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2 -- $Header: cncusgenb.pls 120.16 2007/09/27 10:14:13 apink ship $
5 ---------------- Private Procedures -------------------+
7 --+
8 -- Changed to fix  Bug 6203234 to include PDML
9 --
10 --+
13 PROCEDURE create_parallel_hint(
14             x_source_string IN VARCHAR2,
15             x_parallel_hint IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
16             ) IS
17     l_notification_tables varchar2(1000);
18     l_notification_aliases varchar2(1000);
19     l_comma_at number;
20     l_last_comma_at number;
21     l_space_at number;
24     l_notification_tables := x_source_string;
25     loop
27         l_last_comma_at := instr(l_notification_tables, ',',-1,1);
29         if(l_last_comma_at=0)
30         then
31             l_space_at := instr(l_notification_tables, ' ',1,1);
32             l_notification_aliases := substr(l_notification_tables,l_space_at+1, length(l_notification_tables)-l_space_at);
33             x_parallel_hint := x_parallel_hint || ' PARALLEL('||l_notification_aliases||')';
34             exit;
35         end if;
36         l_notification_aliases := substr(l_notification_tables,l_last_comma_at+1, length(l_notification_tables)-l_last_comma_at);
37         l_space_at := instr(l_notification_aliases, ' ',1,1);
38         l_notification_aliases := substr(l_notification_aliases,l_space_at+1, length(l_notification_aliases)-l_space_at);
40         x_parallel_hint := x_parallel_hint || ' ' || 'PARALLEL('||l_notification_aliases||')';
42         l_notification_tables := substr(l_notification_tables,1, l_last_comma_at-1);
44     end loop;
45     x_parallel_hint := x_parallel_hint || ' *'||'/';
46 END create_parallel_hint;
47 ---------------- Public Procedures -------------------+
51 -- Procedure Name
52 --   insert_cn_not_trx
53 -- Purpose
54 --   This procedure generates the Notification code
55 -- History
56 --   03-17-00   Dave Maskell    Created for Release 11i2.
58   PROCEDURE insert_cn_not_trx (
59      x_table_map_id         cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
60 	x_event_id             cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
61 			code			IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
62 			x_org_id 		IN NUMBER)
63 	 IS
65     l_return_status        VARCHAR2(4000);
66     l_msg_count            NUMBER;
67     l_msg_data             VARCHAR2(4000);
68     l_notify_from          VARCHAR2(4000);
69     l_notify_where         VARCHAR2(4000);
70     l_collect_from         VARCHAR2(4000);
71     l_collect_where        VARCHAR2(4000);
72     l_table_map_rec        cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;
73     l_header_key VARCHAR2(100);
74     l_line_key   VARCHAR2(100);
75     l_org_id     NUMBER;
76 	l_parallel_hint VARCHAR2(4000) := '/'||'*'||'+';
78     CURSOR c_param IS
79       SELECT tmov.object_id, LOWER(OBJ.name) object_name
80       FROM cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
81       WHERE tmov.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
82             AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'PARAM'
83             and obj.object_id =  tmov.object_id
84             and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
85 			AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id;
86 				-- Added For R12 MOAC Change
87   BEGIN
89   	l_org_id := x_org_id;
92    	-- Added For R12 MOAC Change
94     --+
95     -- Get the Table Map details for this data source
96     --+
98     SELECT *
99     INTO   l_table_map_rec
100     FROM   cn_table_maps_v
101     WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
102 	AND	   org_id = l_org_id; -- Added For R12 MOAC Change
103     --+
104     -- Get the name of the Line Table primary key
105     -- using the form 'alias.column_name'
106     --+
107     l_line_key := LOWER(
108           NVL(l_table_map_rec.source_table_alias,l_table_map_rec.source_table_name)||
109           '.'||l_table_map_rec.linepk_name);
110     --+
111     -- Get the name of the Header Table primary key. There may be no value for
112     -- this, in which case we need to use the string 'NULL' for the purposes of
113     -- of our generated INSERT statement.
