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2 /* $Header: BISPMEAS.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 18:24:19 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5 REM +=======================================================================+
6 REM |    Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA     |
7 REM |                         All rights reserved.                          |
8 REM +=======================================================================+
9 REM | FILENAME                                                              |
10 REM |     BISPMEAS.pls                                                      |
11 REM |                                                                       |
12 REM | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
13 REM |     Public API for creating and managing Performance Measurements
14 REM |
15 REM | NOTES                                                                 |
16 REM |                                                                       |
17 REM | HISTORY                                                               |
18 REM | 28-NOV-98 irchen Creation
19 REM | 15-NOV-2001     Fix for 1850860     MAHRAO
20 REM | 26-JUL-2002 rchandra  Fixed for enh 2440739                           |
21 REM | 23-APR-2003 mdamle    PMD - Measure Definer Support               |
22 REM | 24-JUN-2003 rchandra  leap frog PMD Changes  to verssion 115.25       |
23 REM | 24-JUN-2003 rchandra  leap frog to verssion 115.26 which has the      |
24 REM |                         attribute for dataset_id in Measure_Rec_Type  |
25 REM |                         for bug 3004651                               |
26 REM | 26-JUN-03 RCHANDRA  do away with hard coded length for name and       |
27 REM |                      description for bug 2910316                      |
28 REM |                      for dimension and dimension levels               |
29 REM | 25-JUL-03 mahrao    As following procedures are referred from BSCPBMSB.pls,|
30 REM |                     they are removed from BISPMEASB.pls.              |
31 REM | 25-SEP-03 mdamle    Bug#3160325 - Sync up measures for all installed  |
32 REM |                     languages                     |
33 REM | 29-SEP-2003 adrao  Bug#3160325 - Sync up measures for all installed   |
34 REM |                    source languages                                   |
35 REM | 05-NOV-2003 smargand Adding a new column enabled to the record type   |
36 REM | 08-APR-2004 ankgoel  Modified for bug#3557236			    |
37 REM | 27-JUL-2004 sawu    Modified create/update measure api to take a      |
38 REM |                     default p_owner parameter                         |
39 REM | 01-SEP-2004 sawu    Added region, source/compare column app id to     |
40 REM |                     Measure_Rec_Type                                  |
41 REM | 29-SEP-2004 ankgoel Added WHO columns in Rec for Bug#3891748          |
42 REM | 27-Dec-2004 rpenneru  Added Func_Area_Short_Name field to Measure_Rec |
43 REM |                       for enh#4080204                                 |
44 REM | 29-Jan-2005 vtulasi   Enh#4102897- Increasing buffer size for         |
45 REM |                       function_name related variables                 |
46 REM | 21-FEB-2005 ankagarw  modified measure name  and description	    |
47 REM |			     column length for enh. 3862703                 |
48 REM | 22-APR-2005 akoduri   Enhancement#3865711 -- Obsolete Seeded Objects  |
49 REM | 03-MAY-2005  akoduri  Enh #4268374 -- Weighted Average Measures       |
50 REM +=======================================================================+
51 */
52 --
53 -- Data Types: Records
54 --
55 TYPE Measure_Instance_type IS RECORD
56 ( Measure_ID                    NUMBER
57 , Measure_Short_Name            VARCHAR2(32000)
58 , Measure_Name                  VARCHAR2(32000)
59 , Target_Level_ID               NUMBER
60 , Target_Level_Short_Name       VARCHAR2(32000)
61 , Target_Level_Name             VARCHAR2(32000)
62 , Plan_ID                       NUMBER
63 , Plan_Short_Name               VARCHAR2(32000)
64 , Plan_Name                     VARCHAR2(32000)
65 , Actual_ID                     NUMBER
66 , Actual                        NUMBER
67 , Target_ID                     NUMBER
68 , Target                        NUMBER
69 , Range1_low                    NUMBER
70 , Range1_high                   NUMBER
71 , Range2_low                    NUMBER
72 , Range2_high                   NUMBER
73 , Range3_low                    NUMBER
74 , Range3_high                   NUMBER
75 , Range1_Owner_ID               NUMBER
76 , Range1_Owner_Short_Name       VARCHAR2(32000)
77 , Range1_Owner_Name             VARCHAR2(32000)
78 , Range2_Owner_ID               NUMBER
79 , Range2_Owner_Short_Name       VARCHAR2(32000)
80 , Range2_Owner_Name             VARCHAR2(32000)
81 , Range3_Owner_ID               NUMBER
82 , Range3_Owner_Short_Name       VARCHAR2(32000)
83 , Range3_Owner_Name             VARCHAR2(32000)
84 );
86 TYPE Measure_Rec_Type IS RECORD
87 ( Measure_ID                   NUMBER
88 , Measure_Short_Name           VARCHAR2(30)
89 , Measure_Name                 bis_indicators_tl.name%TYPE
