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3   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   --                      global constant declarations                       --
5   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11   --
12   -- report type (possible values) constants
13   --
14   TYPE_TEXT           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(4) := 'TEXT'       ;
15   TYPE_XML            CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'XML'        ;
16   TYPE_HTML           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(4) := 'HTML'       ;
18   --
19   -- report level (possible values) constants
20   --
22   LEVEL_BASIC         CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(5) := 'BASIC'      ;
23   LEVEL_ALL           CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'ALL'        ;
25   --
26   -- report section (possible values) constants
27   --
29   SECTION_PLANS       CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(5) := 'PLANS'      ;
32   SECTION_ALL         CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(3) := 'ALL'        ;
35   -- some common date format
36   DATE_FMT       constant varchar2(21)       :=  'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
38   -- constant for forced tracking
39   FORCE_TRACKING              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Y';
40   NO_FORCE_TRACKING           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'N';
42   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43   --                    procedure / function declarations                    --
44   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46   --------------------------------- begin_operation ---------------------------
47   -- NAME:
48   --     begin_operation
49   --
51   --     This function is called to start a operation in database to
52   --     get the current session monitored.
53   --
55   --     dbop_name       (IN) - the operation name
56   --     dbop_eid        (IN) - the execution ID. It is used to connect
57   --                            the different sessions of the same DBOP
58   --                            execution
59   --     forced_tracking (IN) - it is for forcing the DB operation to be
60   --                            tracked when the operation starts, otherwise
61   --                            the operation will be tracked only when it is
62   --                            expensive enough. The default value is
63   --                            "NO_FORCE_TRACKING".
64   --
65   --     attribute_list  (IN) - list of the user input attributes
66   --                            it is s comma separated name-value pair.
67   --                            For example, 'table_name=emp, operation=load'
68   --
69   -- RETURNS:
70   --     DB operation unique execution ID
71   --
73   --     To be done
74   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75   FUNCTION begin_operation(
76     dbop_name       IN VARCHAR2,
77     dbop_eid        IN NUMBER   := NULL,
78     forced_tracking IN VARCHAR2 := NO_FORCE_TRACKING,
79     attribute_list  In VARCHAR2 := NULL)
82   --------------------------------- end_operation -----------------------------
83   -- NAME:
84   --     end_operation
85   --
87   --     This procedure is called to end the operation in the current session.
88   --     If there is no operation, this will be NO-OP.
89   --
91   --     dbop_name       (IN) - the operation name
92   --     dbop_eid        (IN) - the execution ID
93   --
95   --     To be done
96   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
97   PROCEDURE end_operation(
98     dbop_name       IN VARCHAR2,
99     dbop_eid        IN NUMBER);
102   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
103   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
104   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
105   --                  SQL MONITORING REPORT FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURE              --
106   --                  -------------------------------------------            --
107   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
108   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
109   ------------------------------- report_sql_monitor --------------------------
110   -- NAME:
111   --     report_sql_monitor
112   --
114   --
115   --     This function builds a report (text, simple html, active html, xml)
116   --     for the monitoring  information collected on behalf of the targeted
117   --     statement execution.
118   --
119   --     The target SQL statement for this report can be:
120   --
121   --       - the last SQL monitored by Oracle (default, no parameter)
122   --       - the last SQL executed by a specified session and monitored
123   --         by Oracle. The session is identified by its session id and
124   --         optionally it serial# (-1 is current session). For example, use
125   --         sess_id=>-1 for the current session or sess_id=>20,
126   --         sess_serial=>103 for session id 20, serial number 103.
127   --       - the last execution of a specific statement identified by
128   --         its sql_id.
129   --       - a specific execution of a SQL statement identified by the
130   --         triplet (sql_id, sql_exec_start and sql_exec_id).
131   --
132   -- PARAMETERS:
133   --
134   --      - sql_id:      SQL_ID for which monitoring information should be
135   --                     displayed. Use NULL (the default) to display
136   --                     monitoring information for the last statement
137   --                     monitored by Oracle.