114     --+
115     IF l_table_map_rec.hdrpk_name IS NULL THEN
116         l_header_key := 'NULL';
117     ELSE
118         l_header_key := LOWER(
119           NVL(l_table_map_rec.header_table_alias,l_table_map_rec.header_table_name)||
120           '.'||l_table_map_rec.hdrpk_name);
121     END IF;
123     cn_utils.set_org_id(p_org_id => l_org_id);
124     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
125     cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** NOTIFICATION PROCESSING *********-- ');
126     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserting new transactions into CN_NOT_TRX.'');');
127     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,''Inserting new transactions into CN_NOT_TRX.'');');
128     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
129     --+
130     -- Most local variables for the collect procedure are part of a static set, which is generated
131     -- for all pacakges (inclding OC and AR) at the start of the procedure by the cn_collection_gen
132     -- package. However, for the notification query of Custom data sources, we need local variables
133     -- which have the names of the any parameters which have been specified by the user on the Queries
134     -- tab of the Collections form. To allow use to do this, we need to enclose the notification query
135     -- in its own block.
136     --+
137     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'DECLARE -- Notification Insert Block');
138     --+
139     -- Generate Declarations of parameter variables
140     --+
141     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
142     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Declaring user-defined Notification Parameters');
143     FOR rec IN c_param
144     LOOP
145       cn_utils.appindcr(code, rec.object_name||'  cn_objects.object_value%TYPE;');
146     END LOOP;
147     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
148     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'BEGIN');
149     --+
150     -- Generate code to initialise parameter variables
151     --+
152     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
153     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Initializing user-defined Notification Parameters');
154     FOR rec IN c_param
155     LOOP
156       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT object_value');
157       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INTO  '||rec.object_name);
158       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'FROM   cn_objects');
159       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'WHERE  object_id = '||rec.object_id||'  --*** Object_Id for '||rec.object_name);
160       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'AND    org_id = '||l_org_id||';');
161       cn_utils.appendcr(code);
162     END LOOP;
164       	-- Added For R12 MOAC Change
165       cn_utils.appendcr(code);
166     --+
167     -- Insert any User Code specified for the 'Pre-Notification' location
168     --+
169     Generate_User_Code(
170                  p_table_map_id   => x_table_map_id,
171                  p_location_name => 'Pre-Notification',
172                  code            => code,
173 				 x_org_id        => l_org_id);
175     --+
176     -- Generate the FROM and WHERE clauses. Changed position fo fix Bug 6203234
177     --+
178     cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses(
179         p_api_version       => 1.0,
180         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
181         x_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
182         x_msg_data          => l_msg_data,
183         p_table_map_id      => x_table_map_id,
184         x_notify_from       => l_notify_from,
185         x_notify_where      => l_notify_where,
186         x_collect_from      => l_collect_from,
187         x_collect_where     => l_collect_where,
188 	p_org_id            => l_org_id);
191     --+
192     -- Changed to fix Bug 6203234 to include PDML in Notification Query
193     --
194     --+
195     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
196     create_parallel_hint(x_source_string => l_notify_from,
197                          x_parallel_hint => l_parallel_hint
198                          );
199     END IF;
201     --+
202     -- Generate the INSERT INTO API .. SELECT portion of
203     -- the statement
204     --+
205     cn_utils.set_org_id(l_org_id);
206     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--');
207     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Insert new lines into cn_not_trx');
208 	cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--');
209     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--CN_DB_PARALLEL_ENABLE :'||fnd_profile.value('CN_DB_PARALLEL_ENABLE'));
210     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
211     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cn_not_trx) */ INTO  cn_not_trx (');
212     ELSE
213     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_not_trx (');
214     END IF;
215     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
216     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'not_trx_id,');
217     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'batch_id,');
218     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'notified_date,');
219     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'notification_run_id,');
220     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'collected_flag,');
221     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'event_id,');
222     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'source_trx_id,');
223     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'source_trx_line_id,');
224     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'source_doc_type,');
