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Line 3621: l_debug_info := 'Getting from inl_corr_matches_v the current value for transaction.';

3617: AND d.invoice_id = l.invoice_id
3618: AND d.invoice_line_number = l.line_number
3619: ;
3621: l_debug_info := 'Getting from inl_corr_matches_v the current value for transaction.';
3622: INL_LOGGING_PVT.Log_Statement(
3623: p_module_name => g_module_name,
3624: p_procedure_name => l_proc_name,
3625: p_debug_info => l_debug_info

Line 3638: -- select based on inl_corr_matches_v

3634: p_debug_info => l_debug_info) ;
3636: IF l_line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' THEN
3637: IF x_existing_match_info_flag = 'Y' THEN -- RESUBMIT A CORRECTION
3638: -- select based on inl_corr_matches_v
3639: SELECT
3640: mat1.matched_curr_code ,
3641: mat1.matched_curr_conversion_rate,
3642: mat1.matched_curr_conversion_type,

Line 3734: inl_corr_matches_v mP -- 1 get the parent

3730: l_mat_uom_code_P ,
3731: l_mat_amt_P ,
3732: l_mat_par_mat_id_P
3733: FROM
3734: inl_corr_matches_v mP -- 1 get the parent
3735: WHERE mP.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
3736: AND mP.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
3737: AND mP.match_id
3738: =(

Line 3740: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P

3736: AND mP.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
3737: AND mP.match_id
3738: =(
3739: SELECT MAX(m1P.match_id)
3740: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P
3741: WHERE m1P.from_parent_table_name = mP.from_parent_table_name
3742: AND m1P.from_parent_table_id = mP.from_parent_table_id
3743: )
3744: AND (mP.correction_match_id IS NULL

Line 3748: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P

3744: AND (mP.correction_match_id IS NULL
3745: OR mP.correction_match_id
3746: =(
3747: SELECT MAX(m1P.correction_match_id)
3748: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1P
3749: WHERE m1P.from_parent_table_name = mP.from_parent_table_name
3750: AND m1P.from_parent_table_id = mP.from_parent_table_id
3751: ))
3752: ;

Line 3804: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m

3800: l_mat_qty_P ,
3801: l_mat_uom_code_P ,
3802: l_mat_amt_P ,
3803: l_mat_par_mat_id_P
3804: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m
3805: WHERE m.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
3806: AND m.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
3807: AND m.match_id =
3808: (

Line 3810: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

3806: AND m.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
3807: AND m.match_id =
3808: (
3809: SELECT MAX(m1.match_id)
3810: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
3811: WHERE m1.from_parent_table_name = x_new_to_parent_table_name
3812: AND m1.from_parent_table_id = x_new_to_parent_table_id
3813: )
3814: ;

Line 5068: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

5064: IS
5065: SELECT m1.match_id,
5066: m1.matched_qty ,
5067: m1.matched_uom_code
5068: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
5069: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
5070: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
5071: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
5072: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'N'

Line 5077: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2

5073: -- In case of resubmit the same actual value more than once, the
5074: -- new line is created as existing_match_info_flag = 'Y'.
5075: -- For checking purposes, it will consider only the latest record
5076: AND m1.match_id IN (SELECT MAX(m2.match_id)
5077: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2
5078: WHERE m2.to_parent_table_name = m1.to_parent_table_name
5079: AND m2.to_parent_table_id = m1.to_parent_table_id
5080: AND m2.from_parent_table_name = m1.from_parent_table_name
5081: AND m2.from_parent_table_id = m1.from_parent_table_id

Line 5199: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

5195: m1.match_id
5196: INTO l_unproc_actual_qty,
5197: l_unproc_uom_code,
5198: l_unproc_match_id
5199: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
5200: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
5201: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
5202: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
5203: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'Y'

Line 5208: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2

5204: AND m1.adj_already_generated_flag = 'N'
5205: -- For checking purposes, it will consider only
5206: -- the latest and not processed record
5207: AND m1.match_id IN (SELECT MAX(m2.match_id)
5208: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m2
5209: WHERE m2.to_parent_table_name = m1.to_parent_table_name
5210: AND m2.to_parent_table_id = m1.to_parent_table_id
5211: AND m2.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
5212: AND m2.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'Y'

Line 5283: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1

5279: ,0)
5280: )
5281: )
5282: INTO l_unproc_actual_qty
5283: FROM inl_corr_matches_v m1
5284: WHERE m1.to_parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_LINES'
5285: AND m1.to_parent_table_id = p_ship_line_id
5286: AND m1.match_type_code = 'ITEM'
5287: AND m1.replace_estim_qty_flag = 'N'