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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 293

        select char_id
        from qa_plan_chars
        where plan_id = p_plan_id
        and enabled_flag = 1
        order by prompt_sequence;
Line: 696

        select restrict_subinventories_code, restrict_locators_code,
            location_control_code, revision_qty_control_code
        from mtl_system_items
        where inventory_item_id = i_id
        and organization_id = o_id;
Line: 742

            '((SELECT primary_item_id ' ||
              'FROM   wip_repetitive_items_v ' ||
              'WHERE  organization_id = ' || g_org_id || ' AND ' ||
                     'line_code = ''' ||
                      row_elements(qa_ss_const.production_line).value ||
                      ''') ' ||
              'UNION ALL ' ||
             '(SELECT assembly_item_id '||
              'FROM   bom_operational_routings_v '||
              'WHERE  organization_id = ' || g_org_id || ' AND ' ||
                     'line_code = ''' ||
                      row_elements(qa_ss_const.production_line).value ||
Line: 812

        SELECT restrict_subinventories_code, restrict_locators_code,
        location_control_code, revision_qty_control_code,inventory_item_id
        FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mtl_parameters mp
        WHERE msi.concatenated_segments = i_value
          AND msi.organization_id = mp.organization_id
          AND mp.maint_organization_id = o_id
          AND rownum = 1;
Line: 854

        select restrict_subinventories_code, restrict_locators_code,
            location_control_code, revision_qty_control_code
        from mtl_system_items
        where inventory_item_id = i_id
        and organization_id = o_id;
Line: 939

        select stock_locator_control_code, negative_inv_receipt_code
        from mtl_parameters
        where organization_id = org_id;
Line: 950

        select locator_type
        FROM  mtl_secondary_inventories
        WHERE organization_id = org_id
                          AND nvl(disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate)
                          OR (SUBINVENTORY_TYPE = 2))
        AND  secondary_inventory_name = g_subinventory;
Line: 960

        select locator_type
        from mtl_subinventories_val_v
        where organization_id = org_id
        and secondary_inventory_name = g_subinventory;
Line: 1012

                                  (select secondary_locator
                                   from mtl_secondary_locators
                                   where inventory_item_id = g_item_id and
                                   organization_id = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_org_id || '''' ||
                                   ' and subinventory_code = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_subinventory || '''' || '))';
Line: 1092

        select stock_locator_control_code, negative_inv_receipt_code
        from mtl_parameters
        where organization_id = org_id;
Line: 1104

        select locator_type
        from mtl_subinventories_val_v
        where organization_id = org_id
        and secondary_inventory_name = g_comp_subinventory;
Line: 1154

                                  (select secondary_locator
                                   from mtl_secondary_locators
                                   where inventory_item_id = x_item_id and
                                   organization_id = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_org_id || '''' ||
                                   ' and subinventory_code = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_comp_subinventory || '''' || '))';
Line: 1232

        select restrict_subinventories_code, restrict_locators_code,
            location_control_code, revision_qty_control_code
        from mtl_system_items
        where inventory_item_id = i_id
        and organization_id = o_id;
Line: 1294

        select restrict_subinventories_code, restrict_locators_code,
            location_control_code, revision_qty_control_code
        from mtl_system_items
        where inventory_item_id = i_id
        and organization_id = o_id;
Line: 1360

        select stock_locator_control_code, negative_inv_receipt_code
        from mtl_parameters
        where organization_id = org_id;
Line: 1365

        select locator_type
        from mtl_subinventories_val_v
        where organization_id = org_id
        and secondary_inventory_name = g_to_subinventory;
Line: 1417

                                  (select secondary_locator
                                   from mtl_secondary_locators
                                   where inventory_item_id = g_item_id and
                                   organization_id = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_org_id || '''' ||
                                   ' and subinventory_code = ' ||
                                   '''' || g_to_subinventory || '''' || '))';
Line: 1958

        select '1'
         from qa_plan_char_value_lookups
         where plan_id = p_id
         and   char_id = e_id
         and short_code = v;
Line: 2472

       SELECT qpcao.char_id, qpcv.datatype
       FROM qa_plan_char_action_outputs qpcao, qa_plan_chars_v qpcv
       WHERE plan_char_action_id = pca_id AND
             token_name = token AND
             qpcao.char_id = qpcv.char_id; */
Line: 2480

        FROM qa_plan_char_action_outputs qpcao,
          qa_chars qpcv
        WHERE plan_char_action_id = pca_id
          AND token_name = token
          AND qpcao.char_id = qpcv.char_id;
Line: 2561