225     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'org_id)'); 	-- Added For R12 MOAC Change
226     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
227     --+
228     -- Generate the SELECT clause for the insert statement
229     --+
230     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
231     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT '||l_parallel_hint);
232     ELSE
233     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT ');
234     END IF;
235     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
236     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_not_trx_s.NEXTVAL,');
238     -- Changed for Bug 6203234
239     --cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'FLOOR(cn_not_trx_s.CURRVAL/cn_global_var.g_system_batch_size),');
240     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'x_proc_audit_id,');
242     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SYSDATE,');
246     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_header_key||',     --*** Header Table Key Column');
243     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'x_proc_audit_id,');
244     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '''N'',');
245     cn_utils.appindcr(code, x_event_id||',');
247     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_line_key||',     --*** Line Table Key Column');
248     cn_utils.appindcr(code, ''''||l_table_map_rec.mapping_type||''',     --*** Source Type');
249     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_org_id); 	-- Added For R12 MOAC Change
250     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
251     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'FROM     --*** Line and  (optional) Header Table');
252     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
253     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_notify_from);
254     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
255     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'WHERE     --*** Header.Primary_Key = Line.Foreign_Key');
256     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
257     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_notify_where);
258     --+
259     -- The generated WHERE clause does not include the supplementary
260     -- WHERE clause information that the user may specified, so this
261     -- needs to be added on.
262     -- Before doing so, strip off trailing ';' on the clause, if one
263     -- is present
264     --+
265     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Any extra user-defined WHERE statement lines');
266     IF l_table_map_rec.notify_where IS NOT NULL THEN
267       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'AND '||RTRIM(l_table_map_rec.notify_where,';'));
268     END IF;
269     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** End of user-defined WHERE statement lines');
271     --+
272     -- Finish off the statement
273     --+
275     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND NOT EXISTS (');
276     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
277     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    SELECT /'||'*'||'+ PARALLEL(cn_not_trx) '||'*/ 1');
278     ELSE
279     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    SELECT 1');
280     END IF;
281     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    FROM  cn_not_trx');
282     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    WHERE source_trx_line_id = ' || l_line_key ||'     --*** Line.Primary_Key');
283     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    AND   event_id = ' || x_event_id );
284     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    AND   org_id = ' || l_org_id || ');');
285     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
287     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'END; -- Notification Insert Block');
289     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
290     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Commit the notification inserts - they are permanent even if collection fails');
291     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'COMMIT;');
292 	cn_utils.unset_org_id();
294     cn_message_pkg.debug('*** Finished notification run ');
295     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,'*** Finished notification run ');
297     cn_utils.set_org_id(p_org_id => l_org_id);
298     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
300     cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** COLLECT AJUSTMENTS (NEGATE IN API) ********-- ');
301     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- This will negate those adjusted trx in the API table');
302     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_not_trx_grp.col_adjustments(p_api_version => 1.0,');
303     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '                               x_return_status => x_return_status,');
304     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '                               x_msg_count => x_msg_count,');
305     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '                               x_msg_data => x_msg_data,');
307     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '                               p_org_id => '|| l_org_id ||');');
308                         -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes
309     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
311     cn_utils.unset_org_id();
312   END insert_cn_not_trx;
314 --
315 -- Procedure Name
316 --   insert_comm_lines_api_select
317 -- Purpose
318 --   This procedure uses the Direct Column Mappings to
319 --   generate the 'INSERT INTO cn_comm_lines_api VALUES (...) SELECT ...'
320 --   portion of the SQL statement wich populates the api table
321 --
322 -- History
323 --   03-17-00   Dave Maskell    Created for Release 11i2.
