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Line 54: pn_locations_all loc,

50: CURSOR agreement_cur(agr_id IN NUMBER)
51: IS
52: SELECT agr.* , loc.location_id
53: FROM pn_opex_agreements_all agr,
54: pn_locations_all loc,
55: pn_tenancies_all ten
56: WHERE agreement_id = agr_id
57: AND agr.tenancy_id = ten.tenancy_id
58: AND ten.location_id = loc.location_id;

Line 654: pn_locations_all loc,

650: CURSOR agreement_cur(agr_id IN NUMBER)
651: IS
652: SELECT agr.* , loc.location_id
653: FROM pn_opex_agreements_all agr,
654: pn_locations_all loc,
655: pn_tenancies_all ten
656: WHERE agreement_id = agr_id
657: AND agr.tenancy_id = ten.tenancy_id
658: AND ten.location_id = loc.location_id;

Line 1563: FROM pn_locations_all loc

1559: IS
1561: CURSOR csr_prop_id(loc_id IN NUMBER) IS
1562: SELECT loc.property_id prop_id
1563: FROM pn_locations_all loc
1564: WHERE loc.parent_location_id IS NULL
1565: START WITH loc.location_id = loc_id
1566: CONNECT BY PRIOR loc.parent_location_id=loc.location_id;

Line 2148: pn_locations_all loc,

2144: FROM pn_leases_all pl,
2145: pn_opex_agreements_all popex,
2146: pn_payment_terms_all ppt,
2147: pn_properties_all prop,
2148: pn_locations_all loc,
2149: pn_tenancies_all ten
2150: WHERE pl.lease_id = popex.lease_id
2151: AND popex.agreement_id = ppt.opex_agr_id
2152: AND popex.tenancy_id = ten.tenancy_id