138   --
139   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
140   --
141   --      - session_id:  Target only the sub-set of statements executed and
142   --                     monitored on behalf of the specified session.
143   --                     Default is NULL. Use -1 or USERENV('SID') for current
144   --                     seesion.
145   --
146   --      - session_serial:
147   --                     In addition to the above <session_id> parameter, one
148   --                     can also specify its session serial to ensure that
149   --                     the desired session incarnation is targeted. Ignored
150   --                     when <session_id> is NULL.
151   --
152   --      - (sql_exec_start, sql_exec_id):
153   --                     Only applicable when <sql_id> is also specified and
154   --                     can be used to display monitoring information for a
155   --                     particular execution of <sql_id>. When NULL (the
156   --                     default), the last execution of <sql_id> is shown.
157   --
158   --      - inst_id:     Only look at queries started on the specified
159   --                     instance. Use -1 to target the current instance.
160   --                     The default, NULL will target all instances.
161   --
162   --      - start_time_filter:
163   --                     If non NULL, the report will show only activity
164   --                     (from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) started after this
165   --                     date. If NULL, the reported activity will start when
166   --                     the targeted SQL statement has started.
167   --
168   --      - end_time_filter:
169   --                     If non NULL, the report will show only activity
170   --                     (from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) collected before this
171   --                     date. If NULL, the reported activity will end when
172   --                     the targeted SQL statement has ended or SYSDATE if the
173   --                     statement is still executing.
174   --
175   --      - instance_id_filter:
176   --                     Only look at activity for the specified instance. Use
177   --                     NULL (the default) to target all instances. Only
178   --                     relevant if the query runs parallel.
179   --
180   --      - parallel_filter:
181   --                     Parallel filter applies only to parallel execution and
182   --                     allows to select only a subset of the processes
183   --                     involved in the parallel execution. The string
184   --                     parallel_filter can be:
185   --                     - NULL (target all parallel execution servers + the
186   --                       query coordinator)
187   --                     - ['qc'][servers(<svr_grp>[,] <svr_set>[,] <srv_num>)]
188   --                        where any NULL value is interpreted as ALL.
189   --
190   --                      The following examples show how one can set
191   --                      <parallel_filter> to target only a subset of the
192   --                      parallel sessions:
193   --                        - 'qc' to target only the query coordinator
194   --                        - servers(1)': to target all px servers in group 1
195   --                          servers(,2)': to target all px servers in set 1,
196   --                                        any group
197   --                        - servers(1,1)': group 1, set 1
198   --                        - servers(1,2,4)': group 1, set 3, server number 4
199   --                        - qc servers(1,2,4)': same as above by also
200   --                          including QC
201   --
202   --      - plan_line_filter:
203   --                     This filter selects activity and execution stats for
204   --                     the specified line number in the plan of a SQL
205   --
206   --      - event_detail:
207   --                     When set to 'no', the activity is aggregated by
208   --                     wait_class only. Use 'yes' (the default) to aggregate
209   --                     by (wait_class, event_name)
210   --
211   --     The next 2 parameters are used to control the activity histogram. By
212   --     default, the maximum number of buckets is set to 128 and we derive the
213   --     bucket_interval based on this. Basically, <bucket_interval> (value is
214   --     in seconds) is computed such that it is the smallest possible power of
215   --     2 value (starting at 1s) without causing to exceed the maximum number
216   --     of buckets. For example, if the query has executed for 600s, we will
217   --     pick a bucket_interval of 8s (a power of two) since 600/8 = 74 which
218   --     is less than 128 buckets maximum. Smaller than 8s would be 4s, but
219   --     that would cause to have more buckets than the 128 maximum.
220   --     If <bucket_interval> is specified, we will use that value instead of
221   --     deriving it from bucket_max_count.
222   --
223   --      - bucket_max_count:
224   --                     If specified, this should be the maximum number of
225   --                     histogram buckets created in the report
226   --
227   --      - bucket_interval:
228   --                     If specified, this represents the exact time interval
229   --                     in seconds, of all histogram buckets. If specified,
230   --                     bucket_max_count is ignored.
