28: l_stmt_num := 5;
30: delete cst_sc_lists csl
31: where exists (select 'process org'
32: from mtl_parameters mp
33: where mp.organization_id = csl.organization_id
34: and NVL(mp.process_enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
35: ;
36: /* End OPM INVCONV change */
117: l_min_rank number(15);
119: /* OPM INVCONV umoogala 17-oct-2004 */
120: l_sourcing_rule_name mrp_sourcing_rules.sourcing_rule_name%TYPE;
121: l_organization_code mtl_parameters.organization_code%TYPE;
123: begin
124: o_error_code := 0;
125: o_error_msg := null;
237: l_stmt_num := 30;
239: select cssr.sourcing_rule_name, mp.organization_code
240: into l_sourcing_rule_name, l_organization_code
241: from cst_sc_sourcing_rules cssr, mtl_parameters mp
242: where rollup_id = i_rollup_id
243: and cssr.inventory_item_id = i_inventory_item_id
244: and cssr.organization_id = i_organization_id
245: and cssr.assignment_set_id = i_assignment_set_id