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1 Package Body ben_ext_ansi as
2 /* $Header: benxansi.pkb 120.2 2006/07/18 18:43:36 tjesumic ship $ */
3 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
5 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 --
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33)	:= '  ben_ext_ansi.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 --
11 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- |--------------------< main >----------------------------------------------|
13 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --
16 Procedure main(
17                              p_person_id          in number,
18                              p_ext_rslt_id        in number,
19                              p_ext_file_id        in number,
20                              p_data_typ_cd        in varchar2,
21                              p_ext_typ_cd         in varchar2,
22                              p_ext_crit_prfl_id   in number,
23                              p_business_group_id  in number,
24                              p_effective_date     in date
25                             ) IS
26 --
27   l_proc               varchar2(72) := g_package||'main';
28 --
29   l_ansi_subscriber_flag varchar2(1);
30   l_include varchar2(1);
31 --
32    cursor c_enrt_rslt is
33       select rslt.pl_id,
34              rslt.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
35              rslt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,
36              rslt.sspndd_flag,
37              rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,
38              rslt.enrt_mthd_cd,
39              rslt.pgm_id,
40              rslt.pl_typ_id,
41              rslt.per_in_ler_id,
42              rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
43              rslt.last_update_date,
44              pil.ler_id,
45              pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
46              pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
47              pil.ntfn_dt
48       from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f rslt,
49            ben_per_in_ler pil
50       where rslt.person_id = p_person_id
51   AND pil.per_in_ler_id(+) = rslt.per_in_ler_id
52   and p_effective_date between rslt.effective_start_date
53          and rslt.effective_end_date;
54 --
55   cursor c_dpnt_of_distinct_participant is
56   select distinct rslt.person_id
57   FROM   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f rslt,
58          ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f dpnt
59   WHERE  rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = dpnt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
60   AND    dpnt.dpnt_person_id = p_person_id
61   --AND    p_effective_date between rslt.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
62   --       and rslt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
63   -- when the person and dpnt coverd fonm, person extracted not the dpnt
64   AND    p_effective_date between rslt.effective_start_date
65          and rslt.effective_end_date
66   AND    p_effective_date between dpnt.effective_start_date
67               and dpnt.effective_end_date;
69   cursor c_cvrd_dpnt(p_prtt_person_id in number, p_dpnt_person_id in number) is
70   SELECT rslt.pl_id,
71          rslt.sspndd_flag,
72          dpnt.cvg_strt_dt,
73          dpnt.cvg_thru_dt,
74          rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,
75          rslt.enrt_mthd_cd,
76          rslt.pgm_id,
77          rslt.pl_typ_id,
78          rslt.per_in_ler_id,
79          rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
80          rslt.last_update_date,
81          pil.ler_id,
82          pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
83          pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
84          pil.ntfn_dt
85   FROM   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f rslt,
86          ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f dpnt,
87          ben_per_in_ler pil
88   WHERE  rslt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = dpnt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
89   and    rslt.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id(+)
90   AND    dpnt.dpnt_person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
91   and    rslt.person_id = p_prtt_person_id
92   --AND    p_effective_date between rslt.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
93   --       and rslt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
94   AND    p_effective_date between rslt.effective_start_date
95          and rslt.effective_end_date
96   AND    p_effective_date between dpnt.effective_start_date
97               and dpnt.effective_end_date;
99   --
100   cursor c_get_contact_info (p_person_id number,p_dpnt_person_id number,p_effective_date date) is
101      select c.contact_type,
102         p.national_identifier,
103         p.first_name,
104         p.last_name,
105         c.SEQUENCE_NUMBER
106    from
107         per_contact_relationships      c,
108         per_all_people_f               p
109    where
110         c.contact_person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
111     and c.person_id = p_person_id
112     and c.person_id = p.person_id
113     and p_effective_date between nvl(p.effective_start_date, p_effective_date)
114                             and nvl(p.effective_end_date, p_effective_date)
115     and p_effective_date between nvl(c.date_Start,p_effective_date)
116                             and nvl(c.date_end ,p_effective_date)
117     order by c.sequence_number, decode(c.contact_type,'EMRG',2,1)  ;
118     l_rollback boolean ;
119     l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt  date ;
122    cursor c_get_contact_info2 (p_person_id number,p_dpnt_person_id number,p_effective_date date) is
123      select c.contact_type,
124         p.national_identifier,
125         p.first_name,
126         p.last_name,
127         c.SEQUENCE_NUMBER
128    from
129         per_contact_relationships      c,
130         per_all_people_f               p
131    where
132         c.contact_person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
133     and c.person_id = p_person_id
134     and c.person_id = p.person_id
135     and p_effective_date between nvl(p.effective_start_date, p_effective_date)
136                             and nvl(p.effective_end_date, p_effective_date)
137     and p_effective_date >=  nvl(c.date_Start,p_effective_date)
138     order by c.sequence_number, decode(c.contact_type,'EMRG',2,1),c.date_end desc  ;
141 --
142 Begin
143 --
144   hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
145   --
146   --  new way of determining if this person is a participant (aka subscriber);
147       l_include := 'N';
148       for enrt in c_enrt_rslt loop
149           ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.evaluate_benefit_incl
150                (p_pl_id    => enrt.pl_id,
151                 p_sspndd_flag => enrt.sspndd_flag,
152                 p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt => enrt.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
153                 p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt => enrt.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,
154                 p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd => enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,
155                 p_enrt_mthd_cd     => enrt.enrt_mthd_cd,
156                 p_pgm_id =>  enrt.pgm_id,
157                 p_pl_typ_id    =>  enrt.pl_typ_id,
158                 p_last_update_date => enrt.last_update_date,
159                 p_ler_id    => enrt.ler_id,
160                 p_ntfn_dt      => enrt.ntfn_dt,
161                 p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt  => enrt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
162                 p_per_in_ler_stat_cd  => enrt.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
163                 p_per_in_ler_id    => enrt.per_in_ler_id,
164                 p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => enrt.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
165                 p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
166                 p_include => l_include);
167         --
168         if l_include = 'Y' then -- l_include means they met inclusion criteria.
