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1 PACKAGE wip_online_mtl_txn_processor AS
2 /* $Header: wipopsrs.pls 120.0.12000000.1 2007/01/18 22:19:08 appldev ship $ */
4   /* Backflush all materials in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS with:
5    *    SOURCE_ID == p_header_id AND HEADER_ID != p_header_id
6    *
7    * Note: This procedure is *not* performed by any of the below completion functions
8    *
9    * parameters: p_header_id -- SOURCE_ID AND !HEADER_ID of records to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
10    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
11    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
12    */
13   PROCEDURE backflushComponents(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
14                                 x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
15                                 x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
18   /* Work Order-less completion processor
19    *
20    * parameters: p_header_id -- HEADER_ID of record to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
21    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
22    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
23    */
24   PROCEDURE completeWol(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
25                         x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
26                         x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
29   /* Process an Discrete Job assembly completion and
30    * perform material transactions for its pull components
31    *
32    * parameters: p_header_id -- HEADER_ID of assy record to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
33    *                         -- SOURCE_ID of component records to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
34    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
35    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
36    */
37   PROCEDURE completeAssyAndComponents(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
38                                       x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
39                                       x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
42   /* Discrete Job assembly completion processing w/o processing components
43    *
44    * parameters: p_header_id -- HEADER_ID of record to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
45    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
46    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
47    */
48   PROCEDURE completeAssyItem(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
49                              x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
50                              x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
53   /* Processes all material transactions in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS with:
54    *    SOURCE_ID == p_header_id AND HEADER_ID != p_header_id
55    *
56    * parameters: p_source_id -- SOURCE_ID && !HEADER_ID of records to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
57    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
58    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
59    */
60   PROCEDURE transactMaterials(p_source_id IN  NUMBER,
61                               x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
62                               x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
64   /* Processes the material transaction in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS with the given source_id
65    *
66    * parameters: p_header_id -- HEADER_ID of record to process in WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS
67    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
68    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
69    */
70   PROCEDURE transactMaterial(p_header_id IN  NUMBER,
71                              x_err_msg    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
72                              x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
74   /* Process an Lpn flow completion, called by LpnFlowProcessor.java  Calls the new
75    * wma online flow processor in mmtt first, then deletes those records and
76    * populates wip_lpn_completions for wms processing.
77    * Before calling this, the component records should have already been populated
78    * into both the temp and wip_lpn tables.
79    *
80    * parameters: p_orgID  -- current org
81    *             p_userID -- current user
82    *             p_scheduledFlag -- 1 for scheduled, 3 for unscheduled
83    *             p_transactionHeaderID -- header ID in wip_lpn_completions
84    *             p_completionTxnID -- completionTxnID in wip_lpn_completions
85    *             p_processHeaderID  -- transaction header ID in mmtt
86    *             p_processTempID  -- transaction temp ID in mmtt
87    *             p_processCmpTxnID -- completionTxnID in mmtt
88    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
89    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
90    */
91   PROCEDURE lpnCompleteFlow (p_orgID NUMBER,
92                              p_userID NUMBER,
93                              p_scheduledFlag NUMBER,
94                              p_scheduleNumber VARCHAR2,
95                              p_transactionTypeID NUMBER,
96                              p_transactionHeaderID NUMBER,
97                              p_completionTxnID NUMBER,
98                              p_processHeaderID NUMBER,
99                              p_processTempID NUMBER,
100                              p_processCmpTxnID NUMBER,
101                              p_transactionQty NUMBER,
102                              p_transactionUOM VARCHAR2,
103                              p_lineID NUMBER,
104                              p_lineOp NUMBER,
105                              p_assyItemID NUMBER,
106                              p_reasonID NUMBER,
107                              p_qualityID NUMBER,
108                              p_wipEntityID IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
109                              p_kanbanID NUMBER,
110                              p_projectID NUMBER,
111                              p_taskID NUMBER,
112                              p_lpnID NUMBER,
113                              p_demandSourceHeaderID NUMBER,
114                              p_demandSourceLine VARCHAR2,
115                              p_demandSourceDelivery VARCHAR2,
116                              x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
117                              x_err_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
119   /* Process an Lpn (discrete job)  completion, called by LpnCmpProcessor.java  Calls
120    * wma online processor in mmtt first, then deletes those records and
121    * populates wip_lpn_completions for wms processing.
122    * Before calling this, the component records should have already been populated
123    * into both the temp and wip_lpn tables.
124    *
125    * parameters: p_orgID  -- current org
126    *             p_userID -- current user
127    *             p_transactionHeaderID -- header ID in wip_lpn_completions
128    *             p_processHeaderID  -- transaction header ID in mmtt
129    *             p_processTempID  -- transaction temp ID in mmtt
130    *             p_overcomplete   -- 1 for overcomplete
131    *             x_err_msg    -- err_msg if call fails, null if success
132    *             x_return_status   -- fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ('S') if successful
133    */
134   PROCEDURE lpnCompleteJob (p_orgID NUMBER,
135                             p_userID NUMBER,
136                             p_transactionTypeID NUMBER,
137                             p_transactionHeaderID NUMBER,
138                             p_completionTxnID NUMBER,
139                             p_processHeaderID NUMBER,
140                             p_processIntID NUMBER,
141                             p_processCmpTxnID NUMBER,
142                             p_wipEntityID NUMBER,
143                             p_wipEntityName VARCHAR2,
144                             p_assyItemID NUMBER,
145                             p_assyItemName VARCHAR2,
146                             p_overcomplete NUMBER,
147                             p_transactionQty NUMBER,
148                             p_transactionUOM VARCHAR2,
149                             p_qualityID NUMBER,
150                             p_kanbanID NUMBER,
151                             p_projectID NUMBER,
152                             p_taskID NUMBER,
153                             p_lpnID NUMBER,
154                             x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
155                             x_err_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
159 END wip_online_mtl_txn_processor;