324 --
325 --
326 PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api_select(
327            x_table_map_id   IN     cn_table_maps_v.table_map_id%TYPE,
328 	       code             IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
329 		  x_org_id IN NUMBER,
330 		  x_parallel_hint  IN VARCHAR2)
331 IS          -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes
334     CURSOR api_direct_maps IS
335         SELECT column_map_id, expression, cno.NAME dest_column FROM cn_column_maps ccmv, cn_objects cno
336       WHERE ccmv.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
337 	       AND ccmv.expression IS NOT NULL
338 	       AND ccmv.calc_ext_table_id IS NULL
339 		  AND ccmv.update_clause IS NULL
340         AND     ccmv.org_id = x_org_id
341         AND     ccmv.destination_column_id = cno.object_id
342         AND     ccmv.org_id = cno.org_id
343         -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes
344         ORDER BY dest_column;
348   cn_utils.set_org_id(p_org_id => x_org_id);
349   IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
350       IF x_table_map_id > 0
351       THEN
352       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cn_comm_lines_api) */ INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
353       ELSE
354       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
355       END IF;
356   ELSE
357   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
358   END IF;
359   cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
361   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'comm_lines_api_id,');
362   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'conc_batch_id,');
366   -- Insert custom columns using  api_direct_maps  cursor
363   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'process_batch_id,');
364   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'org_id,');
367   cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Direct Mapping Destination Columns');
368   FOR l IN api_direct_maps LOOP
369     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l.dest_column || ',');
370   END LOOP;
372     --Changing the number of places to shift to 2 cos of introduction of new char
373   cn_utils.strip_prev(code, 1);    --  remove trailing comma
374   cn_utils.appindcr(code, ')');
375   cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
378   -- Generate the SELECT clause for the insert statement
379   IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
380     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT '||x_parallel_hint);
381   ELSE
382     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT ');
383   END IF;
385   cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
387   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_comm_lines_api_s.NEXTVAL,');
388   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'x_conc_program_id,');
389   cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'x_proc_audit_id,');
390   cn_utils.appindcr(code, x_org_id||',');
392   -- Select other columns using the api_direct_maps cursors. Note that
393   -- we fetch the records in the cursor in the same order as before due to
394   -- the order by column_id in the cursor where clause.
396   cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Direct Mapping Source Expressions');
398   FOR l IN api_direct_maps LOOP
399     -- R12 Related Changes
400 	IF (l.column_map_id = -1083) THEN
401     	l.expression :=  RTRIM(l.expression,')},')||'),'||x_org_id||')';
402     END IF;
403     IF (l.column_map_id = -1092 OR l.column_map_id = -1093) THEN
404     	l.expression :=  RTRIM(l.expression,')},')||','||x_org_id||')';
405     END IF;
406     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l.expression || ',');
407   END LOOP;
409   cn_utils.strip_prev(code, 1);	-- remove trailing comma
410   cn_utils.appendcr(code);
411   cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
412   cn_utils.unset_org_id();
414 END insert_comm_lines_api_select;
416 --
417 -- Procedure Name
418 --   insert_comm_lines_api
419 -- Purpose
420 --   This procedure generates the code to insert into the CN_COMM_LINES_API table
421 --   This includes the generation of the the code for the Notification Process
422 -- History
423 --   03-17-00   Dave Maskell    Created for Release 11i2.