231   --
232   --      - base_path:  this is the URL path for flex HTML ressources since
233   --                    flex HTML format requires to access external files
234   --                    (java scripts and the flash swf file itself).
235   --
236   --      - last_refresh_time:
237   --                     If not null (default is null), time when the
238   --                     report was last retrieved (see sysdate attribute
239   --                     of the report tag). Use this option when you want
240   --                     to display the report of an running query and when
241   --                     that report is refreshed on a regular basis. This
242   --                     will optimize the size of the report since only
243   --                     the new/changed information will be returned. In
244   --                     particular, the following will be optimized:
245   --                     - SQL text will not be returned when this option
246   --                       is specified
247   --                     - activity histogram will start at the bucket that
248   --                       intersect that time. The entire content of the
249   --                       bucket will be return, even if last_refresh_time
250   --                       is after the start of that bucket
251   --
252   --      - report_level:
253   --                     level of detail for the report, either 'none', 'basic',
254   --                     'typical' or 'all'. Default assumes 'typical'. Their
255   --                     meanings are explained below.
256   --
257   --                     In addition, individual report sections can also
258   --                     be enabled/disabled by using a +/-<section_name>.
259   --                     Several sections are defined: 'plan', 'xplan',
260   --                     'parallel', 'sessions', 'instance', 'binds', 'activity',
261   --                     'activity_histogram', 'plan_histogram', 'metrics',
262   --                     'other'.
263   --                     Their meanings are as follows:
264   --                     xplan          :   Show explain plan,
265   --                                        ON by default
266   --                     plan           :   Show plan monitoring stats,
267   --                                        ON by default
268   --                     sessions       :   Show session details. Applies only
269   --                                        to parallel queries
270   --                                        ON by default
271   --                     instance       :   Show instance details. Applies only
272   --                                        to parallel and cross instance
273   --                                        queries
274   --                                        ON by default
275   --                     parallel       :   An umbrella parameter for
276   --                                        specifying sessions+instance
277   --                                        details
278   --                     activity :         Show activity summary at global
279   --                                        level, plan line level and session/
280   --                                        instance level (if applicable).
281   --                                        ON by default
282   --                     binds          :   Show bind information when available
283   --                                        ON by default
284   --                     metrics        :   Show metric data (CPU, IOs, ...)
285   --                                        over time
286   --                                        ON by default
287   --                     activity_histogram :
288   --                                        Show an histogram of the overall
289   --                                        query activity
290   --                                        ON by default
291   --                     plan_histogram  :  Show activity histogram at plan
292   --                                        line level
293   --                                        OFF by default
294   --                     other           :  Other info
295   --                                        ON by default
296   --
297   --                     In addition, SQL text can be specified at different
298   --                     levels:
299   --                     -sql_text      : No SQL text in report
300   --                     +sql_text      : OK with partial SQL text, i.e. upto
301   --                                      the first 2000 chars as stored in
302   --                                      gv$sql_monitor
303   --                     -sql_fulltext  : No full SQL text, i.e +sql_text
304   --                     +sql_fulltext  : Show full SQL text (default value)
305   --
306   --                     The meanings of the three top-level report levels are:
307   --                     none    = the minimum possible
308   --                     basic   = sql_text-plan-xplan-sessions-instance
309   --                               -activity_histogram-plan_histogram
310   --                               -metrics
311   --                     typical = everything but plan_histogram
312   --                     all     = everything
313   --
314   --                    Only one of these 4 levels can be specified and if it
315   --                    is, then it has to be at the start of the report_level
316   --                    string
317   --
318   --                     Examples:
319   --                       Use 'basic+parallel' to show the basic
320   --                       report with additional section reporting parallel
321   --                       information. Use 'all-plan-instance' for full
322   --                       report minus plan detail and instance information.
