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1 PACKAGE pay_us_get_item_data_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: pyusgitd.pkh 120.0.12000000.1 2007/01/18 02:29:56 appldev noship $  */
4  /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation                        |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
8  +============================================================================+
10   Name
11     pay_us_get_item_data_pkg
13   Purpose
14     The purpose of this package is to derive data and Validate data to support
15     the generation of magnetic tape W2 / SQWL reports for US legilsative
16     requirements.
18     This mainly derives following data for W2 / SQWL
19             Contact Person Information
20             Employer Address
21             Employee Address
22             Contact Person Address
24     Referenced By:  Package  pay_us_reporting_utils_pkg
26    Notes
28    History
29    Date       Developer   Ver      Bug #       Description
30    ---------  ---------   ------   ---------   ---------------------------------------------------------
31    14-Jul-03  ppanda      115.0                Created
32    11-Sep-03  ppanda      115.2                A new column added to record structure person_name_address
33                                                   This change is the result of YE report requirements for
34                                                   country short name
35 */
37 /*   --------------------------------------------------------------
39 Purpose    : Purpose of this function is to get contact person details
40                  required for Submitter Record
41 Parameters :
42              p_effective_date -
43                  This parameter indicates the year for the function.
44              p_item_name   -  'CR_PERSON'
45                 identifies Contact Persons details in the Submitter record.
46              p_report_type - This parameter will have the type of the report.
47                                eg: 'W2' or 'SQWL'
48              p_format -    This parameter will have the format to be printed
49                           on W2. eg:'MMREF'
50              p_record_name -  This parameter will have the particular
51                               record name. eg: RA,RF,RE,RT etc.
52              p_validate - This parameter will check whether it wants to
53                           validate the error condition or override the checking.
54                                 'N'- Override
55                                 'Y'- Check
56              p_exclude_from_output - This parameter gives the information on
57                           whether the record has to be printed or not.
58                               'Y'- Do not print.
59                               'N'- Print.
60              p_person_id                IN  person_id of Contact Person
61              p_contact_prsn_name        OUT Contact Person Name          --out_1
62              p_contact_prsn_phone       OUT Contact Person Phone         --out_2
63              p_contact_prsn_extension   OUT Contact Person Extension     --out_3
64              p_contact_prsn_email       OUT Contact Person Email         --out_4
65              p_contact_prsn_fax         OUT Contact Person Fax           --out_5
66              p_contact_prsn_first_name  OUT Contact Person First  Name   --out_6
67              p_contact_prsn_middle_name OUT Contact Person Middle Name   --out_7
68              p_contact_prsn_last_name   OUT Contact Person Last   Name   --out_8
70    Error checking
72    Special Note  :
73 ----------------------------------------------------------------   */
75                    p_assignment_id            IN  number,
76                    p_date_earned              IN  date,
77                    p_tax_unit_id              IN  number,
78                    p_effective_date           IN  varchar2,
79                    p_item_name                IN  varchar2,
80                    p_report_type              IN  varchar2,
81                    p_format                   IN  varchar2,
82                    p_report_qualifier         IN  varchar2,
83                    p_record_name              IN  varchar2,
84                    p_person_id                IN  varchar2,
85                    p_validate                 IN  varchar2,
86                    p_exclude_from_output      OUT nocopy varchar2,
87                    p_contact_prsn_name        OUT nocopy varchar2,
88                    p_contact_prsn_phone       OUT nocopy varchar2,
89                    p_contact_prsn_extension   OUT nocopy varchar2,
90                    p_contact_prsn_email       OUT nocopy varchar2,
91                    p_contact_prsn_fax         OUT nocopy varchar2,
92                    p_contact_prsn_first_name  OUT nocopy varchar2,
93                    p_contact_prsn_middle_name OUT nocopy varchar2,
94                    p_contact_prsn_last_name   OUT nocopy varchar2
95                     ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
96 --
97 -- Function to Get Employee Address
98 --
99 /*
100     Parameters :
101                p_effective_date -
102                            This parameter indicates the year for the function.
103                p_item_name   -  'EE_ADDRESS'
104                                 identifies Employee Address required for
105                                 Employee record.
106                p_report_type - This parameter will have the type of the report.
