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Line 3: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

1: PACKAGE BODY hxt_td_util AS
2: /* $Header: hxttdutl.pkb 120.3.12000000.2 2007/07/18 11:12:08 asrajago noship $ */
3: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
4: -------------------------------------
5: -- PROCEDURE retro_restrict_edit --
6: -------------------------------------
7: -- The purpose of this procedure is to control the datetrack mode that can

Line 140: hr_utility.TRACE (

136: LOOP
137: l_details := TRUE;
138: if g_debug then
140: hr_utility.TRACE (
141: LPAD (rec_debug.id, 10)
142: || ' '
143: || LPAD (rec_debug.parent_id, 10)
144: || ' '

Line 157: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;

154: RETURN l_details;
155: END details;
156: BEGIN
157: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
158: o_return_code := 0; -- indicates all is OK
159: if g_debug then
160: l_proc := 'retro_restrict_edit';
161: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering '

Line 161: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering '

157: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
158: o_return_code := 0; -- indicates all is OK
159: if g_debug then
160: l_proc := 'retro_restrict_edit';
161: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering '
162: || l_proc, 10);
163: hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);
164: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_tim_id = '
165: || p_tim_id, 30);

Line 163: hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);

159: if g_debug then
160: l_proc := 'retro_restrict_edit';
161: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering '
162: || l_proc, 10);
163: hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);
164: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_tim_id = '
165: || p_tim_id, 30);
166: hr_utility.set_location (
167: ' p_session_date = '

Line 164: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_tim_id = '

160: l_proc := 'retro_restrict_edit';
161: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering '
162: || l_proc, 10);
163: hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);
164: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_tim_id = '
165: || p_tim_id, 30);
166: hr_utility.set_location (
167: ' p_session_date = '
168: || p_session_date,

Line 166: hr_utility.set_location (

162: || l_proc, 10);
163: hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);
164: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_tim_id = '
165: || p_tim_id, 30);
166: hr_utility.set_location (
167: ' p_session_date = '
168: || p_session_date,
169: 40
170: );

Line 171: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_parent_id = '

167: ' p_session_date = '
168: || p_session_date,
169: 40
170: );
171: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_parent_id = '
172: || p_parent_id, 50);
173: end if;
175: IF (details (p_tim_id))

Line 184: hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 60);

181: IF csr_not_transferred%FOUND
182: THEN -- we can do a correction
183: if g_debug then
184: hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 60);
185: end if;
187: o_dt_update_mod := 'CORRECTION';
188: ELSE -- look for records that have been transferred and undergoing RETRO

Line 199: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);

195: IF csr_transferred_retro%FOUND
196: THEN -- TC undergoing RETRO now, only UPDATE allowed.
198: if g_debug then
199: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);
200: end if;
201: o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
202: -- Bug 6067007

Line 221: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);

217: o_return_code := 1; -- this means that an error should be raised
218: o_dt_update_mod := NULL;
219: ELSE -- We can allow an DT UPDATE because that will keep the history
220: if g_debug then
221: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);
222: end if;
223: o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
224: END IF; -- IF csr_changed_today%FOUND

Line 229: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 80);

226: CLOSE csr_changed_today;
227: ELSE -- We can allow an DT UPDATE because that will keep the history
228: if g_debug then
229: hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 80);
230: end if;
231: o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
232: END IF; -- IF csr_transferred%FOUND
233: CLOSE csr_transferred;

Line 243: hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 90);

239: CLOSE csr_not_transferred;
241: ELSE -- if details
242: if g_debug then
243: hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 90);
244: end if;
245: o_dt_update_mod := 'CORRECTION';
246: END IF;

Line 320: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;

316: AND erp.effective_end_date;
318: l_proc VARCHAR2 (200) ;
319: BEGIN
320: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
321: if g_debug then
322: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
323: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
324: hr_utility.TRACE (

Line 323: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);

319: BEGIN
320: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
321: if g_debug then
322: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
323: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
324: hr_utility.TRACE (
325: 'a_date_worked :'
326: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
327: );

