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1 package cs_ea_autogen_tasks_pvt as
2 /* $Header: cseatsks.pls 120.0.12000000.2 2007/05/03 17:29:48 romehrot ship $ */
3   ---
4   Type Extended_attribute_rec_type is record (
5      -- sr_attribute_code_old varchar2(30),
6       sr_attribute_code_new varchar2(30),
7      -- sr_attribute_value_old varchar2(2000),
8       sr_attribute_value_new varchar2(2000)
9     );
10   Type Extended_attribute_table_type is table of Extended_attribute_rec_type
11                 index by binary_integer;
12   Type Task_type_table_type is table of number index by binary_integer;
13   procedure get_affected_tasks (
14       p_api_version           in         number,
15       p_init_msg_list         in         varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
16       p_incident_type_id_old  in         number,
17       p_incident_type_id_new  in         number,
18       p_ea_sr_attr_tbl        in         extended_attribute_table_type,
19       x_tasks_affected_flag   out nocopy varchar2,
20       x_task_type_tbl         out nocopy task_type_table_type,
21       x_return_status         out nocopy varchar2,
22       x_msg_count             out nocopy number,
23       x_msg_data              out nocopy varchar2
24    );
25   --
26   Type EA_SR_EXTND_ATTR_REC_TYPE is Record (
27     sr_attribute_code  varchar2(30),
28     sr_attribute_value varchar2(2000)
29   );
31                      index by binary_integer;
32   Type EA_Task_rec_type is Record (
33      task_name               varchar2(80),
34      task_description        varchar2(4000),
35      task_type_id            number,
36      task_status_id          number,
37      task_priority_id        number,
38      private_flag            varchar2(1),
39      publish_flag            varchar2(1),
40      owner_id                number,
41      assignee_id             number, --5686743
42      assignee_type_code      varchar2(30), --5686743
43      owner_type_code         varchar2(30),
44      planned_start_date      date,
45      planned_end_date        date,
46      planned_effort          number,
47      planned_effort_uom      varchar2(3),
48      source_object_id        number,
49      source_object_name      varchar2(80),
50      source_object_type_code varchar2(60),
51      field_service_task_flag varchar2(1),
52      workflow                varchar2(30),
53      workflow_type           varchar2(8),
54      tsk_typ_attr_dep_id     number
55   );
56   Type EA_Task_table_type is table of EA_task_rec_type index by binary_integer;
57   --
58   procedure get_extnd_attr_tasks (
59       p_api_version       in number,
60       p_init_msg_list     in varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
61       p_sr_rec            in CS_ServiceRequest_pub.service_request_rec_type,
62       p_request_id        in number,
63       p_incident_number   in varchar2 ,
64       p_sr_attributes_tbl in EA_SR_ATTR_TABLE_TYPE,
65       x_return_status out nocopy varchar2,
66       x_msg_count     out nocopy number,
67       x_msg_data      out nocopy varchar2,
68       x_task_rec_table out nocopy EA_task_table_type);
69   procedure create_extnd_attr_tasks (
70       p_api_version       in number,
71       p_init_msg_list     in varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
72       p_commit            in varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
73       p_sr_rec            in CS_ServiceRequest_pub.service_request_rec_type,
74       p_sr_attributes_tbl in EA_SR_ATTR_TABLE_TYPE,
75       p_request_id        in number ,
76       p_incident_number   in varchar2 ,
77       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
78       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY number,
79       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
80       x_auto_task_gen_attempted    OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
81       x_field_service_Task_created OUT NOCOPY varchar2);
82 end;