107                                eg: 'W2' or 'SQWL'
108                p_format -    This parameter will have the format to be printed
109                           on W2. eg:'MMREF'
110                p_record_name - This parameter will have the particular
111                                record name. eg: RE
112                p_validate - This parameter will check whether it wants to
113                             validate the error condition or override the
114                             checking.
115                                 'N'- Override
116                                 'Y'- Check
117                p_exclude_from_output -
118                            This parameter gives the information on
119                            whether the record has to be printed or not.
120                            'Y'- Do not print.
121                            'N'- Print.
122               sp_out_1 -  This out parameter returns Employee Location Address
123               sp_out_2 -  This out parameter returns Employee Deliver Address
124               sp_out_3 -  This out parameter returns Employee City
125               sp_out_4 -  This out parameter returns State
126               sp_out_5 -  This out parameter returns Zip Code
127               sp_out_6 -  This out parameter returns Zip Code Extension
128               sp_out_7 -  This out parameter returns Foreign State/Province
129               sp_out_8 -  This out parameter returns Foreign Postal Code
130               sp_out_9 -  This out parameter returns Foreign Country Code
131               sp_out_10 - This parameter is returns  Employee Number
132 */
134                    p_assignment_id        IN  number,
135                    p_date_earned          IN  date,
136                    p_tax_unit_id          IN  number,
137                    p_effective_date       IN  varchar2,
138                    p_item_name            IN  varchar2,
139                    p_report_type          IN  varchar2,
140                    p_format               IN  varchar2,
141                    p_report_qualifier     IN  varchar2,
142                    p_record_name          IN  varchar2,
143                    p_input_1              IN  varchar2,
144                    p_input_2              IN  varchar2,
145                    p_input_3              IN  varchar2,
146                    p_input_4              IN  varchar2,
147                    p_input_5              IN  varchar2,
148                    p_validate             IN  varchar2,
149                    p_exclude_from_output  OUT nocopy varchar2,
150                    sp_out_1               OUT nocopy varchar2,
151                    sp_out_2               OUT nocopy varchar2,
152                    sp_out_3               OUT nocopy varchar2,
153                    sp_out_4               OUT nocopy varchar2,
154                    sp_out_5               OUT nocopy varchar2,
155                    sp_out_6               OUT nocopy varchar2,
156                    sp_out_7               OUT nocopy varchar2,
157                    sp_out_8               OUT nocopy varchar2,
158                    sp_out_9               OUT nocopy varchar2,
159                    sp_out_10              OUT nocopy varchar2
160                        ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
161 --
162 -- Function GET_ER_ADDRESS  to Get Employer Address
163 --
164 /*
165     Parameters :
166                p_effective_date -
167                            This parameter indicates the year for the function.
168                p_item_name   -  'ER_ADDRESS'
169                                 identifies Employee Address required for
170                                 Employee record.
171                p_report_type - This parameter will have the type of the report.
172                                eg: 'W2' or 'SQWL'
173                p_format -    This parameter will have the format to be printed
174                           on W2. eg:'MMREF'
175                p_record_name - This parameter will have the particular
176                                record name. eg: RE
177                p_validate - This parameter will check whether it wants to
178                             validate the error condition or override the
179                             checking.
180                                 'N'- Override
181                                 'Y'- Check
182                p_exclude_from_output -
183                            This parameter gives the information on
184                            whether the record has to be printed or not.
185                            'Y'- Do not print.
186                            'N'- Print.