Line 324: hr_utility.TRACE (

320: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
321: if g_debug then
322: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
323: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
324: hr_utility.TRACE (
325: 'a_date_worked :'
326: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
327: );
328: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'

Line 328: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'

324: hr_utility.TRACE (
325: 'a_date_worked :'
326: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
327: );
328: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
329: || a_start_day_of_week);
330: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
331: || a_tim_id);
332: hr_utility.TRACE (

Line 330: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'

326: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
327: );
328: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
329: || a_start_day_of_week);
330: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
331: || a_tim_id);
332: hr_utility.TRACE (
333: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
334: || a_base_element_type_id

Line 332: hr_utility.TRACE (

328: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
329: || a_start_day_of_week);
330: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
331: || a_tim_id);
332: hr_utility.TRACE (
333: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
334: || a_base_element_type_id
335: );
336: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'

Line 336: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'

332: hr_utility.TRACE (
333: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
334: || a_base_element_type_id
335: );
336: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'
337: || a_ep_id);
338: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'
339: || a_for_person_id);
340: end if;

Line 338: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'

334: || a_base_element_type_id
335: );
336: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'
337: || a_ep_id);
338: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'
339: || a_for_person_id);
340: end if;
341: OPEN weekly_total;
342: FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;

Line 344: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'l_weekly_total :'

340: end if;
341: OPEN weekly_total;
342: FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;
343: if g_debug then
344: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'l_weekly_total :'
345: || l_weekly_total);
346: end if;
347: CLOSE weekly_total;
348: if g_debug then

Line 349: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);

345: || l_weekly_total);
346: end if;
347: CLOSE weekly_total;
348: if g_debug then
349: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);
350: end if;
351: RETURN l_weekly_total;
352: END;

Line 416: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;

412: AND erp.effective_end_date;
414: l_proc VARCHAR2 (200) ;
415: BEGIN
416: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
417: if g_debug then
418: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
419: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
420: hr_utility.TRACE (

Line 419: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);

415: BEGIN
416: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
417: if g_debug then
418: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
419: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
420: hr_utility.TRACE (
421: 'a_date_worked :'
422: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
423: );

Line 420: hr_utility.TRACE (

416: g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
417: if g_debug then
418: l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
419: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
420: hr_utility.TRACE (
421: 'a_date_worked :'
422: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
423: );
424: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'

Line 424: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'

420: hr_utility.TRACE (
421: 'a_date_worked :'
422: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
423: );
424: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
425: || a_start_day_of_week);
426: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
427: || a_tim_id);
428: hr_utility.TRACE (

Line 426: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'

422: || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
423: );
424: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
425: || a_start_day_of_week);
426: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
427: || a_tim_id);
428: hr_utility.TRACE (
429: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
430: || a_base_element_type_id

Line 428: hr_utility.TRACE (

424: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_start_day_of_week :'
425: || a_start_day_of_week);
426: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_tim_id :'
427: || a_tim_id);
428: hr_utility.TRACE (
429: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
430: || a_base_element_type_id
431: );
432: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'

Line 432: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'

428: hr_utility.TRACE (
429: 'a_base_element_type_id :'
430: || a_base_element_type_id
431: );
432: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'
433: || a_ep_id);
434: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'
435: || a_for_person_id);
436: end if;

Line 434: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'

430: || a_base_element_type_id
431: );
432: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_ep_id :'
433: || a_ep_id);
434: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'a_for_person_id :'
435: || a_for_person_id);
436: end if;
437: OPEN weekly_total;
438: FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;

Line 440: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'l_weekly_total :'

436: end if;
437: OPEN weekly_total;
438: FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;
439: if g_debug then
440: hr_utility.TRACE ( 'l_weekly_total :'
441: || l_weekly_total);
442: end if;
443: CLOSE weekly_total;
444: if g_debug then

Line 445: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);

441: || l_weekly_total);
442: end if;
443: CLOSE weekly_total;
444: if g_debug then
445: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);
446: end if;
447: RETURN l_weekly_total;
448: END get_weekly_total_prev_days;