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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  select dd.unit_percentage, dd.deprn_expense_ccid,
	dd.location_id, dd.employee_id
    from fa_distribution_sets ds, fa_distribution_defaults dd
    where ds.name = X_name
    and ds.dist_set_id = dd.dist_set_id;
Line: 27

    delete from fa_massadd_distributions
    where mass_addition_id = X_mass_addition_id;
Line: 39

      select fa_massadd_distributions_s.nextval
 	into h_massadd_dist_id from dual;
Line: 42

      insert into fa_massadd_distributions (
	massadd_dist_id, mass_addition_id, units,
	deprn_expense_ccid, location_id, employee_id) values (
	h_massadd_dist_id, X_mass_addition_id, h_dist_units,
	h_ccid, h_location_id, h_employee_id);