90 , Description                  bis_indicators_tl.DESCRIPTION%TYPE
91 ------fix for bug#3859267 -------------
92 , Region_App_Id                Ak_Region_Items.REGION_APPLICATION_ID%Type
93 , Source_Column_App_Id         Ak_Region_Items.ATTRIBUTE_APPLICATION_ID%Type
94 , Compare_Column_App_Id        Ak_Region_Items.ATTRIBUTE_APPLICATION_ID%Type
95 ------fix for 1850860 starts here------
96 , Actual_Data_Source_Type      VARCHAR2(30)
97 , Actual_Data_Source           VARCHAR2(240)
98 , Function_Name                FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS.FUNCTION_NAME%TYPE
99 , Comparison_Source            VARCHAR2(240)
100 , Increase_In_Measure          VARCHAR2(1)
101 ------fix for 1850860 ends here--------
102 , Enable_Link                  VARCHAR2(1)   -- 2440739
103 ------enhancement #3031053 start --------
104 , Enabled                      VARCHAR2(1)  := FND_API.G_TRUE  -- 2440739
105 ------enhancement #3031053 end --------
106 ------Enhancement 3865711--------------
107 , Obsolete                     VARCHAR2(1)  := FND_API.G_FALSE
108 ------Enhancement 4268374--------------
109 , Measure_Type                 VARCHAR2(30)
110 , Dimension1_ID                NUMBER
111 , Dimension1_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
112 , Dimension1_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
113 , Dimension2_ID                NUMBER
114 , Dimension2_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
115 , Dimension2_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
116 , Dimension3_ID                NUMBER
117 , Dimension3_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
118 , Dimension3_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
119 , Dimension4_ID                NUMBER
120 , Dimension4_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
121 , Dimension4_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
122 , Dimension5_ID                NUMBER
123 , Dimension5_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
124 , Dimension5_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
125 , Dimension6_ID                NUMBER
126 , Dimension6_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
127 , Dimension6_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
128 , Dimension7_ID                NUMBER
129 , Dimension7_Short_Name        VARCHAR2(30)
130 , Dimension7_Name              bis_dimensions_tl.name%TYPE
131 , Unit_Of_Measure_Class        VARCHAR2(10)
132 , Application_Id               NUMBER       := -1                  --2465354
133 -- mdamle 04/23/2003 - PMD - Measure Definer - link to BSC tables
134 , dataset_id                   NUMBER
135 -- ankgoel: bug#3557236 - Required to be FALSE for ldt file upload
136 , is_validate 		       VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.G_TRUE
137 -- rpenneru bug#4073262 -
138 , Func_Area_Short_Name         VARCHAR2(30)
139 -- ankgoel: bug#3891748
140 , Created_By                    BIS_INDICATORS.CREATED_BY%TYPE
141 , Creation_Date                 BIS_INDICATORS.CREATION_DATE%TYPE
142 , Last_Updated_By               BIS_INDICATORS.LAST_UPDATED_BY%TYPE
143 , Last_Update_Date              BIS_INDICATORS.LAST_UPDATE_DATE%TYPE
144 , Last_Update_Login             BIS_INDICATORS.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN%TYPE
145 );
146 --
147 TYPE UOM_Class_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
148   UOM_Class               VARCHAR2(10));
149 --
150 --
151 TYPE Rule_Set_Rec_Type is RECORD (
152   Rule    VARCHAR2(2000) );
153 --
154 --
155 -- Data Types: Tables
156 --
157 TYPE Measure_Tbl_Type IS TABLE of Measure_Rec_Type
159 --
160 TYPE UOM_Class_Tbl_Type IS TABLE of UOM_Class_Rec_Type
162 --
163 TYPE Rule_Set_Tbl_Type is TABLE of Rule_Set_Rec_Type
165 --
166 --
167 -- Global Missing Composite Types
168 --
169 G_MISS_MEASURE_REC       Measure_Rec_Type;
170 G_MISS_UOM_CLASS_REC     UOM_Class_Rec_Type;
171 --
172 G_MISS_MEASURE_TBL       Measure_Tbl_Type;
173 G_MISS_UOM_CLASS_Tbl     UOM_Class_Tbl_Type;
174 --
175 --
177 --
178 -- creates one Measure, with the dimensions sequenced in the order
179 -- they are passed in
180 PROCEDURE Create_Measure
181 ( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER
182 , p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
183 , p_Measure_Rec      IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
184 , p_owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.G_CUSTOM_OWNER
185 , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
186 , x_error_Tbl        OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
187 );
188 --
189 --
190 -- Gets All Performance Measures
191 -- If information about the dimensions are not required, set all_info to
192 -- FALSE
193 PROCEDURE Retrieve_Measures
194 ( p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
195 , p_all_info      IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
196 , x_Measure_tbl   OUT NOCOPY BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Tbl_Type
197 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
198 , x_error_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
199 );
200 --
201 --
202 -- Gets Information for One Performance Measure
203 -- If information about the dimension are not required, set all_info to FALSE.