424 --
425 --
426   PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api (
427 	x_table_map_id		cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
428 	x_event_id             cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
429 	code	IN OUT NOCOPY 	cn_utils.code_type,
430 	x_org_id IN NUMBER)
431 	IS
433     l_return_status        VARCHAR2(4000);
434     l_msg_count            NUMBER;
435     l_msg_data             VARCHAR2(4000);
436     l_notify_from          VARCHAR2(4000);
437     l_notify_where         VARCHAR2(4000);
438     l_collect_from         VARCHAR2(4000);
439     l_collect_where        VARCHAR2(4000);
440     l_table_map_rec        cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;
441     l_parallel_hint VARCHAR2(4000) := '/'||'*'||'+';
442 	l_org_id               NUMBER;
444   BEGIN
446   l_org_id := x_org_id;
450     --+
451     -- Get the Table Map details for this data source
452     --+
453     SELECT *
454     INTO   l_table_map_rec
455     FROM   cn_table_maps_v
456     WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
457 	AND    org_id = l_org_id;
459     --+
460     -- Generate the FROM and WHERE clause code. Moved here to fix Bug 6203234
461     --+
462     cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses(
463         p_api_version       => 1.0,
464         x_return_status     => l_return_status,
465         x_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
466         x_msg_data          => l_msg_data,
467         p_table_map_id      => x_table_map_id,
468         x_notify_from       => l_notify_from,
469         x_notify_where      => l_notify_where,
470         x_collect_from      => l_collect_from,
471         x_collect_where     => l_collect_where,
472 	p_org_id            => l_org_id);
474     --+
475     -- Changed to fix Bug 6203234 to include PDML in Collection Query
476     --
477     --+
478     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
479     create_parallel_hint(x_source_string => l_collect_from,
480                          x_parallel_hint => l_parallel_hint
481                          );
482     END IF;
483     --+
484     -- Generate the Collection Process code
485     --+
486     cn_utils.set_org_id(p_org_id => X_org_id);
487     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
488     cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** INSERT CN_COMM_LINES_API *********-- ');
489     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserting into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
490     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, ''Inserting into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
491     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
492     --+
493     -- Generate the INSERT INTO API .. SELECT portion of
494     -- the statement
495     --+
496     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--');
497     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Insert new lines into CN_COMM_LINES_API');
498     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--');
500     cn_utils.unset_org_id();
501     -- Change for Bug 6203234
505     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'FROM     --*** Line, (optional) Header, and any Extra Collection Tables');
502     insert_comm_lines_api_select(x_table_map_id, code, X_org_id, l_parallel_hint);
503     cn_utils.set_org_id(p_org_id => l_org_id);
506     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
507     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_collect_from);
508     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
509     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'WHERE');
510     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Line.Primary_Key = cnt.source_trx_line_id AND (optional) Header.Primary_Key = cnt.source_trx_id');
511     cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
512     cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_collect_where);
514     --+
515     -- The generated WHERE clause does not include the supplementary
516     -- WHERE clause information that the user may specified, so this
517     -- needs to be added on.
518     -- Before doing so, strip off trailing ';' on the clause, if one
519     -- is present
520     --+
522     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Any extra user-defined WHERE statement lines');
524     IF l_table_map_rec.collect_where IS NOT NULL THEN
525       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'AND '||RTRIM(l_table_map_rec.collect_where,';'));
526     END IF;
528     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** End of user-defined WHERE statement lines');
530     --+
531     -- Finish off the statement
532     --+
534     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND cnt.event_id = ' || x_event_id);
535     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND cnt.collected_flag = ''N''');
536     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND cnt.batch_id = x_proc_audit_id');
537     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND cnt.org_id = '||l_org_id ||' ;');
538     cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
540     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
541     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'comm_lines_api_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;');
542     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