187               sp_out_1 -  This out parameter returns Employer Location Address
188               sp_out_2 -  This out parameter returns Employer Deliver Address
189               sp_out_3 -  This out parameter returns Employer City
190               sp_out_4 -  This out parameter returns State
191               sp_out_5 -  This out parameter returns Zip Code
192               sp_out_6 -  This out parameter returns Zip Code Extension
193               sp_out_7 -  This out parameter returns Foreign State/Province
194               sp_out_8 -  This out parameter returns Locality Company ID
195                              (Currently only Philadelphia Local W2 uses this)
196               sp_out_9 -  This out parameter returns Foreign Country Code
197               sp_out_10 - This parameter is returns  Organization Name
198 */
199 FUNCTION get_mmref_employer_address (
200                    p_assignment_id        IN  number,
201                    p_date_earned          IN  date,
202                    p_tax_unit_id          IN  number,
203                    p_effective_date       IN  varchar2,
204                    p_item_name            IN  varchar2,
205                    p_report_type          IN  varchar2,
206                    p_format               IN  varchar2,
207                    p_report_qualifier     IN  varchar2,
208                    p_record_name          IN  varchar2,
209                    p_input_1              IN  varchar2,
210                    p_input_2              IN  varchar2,
211                    p_input_3              IN  varchar2,
212                    p_input_4              IN  varchar2,
213                    p_input_5              IN  varchar2,
214                    p_validate             IN  varchar2,
215                    p_exclude_from_output  OUT nocopy varchar2,
216                    sp_out_1               OUT nocopy varchar2,
217                    sp_out_2               OUT nocopy varchar2,
218                    sp_out_3               OUT nocopy varchar2,
219                    sp_out_4               OUT nocopy varchar2,
220                    sp_out_5               OUT nocopy varchar2,
221                    sp_out_6               OUT nocopy varchar2,
222                    sp_out_7               OUT nocopy varchar2,
223                    sp_out_8               OUT nocopy varchar2,
224                    sp_out_9               OUT nocopy varchar2,
225                    sp_out_10              OUT nocopy varchar2
226                          ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
227 --{
228 -- This record structure is used for Person/Employee Address
229 -- MMREF Reporting and YE reports would use this record data type
230 --
231 TYPE person_name_address IS RECORD (
232      full_name        per_all_people_f.full_name%type       := NULL,
233      employee_number  per_all_people_f.employee_number%type := NULL,
234      addr_line_1      per_addresses.address_line1%type      := NULL,
235      addr_line_2      per_addresses.address_line2%type      := NULL,
236      addr_line_3      per_addresses.address_line3%type      := NULL,
237      city             per_addresses.town_or_city%type       := NULL,
238      province_state   varchar2(240)                         := NULL,
239      postal_code      varchar2(240)                         := NULL,
240      country          varchar2(240)                         := NULL,
241      country_name     varchar2(240)                         := NULL,
242      region_1         per_addresses.region_1%type           := NULL,
243      region_2         per_addresses.region_2%type           := NULL,
244      valid_address    varchar2(3)                           := 'N');
245 --
246 -- Function to get Person/Employee  Address
247 --
249                    p_report_type          IN  varchar2,
250                    p_person_id            IN  number,
251                    p_assignment_id        IN  number,
252                    p_period_end_date      IN  date,
253                    p_effective_date       IN  date,
254                    p_validate             IN  varchar2,
255                    p_source_type          IN  varchar2)
256              RETURN person_name_address;
257 --}
258 --{
259 -- This record structure is used for Organization Address
260 -- MMREF Reporting and YE reports would use this record data type
261 --
262 TYPE organization_name_address IS RECORD (
263      org_name         hr_organization_units.name%type      := NULL,
264      addr_line_1      hr_locations_all.address_line_1%type := NULL,
265      addr_line_2      hr_locations_all.address_line_2%type := NULL,
266      addr_line_3      hr_locations_all.address_line_3%type := NULL,
267      city             hr_locations_all.town_or_city%type   := NULL,
268      province_state   varchar2(240)                        := NULL,
269      postal_code      varchar2(240)                        := NULL,
270      country          varchar2(240)                        := NULL,
271      region_1         hr_locations_all.region_1%type       := NULL,
272      region_2         hr_locations_all.region_2%type       := NULL,
273      valid_address    varchar2(3)                          := 'N');
274 --
275 -- Function to get Organization/Employer  Address
276 --
278                    p_organization_id      IN  number,
279                    p_effective_date       IN  date,
280                    p_validate             IN  varchar2,
281                    p_source_type          IN  varchar2)
282             RETURN organization_name_address;
283 --}
284 --{
285 --
286 -- Function to get Concurrent Program Parameter Value
287 --
289                    p_mag_payroll_action_id IN  varchar2,      -- Context
290                    p_parameter_name        IN  varchar2)
291          RETURN varchar2;
292 --}
293 --
294 --BEGIN
295 --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'GETITEMDATA');
296 END pay_us_get_item_data_pkg;
297 --End of Package Specification