169           exit;
170         end if;
171       --
172       end loop;
173       --
174        if l_include = 'Y' then
175          ben_ext_person.g_part_type := 'P'; -- Participant (aka Subscriber)
176          ben_ext_person.g_per_rlshp_type := '18'; -- 18 is 'Self'
177          ben_ext_person.g_part_ssn :=
178                  ben_ext_person.g_national_identifier;  --this is the reference ssn
179          ben_ext_person.g_part_first_name :=
180                  ben_ext_person.g_first_name;  --this is the reference first name
181          ben_ext_person.g_part_last_name :=
182                  ben_ext_person.g_last_name;  --this is the reference last name
183          --
184          if ben_extract.g_per_lvl = 'Y' THEN
185            --
186            --  Process Person Level Records
187            --
188            ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id       => p_ext_rslt_id,
189                                  p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
190                                  p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
191                                  p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
192                                  p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',
193                                  p_low_lvl_cd        => 'P',
194                                  p_person_id         => p_person_id,
195                                  p_chg_evt_cd        => ben_ext_person.g_chg_evt_cd,
196                                  p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
197                                  p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
198                                  );
199          --
200          end if;
201          --
202          -- Process Enrollment Level Records
203          --
204          IF ben_ext_person.g_part_type = 'P' AND ben_extract.g_enrt_lvl = 'Y' then
205           --
206           -- create enrollment extract rows
207           -- =========================================
208            ben_ext_enrt.main(
209                              p_person_id          => p_person_id,
210                              p_ext_rslt_id        => p_ext_rslt_id,
211                              p_ext_file_id        => p_ext_file_id,
212                              p_data_typ_cd        => p_data_typ_cd,
213                              p_ext_typ_cd         => p_ext_typ_cd,
214                              p_chg_evt_cd         => ben_ext_person.g_chg_evt_cd,
215                              p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
216                              p_effective_date     => p_effective_date);
217            --
218          end if;
219          --
220        end if;  -- l_include = 'Y'
221        --
222        -- create eligibility extract rows
223        -- =========================================
224        if ben_extract.g_elig_lvl = 'Y' then
225          --
226          ben_ext_elig.main(
227                           p_person_id         => p_person_id,
228                                                          -- p_per_in_ler_id     => ben_ext_person.g_per_in_ler_id,
229                           p_ext_rslt_id       => p_ext_rslt_id,
230                           p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
231                           p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
232                           p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
233                           p_chg_evt_cd        => ben_ext_person.g_chg_evt_cd,
234                           p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
235                           p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
236                          );
237          --
238          --
239        end if;
240        --
241        --
242        -- remember a person can be both a subsciber of one plan and a dependent of another!
243        --
244        hr_utility.set_location (' try as dpnt ' , 99 ) ;
245        ben_ext_person.g_part_type := 'D'; -- Dependent
246        -- remember a person can be a dpnt for two diff subscribers.
247        for i in c_dpnt_of_distinct_participant loop
248          --
249          hr_utility.set_location (' dpnt loop ' , 99 ) ;
250          --  now loop through each of their enrollments and see if they are included.
