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Line 1105: , pay_user_tables TAB

1101: select nvl(max(1),0) into l_valid
1102: from pay_user_column_instances CINST
1103: , pay_user_columns C
1104: , pay_user_rows R
1105: , pay_user_tables TAB
1106: where TAB.user_table_name = p_user_table
1107: and C.user_column_name = p_user_column
1108: and fnd_number.canonical_to_number(CINST.value)
1109: = fnd_number.canonical_to_number(p_user_value)

Line 1141: , pay_user_tables TAB

1137: , pay_user_column_instances LABEL
1138: , pay_user_columns CLABEL
1139: , pay_user_columns C
1140: , pay_user_rows R
1141: , pay_user_tables TAB
1142: where TAB.user_table_name = p_user_table
1143: and C.user_column_name = p_user_column
1144: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
1145: and CINST.user_column_id = C.user_column_id

Line 1184: , pay_user_tables TAB

1180: into l_value from
1181: pay_user_column_instances LABEL
1182: , pay_user_columns CLABEL
1183: , pay_user_rows R
1184: , pay_user_tables TAB
1185: where TAB.user_table_name = p_user_table
1186: and R.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
1187: and TAB.user_key_units = 'N'
1188: and LABEL.value = p_label

Line 1221: , pay_user_tables TAB

1217: , pay_user_column_instances LABEL
1218: , pay_user_columns CLABEL
1219: , pay_user_columns C
1220: , pay_user_rows R
1221: , pay_user_tables TAB
1222: where upper(TAB.user_table_name) = 'NI_ERS_WEEKLY'
1223: and C.user_column_name = 'C_ERS_RATE_CO'
1224: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
1225: and CINST.user_column_id = C.user_column_id

Line 1257: , pay_user_tables TAB

1253: , pay_user_column_instances LABEL
1254: , pay_user_columns CLABEL
1255: , pay_user_columns C
1256: , pay_user_rows R
1257: , pay_user_tables TAB
1258: where upper(TAB.user_table_name) = 'NI_ERS_WEEKLY'
1259: and C.user_column_name = 'C_ERS_RATE_CM'
1260: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
1261: and CINST.user_column_id = C.user_column_id