204 PROCEDURE Retrieve_Measure
205 ( p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
206 , p_Measure_Rec   IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
207 , p_all_info      IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
208 , x_Measure_Rec   IN OUT NOCOPY BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
209 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
210 , x_error_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
211 );
212 --
213 --
215 -- Update_Measures one Measure if
216 --   1) no Measure levels or targets exist
217 --   2) no users have selected to see actuals for the Measure
218 PROCEDURE Update_Measure
219 ( p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
220 , p_commit        IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
221 , p_Measure_Rec   IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
222 , p_owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.G_CUSTOM_OWNER
223 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
224 , x_error_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
225 );
226 --
227 --
229 -- deletes one Measure if
230 -- 1) no Measure levels, targets exist and
231 -- 2) the Measure access has not been granted to a resonsibility
232 -- 3) no users have selected to see actuals for the Measure
233 PROCEDURE Delete_Measure
234 ( p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
235 , p_commit        IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
236 , p_Measure_Rec   IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
237 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
238 , x_error_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
239 );
240 --
241 -- Validates measure
242 PROCEDURE Validate_Measure
243 ( p_api_version     IN  NUMBER
244 , p_Measure_Rec     IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
245 , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
246 , x_error_Tbl       OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
247 );
248 --
249 Procedure Retrieve_Measure_Dimensions
250 ( p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
251 , p_Measure_Rec   IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
252 , x_dimension_Tbl OUT NOCOPY BIS_DIMENSION_PUB.Dimension_Tbl_Type
253 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
254 , x_error_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
255 );
256 --
257 --
258 Procedure Translate_Measure
259 ( p_api_version       IN  NUMBER
260 , p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
261 , p_validation_level  IN  NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
262 , p_Measure_Rec       IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
264 , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
265 , x_error_Tbl         OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
266 );
267 --
268 Procedure Load_Measure
269 ( p_api_version       IN  NUMBER
270 , p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
271 , p_validation_level  IN  NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
272 , p_Measure_Rec       IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
274 , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
275 , x_error_Tbl         OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
276 );
278 --
279 --Overload Load_Measure so that old data model ldts can be uploaded using
280 --The latest lct file. The lct file can call this overloaded procedure
281 --by passing in Org and Time dimension short_names also
282 Procedure Load_Measure
283 ( p_api_version               IN  NUMBER
284 , p_commit                    IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
285 , p_validation_level          IN  NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
286 , p_Measure_Rec               IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
287 , p_OWNER                     IN  VARCHAR2 := BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.G_CUSTOM_OWNER
288 , p_Org_Dimension_Short_Name  IN  VARCHAR2
289 , p_Time_Dimension_Short_Name IN  VARCHAR2
290 , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
291 , x_error_Tbl                 OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
292 );
293 --
295 -- Given a performance measure short name update the
296 --  bis_indicators, bis_indicators_tl and  bis_indicator_dimensions
297 -- for last_updated_by , created_by as 1
298 PROCEDURE updt_pm_owner(p_pm_short_name  IN VARCHAR2
299                        ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
302 -- mdamle 09/25/2003 - Sync up measures for all installed languages
303 Procedure Translate_Measure_By_lang
304 ( p_api_version       IN  NUMBER
305 , p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
306 , p_Measure_Rec       IN  BIS_MEASURE_PUB.Measure_Rec_Type
307 , p_owner             IN  VARCHAR2 := BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.G_CUSTOM_OWNER
308 , p_lang              IN  VARCHAR2
309 , p_source_lang       IN  VARCHAR2
310 , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
311 , x_error_Tbl         OUT NOCOPY BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type
312 );
314 --=============================================================================
315 --added new function to determine whether the given indicator is customized
318 ( p_indicator_id IN NUMBER
319 )