251          --
252          l_include := 'N';
253          for j in c_cvrd_dpnt(i.person_id,p_person_id) loop
254              --
255            ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.evaluate_benefit_incl
256                (p_pl_id    => j.pl_id,
257                 p_sspndd_flag => j.sspndd_flag,
258                 p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt => j.cvg_strt_dt,
259                 p_enrt_cvg_thru_dt => j.cvg_thru_dt,
260                 p_prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd => j.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd,
261                 p_enrt_mthd_cd     => j.enrt_mthd_cd,
262                 p_pgm_id =>  j.pgm_id,
263                 p_pl_typ_id    =>  j.pl_typ_id,
264                 p_last_update_date => j.last_update_date,
265                 p_ler_id    => j.ler_id,
266                 p_ntfn_dt      => j.ntfn_dt,
267                 p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt  => j.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
268                 p_per_in_ler_stat_cd  => j.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
269                 p_per_in_ler_id    => j.per_in_ler_id,
270                 p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id => j.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
271                 p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
272                 p_include => l_include);
273            --
274            l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt  := j.cvg_thru_dt ;
276            hr_utility.set_location (' dpnt cvg thryu dat  ' || l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt   , 99 ) ;
277            hr_utility.set_location (' dpnt include ' || l_include  , 99 ) ;
278            if l_include = 'Y' then -- l_include means they met inclusion criteria.
279              exit;  -- out of j loop.
280            end if;
281            --
282          end loop;   -- j
283          --
284          -- this will retreive the relationship between the two people.
285          --
286          if l_include = 'Y' then
287            --
288            open c_get_contact_info(i.person_id, p_person_id, p_effective_date);
289            fetch c_get_contact_info into ben_ext_person.g_per_rlshp_type,
290                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_ssn,
291                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_first_name,
292                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_last_name,
293                                          ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_contact_seq_num;
295            --- 5264053 if the contact relationship end dated then
296            --- get the contact latest  information
297            if c_get_contact_info%notfound  then
298               --if l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt is not null and l_dpnt_cvg_thru_dt <> hr_api.g_eot then
299               open c_get_contact_info2(i.person_id, p_person_id,p_effective_date);
300               fetch c_get_contact_info2 into ben_ext_person.g_per_rlshp_type,
301                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_ssn,
302                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_first_name,
303                                          ben_ext_person.g_part_last_name,
304                                          ben_ext_person.g_dpnt_contact_seq_num;
305               close c_get_contact_info2;
306               --end if ;
307            end if ;
310            close c_get_contact_info;
311            --
312            if ben_extract.g_per_lvl = 'Y' THEN
313              --
314              --  Process Person Level Records
315              --
316              ben_ext_fmt.process_ext_recs(p_ext_rslt_id       => p_ext_rslt_id,
317                                  p_ext_file_id       => p_ext_file_id,
318                                  p_data_typ_cd       => p_data_typ_cd,
319                                  p_ext_typ_cd        => p_ext_typ_cd,
320                                  p_rcd_typ_cd        => 'D',
321                                  p_low_lvl_cd        => 'P',
322                                  p_person_id         => p_person_id,
323                                  p_chg_evt_cd        => ben_ext_person.g_chg_evt_cd,
324                                  p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
325                                  p_effective_date    => p_effective_date
326                                  );
327              --
328            end if;
329            --
330            -- Process Enrollment Level Records
331            --
332            if ben_ext_person.g_part_type = 'D'  and ben_extract.g_enrt_lvl = 'Y' then
333              --
334              ben_ext_enrt_spcl.main(
335                              p_dpnt_person_id     => p_person_id,
336                              p_prtt_person_id     => i.person_id,
337                              p_ext_rslt_id        => p_ext_rslt_id,
338                              p_ext_file_id        => p_ext_file_id,
339                              p_data_typ_cd        => p_data_typ_cd,
340                              p_ext_typ_cd         => p_ext_typ_cd,
341                              p_chg_evt_cd         => ben_ext_person.g_chg_evt_cd,
342                              p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id,
343                              p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
344                              );
345            --
346            end if;  -- part type
347            --
348          end if;  -- l_include = 'Y'
349          --
350        end loop; -- i
353         -- validate the mandatory for low level in sequenc
354        FOR i in ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq.first .. ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq.last LOOP
355            --
356            If NOT ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(i).rcd_found THEN
357               hr_utility.set_location('Mandatory failed '||ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(i).low_lvl_cd || '  '||
358                                                              ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(i).seq_num , 15);
359               l_rollback := TRUE;        -- raise required_error;
360            end if ;
362            if ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(1).low_lvl_cd <> 'NOREQDRCD' then
363               ben_extract.gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(i).rcd_found := false ;
364            end if ;
365        END LOOP;
366        --
368        if  l_rollback then
369            hr_utility.set_location(' record not found ' || l_proc, 15) ;
370            raise ben_ext_person.required_error ;
371        end if ;
373        --
374   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
375 --
376 End main;
377 --
378 --
379 END ben_ext_ansi;