        SELECT qpca.assign_type, qpcv.datatype, qpcv.decimal_precision
        FROM qa_plan_char_actions qpca, qa_plan_chars_v qpcv
        WHERE qpca.plan_char_action_id = pca_id AND
              qpca.assigned_char_id = qpcv.char_id; */
Line: 2572

          nvl(qpc.decimal_precision, qc.decimal_precision) decimal_precision
        FROM qa_chars qc,
          qa_plan_chars qpc,
          qa_plan_char_actions qpca,
          qa_plan_char_action_triggers qpcat
          qpca.plan_char_action_trigger_id = qpcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id
          AND qpca.plan_char_action_id = pca_id
          AND qpc.plan_id = qpcat.plan_id
          AND qpc.char_id = qpca.assigned_char_id
          AND qc.char_id = qpca.assigned_char_id;
Line: 2667

        final_stmt := 'SELECT ' || final_stmt || ' FROM DUAL';
Line: 2811

select 1
from qa_plan_chars
where plan_id = p_plan_id
and char_id = p_char_id
and enabled_flag = 1;
Line: 3037

        SELECT plan_char_action_trigger_id, trigger_sequence, operator,
            low_value_other, high_value_other,
            low_value_lookup, high_value_lookup
        FROM qa_plan_char_action_triggers
        WHERE plan_id = p_id
        AND char_id = c_id
        ORDER BY trigger_sequence, plan_char_action_trigger_id;
Line: 3046

        SELECT plan_char_action_id, action_id, message
        FROM qa_plan_char_actions
        WHERE plan_char_action_trigger_id = rule_id;
Line: 3193

        SELECT pcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id, pcat.trigger_sequence, pcat.operator,
               pcat.low_value_other, pcat.high_value_other,
               pcat.low_value_lookup, pcat.high_value_lookup,
               pca.plan_char_action_id, pca.action_id, pca.message
        FROM qa_plan_char_action_triggers pcat, qa_plan_char_actions pca
        WHERE plan_id = p_id
        AND char_id = c_id
        AND pca.plan_char_action_trigger_id = pcat.plan_char_action_trigger_id
        AND pca.action_id = 2
        ORDER BY trigger_sequence, plan_char_action_trigger_id;
Line: 3537

Line: 3823

            SELECT collection_trigger_id
            FROM   qa_txn_collection_triggers
            WHERE  transaction_number = p_transaction_number AND
                   enabled_flag = 1;
Line: 3829

            SELECT 1
            FROM   qa_plan_transactions
            WHERE  plan_id = p_plan_id AND
                   transaction_number = p_transaction_number AND
                   enabled_flag = 1 AND
                   background_collection_flag = 1;
Line: 3837

            SELECT 1
            FROM   qa_plan_transactions
            WHERE  plan_transaction_id = p_plan_transaction_id AND
                   enabled_flag = 1 AND
                   background_collection_flag = 1;
Line: 3942

    SELECT qpc.char_id bulk collect
      INTO hardcoded_char_tab
    FROM qa_plan_chars qpc,
         qa_chars qc
    WHERE qpc.plan_id = p_plan_id
      AND qpc.char_id = qc.char_id
      AND qc.hardcoded_column IS NOT NULL
      AND fk_table_name IS NOT NULL;
Line: 3956

        Select upper(translate(name,' ''*{}','_____')) into char_name
          from qa_chars
        where char_id =   hardcoded_char_tab(cntr);
Line: 3974

        SELECT deref_view_name
          INTO plan_name
        FROM qa_plans
         WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 3983

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'Select ''' || char_ids_str || ''',' || cols_str || ' from ' || plan_name ||
                             ' where collection_id = :collection_id and
                                   occurrence = :occurrence'
             INTO p_charid_string,
            USING p_collection_id,
Line: 4009

    SELECT LENGTH(p_error_message) - LENGTH(REPLACE(p_error_message,'&',''))
       INTO token_count FROM DUAL;
Line: 4013

       SELECT INSTR(p_error_message,':',1) INTO token_postn FROM DUAL;
Line: 4015

       SELECT SUBSTR(p_error_message,1,token_postn-1),
         INTO element_prompt, replaced_message
       FROM DUAL;
Line: 4020

       SELECT REPLACE(replaced_message,'&'||'CHAR_PROMPT', element_prompt)
         INTO replaced_message FROM DUAL;
Line: 4204

           SELECT TRANSLATE(disable_enable_flag_list,'ED','12')
             INTO dep_elements_status
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 4253

    select   upper(translate(qc.name,' ''*{}','_____')) name
    from     qa_chars qc,
             qa_plan_chars qpc
    WHERE    qc.char_id = qpc.char_id
    AND      qpc.plan_id = p_plan_id
    ORDER BY qpc.prompt_sequence;
Line: 4263

    l_sql_stmt := 'select ''N'' as "HideShowStatus" , ';
Line: 4269

    l_sql_stmt := l_sql_stmt || 'CREATED_BY, COLLECTION_ID, LAST_UPDATE_DATE FROM ';
Line: 4271

    select view_name into l_view_name
    from qa_plans
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4305

     SELECT distinct char_id
       FROM qa_plan_char_action_triggers qpt, qa_plan_char_actions qpa
     WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND
           qpt.plan_char_action_trigger_id = qpa.plan_char_action_trigger_id AND
           operator = 8;
Line: 4391
