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Line 79: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig

75: FROM ic_tran_pnd
76: WHERE trans_id = v_trans_id;
77: CURSOR Cur_get_steps(v_batch_id NUMBER) IS
78: SELECT *
79: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig
80: WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
81: ORDER BY batchstep_no;
82: CURSOR Cur_get_activities(v_batchstep_id NUMBER) IS
83: SELECT *

Line 335: INSERT INTO gme_batch_steps VALUES l_steps_tbl(a);

331: IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
332: gme_debug.put_line('After steps processing now inserting all step data');
333: END IF;
334: FORALL a IN 1..l_steps_tbl.count
335: INSERT INTO gme_batch_steps VALUES l_steps_tbl(a);
336: IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
337: gme_debug.put_line('After insert steps');
338: END IF;
339: FORALL a IN 1..l_activities_tbl.count

Line 1100: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s

1096: FUNCTION get_new_step_id(p_old_step_id IN NUMBER,
1097: p_new_batch_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
1098: CURSOR Cur_get_step IS
1099: SELECT s.batchstep_id
1100: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
1101: WHERE m.batchstep_id = p_old_step_id
1102: AND s.batch_id = p_new_batch_id
1103: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no;
1104: l_batchstep_id NUMBER;

Line 1505: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s

1501: ORDER BY m.organization_id, m.new_batch_no;
1502: CURSOR Cur_get_steps(v_old_batch_id NUMBER, v_new_batch_id NUMBER) IS
1503: SELECT s.*, m.step_status old_step_status, m.actual_start_date old_actual_start_date,
1504: m.actual_cmplt_date old_actual_cmplt_date
1505: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
1506: WHERE m.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
1507: AND s.batch_id = v_new_batch_id
1508: AND m.step_status > gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
1509: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no

Line 1529: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;

1525: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1526: l_api_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'release_batches';
1527: l_batch_header gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
1528: l_batch_header_out gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
1529: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
1530: l_step_rec_out gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
1531: l_exception_tbl gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;
1532: no_open_period_err EXCEPTION;
1533: step_release_err EXCEPTION;

Line 1530: l_step_rec_out gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;

1526: l_api_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'release_batches';
1527: l_batch_header gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
1528: l_batch_header_out gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
1529: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
1530: l_step_rec_out gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
1531: l_exception_tbl gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;
1532: no_open_period_err EXCEPTION;
1533: step_release_err EXCEPTION;
1534: step_cmplt_err EXCEPTION;

Line 3318: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_mapping_mig bm

3315: PROCEDURE close_steps IS
3316: CURSOR Cur_get_steps IS
3317: SELECT s.batchstep_id, m.step_close_date, bm.new_batch_no, s.batchstep_no, bm.plant_code, bm.old_batch_id
3318: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_mapping_mig bm
3319: WHERE m.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_closed
3320: AND bm.old_batch_id = m.batch_id
3321: AND s.batch_id = bm.new_batch_id
3322: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no

Line 3339: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;

3335: AND txn.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
3336: AND NVL(txn.migrated_ind, 0) = 0
3337: AND itp.trans_id = txn.trans_id
3338: AND itp.line_id = gmdo.material_detail_id;
3339: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3340: l_out_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3341: l_msg_cnt NUMBER;
3342: l_found NUMBER;
3343: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 3340: l_out_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;

3336: AND NVL(txn.migrated_ind, 0) = 0
3337: AND itp.trans_id = txn.trans_id
3338: AND itp.line_id = gmdo.material_detail_id;
3339: l_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3340: l_out_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3341: l_msg_cnt NUMBER;
3342: l_found NUMBER;
3343: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
3344: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);