323   --
324   --      - type:
325   --            Report TYPE. Can be either 'TEXT' (text report, the default),
326   --            'HTML' (simple HTML report, 'ACTIVE' (database active reports),
327   --            'XML' (raw data for the report). Some information (activity
328   --            histogram, metrics, ...) are only shown when the ACTIVE report
329   --            type is selected.
330   --
331   --      - sql_plan_hash_value:
332   --                     Target only those with the specified plan_hash_value.
333   --                      Default is NULL.
334   --
335   --      - con_name: container name
336   --
337   -- RETURN:
338   --     The SQL monitor report, an XML document
339   --
340   -- NOTE:
341   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
342   --     following fixed views:
343   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR
344   --       - GV$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR
346   --       - GV$SESSION_LONGOPS
347   --       - GV$SQL if SQL fulltext is asked and its length is > 2K
348   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349   FUNCTION report_sql_monitor(
350        sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
351        dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
352        dbop_exec_id              in number   default  NULL,
353        session_id                in number   default  NULL,
354        session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
355        sql_exec_start            in date     default  NULL,
356        sql_exec_id               in number   default  NULL,
357        inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
358        start_time_filter         in date     default  NULL,
359        end_time_filter           in date     default  NULL,
360        instance_id_filter        in number   default  NULL,
361        parallel_filter           in varchar2 default  NULL,
362        plan_line_filter          in number   default  NULL,
363        event_detail              in varchar2 default  'yes',
364        bucket_max_count          in number   default  128,
365        bucket_interval           in number   default  NULL,
366        base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
367        last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
368        report_level              in varchar2 default 'TYPICAL',
369        type                      in varchar2 default 'TEXT',
370        sql_plan_hash_value       in number   default  NULL,
371        con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL)
372   RETURN clob;
375   ------------------------------- report_sql_monitor_xml ----------------------
376   -- NAME:
377   --     report_sql_monitor_xml
378   --
380   --
381   --     Same as above function (report_sql_monitor()) except that the result
382   --     is only XML, hence the return type is xmltype.
383   --
384   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
385   FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_xml(
386        sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
387        dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
388        dbop_exec_id              in number   default  NULL,
389        session_id                in number   default  NULL,
390        session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
391        sql_exec_start            in date     default  NULL,
392        sql_exec_id               in number   default  NULL,
393        inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
394        start_time_filter         in date     default  NULL,
395        end_time_filter           in date     default  NULL,
396        instance_id_filter        in number   default  NULL,
397        parallel_filter           in varchar2 default  NULL,
398        plan_line_filter          in number   default  NULL,
399        event_detail              in varchar2 default  'yes',
400        bucket_max_count          in number   default  128,
401        bucket_interval           in number   default  NULL,
402        base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
403        last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
404        report_level              in varchar2 default 'TYPICAL',
405        auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
406        sql_plan_hash_value       in number   default  NULL,
407        con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL)
408   return xmltype;
411   ---------------------------- report_sql_monitor_list ------------------------
412   -- NAME:
413   --     report_sql_monitor_list
414   --
416   --
417   --     This function builds a report for all or a sub-set of statements
418   --     that have been monitored by Oracle. For each statement, it gives
419   --     key information and associated global statistics.
420   --
421   --     Use report_sql_monitor() to get detail monitoring information for
422   --     a single SQL statement
423   --
424   -- PARAMETERS:
425   --
426   --      - sql_id:      SQL_ID for which monitoring information should be
427   --                     displayed. Use NULL (the default) to display
428   --                     monitoring information for the last statement
429   --                     monitored by Oracle.
430   --
431   --      - dbop_name    DQOP_NAME for which DB operation should be displayed
432   --
433   --      - monitor_type MONITOR_TYPE_SQL will only return SQLs
434   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_DBOP will only return DB Operations
435   --                     MONITOR_TYPE_ALL will return all types
436   --
437   --      - session_id:  Target only the sub-set of statements executed and
438   --                     monitored on behalf of the specified session.
439   --                     Default is NULL. Use -1 (or USERENV('SID')) for
440   --                     current session.