544     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserted '' || comm_lines_api_count || '' line records into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
545     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,''Inserted '' || comm_lines_api_count || '' line records into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
547     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
548     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
550     -- Update the collected_flag in CN_NOT_TRX
551     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Updating collected_flag in CN_NOT_TRX .'');');
552     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,''Updating collected_flag in CN_NOT_TRX .'');');
554     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
556     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
557     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cnt) */ cn_not_trx cnt');
558     ELSE
559     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE cn_not_trx cnt');
560     END IF;
562     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '   SET collected_flag = ''Y''');
563     cn_utils.appindcr(code, ' WHERE cnt.event_id = '|| x_event_id);
564     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '   AND cnt.collected_flag = ''N''');
565     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '   AND cnt.batch_id = x_proc_audit_id');
566     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '   AND cnt.org_id = '||l_org_id||' ;');
567     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
568     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Updated collected_flag in cn_not_trx.'');');
570     IF CN_COLLECTION_GEN.isParallelEnabled THEN
571     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'COMMIT;');
572     END IF;
574     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
575     cn_utils.unset_org_id();
579       cn_debug.print_msg('insert_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND',1);
580       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, 'insert_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND');
582       RETURN;
583   END insert_comm_lines_api;
585 ---------------------------------------------------------- +
586 -- Procedure Name
587 --   update_comm_lines_api
588 --
589 -- Purpose
590 --   Generates code to update the CN_COMM_LINES_API table
591 --   using Indirect Mappings
592 -- History
593 -- 16-Mar-00       Dave Maskell          Created
594 --
595   PROCEDURE update_comm_lines_api (
596 	x_table_map_id		cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
597 	code	IN OUT NOCOPY 	cn_utils.code_type,
598 	x_org_id IN NUMBER)
599 	IS
601     x_dest_table_name	cn_obj_tables_v.name%TYPE;
602     x_dest_alias		cn_obj_tables_v.alias%TYPE;
603     x_row_count 		NUMBER;
604     x_count			NUMBER;
605     CURSOR indmap IS
606         SELECT
607             cm.expression,
608             cm.calc_ext_table_id,
609             cm.update_clause,
610 		  ext.name relationship_name,
611             LOWER(obj.NAME) external_table_name,
612             LOWER(NVL(ext.alias,obj.NAME)) external_table_alias,
613             LOWER(destcol.name) dest_column
614         FROM
615             cn_column_maps cm,
616             cn_obj_columns_v destcol,
617             cn_calc_ext_tables ext,
618             cn_objects obj
619         WHERE
620             cm.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
621             AND cm.expression IS NOT NULL
622             AND (cm.calc_ext_table_id IS NOT NULL
623                  OR cm.update_clause IS NOT NULL)
624             AND ext.calc_ext_table_id(+) = cm.calc_ext_table_id
625         AND obj.object_id(+) = ext.external_table_id
626             AND destcol.column_id = cm.destination_column_id
627 		  -- make sure no old pre 11iv2 mappings to CN_TRX etc. can slip in
628 		  AND destcol.table_id = -1008  --CN_COMM_LINES_API
632         AND obj.org_id(+) = ext.org_id
629         AND cm.org_id = x_org_id
630         AND destcol.org_id = cm.org_id
631         AND ext.org_id(+) = cm.org_id
633         ORDER BY destcol.name;
635   BEGIN
636    -- MO_GLOBAL.INIT('CN');
637     cn_utils.set_org_id(x_org_id);
638     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
639     cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** UPDATE CN_COMM_LINES_API ********-- ');
640       cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Update columns populated by all INDIRECT mappings');
641     --+
642     -- Get name and alias of destination table (should be 'cn_comm_lines_api' and 'api')
643     --+
645  --    SELECT
646  --     LOWER(ctmv.destination_table_name),
647  --      LOWER(NVL(ctmv.destination_table_alias,ctmv.destination_table_name))
649 --    INTO
650 --     x_dest_table_name,
651 --     x_dest_alias
653 --	FROM cn_table_maps_v ctmv
654 --   WHERE ctmv.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
655 --    AND org_id =x_org_id;
657 -- Code Change added by pradeep
658     SELECT
659       LOWER(cB.name),
660        LOWER(NVL(cB.alias , cB.name))
662     INTO
663          x_dest_table_name,
664          x_dest_alias
665 FROM cn_table_maps ctm, CN_OBJECTS CB
667   ctm.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
668 and CB.object_id = CTM.destination_table_id
669 and cb.org_id = ctm.org_id
670 AND cb.org_id =x_org_id;
671 -- End of Code Change
673     --+
674     -- Generate the UPDATE statement
675     --+
676     -- Check for empty cursor before adding UPDATE command.
