)
1408: l_rowid :=NULL;
1409: Igs_En_Elgb_Ovr_Pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => l_rowid,
1410: x_elgb_override_id => l_elgb_override_id,
1411: x_person_id => cur_criteria_satisfied_rec.person_id,
1412: x_cal_type => l_cal_type,
1413: x_ci_sequence_number => l_ci_seq_number,