441   --
442   --      - session_serial:
443   --                     In addition to the above <session_id> parameter, one
444   --                     can also specify its session serial to ensure that
445   --                     the desired session incarnation is targeted. Ignored
446   --                     when <session_id> is NULL.
447   --
448   --      - inst_id:     Only look at monitored statements originating from
449   --                     the specified instance. Special value -1 can be used
450   --                     to target the instance where the  report executed.
451   --                     To target all instances, use NULL (the default).
452   --
453   --      - active_since_date:
454   --                     If not null (default is null), only returns monitored
455   --                     statements that have been active since specified
456   --                     time. This includes all statements that are still
457   --                     executing plus all statements that have completed
458   --                     their execution after the specified date/time.
459   --
460   --      - active_since_sec:
461   --                     Same as above but the date is specified relativelly
462   --                     to the current sysdate minus specified number of
463   --                     seconds. For example, use 3600 to limit the report
464   --                     to all statements that have been active in the past
465   --                     1 hour.
466   --
467   --      - last_refresh_time:
468   --                     If not null (default is null), date/time when the
469   --                     list report was last retrieved. This is to optimize
470   --                     the case where an application shows the list and
471   --                     refresh the report on a regular basis (say once every
472   --                     5s). In this case, the report will only show detail
473   --                     about the execution of monitored queries that have
474   --                     been active since the specified <last_refresh_time>.
475   --                     For other queries, the report will only return the
476   --                     execution key (i.e. sql_id, sql_exec_start,
477   --                     sql_exec_id). Also, for queries that have their
478   --                     first refresh time after the specified date, only
479   --                     the SQL execution key and statistics are returned.
480   --
481   --      - report_level:
482   --                     level of detail for the report. The level can be
483   --                     either basic (SQL text up to 200 character),
484   --                     typical (include full SQL text assuming that cursor
485   --                     has not aged out, in which case the SQL text is
486   --                     included up to 2000 characters). report_level can
487   --                     also be all which is the same as typical for now.
488   --
489   --
490   --      - con_name:    container name
491   --
492   -- RETURN:
493   --     A report (xml, text, html) for the list of SQL statements that have
494   --     been monitored.
495   --
496   -- NOTE:
497   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
498   --     following fixed views:
499   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR and GV$SQL
500   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
501  FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_list(
502     sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
503     dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
504     monitor_type              in number   default  MONITOR_TYPE_ALL,
505     session_id                in number   default  NULL,
506     session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
507     inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
508     active_since_date         in date     default  NULL,
509     active_since_sec          in number   default  NULL,
510     last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
511     report_level              in varchar2 default  'TYPICAL',
512     auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
513     base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
514     type                      in varchar2 default 'TEXT',
515     con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL)
516   RETURN clob;
519   ---------------------------- report_sql_monitor_list_xml -------------------
520   -- NAME:
521   --     report_sql_monitor_list_xml
522   --
524   --
525   --     Same as above function (report_sql_monitor) except that the result
526   --     is only XML, hence the return type is xmltype
527   --
528   --
529   -- RETURN:
530   --     An XML document for the list of SQL statements that have been
531   --     monitored.
532   --
533   -- NOTE:
534   --     The user tunning this function needs to have privilege to access the
535   --     following fixed views:
536   --       - GV$SQL_MONITOR and GV$SQL
537   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
538  FUNCTION report_sql_monitor_list_xml(
539     sql_id                    in varchar2 default  NULL,
540     dbop_name                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
541     monitor_type              in number    default  MONITOR_TYPE_ALL,
542     session_id                in number   default  NULL,
543     session_serial            in number   default  NULL,
544     inst_id                   in number   default  NULL,
545     active_since_date         in date     default  NULL,
546     active_since_sec          in number   default  NULL,
547     last_refresh_time         in date     default  NULL,
548     report_level              in varchar2 default  'TYPICAL',
549     auto_refresh              in number   default  NULL,
550     base_path                 in varchar2 default  NULL,
551     con_name                  in varchar2 default  NULL)
552   RETURN xmltype;
555 END dbms_sql_monitor;