677     --+
678     x_row_count := 0;
679     FOR rec IN indmap LOOP
680       x_row_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
681 	 IF (x_row_count > 0) THEN EXIT;
682 	 END IF;
683     END LOOP;
684     IF x_row_count >0 THEN
685       --+
686       -- There are some mappings so generate the statement.
687       --+
688       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE ' || x_dest_table_name || ' ' || x_dest_alias);
689       cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  SET');
690       cn_utils.indent(code, 1);
692       FOR indmap_rec IN indmap LOOP
693 	    cn_utils.appindcr(code, indmap_rec.dest_column || ' = (     --*** Indirect Mapping Destination Column');
694 	    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  SELECT ');
695 	    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    ' || indmap_rec.expression ||'     --*** Indirect Mapping Source Expression');
696          IF indmap_rec.external_table_alias IS NOT NULL THEN
697            --+
698            -- This mapping is based on a defined foreign key relationship
699            --+
700            cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  --*** FROM/WHERE derived from Relationship: '||indmap_rec.relationship_name);
701            cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  FROM   '||indmap_rec.external_table_name||' '||indmap_rec.external_table_alias);
702            cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  WHERE');
703            x_count := 0;
704            --+
705            -- Build where clause based on all join columns in the relationship
706            --+
707            FOR indmap_fk IN
708              (SELECT LOWER(pkcol.name) pkcolumn_name,
709                      LOWER(fkcol.name) fkcolumn_name
710               FROM cn_calc_ext_tbl_dtls dtls,
711                    cn_obj_columns_v pkcol,
712                    cn_obj_columns_v fkcol
713               WHERE dtls.calc_ext_table_id = indmap_rec.calc_ext_table_id
714                     AND pkcol.column_id = dtls.external_column_id
715                     AND fkcol.column_id = dtls.internal_column_id
716                     AND dtls.org_id = x_org_id
717                     AND pkcol.org_id = dtls.org_id
718                     AND fkcol.org_id = pkcol.org_id)
719            LOOP
720              IF x_count = 0 THEN
721                x_count := 1;
722              ELSE
723                cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    AND ');
724              END IF;
725              cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    '||indmap_rec.external_table_alias||'.'||indmap_fk.pkcolumn_name||' = api.'||indmap_fk.fkcolumn_name);
726            END LOOP;
727            --Added by Ashley for MOAC
728            cn_utils.appindcr(code, ' AND api.org_id = '||x_org_id);
729 	      cn_utils.appindcr(code, '),');
730          ELSE
731            --+
732            -- This mapping is based on a free-form update clause
733            --+
734            cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  --*** FROM/WHERE taken from Update Clause');
735            cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    '||indmap_rec.update_clause||'),');
736          END IF;
737        END LOOP;
738        cn_utils.strip_prev(code, 1);	-- remove trailing comma
739        cn_utils.appendcr(code);
740        cn_utils.unindent(code, 1);
741        cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'WHERE ' || x_dest_alias || '.process_batch_id = x_proc_audit_id');
742        --Added by Ashley for MOAC
743        cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'AND ' || x_dest_alias || '.org_id = ' || x_org_id || ';');
744        cn_utils.appendcr(code);
745      END IF;
746      --+
747      -- Generate code to update the comm_lines_api_update_count variable
748      --+
749      cn_utils.appendcr(code);
750      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''For all INDIRECT mappings updated '' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || '' rows in cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
751      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, ''For all INDIRECT mappings updated '' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || '' rows in cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
752      cn_utils.appendcr(code);
753      cn_utils.unset_org_id();
757       cn_debug.print_msg('update_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND', 1);
758       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, 'update_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND');
759       RETURN;
760   END update_comm_lines_api;
762 --
763 -- Procedure Name
764 --   filter_comm_lines_api
765 -- Purpose
766 --   This procedure generates the code to filter out unwanted
767 --   lines from cn_comm_lines_api
768 -- History
769 --   03-29-00   Dave Maskell    Created for Release 11i2.
