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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

23/6/2006       BRATHOD      120.1         5166688         Modified the signature of INSERT_ROW procedure in
                                                           to return rowid to caller of API by adding out
                                                           parameter in the call. Refer bug# 5166688 for details
  procedure insert_row
              ( x_record                            jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences%rowtype
              , x_vat_doc_sequence_id   out nocopy  jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences.vat_doc_sequence_id%type
              , x_row_id                out nocopy  rowid
    le_doc_sequence_exists exception;
Line: 21

    select jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences_s.nextval
    from   dual;
Line: 34

      insert into jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences
             (  vat_doc_sequence_id
             ,  vat_register_id
             ,  doc_sequence_id
             ,  created_by
             ,  creation_date
             ,  last_updated_by
             ,  last_update_date
             ,  last_update_login
      values (  x_vat_doc_sequence_id
             ,  x_record.vat_register_id
             ,  x_record.doc_sequence_id
             ,  x_record.created_by
             ,  x_record.creation_date
             ,  x_record.last_updated_by
             ,  x_record.last_update_date
             ,  x_record.last_update_login
             ) returning rowid into x_row_id;
Line: 58

  end insert_row;
Line: 68

    select *
    from   jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences
    where  rowid = x_row_id
    for update nowait;
Line: 82

      fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
Line: 102

  procedure update_row( x_record                jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences%rowtype

    le_no_rows_updated exception;
Line: 109

    update   jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences
    set      vat_register_id         =      x_record.vat_register_id
           , doc_sequence_id         =      x_record.doc_sequence_id
           , last_updated_by         =      x_record.last_updated_by
           , last_update_date        =      x_record.last_update_date
           , last_update_login       =      x_record.last_update_login
   where     vat_doc_sequence_id     =      x_record.vat_doc_sequence_id;
Line: 117

  end update_row;
Line: 121

  procedure delete_row(x_vat_doc_sequence_id  jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences.vat_doc_sequence_id%type)

    le_no_rows_deleted   exception;
Line: 128

    delete from jg_zz_vat_doc_sequences
    where  vat_doc_sequence_id = x_vat_doc_sequence_id;
Line: 131

  end delete_row;