770 --
771 --
772   PROCEDURE filter_comm_lines_api(
773      x_table_map_id         cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
774 	code	IN OUT NOCOPY            cn_utils.code_type,
775 	x_org_id IN NUMBER)
776 	IS
778     l_delete_flag VARCHAR2(1);
779     l_statement   VARCHAR2(100);
780     CURSOR c_filter IS
781       SELECT OBJ.object_value
782       FROM cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
783       WHERE tmov.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
784             AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'FILTER'
785             and tmov.object_id = obj.object_id
786             and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
787             AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id;
788   BEGIN
789     --+
790     -- Decide whether to DELETE lines or just set them to 'FILTERED'
791     --+
792     SELECT delete_flag
793     INTO   l_delete_flag
794     FROM   cn_table_maps
795     WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
796     AND    org_id = x_org_id;
798     IF l_delete_flag = 'Y' THEN
799         l_statement := 'DELETE FROM cn_comm_lines_api api';
800     ELSE
801       l_statement := 'UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api api SET load_status = ''FILTERED''';
802     END IF;
803     cn_utils.set_org_id(x_org_id);
804     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
805     cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** FILTER PROCESSING *********-- ');
806     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Filtering unwanted transactions from cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
807     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, ''Filtering unwanted transactions from cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
808     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
809     --+
810     -- Generate deletion code
811     --+
812     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** User-defined filter statements');
813     FOR rec IN c_filter
814     LOOP
815 	 --+
816       -- Before doing so, strip off trailing ';' on the clause, if one
817       -- is present
818       --+
819       IF SUBSTR(rec.object_value,LENGTH(rec.object_value),1) = ';' THEN
820         rec.object_value := SUBSTR(rec.object_value,1,LENGTH(rec.object_value)-1);
821       END IF;
822       cn_utils.appindcr(code, l_statement);
823       cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'WHERE');
824       cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  '||rec.object_value);
825       cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  AND api.process_batch_id = x_proc_audit_id;');
826       cn_utils.appendcr(code);
827     END LOOP;
828     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** End of User-defined filter statements');
829 	cn_utils.unset_org_id();
830   END filter_comm_lines_api;
832 --
833 -- Procedure Name
834 --   Generate_user_code
835 -- Purpose
836 --   Gets user-specificed code for a particular location and generates that code
837 -- History
838 --   04-03-00	     Dave Maskell     Created
839 --
840   PROCEDURE Generate_User_Code(
841                  p_table_map_id  IN NUMBER,
842 			  p_location_name IN VARCHAR2,
843 				code            IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
844 				x_org_id 		IN NUMBER)
845 	IS
846   BEGIN
847 	cn_utils.set_org_id(x_org_id);
848     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
849     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** User Code, Location: '||p_location_name);
850     --+
851     -- For every line of User Code registered for this location
852     --+
853     FOR rec IN
854 	 (SELECT OBJ.object_value
855 	  FROM   cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
856 	  WHERE  tmov.table_map_id = p_table_map_id
857 	       and obj.object_id = tmov.object_id
858 	       and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
859 		    AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'USERCODE'
860 		    AND UPPER(OBJ.name) = UPPER(p_location_name)
861 		    AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id
862        ORDER BY table_map_object_id)
863     LOOP
864       --+
868         cn_utils.appindcr(code, rec.object_value);
865       -- Add a terminal ';' if none was registered
866       --+
867       IF rec.object_value LIKE '%;' THEN
869       ELSE
870         cn_utils.appindcr(code, rec.object_value||';');
871       END IF;
872     END LOOP;
873     cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** End of User Code, Location: '||p_location_name);
874     cn_utils.appendcr(code);
875   cn_utils.unset_org_id();
876   END Generate_User_Code;
879 END cn_collection_custom_gen;